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languished 发音

英:[?l??ɡw??t]  美:[?l??ɡw??t]

英:  美:

languished 中文意思翻译



languished 同义词

hunger | up | lessen | lose heart | listless | wither | tire | lose | sag | dwindle | weary | exhaust | droop | fail | wilt | fatigue | fade away | give up | fall | teeter | deteriorate | devitalize | ache | sigh | despair | long for | pine away | enfeeble | yearn for | thirst for | go downhill | hunger for | yen | drowse | waste | covet | fag | collapse |weaken | give | enervate | abate | yield | despond | pine | sicken | grieve | fade | repine | rot | pant | swoon | cry | debilitate | for | bewail | die for | sink | lament | grow | abandoned | go | mourn | flag | heart | die | sleep | pant for | yearn | mope | drop | ebb | stagger | suffer | decline | cry for | rave | pine for | sulk | thirst | lower | bemoan | diminish | downhill

languished 词性/词形变化,languished变形

动词过去式: languished |名词: languisher |动词现在分词: languishing |动词第三人称单数: languishes |动词过去分词: languished |副词: languishingly |

languished 反义词

encourage |inspire

languished 相似词语短语

1、languishes ─── vi.憔悴;凋萎;失去活力;苦思

2、anguishes ─── n.痛苦;苦恼;vt.使极度痛苦;vi.感到极度的痛苦

3、languishers ─── n.衰弱、憔悴的人

4、languisher ─── n.衰弱、憔悴的人

5、languishing ─── adj.渴望的;含情脉脉的;渐渐衰弱的

6、languishment ─── n.衰弱;无力;呆滞;萎谢;萧条

7、anguished ─── adj.极度痛苦的;v.使极度痛苦(anguish的过去式)

8、languish ─── vi.憔悴;凋萎;失去活力;苦思

9、vanquished ─── adj.被征服的;被击败的;v.征服;击败(vanquish的过去式和过去分词)

languished 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Yells: Your soul will languish for eternity. ─── 你的灵魂将永远调零!

2、Traditional Chinese Medicine researches considerate languish on the essence of it, grope for the modernization road of Traditional Chinese Medicine. ─── 为了中医学的生存和发展,中医药研究人员苦苦思索着中医学的本质,探索着中医学的现代化道路。

3、He rebukes the sea and makes it dry, And He dries up all the rivers. Bashan and Carmel languish, And the sprout of Lebanon languishes. ─── 4?斥责海,使海干了,使一切江河干涸。巴珊和迦密的树林衰残,利巴嫩的花草也衰残了。

4、In the story,the lorn damsel languished and pined away. ─── 在那个故事中,那位孤寂的少女郁闷不乐,渐渐地消瘦了。

5、Local governments deny they are becoming lax, yet complaints against employers languish in huge backlogs as many are simply shuttering their factories. ─── 地方政府否认管理松懈,但对雇主的大量申诉却无人理睬,很多雇主只是将工厂关闭了事。

6、Within a year or so, the city should know which teachers were passed over for salary reasons and which ones have languished in the reserve pool because of poor performance. ─── 如果一切按计划进行,校长们将在所有员工中寻找最优教师,而这与他们拿多高工资无关。

7、Presley and the other great talents at Sun would have languished in obscurity if they had not crossed phillips path ─── 如果“猫王”和其他同太阳唱片公司签约的音乐天才没有遇到菲利普斯的话,他们可能会终生默默无闻。

8、In the story , the lorn damsel languished and pined away . ─── 在那个故事中,那位孤寂的少女郁闷不乐,渐渐地消瘦了。

9、They themselves shall be like watered gardens, never again shall they languish. ─── 他们的心灵要好象受灌溉的田园,再也不感憔悴。

10、73. The world has many tiny states which have languished in obscurity, with even resource-rich small stakes like Nauru mired in problems. ─── 全球有许多默默无闻的小国家,就算资源丰富的西太平洋岛国瑙鲁,也面对重重困难。

11、Your soul will languish for eternity. ─── 你的灵魂将永远枯萎。

12、Kelso languish near the bottom of the Scottish First Division. ─── 凯尔索队在苏格兰甲级联赛榜尾徘徊。

13、Under dictatorial rule , the people languished . ─── 在独裁者的统治下,人民毫无生气。

14、Languish for home ─── 因思家而憔悴。

15、He languished for the home he had been forced to leave . ─── 他因渴望被迫离开家而忧郁不快。

16、On the other hand, Christian publishing has languished as Christian readership drops, despite bourgeoning numbers of titles (mostly translated). ─── 大多数基督教文字出版者无法”获利”来作进一步发展。

17、Before Liberation, innumerable poor peasants and needy city-dwellers in China languished in poverty. ─── 在解放前,无数贫农和城里的贫苦市民受尽了贫困的折磨。

18、" The Catholic Lithuanians were beyond the pale as Slavs, as far as Himmler was concerned, so they languished in special police battalions. ─── 天主教的立陶宛人和斯拉夫人一样苍白,他们不受希姆莱的重视,因此在特种警察部队中很少。

19、He languished in poverty for years. ─── 他多年挣扎在贫困之中。

20、Now there was no food in all the land, because the famine was very severe, so that the land of Egypt and the land of Canaan languished because of the famine. ─── 创47:13饥荒甚大、全地都绝了粮、甚至埃及地和迦南地的人、因那饥荒的缘故、都饿昏了。

21、In my love-lorn condition, my appetite languished ─── 在我这种苦害相思的日子里,我的食欲锐减。

22、There is none of the tendency to sing outside of my lady's window--to languish and repine in the face of difficulties. ─── 像他这种人可不会在情人的窗外唱小夜曲--也不会在遇到挫折时憔悴或者呻吟。

23、Judah mourns, And her gates languish; In black they mourn on the ground, And the cry of Jerusalem goes up. ─── 2犹大悲哀,城门衰败;众人披着黑衣坐在地上悲哀,耶路撒冷的哀声上扬。

24、As commodity prices languished, students pursued better-paying careers elsewhere. Mining schools shrank. The average age of a production worker in mining crept up to 50. ─── 商品价格低迷不振,学生往待遇较好的其他行业求职。矿业学校萎缩。矿业生产工人平均年龄慢慢增加到50岁。

25、In the 20th century rail travel languished as Americans fell in love with cars and interstate highways.Jet travel made railways even less attractive. ─── 上个世纪,铁路旅行式微的原因是美国人对汽车的热爱,以及遍布全国的高速公路网络。

26、NIV] The earth dries up and withers, the world languishes and withers, the exalted of the earth languish. ─── [和合]地上悲哀衰残;世界败落衰残;地上居高位的人也败落了。

27、Former Sevilla coach Ramos parted company with Tottenham in October as the team languished at the wrong end of the Barclays Premier League. ─── 前塞尔维亚的主教练拉莫斯在十月被托特纳姆热刺队解雇,从而结束自己在英超执教的生涯。

28、He languished for home. ─── 他苦苦地思念家乡。

29、The leaves languished in the drought. ─── 天旱使树叶枯萎。

30、KJV] The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languish. ─── [新译]大地悲哀衰残,世界零落衰残,地上居高位的人也衰败了。

31、In fact, a fleet of several hundred buses was left to languish in a lot that eventually flooded. ─── 事实上,那数百辆巴士最终被淹没。

32、Our vigilance never languished. ─── 我们的警惕性从来没有放松过。

33、The girl languished at him with her staring eyes. ─── 女孩目不转睛呆呆地望着他。

34、Than languish in his slow-chapt power. ─── 也不要在慢嚼的嘴里虚耗。

35、One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. ─── 一百年以后,黑人仍然是在美国人的拐角里面失去活力社会和发现他自己流放在他的自己的土地里面。

36、Judah mourneth, and the gates thereof languish; they are black unto the ground; and the cry of Jerusalem is gone up. ─── “犹大悲哀,她的城镇(“城镇”原文作“城门”)衰落,人人都坐在地上悲伤痛哭;耶路撒冷的哀声上达于天。

37、One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. ─── 一百年以后,黑人仍然是在美国人的拐角里面失去活力社会和发现他自己流放在他的自己的土地里面。

38、5. He languished in poverty for years. ─── 他多年挣扎在贫困之中.

39、He lost his accustomed vigor and languished in the tropical climate . ─── 他失去了他惯有的活力,在热带气候中变得无精打采?

40、But beyond the prosperous cities, millions of people still languish in poverty. ─── 但在繁荣的城市之外,还有成百上千万人仍然在贫困中煎熬。

41、Before Father Madeleine's arrival, everything had languished in the country,now everything lived with a healthy life of toil. ─── 在马德兰伯伯来到这里以前,地方上的各种事业都是萧条的,现在呢,大家都靠健康的劳动生活。

42、Share prices languished at 102p. ─── 股票价格停滞在102便士上。

43、He languished after his dog died. ─── 他狗死之后,人憔悴了。

44、While spending heavily on new models to pump up Oldsmobile, GM let Saturn languish, and its sales shriveled. ─── 在投入巨资开发奥兹莫比新车型的同时,通用汽车让土星自生自灭,其销售也开始枯竭。

45、Over the years, sales had languished. ─── 多年来,销售情况已一蹶不振。

46、Five odors choke our noses to make us languish in thinking. ─── 五种气味,呛我们的鼻子,连带地使我们思维呆滞。

47、The 17-year-old Wie had the worst round of the day, shooting 12-over par to languish in 69th place. ─── 17岁是心理有一轮最差的一天,射击12-超过相提并论萎靡在第69位。

48、His vigilance never languished. ─── 他的警觉从未松懈下来。

49、You soul will languish for eternity ─── 你们的灵魂将在痛苦中煎熬

50、AI's practical side continues to thrive, but its theoretical side has languished after bequeathing a mixture of brilliant and awful ideas to philosophy and cognitive psychology. ─── 人工智能的实际方面不断得到迅速发展,但是其理论面在给哲学和感知心理学馈赠了一些绝妙的了不起的想法后便停滞。

51、He lost his accustomed vigor and languished in the troplcal climate. ─── 他失去了他惯有的活力,在热带气候中变得无精打采?

52、KJV] The fishers also shall mourn, and all they that cast angle into the brooks shall lament, and they that spread nets upon the waters shall languish. ─── [新译]打鱼的人必哀号;所有在尼罗河上垂钓的必悲伤;那些在水面上撒网的,必灰心难过。

53、But since the end of a railway and road-building binge, the rural northern half of Iwate has languished. ─── 但自从铁路和公路建成后,岩手北方的农村就开始衰落了。

54、She languished for her children who had migrated to Australia. ─── 她苦苦思念著移居澳大利亚的儿女。

55、Than languish in his slow-chapp'd power. ─── 也不要在慢嚼的嘴里虚耗掉。

56、But her productivity tips belie a Zen-like balance in which she isolates the most important things and lets other things languish if need be. ─── 但是她的技巧就是违背禅似的平衡,那就是隔离出最重要的事情,有必要的话就让其他事情隐却。

57、Truth may languish But can never perish. ─── "真理可能衰微, 但不会灭亡"

58、Mobile usage in travel applications has languished for years with a poor technology capability and an even worse business model. ─── 多年来,由于技术能力薄弱,商业模式更低效,旅游应用软件的移动应用一直发展迟滞。

59、Scandinavian tourists languished in the summer Mediterranean heat. ─── 在地中海的酷暑之下,斯堪的纳维亚的旅游者的数量减少了。

60、Without the founder's drive and direction, the company gradually languished. ─── 由于没有创始人的干劲和指导,这家公司逐渐衰败了。

61、He languished for his wife and children on the other side of the world. ─── 他苦苦地思念在地球另一边的妻。

62、After his death optics again languished. ─── 他死后,光学又衰落了。

63、In 1982 the Republicans went into the mid-terms with unemployment above 10% and a president whose approval rating languished in the 40s. ─── 1982年,共和党带着巨大的压力进入中期选举:失业率在10%以上,总统支持率跌至40%。

64、"He who informs against friends for a share of the spoil, The eyes of his children also will languish. ─── 伯17:5控告他的朋友、以朋友为可抢夺的、连他儿女的眼睛、也要失明。

65、KJV] Judah mourneth, and the gates thereof languish; they are black unto the ground; and the cry of Jerusalem is gone up. ─── [新译]“犹大悲哀,她的城镇(城镇”原文作“城门”)落,人人都坐在地上悲伤痛哭;耶路撒冷的哀声上达于天。

66、Are you drowning your life with too much of a good thing or killing your life slowly by leaving it to languish, dehydrated and starved of crucial life-saving nutrients? ─── 你属于那一种呢?沉醉于自己生命的美好,或是一步步把自己的生命带进痛苦,看它逐渐失水丧失营养死亡。

67、Several of the most populous nations in the world languish at the lower end of the table. India, Pakistan, Turkey and Egypt are all in the bottom 10. ─── 好几个世界人口大国的排名都很靠后。印度、巴基斯坦、土耳其和埃及都在后10名之列。

68、Vigorously challenged yet widely ignored, the theory had languished for half a century , primarily due to its lack of a plausible mechanism to support the proposed drift. ─── 因受到有力的挑战进而广泛地遭遇冷淡,这个理论萧条了半个世纪,这主要是因为缺乏可信的漂移机制来证明其论点。

69、Now, at a train station in communist East Germany, he learns that his mother died while he languished as a political prisoner. ─── 现在,在一个共产主义东德的一个火车站里,他知道了他妈妈在他被当做政治囚犯羁押期间去世了的消息。

70、He languished in poverty most of his life. ─── 他大半辈子在贫穷中呻吟。

71、But since the end of a railway and road-building binge, the rural northern half of Iwate has languished. ─── 但自从铁路和公路建成后,岩手北方的农村就开始衰落了。

72、She languish for her children who have migrate to Australia. ─── 她苦苦思念着移居澳大利亚的儿女。

73、Opponents still argue that those who exercise choice will be the most able and committed, and by clustering themselves together in better schools they will abandon the weak and voiceless to languish in rotten ones. ─── 反对者仍然坚持认为那些择校的人一半能力很强,很执着,通过往好学校扎堆儿,他们把那些处于弱势地位、没有代言人的学生留在差等学校慢慢受煎熬。

74、One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society, and finds himself an exile in his own land. ─── 一百年后,黑人依然在美国社会的一隅饱受折磨,而发现是自己士地上的被放逐者。

75、She continues to languish in a foreign prison. ─── 她被继续囚禁在一所外国的监狱里。

76、Over the last decade, Yahoo Japan held onto its dominant position here while Yahoo languished virtually everywhere else. ─── 在过去的十年中,雅虎日本在这里保持领先优势,但同时雅虎在其他地方却失去了活力。

77、The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languish. ─── 4地上悲哀衰残,世界败落衰残,地上居高位的人也败落了。

78、Under dictatorial rule, the people languished ─── 在独裁者的统治下,人民毫无生气。

79、Legislation that continued to languish in committee ─── 在这个委员会里继续被搁置的方法

80、She languished for her husband in the army. ─── 她苦思在军队服役的丈夫。

81、The company has long ceased to be seen as a top innovator and its stock has languished. ─── 另外雅虎早已失去了一流创新公司的地位,它的股市表现也一蹶不振。

82、He languished for her love and gave her languishing looks. ─── 他因渴望得到她的爱而变得憔悴,并经常向她投去郁郁不乐的目光。

83、We all languished in the tropical climate. ─── 受热带气候影响,我们都变得倦怠乏力。

84、But the dollar continues to languish near 15-month lows against a basket of currencies. ─── 但是,美元兑一揽子货币的汇价已经跌到了15个月低点附近。

85、She languished forsome kindwords. ─── 她渴听到温柔的话。

86、The earth dries up and withers, the world languishes and withers, the exalted of the earth languish. ─── 地上悲哀衰残,世界败落衰残;地上居高位的人也败落了。

87、She languish for her children who have migrate to australia ─── 她苦苦思念著移居澳大利亚的儿女

88、But the issue has languished over the years and the current Doha round of trade negotiations remains moribund. ─── 但近几年,该问题毫无进展,而且本轮多哈贸易谈判仍然停滞不前。

89、How doth Thy visage languish that once was bright as morn! ─── 原本俊俏似晨光,今竟憔悴神伤。

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