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09-21 投稿


maraschino 发音

英:[,m?r?'ski?n??; -'?i?n??]  美:[,m?r?'?ino]

英:  美:

maraschino 中文意思翻译



maraschino 短语词组

1、maraschino luxardo ─── 马拉希诺·卢萨多

2、maraschino cherry n. ─── 醉樱桃, 酒浸樱桃

3、maraschino love ─── 马拉希诺之爱

4、maraschino liqueur ─── [网络] 黑樱桃酒;樱桃利口酒;马拉斯奇诺甜樱桃酒

5、cherries maraschino ─── 樱桃甜酒

maraschino 词性/词形变化,maraschino变形

名词复数: maraschinos |

maraschino 相似词语短语

1、baldacchino ─── n.华盖;祭台大华盖

2、Fasching ─── n.狂欢节(奥地利和德国四旬斋前的节日);嘉年华(书名)

3、Tarascan ─── n.塔拉斯坎人;塔拉斯坎语;adj.塔拉斯坎人的;塔拉斯坎语的

4、stracchino ─── 破布

5、amaranthine ─── adj.苋属植物的;不凋的,不死的;紫红色的

6、Tarasco ─── 任务

7、Tarantino ─── 塔兰蒂诺(人名)

8、marching ─── adj.行军的;步进式的;v.行军;前进;使同行;游行示威;无法阻挡地行进(march的现在分词)

9、maraschinos ─── n.黑樱桃酒(maraschino的变形)

maraschino 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A mixture of chopped and boiled chestnuts, maraschino cherries, candied fruits, and liqueur or rum, used as a sauce or in puddings, ice cream, or pies. ─── 果实蜜饯一种由剥开煮熟的栗子、野樱桃酒味的糖水樱桃、果脯和甜露酒或糖蜜酒的混合物,用作蜜饯或制布

2、But this time the monkey jumped on to the bar table, to the bar, he saw a maraschino cherry. ─── 第二个周末,这个人又一次带着他的猴子来到酒吧。


4、cherry preserved in true or imitation maraschino liqueur. ─── 樱桃储存在真的或仿制的黑樱桃酒里。

5、maraschino cherry ─── n. 醉樱桃, 酒浸樱桃

6、maraschino cherries ─── 马拉斯加樱桃

7、Fill a shaker half full with ice cubes.Pour all ingredients into shaker and shake well.Strain drink into a Cocktail Glass and serve.Garnish with a Maraschino Cherry. ─── 雪克壶入小方冰一半,入所有材料摇匀,滤入三角杯,饰玛丽斯切诺樱桃。

8、A mixture of chopped and boiled chestnuts,maraschino cherries,candied fruits,and liqueur or rum,used as a sauce or in puddings,ice cream,or pies. ─── 果实蜜饯一种由剥开煮熟的栗子、野樱桃酒味的糖水樱桃、果脯和甜露酒或糖蜜酒的混合物,用作蜜饯或制布丁、冰淇淋或派饼。

9、Dalmatian bitter wild cherry tree bearing fruit whose juice is made into maraschino liqueur. ─── 达尔马提亚苦味野生樱桃树,其果汁可酿黑樱桃利口酒。

10、Shake with ice, strain and serve in a chilled cocktail glass, on the rocks in an Old-fashioned glass. Granish with maraschino cherry. ─── 摇荡入三角杯或古典杯,饰酒浸樱桃。

11、Pour all ingredients into a Blender. Blend well at High speed. Pour drink into a Collins glass and garnish with a Pineapple Slice and a Maraschino Cherry. ─── 入搅拌器高速搅打,入可林直杯饰凤梨片及酒浸樱桃。

12、Between yogurt, maraschino cherries, jams, cakes, and tomato products, you've probably consumed at least one pound of red dye in your life. ─── 一生当中,你食用的酸奶,马拉斯加酸樱桃,果酱和番茄类的食品等食物中可能至少含有一磅的人造红色素。

13、Optional garnish: maraschino cherry. ─── 任择装饰: maraschino樱桃。

14、Serve with maraschino cherry with stem or on toothpick. Like the Martini, this is all liquor. ─── 使用被黑樱桃酒浸泡过的樱桃装饰,樱桃需带茎或用牙签串起。

15、A European cultivar of the sour cherry tree(Prunus cerasus)bearing bitter red fruit from which maraschino is made. ─── 欧洲酸樱桃酸樱桃树(欧洲酸樱桃樱属)的一个欧洲栽培品种,结红色酸果,可做黑樱桃酒

16、Once, the most unusual thing you might find inside a chocolate was a gooey maraschino cherry ─── 曾几何时,你能在巧克力里一口咬到一个粘粘的甜樱桃,就已经是十分特别的口味了。

17、Drop a bright Maraschino cherry in a classic Manhattan for a grown-up romantic treat. ─── 放一个光亮的马拉希诺在一个典型的曼哈顿樱桃上,享受浪漫的氛围在空气中增长。

18、Combine ingredients in shaker half filled with ice, except maraschino. Shake well and strain into glass. Add ice cubes. Drop the maraschino into center and serve. ─── 在盛有半杯冰块的摇壶里混合原料,除野樱桃外,摇合入杯,加入冰块,中间滴入少量野樱桃


20、We're in Cherry Garcia with a maraschino cherry. ─── 我们所处的市场更像是加上黑樱桃的樱桃巧克力冰淇淋。

21、A European cultivar of the sour cherry tree(Prunus cerasus) bearing bitter red fruit from which maraschino is made. ─── 欧洲酸樱桃酸樱桃树(欧洲酸樱桃樱属)的一个欧洲栽培品种,结红色酸果,可做黑樱桃酒

22、look , it ' s a maraschino cherry ─── 瞧,这是黑樱桃酒里的樱桃

23、But this time the monkey jumped on to the bar table, to the bar, he saw a maraschino cherry. ─── 第二个周末,这个人又一次带着他的猴子来到酒吧。

24、Strong aromas of plums, vanilla bean and maraschino cherries all contribute to its immediate appeal. ─── 评语: 强烈浓郁的李子,香草和醉樱桃香展示出它的感染力,随后是和摩卡和巧克力的香气。

25、Garnish with a lemon twist and a maraschino cherry. ─── 装饰与柠檬扭曲和maraschino樱桃。

26、Strong aromas of plums, vanilla bean and maraschino cherries all contribute to its immediate appeal.This is followed by ripe and full flavors of blood plums, and mocha chocolate. ─── 强烈浓郁的李子,香草和醉樱桃香展示出它的感染力,随后是和摩卡和巧克力的香气。

27、Combine white rum, BOLS amaretto and 1 teaspoon of grappa in a shaker half-filled with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a maraschino cherry. ─── 在盛有半杯冰块的混合白朗姆酒,波士杏仁和1茶匙的格拉巴酒,滤入冰过的鸡尾酒杯,饰以野樱桃.

28、5. A European cultivar of the sour cherry tree(Prunus cerasus) bearing bitter red fruit from which maraschino is made. ─── 欧洲酸樱桃酸樱桃树(欧洲酸樱桃樱属)的一个欧洲栽培品种,结红色酸果,可做黑樱桃酒收藏指正

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