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09-20 投稿


lagena 发音

英:[[l?'d?i:n?]]  美:[[l?'d?i:n?]]

英:  美:

lagena 中文意思翻译



lagena 词性/词形变化,lagena变形


lagena 相似词语短语

1、lagunas ─── 拉古纳斯

2、agenda ─── n.议程;日常工作事项;日程表

3、laguna ─── 拉古纳

4、catena ─── n.连续,系列;彼此相连接的东西;(尤指)专业丛书;n.(Catena)人名;(法、意)卡泰纳

5、Agena ─── 阿金纳美国运载火箭上面级;阿盖纳(尼日利亚地名)

6、lagenas ─── n.细颈瓶;壶

7、laggens ─── 拉根斯

8、magenta ─── n.品红;洋红;红色苯胺染料;adj.洋红色的;品红色的;n.(Magenta)(意)马真塔(人名)

9、arena ─── n.舞台;竞技场;n.(Arena)人名;(英)阿里纳;(意、西、葡、德)阿雷纳

lagena 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、lagena The lower, posterior and outer chamber of the inner ear projecting from the sacculus , probably responsible for hearing. ─── 听壶内耳的下面的后部与外部腔室,从球囊突出,可能跟听觉有关。

2、illico lagena obturatur ─── (拉)立即塞住瓶口

3、vestibule A chamber leading into other cavities or passages, e. g. of the inner ear, of the utriculus, sacculus, lagena . ─── 前廊一个腔室进入其他的洞或通道,例如内耳,椭圆囊,球囊,听壶。

4、lagena The lower, posterior and outer chamber of the inner ear projecting from the sacculus, probably responsible for hearing. ─── 听壶内耳的下面的后部与外部腔室,从球囊突出,可能跟听觉有关。

5、lagena basal papilla ─── 基底乳头状(蜗管)顶盲端

6、Abstract: Objective The macula lagena in birds is located at the apical end of the cochlea and contains many tiny otoliths. ─── 摘要:目的 鸟类瓶状囊器官位于耳蜗的顶端,含有耳石并有神经支配,但其功能尚不清楚。

7、another otolithic organ in the inner ear of non-mammals, and the lagena of more advaced birds develops better than that of lower animals. ─── 动物只含有球囊和椭圆囊两种耳石器官,而非哺乳动物中还存在另外一种耳石器官——瓶状囊。

8、To clarify this issue, we carried out a study to determine whether or not otoliths in the lagena of homing pigeons are richer in magnetic elements than those in the saccule and the utricle. ─── 为澄清这个争议,本研究分析成年信鸽瓶状囊耳石磁性元素的含量是否比内耳球囊和椭圆囊耳石更丰富。

9、vestibule A chamber leading into other cavities or passages, e.g. of the inner ear, of the utriculus, sacculus, lagena. ─── 前廊一个腔室进入其他的洞或通道,例如内耳,椭圆囊,球囊,听壶。

10、(2)After transferred to spermatheca,the sperms stored in the utriculus in the form of sperm mass.No sperm was found in lagena; ─── (2)精子转移至受精囊后只分布于主囊,成团聚集,副囊中没有精子;

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