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09-22 投稿


lousiness 发音

英:[?la?z?n?s]  美:[?la?z?n?s]

英:  美:

lousiness 中文意思翻译



lousiness 短语词组

1、lousiness man ─── 讨厌的人

lousiness 相似词语短语

1、glossiness ─── n.[光]光泽度;有光泽

2、cloudiness ─── n.阴沉;暗晦;朦胧

3、blowsiness ─── 吹气

4、flossiness ─── 絮状

5、bossiness ─── n.作威作福;跋扈

6、business ─── n.商业,交易;生意;事务,业务;职业,行业;

7、cosiness ─── n.舒适

8、goosiness ─── 鹅

9、mousiness ─── n.像老鼠;多老鼠;鼠臭

lousiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The pleasure lasts a minute, but then feelings of guilt and loss of control and other negative consequences deepen the lousiness of the day. ─── 快乐的感觉持续一分钟,但接着自责和失控或者其他一些负面的效应把一整天都赔进去。

2、Analysis on lousiness and pilling of worsted wool fabrics ─── 精纺毛织物起毛起球的分析

3、By using of the advantages of cellulase and protease, biological enzyme treatment was carried out so as to remove lousiness on fabric surface and improve fabric hand. ─── 利用纤维素酶和蛋白酶各自优势进行生物酶处理,以去除职物表面的茸毛,改善织物手感。

4、"Is multitasking causing them to be lousy at multitasking, or is their lousiness at multitasking causing them to be multitaskers?" Nass wondered. "Is it born or learned?" ─── "是多重任务导致他们表现糟糕,还是他们的糟糕表现使他们成为多重任务者?"纳斯考虑道,"这是先天的还是后天的?"

5、It has positive roles to decrease tow's lousiness, tangled and breaking of single fibre in the process. ─── 这对减少集束过程中纤维的毛丝、纠结和单丝破断,亦具有积极的作用。

6、"Is multitasking causing them to be lousy at multitasking, or is their lousiness at multitasking causing them to be multitaskers? ─── “是多重任务导致他们表现糟糕,还是他们的糟糕表现使他们成为多重任务者?”

7、The pleasure lasts a minute, but then feelings of guilt, loss of control, and other negative consequences just deepen the lousiness of the day. ─── 愉悦心情持续很短,可是罪恶感、失去控制、及别的消极后果只会让那一天更糟。

8、The pleasure lasts a minute, but then feelings of guilt and loss of control and other negative consequences deepen the lousiness of the day. ─── 愉快只会持续很短时间,可是罪恶感、失去自控等其它消极后果会让一天变得更糟糕。

9、experience and measures to improve lousiness gradation for famous brands of raw silk are presented. ─── 介绍了提高名牌生丝茸毛分级度的经验和措施。

10、Sometimes, it's not that others are lousy people, it's just we are the lousy one that is stucked in a lousy environment, that's what formed our perception of others' lousiness. ─── 有时候不是别人差,而是自己这么差的一个人处于一个这么差的环境,才会看见那些自己觉得差的人。

11、Keywords polycaprolactam fiber;preoriented yarn;draw textured yarn;crimping;contraction;lousiness; ─── 聚己内酰胺纤维;预取向丝;拉伸变形纱;卷曲;收缩;毛丝;

12、Keywords polypropylene fiber;texturized yarn;appearance;lousiness; ─── 聚丙烯纤维;变形纱;外观;毛丝;

13、Analysis on lousiness and pilling of worsted wool fabrics ─── 精纺毛织物起毛起球的分析

14、It has positive roles to decrease tow's lousiness, tangled and breaking ofsingle fibre in the process. ─── 这对减少集束过程中纤维的毛丝、纠结和单丝破断,亦具有积极的作用。

15、Keywords sanding silk fabric;handle properties;lousiness effect; ─── 砂洗真丝绸;风格特征;茸效应;

16、Is multitasking causing them to be lousy at multitasking, or is their lousiness at multitasking causing them to be multitaskers? ─── 是多重任务导致他们表现糟糕,还是他们的糟糕表现使他们成为多重任务者?

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