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09-20 投稿


knee-high 中文意思翻译



knee-high 相似词语短语

1、knee-hi's ─── 膝盖嗨

2、new high ─── 新高峰

3、knee-highs ─── 膝盖高

4、knee highs ─── 膝盖高

5、hole high ─── 孔高

6、on high ─── 在高处;在天空

7、live high ─── v.过奢侈的生活

8、knee-high ─── 高及膝盖的

9、knee his ─── 他的膝盖


mosquito英 [m??ski:t??] 美 [m??ski:to?]n.蚊子蚊子;蚊虫;蚊;蚊香复数: mosquitos mosquitoes 双语例句1. I threw aside my mosquito net and jumped out of bed. 我把蚊帐甩到一边,跳下床来。2. Avoiding mosquito bites is easier said than done. 防蚊叮咬好说难做。3. A mosquito had bitten her and her arm had swollen up. 蚊子叮了她,她的手臂肿起来了.4. He started reading when he was knee - high to a mosquito. 他很小的时候就开始读书.5. I slapped at the mosquito but missed. 我打蚊子,但没打中.

knee high to a grass hopper什么意思?

意思是膝盖高到一个草斗。重点词汇:knee 英[ni:] 美[ni] n. 膝; 膝盖; vt. 用膝盖碰; [例句]He will receive physiotherapy on his damaged left knee.因左膝受伤,他将接受物理治疗。high 英[ha?] 美[ha?] adj. 高的; 高尚的,崇高的; 高音调的; 高级的,高等的; adv. (程度等) 高地; 高价地; 奢侈地; n. 高处,高位; [气象学] 高气压; 高压地带; 高水平; [例句]Mount Marcy is the highest mountain in the Adirondacks.马西山是阿迪朗达克山脉中最高的山。hopper 英[?h?p?(r)] 美[?hɑ:p?(r)] n. 漏斗; 单足跳者; 跳虫; 储料器; [例句]Now mixing hopper conveying and conveying belt conveyor are two ways.目前搅拌站输送有料斗输送和皮带输送两种方式。

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