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09-19 投稿


ulva 发音

英:  美:

ulva 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 石莼


ulva 词性/词形变化,ulva变形

动词过去分词: ululated |动词现在分词: ululating |名词: ululation |动词第三人称单数: ululates |动词过去式: ululated |形容词: ululant |

ulva 短语词组

1、genus Ulva ─── [网络] 石蓴属

2、Ulva lens ─── 乌尔瓦镜头

ulva 相似词语短语

1、ulvas ─── n.[植]石莼

2、clava ─── n.棒状体

3、vulva ─── n.阴户;[解剖]女阴;孔

4、Sylva ─── n.森林里的树木;森林志(等于silva);n.(Sylva)人名;(捷)席尔瓦

5、ulna ─── n.尺骨

6、urva ─── 乌尔瓦

7、Alva ─── n.阿尔瓦(人名)

8、flava ─── n.特点;黄蜂蜡;n.(Flava)(美)弗拉瓦(人名)

9、Elva ─── n.埃尔娃

ulva 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Studies on the chemical constituents of Ulva lactuca L. ─── 石莼的化学成分。

2、Keywords Ulva pertusa;phenolic compounds;sterol;triterpene;diterpene; ─── 孔石莼;芳香性化合物;甾醇;三萜;二萜;

3、Ulva lens ─── n. 小石莼

4、Keywords Chlorophyta;Ulva pertusa;polysaccharide;derivative;antioxidant activity;antihyperlipedemic activity; ─── 绿藻;孔石莼;多糖;衍生化;抗氧化;调血脂;

5、Keywords ulva pertusa;chlorophyll;abstraction technology; ─── 石莼;叶绿素;提取工艺;

6、Coral Reef;Restocking;Turbo;Tripneustes gratilla;Ulva;Surgeonfish;Propagation ─── 关键词:珊瑚礁;放流;蝾螺;马粪海胆;藻类;粗皮鲷;繁养殖

7、The result showed that in Ulva conglobata kjellm,the contents of crude protein,fat and ash were 14.78%,0.67% and 16.70%,respectively. ─── 结果表明:蛎菜中粗蛋白含量为14.78%,脂肪为0.67%,灰分为16.70%;

8、Keywords Wastewater treatment, Activated sludge, Ulva pertusa, Technological process; ─── 养殖污水处理;活性污泥;孔石莼;工艺流程;

9、Amino Acid Sequence and Molecular Evolution Analysis of Plastocyanin from Ulva pertusa ─── 孔石莼质体蓝素氨基酸序列分析和分子进化

10、Extraction and Isolation of Polysaccharide from Ulva Lactuca and Its Primary Study on Reducing Plasma Lipoproteins ─── 石莼多糖的提取分离及其降血脂作用的初步研究

11、Keywords Ulva lactuca L.;polysaccharide;extraction technology; ─── 石莼;多糖;提取工艺;

12、green algae of the genus Ulva, having a membranous leaflike, irregularly shaped thallus sometimes used in salads. ─── 种石莼属的绿色海藻,有膜状叶形的不规则的叶状体,经常用在沙拉中。

13、Ulva reticulata ─── n. 网石莼

14、It also has a contract with Washington state to collect the algae called ulva, or sea lettuce, in parts of Seattle's Puget Sound waterway. ─── 该公司也与华盛顿州签有合同,在西雅图PugetSound的部分水域收集一种叫做石莼或者海莴苣的海藻。


16、The recent progress on the research on the chemical composition and biological activities of Ulva pertusa during the last five years is summarized,and its future application is also prospected. ─── 本文综述了近5年来孔石莼化学组分及其生物活性研究进展,并展望了其应用前景。

17、This paper presents a study of the effect of initial algal density and phosphorus concentration on the competition between Platymonas subcordiformis and Ulva pertusa. ─── 本文以磷浓度和种群密度为变量,以亚心形扁藻为浮游微藻代表,采用实验生态学手段研究了大型海藻孔石莼与浮游微藻(亚心形扁藻)间的竞争。

18、spore meiosis with Ulva spp.Ectocarpus confercoides, Laminaria japonica, Undaria pinnatifida, Porphyra tenera. ─── 石莼、水云、海带、裙带菜、甘紫菜可观察孢子型减数分裂生活史;

19、Keywords marine biology;Ulva pertusa;polysaccharides;immune regulation; ─── 海洋生物;孔石莼;多糖;免疫调节;

20、Keywords Ulva pertusa;allelopathic effects;allelochemicals;chemical ecology; ─── 孔石莼;克生活性物质;克生效应;化学生态学;

21、nutrition composition of Ulva conglobata kjellm was analyzed. ─── 分析蛎菜的一般营养成分。

22、Keywords chemical constituents;structure identification;spectroscopy;Ulva lactuca L.; ─── 关键词化学成分;结构鉴定;波谱分析;石莼;

23、Ulva fasciata ─── n. 裂片石莼

24、Optimization of Extraction Technology of Polysaccharide from Ulva lactuca L. With Orthogonal Design ─── 绿藻石莼多糖的提取工艺

25、Ulva dactylifera ─── 枣椰石莼

26、Keywords Ulva pertusa;Polysaccharide;Ethanol extract;Hyperlipaemia;Hypolipemic-effect; ─── 孔石莼;多糖;乙醇提取物;高脂血症;调血脂;

27、Keywords Ulva pertusa;absorption;piscatorial wastewater;nutrient salt; ─── 孔石莼;吸收;养殖废水;营养盐;

28、Ulva rigida ─── n. 硬石莼

29、In this thesis, the responds of Ulva pertusa Kjellman and Platymonas helgolandica Kylin var. tsingtaoensis to UV-B radiation were studied by Indoor Emulative Experiment. ─── 摘要通过室内添加模拟试验研究了UV-B辐射增强对孔石莼(重量固定)与青岛大扁藻(密度不同)间生长关系的影响。

30、There are Enteromorpha, Ulva, the film reefs, seaweed, Shihua Cai, Gracilaria, Hai Luo, Laminaria, Undaria, Sea Hao Zi, Sargassum, sea water-Wo, Cai Deng Antlers. ─── 主要有浒苔、石莼、礁膜、紫菜、石花菜、江蓠、海萝、海带、裙带菜、海蒿子、羊栖菜、海禾水子、鹿角菜等。

31、Ulva pertusa is an edible macroalgae of Chlorophyta, and has many traditional active properties such as against heatstroke, hydropsy and so on. ─── 孔石莼(UIva pertusa Kjellm)是一种广泛分布于太平洋沿岸的大型野生绿藻,具有软坚散结,利水消肿之功效,为我国一种传统的药用海藻。

32、Results show that Ulva P.K.Can uptake ammonia,nitrite,nitrate and phosphorus simultaneously.Ammonia removal is efficient,but the changes of COD is minimal. ─── 结果表明,孔石莼能同时吸收水中的三氮和磷酸盐,尤其对氨氮有极强的吸收作用,但对有机物的去除不明显。

33、Photosynthetic Responses to Light and Temperature in Ulva lactuca Under Aquatic and Aerial States ─── 在水生与气生状态下石莼光合作用对光照和温度的响应

34、Ulva vexata ─── n. 烦恼石莼

35、Ulva conglobata ─── n. 花石莼

36、Ulva stenophylla ─── n. 狭叶石莼

37、Total yields of red sea bream and Ulva lactuca were 55?900g and 358?000g respectively. ─── ind-1,总产量为55 900g; 石莼生长茂密,沥干鲜藻总产量达到358 000g。

38、Blue Marble is a start-up company with private investors.It also has a contract with Washington State to collect the algae called ulva, or sea lettuce, in parts of Seattle's Puget Sound waterway. ─── Blue Marble是私人投资建立的公司,它也和华府签署了一项合同,在西雅图普吉湾部分水路中搜集叫石莼的海藻。

39、Keywords Ulva pertusa;phytoplankton (Platymonas subcordiformis);phosphorus;algal density; ─── 孔石莼;浮游微藻(亚心形扁藻);磷;种群密度;

40、Elementary study on nutritional compositions of the green alga, Ulva lactuca in the South China Sea ─── 南海绿藻石莼营养成分的初步研究

41、The spectrum peaks of pIant plankton, Ulva and other hydrobios are in the blue area, and those of Sargassum and other genobenthos are in the red area. ─── 浮游植物、石孔莼等水生生物光谱峰在兰区,马尾范藻、柽柳叶等陆生植物光谱峰在红区;

42、Ulva olivacea ─── n. 橄榄色石莼

43、grilled Ulva lactuca ─── 烤石莼

44、lettuce ulva frond ─── 石莼

45、Extraction and Isolation of Polysaccharide from Ulva Lactuca and Its Primary Study on Reducing Plasma Lipoproteins ─── 石莼多糖的提取分离及其降血脂作用的初步研究

46、Keywords Green algae;Ulva pertusa;Polysaccharide;Structure; ─── 绿藻;孔石莼;多糖;理化性质;结构;

47、Chlorophyta Ulva pertusa,a kind of marine macroalgae,was widely used in the fields of food and medicine. ─── 孔石莼是一种大型绿藻,在食品、药物等领域具有广泛应用。

48、Chlorella, Pediastrum;Ulotrichales, filamentous, and thallose plants, or coenocytic tubes, e.g.Ulothrix, Ulva, Enteromorpha;and Oedogoniales, e.g. the filamentous Oedogonium. ─── 还有一些种类是丝状或多细胞的管状,例如丝藻属,石莼属,浒苔属和鞘藻属。

49、Keywords column chromatography;plastocynin;Ulva pertusa;purification;N-terminal amino acid sequence; ─── 柱色谱;质体蓝素;孔石莼;纯化;N-端氨基酸序列;

50、Elementary study on nutritional compositions of the green alga, Ulva lactuca in the South China Sea ─── 南海绿藻石莼营养成分的初步研究

51、Title: Studies on the chemical constituents of Ulva lactuca L. ─── 关键词:石莼;组分分离;结构鉴定;柱色谱;波谱分析;化学成分;甾醇

52、The result showed that in Ulva conglobata kjellm, the contents of crude protein, fat and ash were 14.78%, 0.67% and 16.70%, respectively. ─── 结果表明:蛎菜中粗蛋白含量为14.78%,脂肪为0.67%,灰分为16.70%;

53、Results showed that Ulva pertusa can remove nutrient salt effectively and plays a role in the purification of wastewater. ─── 在养殖废水中,利用大型海藻-孔石莼,研究其对各营养盐的吸收情况。


55、Ulva profunda ─── n. 丰盛石莼

56、Purification of Plastocynin from Ulva pertusa by Column Chromatography and Analysis of Its N-Terminal Amino Acid Sequence ─── 孔石莼质体蓝素的柱色谱纯化及其N-端氨基酸序列的分析测定

57、The nutrition composition of Ulva conglobata kjellm was analyzed. ─── 分析蛎菜的一般营养成分。

58、In this paper,the contents of general nutritional compositions,amino acid composition of the protein,and of some inorganic elements of the green alga, Ulva lactuca in the South China Sea were studied. ─── 研究了南海绿藻石莼的一般营养成分、蛋白质的氨基酸组成,以及一些无机元素的含量。结果表明,石莼是一种富含蛋白质、纤维素和灰分的海藻。

59、Keywords Ulva pertusa;Gracilaria lemaneiformis;Heterosigma akashiwo;allelopathy;nutrition competition;harmful algal bloom(HAB); ─── 石莼;江蓠;赤潮异弯藻;相生相克;营养竞争;有害赤潮;

60、As a result, the strong reproductive capacity of floating green tide algae Ulva prolifera might be the main reason of green tide occurrence. ─── 漂浮浒苔强大的繁殖能力是导致其生物量快速增长而引起绿潮爆发的主要原因之一。

61、Ulva P.K.can b?e used in intensive aquaculture system to clean water,save energy and provide an extra commercial crop. ─── 用孔石莼净化养殖污水具有净水、节能和收获饵料的综合效果。

62、This paper studied the static purification of abalone effluents by Ulva P.K.The changes of water quality in Ulva tank were analysed. ─── 该文研究了孔石莼对养鲍污水的静态净化过程,分析了孔石莼滤池中水质的变化规律。

63、Studies on the chemical constituents of Ulva lactuca L. ─── 石莼的化学成分。

64、Keywords Ulva lactuca L.;constituent isolation;structure identification;column chromatography;spectroscopy;chemical constituents;sterols; ─── 石莼;组分分离;结构鉴定;柱色谱;波谱分析;化学成分;甾醇;

65、Keywords Ulva pertusa;chemical composition;biological activity;research progress; ─── 孔石莼;化学组分;生物活性;研究进展;

66、Ulva pertusa ─── 孔石莼

67、Scallop divers have worked out of Ulva Ferry for generations. ─── 在厄瓦港口,扇贝采集者们世代在此生息繁衍。

68、Ulva spinulosa ─── n. 多刺石莼

69、"Ulva species, commonly called sea lettuce, are among the relatively few green algae that are seaweeds." ─── 石莼类海藻,即俗称的海白菜,属于海藻中较少见的绿藻

70、Keywords Ulva pertusa;(2;4-dichlorophenyl)-2;4-dichlorobenzoate;N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine;methoxyflavones;4-ethoxybenzoic acid; ─── 孔石莼;(2;4-二氯苯基)-2;4-二氯苯甲酸酯;N-苯基-2-萘胺;甲氧基黄酮;对乙氧基苯甲酸;

71、Ulva mutabilis ─── 易变石莼

72、Keywords Ulva pertusa Kjellm;Chlorophyta;Polysaccharides;Chemical analysis; ─── 孔石莼;绿藻;多糖;化学分析;

73、Effects of solar UVR on the effective quantum yield of Ulva lactuca ─── 阳光紫外辐射对绿藻石莼光化学效率的影响

74、Keywords Ulva pertusa;extraction;separation;structure;anticoagulant; ─── 孔石莼;多糖;提取;分离;结构;抗凝血活性;

75、Ulva pertusa, a kind of marine macroalgae, is a preponderant algae in Chinese sea area. ─── 孔石莼是一种资源量较大的大型绿藻,在我国主要海区均是优势物种。

76、Keywords Ulva pertusa Kjellm.;polysaccharides;hyperlipemia;antilipemic;biological activity; ─── 孔石莼;多糖;高脂血症;降血脂;生物活性;

77、Any of several dried, edible seaweeds of the genera Porphyra(the red algae) and Ulva(the green algae). ─── 紫菜任一种紫菜属(红藻)和石藻属(绿藻)的晒干的、可食用海草

78、Combined biofilters consisting of an ulva biofilter(UB),a polishing ulva biofilter(PUB) and a sand biofilter(SB) were developed for purification of the rearing water and effluent water in recirculating abalone culture system. ─── 采用水生植物滤池(U B和PU B)和固定膜生物滤池(SB)的复合净化模式,对鲍鱼养殖水体和系统排放水体进行净化,实现了循环水养鲍系统的清洁生产。

79、Photosynthetic Responses to Inorganic Carbon in Ulva lactuca Under Aquatic and Aerial States ─── 在水生与气生状态下石莼光合作用对无机碳的响应

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