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09-19 投稿


lengthily 发音

英:[['le?θ?l?]]  美:[['le?θ?l?]]

英:  美:

lengthily 中文意思翻译



lengthily 反义词


lengthily 同义词

out |extend | continue | grow | stretch | amplify | pull out | draw out | drag out | aggrandize | prolong | draw | elongate | increase

lengthily 词性/词形变化,lengthily变形

形容词最高级: lengthiest |副词: lengthily |名词: lengthiness |形容词比较级: lengthier |

lengthily 相似词语短语

1、healthily ─── adv.健康地

2、lengthy ─── adj.漫长的,冗长的;啰唆的

3、lengthier ─── 很长的;漫长的;冗长的(lengthy的比较级)

4、lengthways ─── adv.纵向地;adj.纵向的

5、length ─── 长度

6、lengthwise ─── adv.纵向地;adj.纵向的

7、earthily ─── 朴实的

8、lengthen ─── vt.使延长;加长;vi.延长;变长

9、lengthiest ─── 冗长的,漫长的,啰嗦的(lengthy的最高级)

lengthily 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the endless literary writing history, female and her body lengthily continue a depreciated destiny. ─── 漫长的文学书写史里,“女性”与其“身体”长久地延续了一种被贬降的压抑命运。

2、"Li E is correct!It's enough just to make your questions clear.There is no need to write lengthily, making things more complicated to understand. ─── 李谔说的对呀,写文章只要能把问题说清楚就行了,何必长篇大论弄得那么复杂呢?

3、Recite(poetry,etc) or speak lengthily and loudly ─── 没完没了地大声吟诵(诗歌等)或说话

4、Talk lengthily orin a rambling and pointless way ─── 冗长地或信口开河、无针对性地谈

5、the argument went on lengthily; ─── 辩论变得冗长;

6、the argument went on lengthily; she talked at length about the problem. ─── 辩论变得冗长;她罗罗嗦嗦地谈论这个问题。

7、talk lengthily or in a rambling and pointless way ─── 冗长地或信口开河、无针对性地谈

8、The argument went on lengthily; she talked at length about the problem. ─── 辩论变得冗长;她罗罗嗦嗦地谈论这个问题。

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