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09-21 投稿


lenticel 发音

英:[['lent?sel]]  美:[['lent??sel]]

英:  美:

lenticel 中文意思翻译



lenticel 词性/词形变化,lenticel变形

形容词: lenticellate |

lenticel 同义词

lenticel 短语词组

1、lenticel damage ─── 皮孔损伤

2、lenticel blotch pit ─── 皮孔斑点坑

3、lenticel stain ─── 皮孔染色

lenticel 反义词


lenticel 相似词语短语

1、entices ─── vt.诱使;怂恿

2、lenticle ─── n.透镜体;扁豆体

3、lenticels ─── n.皮孔

4、lenticule ─── n.微透镜;小扁豆体

5、entice ─── vt.诱使;怂恿

6、enticed ─── vt.诱使;怂恿

7、lentic ─── adj.静水的,生活于静水中的

8、enticer ─── 诱饵

9、lenticles ─── n.透镜体;扁豆体

lenticel 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The results showed that the occurrence of ring rot disease was 92% in lenticels and 8% not in lenticel. ─── 结果表明,枝干轮纹病病斑在皮孔部位发病频率为92%,非皮孔部位为8%。

2、Development of periderm and Lenticel structure ─── 周皮发育与皮孔结构

3、The lenticel of stem has closing layer type. ─── 茎的皮层是属于具有封闭层类型。

4、With the development of the vascular systems in the adventitious roots, the roots extrude from the lenticel or the cutting callus. ─── 随着不定根内部的维管系统的发育,不定根从皮孔或下切口伸出。

5、Study on the Relationship Between Lenticel Tissue Structure and Density and the Occurrence of Apple Rough Bark Disease ─── 皮孔组织结构及密度与苹果枝干粗皮病发生的关系

6、There are lenticel hydathode in the structure of leaves of Rhizophora stylosa and Rhizophora apiculata, and cork nubble in the structure of ─── 纬度、土壤理化因子、盐度和完全营养液与秋茄叶片结构数量特征的关

7、Approach to the Cause of Fruit Lenticel Pit Disease of Pingguo Pear Its Relationship to Calcium Nutrient ─── 苹果梨果实皮孔陷斑病发病原因的探讨——与钙素营养的关系

8、Study on the Relationship Between Lenticel Tissue Structure and Density and the Occurrence of Apple Rough Bark Disease ─── 皮孔组织结构及密度与苹果枝干粗皮病发生的关系

9、Control Effect of Calcium Treatment on Lenticel pit of Pingguo pear Fruit ─── 钙处理对苹果梨果实皮孔陷斑病的防治效果

10、Control Effect of Calcium Treatment on Lenticel pit of Pingguo pear Fruit ─── 钙处理对苹果梨果实皮孔陷斑病的防治效果

11、Development of periderm and Lenticel structure ─── 周皮发育与皮孔结构

12、ratio was remarkable positively related to the lenticel coverage value in varieties with opened lenticel. ─── 开放型皮孔的品种其失重率与皮孔覆盖值成显著正相关。

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