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09-20 投稿


moling 中文意思翻译



moling 相似词语短语

1、moline ─── adj.(十字架)风车式的;n.(Moline)人名;(柬、西)莫林;(西)莫利内

2、molting ─── n.[动]蜕皮;换羽;v.脱毛;换羽(molt的ing形式)

3、mobling ─── 围攻

4、holing ─── n.[矿业]掏槽落煤法;[建]石板瓦钻孔;v.打眼;穿孔于…(hole的ing形式)

5、doling ─── n.(非正式)失业救济金;(食物、衣服或金钱等)慈善品;(诗、文)命运,定数;(诗、文)悲伤,忧伤;v.发放,施给(食物,钱等);按额发放;(给多人)提供建议;n.(Dole)(美)多尔(人名)

6、molding ─── n.模塑件,铸造物;(装饰用的)嵌线,脚线

7、-oling ─── 奥林

8、moiling ─── adj.混乱的;辛苦的;辛勤的;v.辛勤工作(moil的ing形式);不断动摇

9、Soling ─── n.船壳板叠接部分;护面砌石;索林级;鞋底胶;n.(Soling)人名;(瑞典)索林

moling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They have found out the mole in the cabinet. ─── 他们已经发现了内阁中的间谍。

2、Don't make a mountain out of a mole hill. ─── 不要小题大做。

3、But Mole kept his bird ,because he loved it. ─── 但是鼹鼠要锁住他的小鸟,因为他爱它。

4、But just when James starts to question his role and decides to wash out,Burke taps him for a special assignment to root out a mole. ─── 但是,正当詹姆斯开始对自己的职责产生怀疑、并决定退出培训时,伯克委派给他一项特殊任务--去根除一名"鼹鼠"(即长期潜伏的双重间谍)。

5、There is a mole under the ground. ─── 地下有一只鼹鼠。

6、There he had dug quite a deep hole for dog darnel; and had set a mole trap. ─── 在那里,他为了挖取犬毒麦而掘了个挺深的洞;然后安置了一个捕鼹鼠器。

7、He hailed the Mole to come and warm himself. ─── 他吆喝鼹鼠过来取暖。

8、The thing in philtrum 当 what mole, is good 还坏? ─── 人中当中的事什么痣,好还是坏?

9、She does not want all of CTU involved for fear of unearthing another mole like Jamey. ─── 她不愿意让所有反恐组工作人员介入,担心其中有像杰米一样的内奸。

10、A young Mole once boasted to his Mother that he could see. ─── 一次,小鼹鼠向妈妈吹嘘,他能看见东西。

11、The grape-like villi of a hydatidiform mole are seen here. ─── 图示的是葡萄胎由类似于葡萄状的绒毛状物构成。

12、A rabbit came hopping by. He wiggled in next to the mole. ─── 一只兔子也跳跃着奔过来.它迅速摆动着身体钻了进去,挨在小鼹鼠身边.

13、Mexicans make a hot chocolate sauce called mole and pour it over chicken. ─── 墨西哥人制作一种叫做巧克力辣沙司的辣味沙司,并把它倒到鸡面上。

14、Can be the mole of trigonometry area done? ─── 三角区的痣能弄掉吗?

15、They've recently discovered many new species, including a weasel, a mole and four kinds of bat. ─── 他们新近发现了许多新物种,其中包括一种黄鼠狼,一种啮齿动物,以及四种蝙蝠.

16、Frigid gusts were driving swells in past the mole. ─── 寒风阵阵掀起大浪涌过防波堤。

17、O STOP being an ass, Toad!’ cried the Mole despairingly. ─── 别这么呆头呆脑的,蟾蜍!”鼹鼠喊道,拿他毫无办法。

18、Frustrated ever hate carrying solution, greeting Moling go back west. ─── 失意何曾恨解携,问安归去秣陵西。

19、The authorities believe there is a mole at the Treasury. ─── 当局认为财政部里有内奸。

20、Walley ;with a foreword by Sir Charles Mole. ─── 书名/作者 Prestressed concrete design & construction /by F.

21、Look ahead, Rat!' cried the Mole suddenly. ─── “当心前面,河鼠!”鼹鼠忽地惊叫一声。

22、Kevin - Martin takes 19 points for king, a rice base - mole of 12 point, approximately assorted - Saar Mence 11 points. ─── 凯文-马丁为国王拿下19分,米基-摩尔12分,约什-萨尔门斯11分。

23、Rat never been home all night nor Mole either, something dreadful must have happened, they said. ─── 他们都说老鼠整夜没回家,鼹鼠也没回去,一定是发生了意外。

24、Presently the Mole came tumbling into the room, evidently very pleased with himself. ─── 忽然,鼹鼠蹦蹦跳跳地进来了,显得很开心。

25、The little mole is dumbfounded when the potato jumps from the ground. ─── “扑”,土豆一下子离开了地里,小鼹鼠忙跳上去拉住根须,他也一起被带出了地面。

26、Toad's hour, of course!’ cried the Mole delightedly. ‘Hooray! I remember now! WE'LL teach him to be a sensible Toad! ─── “当然啰,是蟾蜍的时辰!”鼹鼠高兴地说。“乌拉!我想起来啦!咱们大伙是要去教训教训他,让他变得清醒点!”

27、But who could give trouble?'asked the Mole. ─── “但谁会给麻烦?”鼹鼠问。

28、Current technology of the steerable impact moling ─── 非开挖可控冲击矛的技术现状

29、Wherever are you( hic) going to( hic), Ratty?’ cried the tearful Mole, looking up in alarm. ─── 你上()去()鼠儿?”泪流满面的鼹鼠抬头望着他,惊叫道。

30、Go to beauty parlour how does mole collect fees probably? ? ? ─── 去美容院去痣大概怎么收费???

31、One millionth(10 - 6)of a mole. ─── 微摩尔百万分之一(10-6)摩尔

32、That is very good news.'said the Mole seriously. ─── “这真是个很好的消息。”鼹鼠一本正经的说。

33、Oh, really? Is your friend a mole? ─── 哇,真的?你的朋友是鼹鼠吗?

34、Does summer nod mole to you can leave scar? ─── 夏天点痣会不会留下疤痕啊?

35、Some of what problem should note after taking mole? ─── 取痣以后应该注意些什么问题呢?

36、My uncle has a mole on his chin. ─── 叔叔的下颏上有一颗痣。

37、Oh, COME along, Mole, do!’ replied the Rat cheerfully, still plodding along. ─── 噢,走吧,鼹鼠,快来呀!”河鼠兴冲冲地喊,仍旧不停脚地奋力朝前走。

38、There is a mole on his chin. ─── 他下巴上长着一颗痣。

39、Unlike the Mole,he didn't really feel comfortable underground. ─── 不像鼹鼠,他在地下并不十分感觉舒适。

40、The potato has grown to be very big, two head higher than the little mole. ─── 土豆已在不知不觉中硕大无比,高过小鼹鼠两个头。

41、What method goes is mole effect best? ─── 什么方法去痣效果最好?

42、The poor mole gazes at it, which is once all of his dream. It still grows. ─── 可怜的小鼹鼠呆呆地望着它,这曾经是自己全部理想的土豆,它还在成长。

43、The amount of heat per mole necessary to cause the rise of temperature is different in each case. ─── 在每一种情况下,致使每一摩尔物质升高温度单位所需要的热量是不相同的。

44、Containing one mole of a substance. ─── 含有一摩尔物质的

45、Too is cropland mole medicable complete? ─── 太田痣是否可治疗彻底?

46、What are you doing,Ratty?'said the Mole. ─── “你在做什麽,阿鼠?”鼹鼠问。

47、STOP being an ass, Toad!’ cried the Mole despairingly. ─── “别这么呆头呆脑的,蟾蜍!”鼹鼠喊道,拿他毫无办法。

48、Remember that the most common neoplasm is a benign nevus( pigmented mole) of the skin, and most people have several. ─── 图示子宫平滑肌瘤,大小不同,界限清楚、硬、白、表现为良性。

49、Cannot be the mole that protruding comes out nodded? ─── 凸出来的痣是不是不能点啊?

50、During the nineteenth century, a unit of chemical currency called the mole came into use. ─── 十九世纪时,人们开始使用一种称为摩尔的化学通用单位。

51、He must be a very very nice animal,'said the Mole,as he got into the boat and took the oars. ─── “他是一只非常十分很好的动物。”鼹鼠说,边上船拿起又桨。

52、The products produced with this new moling technology are of a variety of fine performance and economic. ─── 应用这种新技术生产出具有各种特殊使用性能和经济实用的产品。

53、In hyditidiform mole, LN was localised in the basement membrane of chorion villi and matrices of decidual tissue. ─── 在葡萄胎,层粘连蛋白分布于绒毛上皮基膜和蜕膜组织,在基膜中表达强度有所不同;

54、One goes about laser mole problem! Help please! ─── 一个关于激光去痣问题!请帮帮忙!

55、Then Tiny wept, and said she would not marry the disagreeable mole. ─── 但是拇指姑娘哭了起来,说她不愿意和这讨厌的鼹鼠结婚。

56、There is a spider mole that is neither too big, or small on his face. ─── 他的脸上有颗不大不小的蜘蛛痣。

57、He lifted his feet up from the suck and turned back by the mole of boulders. ─── 他从沙坑里拨出脚,沿着卵石垒成的防波堤踱回去。

58、The Stimulant Experiments on Controllable Impact Moling ─── 可控冲击矛模拟试验

59、Therefore, Sun Xiang when the 65th minute is changed by carat Mole. ─── 于是,孙祥在第65分钟时被克拉莫尔换下。

60、It knows not the ways of the mole nor seeks it the holes of the serpent. ─── 不辨鼷鼠的路径,也不探寻蛇穴。

61、When the mole ratio of D4 and VD4 in siloxane monomers is above 10:1, the emulsion copolymer is steadily polymerized. ─── 当硅氧烷单体中D4和VD4物质的量之比大于10:1时,该共聚物乳液聚合稳定性好。

62、This is a partial mole that occurs when two sperms fertilize a single ovum. ─── 两个精子与一个卵子受精时产生部分性葡萄胎。

63、Why, who SHOULD interfere with him?' asked the Mole. ─── “怎么,会有人打搅他吗?”鼹鼠问。

64、The meeting on what person has gules mole? ? ─── 什么人身上会有红色的痣??

65、The mole on her face marks her off from other girls. ─── 她脸上的黑痣使她跟别的姑娘有所区别。

66、Do 3 mole become trigonometry model how to return a responsibility? ─── 三颗痣成三角型怎么回事?

67、She had a tiny mole on her cheek. ─── 她的面颊上有一颗小黑痣。

68、Th floor of west building, 325 moling road shanghai, china ─── 上海秣陵路325号西副楼四楼

69、Ao Bi Island and mole of manor peace and friendship! Can not call names! ─── 您的位置:我也知道>游戏>网游>奥比岛和摩尔庄园和平友好!不能骂!

70、Ratty,'said the Mole,'Could I ask you something? ─── “阿鼠,”鼹鼠说,“我可以问你一些事情吗?”

71、Mole of factitious what chairman? ─── 人为什么会长痣?

72、The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, but true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. ─── 女人的美丽不再于外表,真正的美丽投射在她的灵魂中,是他亲切的给予关怀,是他表现所有的热情;

73、What does the mole near chin nose call? Is lachrymal mole long in that? ─── 下巴鼻子附近的痣叫什么?泪痣长在那?

74、She has a tiny mole on her cheek. ─── 她面颊上有一颗小痣。

75、She has a small mole on the left side of her nose. ─── 她鼻子左侧有一颗小痣。

76、He hated disappointing people, and he was fond of the Mole, and would do almost anything to oblige him. ─── 他不愿使人失望,何况他喜欢鼹鼠,总是竭力让他高兴。

77、How ability surely does apace go mole? ? ─── 怎样才能安全地快速地去痣??

78、A mole can undermine the strongest rampart. ─── 一只田鼠能毁坏最坚固的堡垒。

79、Little mole thought about it carefully, and then he gave it up. ─── 小鼹鼠认真地想了一想,就放弃了追求。

80、A hole or tunnel dug in the ground by a small animal, such as a rabbit or a mole, for habitation or refuge. ─── 地洞某些小动物(如兔子或鼹鼠)在地下挖的、供居住或躲藏的洞或地道

81、A new study suggests the laid-back lifestyle of some in a colony actually helps the queen mole rat spread her genes. ─── 一项新的研究认为:生活于这个族群中,一些鼹鼠的懒散生活方式却能真正地帮助鼹鼠皇后传播她的基因。

82、Hullo, Mole!' said the Water Rat. ─── “嗨,鼹鼠!”河鼠招呼道。

83、A black mole on her left arm remarks her. ─── 她左臂上的一黑痣是她的特征。

84、O, WE'RE all right,’ replied the Rat.‘ Mole,’ he added incautiously,‘ is going out for a run round with Badger. ─── 他等了好几分钟,才听到回答。这时,一个微弱的声音答道:“亲爱的鼠儿,多谢你了!承你问候,你真好!不过请先告诉我,你好吗,鼹鼠老兄好吗?”。

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