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09-20 投稿


lustrate 发音

英:[['l?stre?t]]  美:[['l?stre?t]]

英:  美:

lustrate 中文意思翻译



lustrate 词性/词形变化,lustrate变形

形容词: lustrative |名词: lustration |动词过去式: lustrated |动词第三人称单数: lustrates |动词过去分词: lustrated |动词现在分词: lustrating |

lustrate 相似词语短语

1、illustrate ─── vt.阐明,举例说明;图解;vi.举例

2、lustrated ─── vt.驱除;举行宗教仪式驱除

3、frustrate ─── vt.挫败;阻挠;使感到灰心;vi.失败;受挫;adj.挫败的;无益的

4、flustrates ─── 坡度

5、substrate ─── n.基质;基片;底层(等于substratum);酶作用物

6、flustrated ─── 慌张的

7、lustrates ─── vt.驱除;举行宗教仪式驱除

8、flustrate ─── Flustrates公司

9、lustrative ─── 说明性的

lustrate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Your mood is happy.You can lustrate the minds that they disturb you. ─── 你的心境总是愉快的,你能在极短的时间内驱除那些扰乱你的念头。

2、Effect: Lustrate algidity in kidney, energy the channels, provide kidney energy by continue heat treatment. ─── 作用用途:驱除肾部寒气、疏通经脉、点燃命门圣火、持续热疗、源源不断提供肾能量。

3、Your mood is happy. You can lustrate the minds that they disturb you. ─── 你的心境总是愉快的,你能在极短的时间内驱除那些扰乱你的念头。

4、Lustrate hydrogen after galvanizing to avoid hydrogen embrittlement ─── 镀后去氢,防止氢脆

5、Product Effect: Lustrate algidity in kidney, energy the channels, provide kidney energy by continue heat treatment. ─── 作用用途:驱除肾部寒气、疏通经脉、点燃命门圣火、持续热疗、源源不断提供肾能量。

6、Product Effect: Lustrate algidity in kidney, energy the channels, provide kidney energy by continue heat treatment. ─── 作用用途:驱除肾部寒气、疏通经脉、点燃命门圣火、持续热疗、源源不断提供肾能量。

7、The effect of extractives on lustrating Trichodinella of fish was also studied.The results showed that the alkaloid from Sophora flavescens Ait could lustrate Trichodinella ninuta efficiently. ─── 运用药理学方法对得到的生物碱进行了抗鱼体车轮虫试验,结果显示:苦参生物碱能对鱼体鳃部车轮虫起到有效的驱杀作用;

8、examples were given to il lustrate actual applications of this method. ─── 并举例说明了数值逼近法的具体应用。

9、Lustrate hydrogen after galvanizing to avoid hydrogen embrittlement ─── 镀后去氢,防止氢脆

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