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09-22 投稿


munched 发音

英:[m?nt?t]  美:[m?nt?t]

英:  美:

munched 中文意思翻译






munched 词性/词形变化,munched变形

动词现在分词: munching |名词: muncher |动词第三人称单数: munches |动词过去分词: munched |动词过去式: munched |

munched 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After a special welcoming ceremony, a steady stream of mainly Chinese tourists crowded around the 2-year-old cubs' enclosure and took photos with their phone cameras, as the pandas munched on bamboo. ─── 在一场特殊的欢迎仪式后,一群中国旅客人流在一只2岁的熊猫幼仔前聚集,当熊猫在大口咀嚼竹子的时候,他们用相机疯狂的拍照。

2、Dinosaurs munched on grassy snacks ─── 恐龙津津有味地享用青草快餐

3、At the end of the rehearsal, Slava leaned over and kissed Munch's hand. ─── 在排演结束后,斯拉伐屈身吻了孟许的手。

4、So I munched the cookies and watched the clock. ─── 很简单,很温暖的一句话。

5、At snack time, the children sat on logs and munched on carrots and nuts while Ms. Kluge told them about the life cycle of toads. ─── 点心时间到了,孩子们坐在原木上,嘴里大嚼着胡萝卜和坚果,这时候克鲁格女士开始给他们讲述蟾蜍的生命周期。

6、chew up; munch up ─── 切开;打碎;砍碎;咬碎;碎

7、hristie Atkins Munch Petersen ─── 克-阿-芒现象

8、At snack time, the children sat on logs and munched on carrots and nuts while Ms. ─── 广告目前,仅有一小部分德国儿童在森林幼儿园就学,不过人数一直在稳步攀升。

9、We "Scream" with painter Edvard Munch before heading south to the glorious vistas of Telemark country. ─── 我们跟艾德华·蒙奇“呐喊”,去看南部泰勒马克省的美丽风光。

10、His work was so dark that some even question whether Munch himself suffered from serious mental illness. ─── 他的作品如此灰暗,有些人甚至怀疑孟克自己是不是有严重的精神疾病。

11、I munched my way through a huge bowl of cereal. ─── 我狼吞虎咽地喝了一大碗麦片粥。

12、I think Munch wasn't surprised. ─── 我想孟许并不惊讶。

13、I could munch your good dry oats. ─── 您要是有好的干麦秆,也可以给咱大嚼一顿。

14、Because grass shoots straight from the ground, it isn't killed when its top is munched away. ─── 因为青草根部长在地下,所以它上部被吃掉后仍然不会丧失生命力。

15、Boston Symphony Orchestra CHarles Munch, conductor ─── 孟许指挥波士顿交响乐团

16、He munched (away) at [on] the cookies. ─── 他嘴巴咯吱咯吱作声吃饼干。

17、A severe man, Munch's father instilled in his son a strong fear of going to hell. ─── 孟克的父亲很严厉,把对下地狱的强烈恐惧灌输给自己的儿子。

18、“Munch succeeded in giving in this theme a new portrayal of the link between dedication and violability, desire and fear. ─── ” 女人的发抑或是鲜血,爱和恐惧,在黑暗中是温暖的拥抱,还是冰冷的伤害。

19、Visitors to Nutrilite's Lakeview facility always enjoy seeing the sheep munch their way through the alfalfa. ─── 来到健尔力湖景镇参观的访客,一向都很喜欢看到羊群在紫花苜蓿农田上放牧的场面。

20、It can also be said that his art has ever been of Paul Cezanne, Edvard Munch, Alberto Giacometti, Giorgio Morandi and Mark Rothko. ─── 或者讲,他的艺术经历了塞尚,蒙克,贾科梅地,莫兰迪和罗斯科,这在同一代艺术家中是绝无仅有的。

21、The rabbit munched on the fresh carrots. ─── 兔子咯吱咯吱地嚼著新鲜胡萝卜。

22、J W Munch,EPA Method525.2,Determination of organic compounds in drinking water by liquid-solid extraction and capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry(revision 2.0)[S]. ─── 刘晓茹,周怀东,刘玲花,等.固相萃取技术在水源地特定项目监测中的应用[J].中国环境监测,2005,21(2):57-61.

23、Here's good-food news: The more you munch on healthy eats, the less you need to worry about Friday night's fat burger and fries. ─── 下面报告好食品消息:你咀嚼健康的东西越多你就可以越少担心星期五晚上的高热量汉堡和薯条。

24、We watched her munch through two packets of peanuts. ─── 我们看她津津有味地嚼了两包花生米。

25、to chew; to masticate; to munch ─── 嚼

26、Motorists need not fear running down the animals: they will only be allowed to munch the grass in roadside areas fenced off from traffic. ─── 各位司机不必担心在马路上撞上这些驴子:它们被用栅栏隔开,只能割路旁的草.

27、So she munched the cookies and watched the clock, as the gutsy cookie thief diminished her stock. ─── 她并不想因此做出什么举动,于是自顾自的大声咀嚼饼干,不时看看表,任凭那个大胆的窃贼把那袋饼干慢慢消耗掉。

28、He munched at the cookies. ─── 他嘴巴咯吱咯吱作声吃饼乾。

29、He showed a visitor through his barns, where cows with yellow identification tags in their ears munched on a ration made mainly of corn plants or lolled about in sandy stalls. ─── 他带一名参观者去他的农舍,那里耳朵上带着黄色确认标牌的奶牛要么在咀嚼着玉米制成的饲料,要么在沙地牲口圈里懒洋洋的休息。

30、Half the time I had to grub cigarettes from the students, and during the lessons sometimes I munched a bit of dry bread with them. ─── 有一半的日子里我得向学生讨烟抽,有时正上着课我就跟他们一起啃开了一点干儿面包。

31、During the lunch break he munched on the sandwich his wife had made. ─── 中午休息时间他哒啖他太太准备的三明治。

32、A street market thrives at Temple Street, where each evening shoppers can look for bargains on clothing and munch on shrimp just off the brazier at the Night Market. ─── 在庙街,有个繁荣兴旺的街头市场,每天晚间购物者可以在那里寻购廉价服装,嘴里嚼着刚从夜市火盆里烤出的虾。

33、third, keep health snacks around to munch on. ─── 最后,在周围放点可以随时咀嚼的健康点心。

34、While they were out they munched grass, dandelions, and bugs. ─── 放养时,它们啄草,蒲公英和虫子。

35、I munched my way through a huge bowl of cereal. ─── 我狼吞虎咽地喝了一大碗粥。

36、Without grabbing a handful of pretzels to munch on, I place my pretzel crust into the oven. ─── 把椒盐脆饼粒放进烤炉,切忌不要先抓把尝尝口味。

37、The most classic example was The Scream created by the Swiss artist Munch. ─── 我问于洋是否失恋了好几次,他以苦笑回答了我这个问题。

38、Half the time I had to grub cigarettes from the students, and during the lessons sometimes I munched a bit of dry bread with them. ─── 有一半的日子里我得向学生讨烟抽,有时正上着课我就跟他们一起啃开了一点干儿面包。

39、The next time you take a juicy bite of the fresh produce from California, munch with appreciation for the industrious Latino workers toiling under the bright hot sun. ─── 大部份的时间,这些拉丁裔工人都在幸运农场摘剪蔬菜,这里的蔬菜全年性生产。而因农场给了他们一份稳定的工作,有许多农工们在这里已待了十多年。

40、He crammed his mouth with fry and munched and droned. ─── 他塞了一嘴煎蛋,一边大嚼一边用单调低沉的嗓音唱着。

41、Munch on pumpkin seeds and/or chocolate. ─── 嚼南瓜子或巧克力。

42、She munched on an apple. ─── 她在大口啃苹果。

43、One of the real pleasure of life for me is to sit and munch on hot buttered popcorn while I watch a good movie. ─── 一面看一部好电影,一面吃着加黄油的爆米花,这对我来说才真是生活里的一大乐趣。

44、The monster's mother made many morsels for the monster to munch.Most of the morsels the monster's mother made were moist.But the most moist morsels were mainly the morsels that the monster munched. ─── 怪物的母亲为怪物做了很多美食佳肴,怪物的母亲制作的佳肴绝大部分是湿漉漉的,但是最潮湿的却是那怪物大声咀嚼的东西。

45、There's opera to watch, offerings to munch on, and even roulette to play at. It's great to have everybody together! ─── 有戏看,有拜拜吃,还有射镖推车玩,亲朋好友齐来玩耍,真好!

46、But the question no one seems to ask is, if pigs are no longer there to munch away at them(ms mesos ), where will Cairo's giant piles of leftovers go? ─── 但是有个问题似乎没人问,假如猪不再继续咀嚼了,那么埃及成堆的剩菜怎么办?

47、Puffins in the coffin munch muffins. ─── 棺木里的海鹦大嚼松饼。

48、Workers gathered to munch, gossip, kibitz, laugh. ─── 员工们聚拢来,大嚼,闲话,抢话,大笑。

49、We crawled like caterpillars, munched on leaves and rolled ourselves into a cocoon and wait, wait, waited, until we developed wings. ─── 我们像毛虫一样匍匐前进,对着叶子大嚼特嚼,把自己卷成一个茧,然后等啊,等啊,一直等到我们长好翅膀。

50、Crazy Painful "'Crying out": at the Latent Rule of Expressionism--On the Comparison of Painter of Munch and Writer of Luxun ─── 狂痛"呐喊":在表现主义的潜法则下--画家蒙克与作家鲁迅比较论

51、The threat of being eaten could drive the march of Mormon crickets as they munch their way across millions of acres in the arid West, new research suggests. ─── 新调查显示:因受到自相残杀,被互相吃掉的威胁,摩门蟋蟀的行进队伍浩浩荡荡,啃吃完美国西部旱地上几百万英亩的植物。

52、Munch used thick brushstrokes and deep colors to depict his state of mind. ─── 孟克以浑厚的笔触和深沉的颜色来描绘他的心理状态。

53、But the question no one seems to ask is, if pigs are no longer there to munch away at them, where will Cairo’s giant piles of leftovers go? ─── 但是有个问题似乎没有人问,假如猪不再继续咀嚼了,那么埃及成堆的剩菜怎么办?

54、Meals nibble eat have bite between lunch nosh eat munch out eat to a ─── 一点点地吃,加餐,偷吃

55、During the lunch break he munched on the sandwich his wife had made. ─── 中午休息时间他哒啖他太太准备的三明治。

56、After a special welcoming ceremony, a steady stream of mainly Chinese tourists crowded around the 2-year-old cubs' enclosure and took photos with their phone cameras, as the pandas munch ed on bamboo. ─── 在一个特殊的欢迎仪式之后,一批批中国游客们相继到来,聚集在这些2岁大的熊猫的围栏旁边,用相机扑捉着他们在吃竹子时的仪态举止。

57、munch out ─── vi. 狼吞虎咽

58、You can see work by famous Norwegian artists such as Edvard Munch, Christian Krohg and J.C.Dahl as well as international names like Picasso, El Greco, Matisse and Van Gogh. ─── 市政府厅所在地位于海港码头后面,是一座类似古代城堡的建筑,厅内有现代挪威艺术家以挪威历史为题材绘制的巨型壁画,被人们称为“挪威历史教科书”。

59、I love to buy popcorn at the concession stand, so I have something to munch on while I watch a flick. ─── 我喜欢在电影院的小卖部里买爆米花,这样我在看电影的时候就有东西嚼了。

60、The coast is muddy and malarial; the west, seen from the air, is an immense brown mat of desert; the centre is scrubland munched by cattle. ─── 从空中俯瞰,其西部是一大片荒芜的沙漠,中部则是适应放牧的灌木从林地。

61、Luke munched the chicken sandwiches. ─── 卢克大声嚼着鸡肉三明治。

62、The monster's mother made many morsels for the monster to munch.Most of the morsels the monster's mother made were moist.But the most moist were mainly the morsels that the monster munched. ─── 怪物的母亲为怪物做了很多美食佳肴,怪物的母亲制作的佳肴绝大部分是湿漉漉的,但是最潮湿的却是那怪物大声沮嚼的东西。

63、A gang of robbers is sitting on a version of Edvard Munch's The Scream - valued at between $60m and $75m - after bundling it out of a Norwegian museum. But what can they do with it - and would anyone buy it? ─── 一伙强盗从挪威博物馆匆匆卷走了爱德华·蒙克的名画《呐喊》后,并不急于将画脱手。这幅画的价值在6000到7500万美元之间。他们会如何处置这幅画呢?会有人买这副画吗?

64、Getting them to munch on vegetable dishes was more difficult. ─── 使他们吃素菜就比较困难了。

65、Hopefully I will find out some enlightenment in modern painting Edward Munch first won his great fame in Germany. ─── 对蒙克艺术的研究应当成为当代艺术工作者对经典艺术资源的学习与传承所不可或缺的一部分。

66、picture: edvard munch: the frieze of life. ─── 图片: 爱德华蒙克:生命的饰带。

67、Munch, munch, yum, yum, yum! ─── 嚼,嚼,好吃,好吃,好吃!

68、Munch a Power Pellet to momentarily turn the ghosts blue! ─── 吃下一个能量豆豆可以暂时的把妖怪变成蓝色!

69、May munch the occasional cucumber slice or lettuce leaf ─── 偶尔吃黄瓜片或者生菜叶子

70、But she often munched peanut butter sandwiches between takes - forcing her to freshen up before filming the intimate scenes. ─── 可她总是在拍摄间隙吃花生酱三明治来充饥,闹得每次拍亲密戏之前都只好清新口气先。

71、Born in 1863, Munch was raised by his father as his mother died when she was relatively young. ─── 孟克出生于1863年,母亲年纪轻轻便过世,所以他由父亲一手带大。

72、You munched when you were hungry, stopped when you were full and ran off to play with your Cabbage Patch Kids. ─── 你饿肚子的时候啃,当你吃饱的时候,跑去玩。

73、Chimpanzees munch on leeks at Tokyo's Tama Zoo on February 16,2009. ─── 2月16日,日本东京多摩动物园的黑猩猩正在吃大葱。

74、I ordered a Philly steak sandwich and munched on it while walking back toward my motel. ─── 我命令一费城牛排三明治和直呼它边走边回对我的汽车旅馆。

75、Stolypin gave vent to a bass guffaw as he munched a piece of bread and cheese. ─── 斯托雷平一面用低沉的嗓音哈哈大笑,一面咀嚼着一块带有干酪的面包;

76、Munched the bread of exile; ─── 津津有味地嚼着流亡的面包;

77、3. The rabbit munched on the fresh carrots. ─── 兔子咯吱咯吱地嚼着新鲜胡萝卜。

78、In the middle of it all was younger daughter Kinzie, a seven-year-old dynamo who munched on cookies and called out instructions from a table covered with red and green place mats. ─── 其间,在摆放了红绿格餐垫的小桌上,精力旺盛的七岁小女儿坎齐一边吃着甜饼,一边充当现场指挥。

79、Resting awhile in the other half of Yangchen, we munched on a few carrots and drank some water at the local outdoor teahouse. ─── 我们在河道一处露天茶摊休息了片刻,喝了一点水,啃了几棍胡萝卜。

80、In the series, all the student wizards and even the teachers munch the disgusting fare. ─── 在这个系列里,所有的巫师学生甚至老师们都在大嚼这个恶心的食物。

81、One burglar even munched on a bag of cheese from her refrigerator! ─── 一个窃贼甚至直呼上一袋奶酪从她的冰箱!

82、From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity."- Edvard Munch" ─── 从我正在腐烂的身体里,鲜花可以生长,我就身在其在,这就是永生。"-埃德沃德·芒奇"

83、Also, it's a good idea to portion out a serving size beforehand, so you don't absentmindedly munch a thousand or so calories from a big bag. ─── 所以,最好预先分配好量度,要不在你精神不集中的时候从一个大袋子里摄入过多的卡路里。

84、But munch on the carrots rather than the chips to balance it out. ─── 但是,为了达到平衡,就应该嚼胡萝卜而不是炸土豆条。

85、Children can easily pick up their parents' eating habits. Therefore if parents constantly munch on snacks or eat improperly, their children may feel that it's acceptable to do the same. ─── 父母的饮食习惯和方法,通常是孩子最快学会的,如果父母常吃零食或不按时吃三餐,孩子会认为他们那样做也没关系。

86、munch an apple ─── 津津有味地吃苹果

87、Much of Munch's life was covered by a gloomy shadow of sickness and misery due to his parents' and siblings' deaths. ─── 孟克的大半人生都在父母与手足之死造成的疾病与悲惨阴影下度过。

88、He munched at the biscuites. ─── 他嚼着饼干。

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