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09-20 投稿


milfoil 发音

英:[?m?l?f??l]  美:[?m?l?f??l]

英:  美:

milfoil 中文意思翻译



milfoil 词性/词形变化,milfoil变形


milfoil 短语词组

1、water milfoil ─── [植物]狐尾藻属(Myriophyllum)植物

2、water-milfoil family ─── [网络] 水米尔系列

3、milfoil oil ─── [化] 蓍草油

milfoil 相似词语短语

1、miltonia ─── 弥尔顿

2、milfoils ─── n.西洋耆草;耆草属植物

3、airfoil ─── n.机翼,翼型

4、milltail ─── 毫升

5、Milford ─── n.米尔福德(姓氏,男子名);米尔福德港(英国)

6、tin foil ─── n.保鲜纸,[材]锡纸

7、tinfoil ─── n.锡箔,锡纸;adj.锡箔的

8、airfoils ─── n.机翼,翼型

9、multifoil ─── n.[建]多叶饰;繁叶饰

milfoil 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If you make the laws clear and are cautious about orders, without divining the tortoise shell or milfoil you will obtain propitious results. ─── 所以说,只要任用贤能,不须选择吉日良辰事情也会顺利;

2、milfoil oil ─── 蓍草油

3、many submerged hydrophytes, such as spiked water milfoil (Myriophyllum spicata) have no stomata, absorbing water and gases over their entire surface. ─── 而很多沉水植物,如狐尾藻(Myriophyllumspicata)没有气孔,通过整个植株的表面吸收水分和气体。

4、The extracts of licorice, marshmallow and yarrow milfoil relieve skin and exercise their moisturizing and healing effects. ─── 甘草,蜀葵和西洋蓍草的精华能舒缓肌肤,有保湿和治疗功效。

5、water milfoil ─── n. 【植物,植物学】狐尾藻(属), 狐尾藻属(Myriophyllum)植物

6、perennial often aromatic and sometimes mat-forming herbs of north temperate regions: yarrow; milfoil. ─── 北温带地区一个多年生草本属,常有芳香,有时呈垫状;西洋蓍草;蓍草属植物,西洋蓍草。

7、perennial often aromatic and sometimes mat-forming herbs of north temperate regions: yarrow; milfoil ─── 北温带地区一个多年生草本属,常有芳香,有时呈垫状;西洋蓍草;蓍草属植物,西洋蓍草

8、common milfoil ─── 欧蓍草

9、spiked water milfoil ─── 狐尾藻

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