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09-21 投稿


slackened 发音

英:[?sl?k?nd]  美:[?sl?k?nd]

英:  美:

slackened 中文意思翻译



slackened 词性/词形变化,slackened变形

动词过去式: slackened |动词第三人称单数: slackens |动词过去分词: slackened |动词现在分词: slackening |

slackened 反义词


slackened 同义词

unbend |loosen | slacken off | silence | remit | slow | relax | delay | release | soften | slow down | alleviate | lower | slack up | lessen | slow up | slack

slackened 相似词语短语

1、flackered ─── 马屁精

2、brackened ─── 带苞的

3、blackened ─── adj.变黑的;被抹黑的,被诋毁的;烧焦的,煮糊的;v.使变黑;诋毁;烧焦,煮糊;(化妆时)把(脸或头发)染黑;(天空)变暗,阴沉下来(blacken的过去式和过去分词)

4、flacketed ─── 松弛的

5、blackener ─── 布莱克纳

6、slickened ─── 光滑的

7、slackeners ─── 滑块

8、slockened ─── 懒散的

9、slackener ─── 懒汉

slackened 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To fail,weaken,or slacken gradually;flag. ─── 减弱逐渐减弱、衰退或动摇;低落

2、If the raddle come from your feet because of the dew, if the rings of bells upon your feet slacken, if pearls drop out of your chain, do not mind. ─── 即使露水沾掉了你脚上的红粉,即使你踝上的铃串褪松,即使你链上的珠儿脱落,都不要管它。

3、His cough has slackened,but his nose is still running. ─── 他的咳嗽减弱了,但还在流鼻涕

4、Although the road ahead is long, we have not dared to slacken our efforts, we have not rested.Step by step we walk this difficult road. ─── 尽管前面的路还是那样的漫长,但是,我们未敢懈怠,未敢停息,仍然一步一步地艰难跋涉著。

5、Snape looked as though there was no blood left in him, his grip on Harry's robes slackened. ─── 斯内普看上去已经失去了他所有的血液,握着哈利袍子的手松开了。

6、If our two loves be one...and thou and I love so alike that none can slacken...none can die. ─── 如果我们两个的爱成为一个...你和我的爱如此相似,没人会放松...没人会死.

7、If our two loves be one, or thou and I Love so alike that none do slacken, none can die. ─── 假如我们的爱汇在一起,你我的爱是如此紧密。没有力量能拆散,也永不死亡。

8、Towards evening, the attack of the French slackened in its fury. They had other foes besides the British to engage, or were preparing for a final onset. ─── 将近傍晚,法军的攻势逐渐松懈,或许因为它们除了英国人之外还有别的交战敌人,或许正在准备发动最后的一次总攻击。

9、For those of us who frittered our formative years away blasting blocky space invaders, video games today can widen the eyes and slacken the jaw. ─── 对我们这些把青春岁月虚掷在轰掉颜色浓淡不均的太空入侵者的人来说,今天的电玩简直让人瞠目结舌。

10、He slackened his pace sufficiently to enable him to enter into conversation with Mary. ─── 他放慢步子,预备和玛丽谈谈。

11、Women's federations, Youth League organizations, trade unions and Party committees all did meticulous work in the past, but they have all slackened their efforts in recent years. ─── 妇女工作、青年工作、工会工作、党委工作,都做得很细致的。但是近几年来,这些工作都有了很大的削弱。

12、Learning is like pushing a car up. Don't slacken off. ─── 学习如推车登山,一步也不能松动。

13、Towards evening, the attack of the French slackened in its fury.They had other foes besides the British to engage, or were preparing for a final onset. ─── 他们除了应付英国人外还有其他的敌人,或他们在准备最后的进攻。

14、Business in the small village usually slacken off during severe winters. ─── 严冬季节这个小村庄的生意常常萧条。

15、Lower cargo compartment seal slackened, emergency descent. ─── 下货舱密封件破裂,紧急下降。

16、Following the initial success of vaccination on industrial poultry farms, the control measures may have slackened. ─── 商业化养殖场的疫苗接种工作总体上很成功,但是小规模生产者的情况并非如此。”

17、There are some queer characters in the world whose Right deviationist sentiments will surface and who will come forward with unwholesome comments and Rightist observations if you slacken for any length of time. ─── 世界上有那么怪的人,只要你松松劲,松那么相当的时间,右倾情绪就要起未,不好的议论,右派言论都要来的。

18、If we slackened off our pressure in Italy, they would go back again. ─── 如果我们在意大利放松施加压力,他们又会被调回。

19、In Miaohe vigilance appears to have slackened. ─── 在庙河,人们似乎已经放松警惕。

20、He waited, expecting it to slacken pace, or to swerve from him into a different course. ─── 他等着,指望兔子放慢脚步,或者拐向别处。

21、Her grip slackened on Arnold's arm. ─── 她松开了紧拽着阿诺德臂膀的手。

22、I wanted to tell you, and I snatched a minute when things had slackened up a bit. ─── 我想告诉你,我趁情况稍微轻松一点就抓紧这点时间来找你。

23、Don't slacken your vigilance. ─── 不要麻痹大意。

24、Fauchelevent slackened his pace, but he could not detain the hearse. ─── 割风可以放慢自己的脚步,却不能拖住那灵车。

25、To fail, weaken, or slacken gradually; flag. ─── 减弱逐渐减弱、衰退或动摇;低落

26、They slackened off the sail. ─── 他们把帆放松了。

27、He slackened the ropes slightly. ─── 他把绳子稍稍放松一些。

28、His business begins to slacken. ─── 他的生意日渐清淡。

29、Diary effluent is typically rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, and wastewater irrigation can reduce fertilizing costs and slacken contamination. ─── 合理的灌溉指标和方法,是污水灌溉安全高效进行的主要保证。

30、This is the time to push rather than to slacken our efforts. ─── 今后更应向前推进一步,决不能松懈我们的努力。

31、We start to slacken the minute we find excuses for ourself. ─── 人都是在原谅自己的那一分钟开始懈怠。

32、If you suspend it for a few months, morale will slacken. ─── 只要你空几个月不搞,就松松散散了。

33、If the raddle come from your feet because of the dew,if the rings of bells upon your feet slacken,if pearls drop out of your chain,do not mind. ─── 如果你脚上的红赭石被露水沾掉了,如果你的脚踝上的铃串松弛了,如果珍珠从你的链子上脱落了,别在意。

34、but she did not finish . she was already panting . she slackened off a little , for it was surprisingly hard work. ─── 她没说下去,她已经喘不过气来了,她推得轻一点儿了因为那是十分费劲的工作。

35、It should be noted that in the past our Party was successful in leading economic development,but it has slackened its efforts over recent years,spending money in disregard of the country's actual conditions and the masses'needs. ─── 应当说,我们党领导建设事业过去是做得好的,近几年来有些削弱,在花钱方面没有面对国家的现实,也没有面对群众的需要。

36、Slacken up the tent ropes before it rains. ─── 下雨之前放松帐篷的绳索。

37、In proportion as he drew near, his pace slackened more and more. ─── 他越往前走,他的脚步也越慢。

38、He slackened off the pressure. ─── 他减低了压力。

39、If the raddle come from your feet because of the dew, if the rings of bells upon your feet slacken, if pearls drop out of your chain, do not mind. ─── 即使露水沾掉了你脚上的红粉,即使你踝上的铃串褪松,即使你链上的珠儿脱落,都不要管它。

40、The sail ropes slackened. ─── 帆绳松了。

41、She slackened her pace a little(= walked a little more slowly). ─── 她略微放慢脚步。

42、He had worked without intermission for six months and now could slacken off for a holiday. ─── 他已不间断地工作了六个月,现在可以休假了。

43、In the course of 2006, China's trade surplus widened further as the momentum in the export expansion was maintained while nominal import growth slackened, partly due to weaker oil prices. ─── 在2006年,借助出口扩张的动力,中国的贸易顺差进一步扩张,同时正常进口增长减缓,这部分归因于油价的减弱。

44、Starting Thursday, those closest to you start to slacken their pace, maybe in advance of the weekend, maybe thanks to the start of the holiday season. ─── 从周四开始,这些天你开始放缓努力实现目标的步伐,或许是周末要来了,或许由于寒假即将开始。

45、We can not slacken our vigilance just because nothing unusual has cropped up. ─── 不能因为没有发生什么问题就麻痹起来。

46、Don't slacken your grip. ─── 不要放松紧握着的手。

47、Growth in Asia’s developing economies is likely to slacken this year because of the US slowdown and higher fuel prices, the president of the Asian Development Bank said yesterday. ─── 亚洲开发银行(ADB)行长黑田东彦(Haruhiko Kuroda)昨日表示,由于美国经济放缓和油价上涨,今年亚洲发展中经济体的增长可能放缓。

48、Better have no war for a thousand days than slacken your vigilance for one day. ─── 宁可千日不战,不可一日不备。

49、His grip slackened and she pulled away from him. ─── 他抓得不那么紧了,她顺势挣脱开来。

50、When out of the Laird's ground, and once more upon the public road, her pace slackened, her anger cooled. ─── 直到出了庄园主的地界,重新登上大路,她才放慢了脚步,怒气也消了一些。

51、Yet, we will not slacken in our efforts. ─── 但这绝不代表我们可以松懈下来。

52、The doctor advised him to slacken up for a few months, as his lifestyle was having a bad effect on his heart. ─── 医生劝他放松几个月,因为他的生活方式严重影响着心脏。

53、He slackened the ropes slightly. ─── 他把绳子稍稍放松一些。

54、Nothing could make us slacken off. ─── 什么也不能让我们松劲。

55、"Down to Earth, incredible," it is we will never slacken our efforts to the goal. ─── “脚踏实地,不同凡响”是我们永不懈怠为之努力的目标。

56、In the present state of economic activities, we cannot slacken our macroregulation. ─── 从当前经济运行情况看,宏观调控工作不能放松。

57、Whatever dies was not mixed equally;If our two loves be one, or thou and ILove so alike that none do slacken, none can die. ─── 凡是死亡,都属调和失当所致,如果我俩的爱合二为一,或是爱得如此一致,那就谁也不会死。

58、Under no circumstances can we slacken the armies training. ─── 军队的训练绝对不能弛懈。

59、The bonds of traditional family life began to slacken. ─── 传统的家庭生活的纽带开始松弛。

60、I began to see her with different eyes. We now had something in common, and her abuse slackened. ─── 我开始以不同的眼光认识她,而我们终于有了共同的语言,她也很少乱骂人了。

61、Slacken up before you reach the turn. ─── 到拐弯处减速。

62、Notwithstanding the slackened issuance activity, the market saw an increase in product variety and strong retail interest in debt securities. ─── 尽管发债活动减少,但市场在产品类型以及个人投资者对债券的投资意欲方面均有增长。

63、Coal ash is added into dewatered sludege to composte,experiments show that sludge grain is slacken?ventilation is free,temperature rise quickly?composting quality is good. ─── 将粉煤灰加入脱水污泥中进行联合堆肥,试验结果表明:污泥颗粒疏散、通风性能好,堆肥升温快、腐熟效果稳定。

64、Don't slacken your efforts. ─── 不要松劲。

65、to slacken the influence of the autocratic system ─── 减小专制制度的影响

66、Please slacken the tent rope before it rains. ─── 下雨前,请将帐篷的绳索放松。

67、We start to slacken the minute we find excuses for ourselves. ─── 人都是在原谅自己的那一分钟开始懈怠.

68、In 1931 Stalin wrote: "To slacken the tempo would mean falling behind.And those who fall behind get beaten.But we do not want to be beaten. ─── 在1931年史达林曾记述:“松散的节拍意味着落后,而那些落后的部分将会受到不断的打击,我们绝对不要被打败。

69、As the sun set, the wind slackened and sailors prepared for departure. ─── 随着太阳升起,风势减弱,水手终于开始起锚。

70、Love so alike that none do slacken, none can die. ─── 亲爱的,那你我将长寿万年。

71、The pressure has slackened off. ─── 压力减少了。

72、This does not mean that in China things have to be done slowly; no, they must be done boldly, because the danger of national subjugation does not allow us to slacken for a moment. ─── 不是说中国的事情只能慢吞吞地去干,中国的事情要勇猛地去干,亡国的危险不容许我们有一分钟的懈担

73、Don't slacken your efforts till the work is done. ─── 工作完成前别松劲。

74、Market dull and slacken no business report. ─── 市场萧条胩衰退,没有有关交易的报道。

75、You shouldn't slacken off in your study. ─── 你在学习上不应松劲。

76、Even if again tired again hot, cannot slacken off, because each step will decide the final result. ─── 即使再累再热,都不能松劲,因为每一步都将决定最后的成绩。

77、Slacken the tent ropes before it rains. ─── 下雨之前将帐篷的绳索放松。

78、But it was still too early for Wuhan to slacken flood control efforts as water level was still more than one meter above the safety level, he said. ─── 但是,武汉市放松对洪水的防治还为时过早,因为水位仍然高出安全水位超过一米。

79、Day after day, skin becomes more supple, softer and silky-smooth.Lines and slackened areas are visibly reduced for a more defined silhouette.By Clarins. ─── 令身体线条紧致,而且效果持久,瞬间消除身体的压力和疲倦,不油腻,能迅速渗透肌肤。

80、"Snape looked at though there was no blood left in him,his grip on Harry's robes slackened . ─── 其实看到这里心里已经不想再看下去了,因为觉得这里面充满袄悲伤....

81、Make suggestion on the stock of slacken, over stock and dethrone. Destroy it after approved. ─── 对公司呆滞物资、超储物资、废旧物资等及时提出处理建议,待批准后组织实施。

82、Problems facing agriculture, rural areas and farmers have a crucial bearing on the country's reform, opening up and modernization drive, and we should never overlook them or slacken our efforts to address them. ─── 农业、农村、农民问题,关系我国改革开放和现代化建设全局,任何时候都不能忽视和放松。

83、But the result belong to pass by, succeeding to still see future, the anterior road is long very, I will investigate with my sincerity and real strenght, pursue, being slacken nowise. ─── 但成绩属于过去,成功还看未来,前面的道路很长,我会用我的真诚和实力去探索,追求,毫不松懈。

84、Mr Frank reckons that many people would like to work less, if only others slackened off also. ─── 弗兰克先生认为许多人只有在别人也懈怠下来时才会少工作一点。

85、His cough has slackened, but his nose is still running. ─── 他的咳嗽轻了,但鼻子仍在流鼻涕。

86、The train, meanwhile, had scarcely slackened speed. ─── 但这列火车从不放慢速度。

87、Redouble your efforts and not slacken off. ─── 不能松劲。

88、'His cough has slackened, but his nose is still running. ─── 他的咳嗽减弱了,但还在流鼻涕。

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