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09-21 投稿


misshape 发音

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英:  美:

misshape 中文意思翻译



misshape 词性/词形变化,misshape变形

名词: misshaper |动词现在分词: misshaping |动词过去式: misshaped/misshapen |动词过去分词: misshaped/misshapen |副词: misshapenly |动词第三人称单数: misshapes |

misshape 相似词语短语

1、misshapes ─── v.损毁……的形状;(使)成畸形;n.外形残缺的廉价巧克力(或其他食品);奇怪形状

2、misshaped ─── v.损毁……的形状;(使)成畸形;n.外形残缺的廉价巧克力(或其他食品);奇怪形状

3、mishaps ─── n.灾祸(mishap的复数)

4、misstate ─── vt.说错;作虚伪叙述,谎报

5、misshapenly ─── 畸形的

6、misshapen ─── adj.畸形的;丑恶的,怪异的

7、mishap ─── n.灾祸;不幸事故;晦气

8、missae ─── 失踪

9、misspace ─── 空间错误

misshape 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Two lower limbs often misshape because of pathological changes of traumatic fracture, inflammation, congenital development etc cause accident to differ, cause gammy; ─── 两下肢常因外伤骨折、炎症病变、先天性发育畸形等造成长短不等,引起跛行;

2、1. To twist out of a proper or natural relation of parts; misshape. ─── 扭歪,扭曲,使变形:扭动而脱离了正确的或天生的部位联系;使变形

3、The place that some bacteria can misshape via a priori (if the skin antrum of lumbar Di ministry) cause meningitis break out repeatedly. ─── 有的细菌可经先天畸形的部位(如腰骶部的皮肤窦道)引起脑膜炎的反复发作。

4、By comparison, it is easy to find a bulge on the shoulder of clothes and misshape of collar when using common hanger. ─── 相比之下,使用普通衣架很容易看到肩部有突起,而且领子严重变形。

5、To twist out of a proper or natural relation of parts;misshape. ─── 扭歪,扭曲,使变形:扭动而脱离了正确的或天生的部位联系;

6、Deformation is apparent person can accompany have the joint between foot dilocation and because misshape,protuberant part and shoe chafe for a long time concurrent slippery.. ─── 畸形明显者可伴有趾间关节脱臼以及因畸形突起部分与鞋长期摩擦并发的滑...

7、to misshape the hands ─── 使手奇形怪状

8、What government-owned standard consciousness derives a series to misshape is ideological with behavior means, to resource of current labor power development still is having quite adverse effect. ─── 官本位意识衍生出系列畸形的意识形态和行为方式,对当前人力资源开发还有着相当不利的影响。

9、The remedial program with timely to moving vein to misshape consequently logical choice is very necessary. ─── 因而对动静脉畸形适时选择合理的治疗方案是十分必要的。

10、to twist out of a proper or natural relation of parts; misshape ─── 扭歪,扭曲,使变形扭动而脱离了正确的或天生的部位联系;使变形

11、Distort i.To twist out of a proper or natural relation of parts; misshape. ─── 扭歪,扭曲,使变形扭动而脱离了正确的或天生的部位联系。

12、Distort i. To twist out of a proper or natural relation of parts; misshape. ─── 扭歪,扭曲,使变形扭动而脱离了正确的或天生的部位联系。

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