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09-21 投稿


malignancy 发音

英:[m?'l?gn?ns?]  美:[m?'l?ɡn?nsi]

英:  美:

malignancy 中文意思翻译



malignancy 反义词


malignancy 同义词

menace | malignity | malice | evil | tumor | melanoma | distortion | malevolence |cancer | warp | malignance | growth | hostility | enmity | spite | disease | tumour | sarcoma

malignancy 词性/词形变化,malignancy变形

名词复数: malignancies |

malignancy 相似词语短语

1、malignly ─── 有害地;敌意地

2、malignants ─── 恶意分子

3、maligning ─── v.(公开地)诽谤;adj.有害的;邪恶的;(疾病)恶性的

4、benignancy ─── n.仁慈;良性;亲切

5、malignity ─── n.恶意;怨恨;狠毒

6、malignance ─── n.恶意,恶性

7、malignant ─── 恶性

8、malignancies ─── n.恶性肿瘤(malignancy的复数)

9、malignantly ─── adv.怀恶意

malignancy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But the many different genetic routes to malignancy share common features that point toward new means of cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. ─── 但是到达恶性肿瘤的许多不同的遗传途径具有共同的特征,为我们指出癌症预防、诊断和治疗的新方法。

2、Malign melanin tumour! Emergency treatment! ─── 恶性黑色素瘤!急救!

3、In order to protect medical staff s right, malignancy should be well counted and checkup system and document should be fulfilled. ─── 做好恶性肿瘤统计工作,健全体检制度和文件,以保护医务工作者自身权益;

4、Regional microenviroment hypoxia is a common feature in inflammation and malignancy. ─── 局部微环境缺氧是炎症和恶性肿瘤的共同特征。

5、As hypercalcemia is not uncommon in the dialysis population, it is easy to overlook the sign of delayed recurrence of the malignancy. ─── 尿毒病人丧失了肾脏排泄钙离子的能力,高血钙可能是延迟转移最先甚至是唯一的症兆。

6、The histopathologic examination of the resected small liver segment revealed positive for malignancy cell. ─── 之后,该患者安排切片检查,病理报告为恶性的细胞。

7、A series of detect confirm this cambium is belonged to malign, made complete larynx resection finally. ─── 一系列的检测证实此新生组织属恶性,最终作了全喉切除术。

8、Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (EHE) is a rare vascular tumor of low-to intermediate-grade malignancy that occurs in the liver and other organs. ─── 摘要上皮状血管内皮瘤是一种罕见的低至中度恶性血管肿瘤,可发现于肝脏及其他器官。

9、Primary gastric lymphoma is an uncommon gastrointestinal malignancy, which usually occurs in the sixth decade of life. ─── 摘要原发性胃淋巴瘤是不常见的消化道肿瘤。

10、Hate is a malignancy that festers and grows, stifling joy and threatening our health. ─── 仇恨是一种会化脓、膨胀的恶性肿瘤,扼杀我们的快乐,威胁我们的健康;

11、But sounds have more malign uses too. ─── 但声音也有恶毒的用途。

12、"What we ended up doing was shifting our understanding of liver stem cells and their role in malignancy," Rountree said. ─── “我们最终的目的是改变我们对肝脏干细胞的认识及其在恶性肿瘤的作用,”朗特里说。

13、Obstruction of the sigmoid colon is often caused by malignancy, but sometimes other causes must be considered. ─── 阻挠乙状结肠往往是因为恶性肿瘤,但有时其他原因必须加以考虑。

14、The levels is correlated with patients educational backgroung, diseases and informed desires of the malignancy... ─── 提高病人对癌症的认知水平,是肿瘤科护士今后进行健康宣教的一项重要内容。

15、Tissue that is removed during the operation is checked for signs of malignancy. ─── 手术过程中切除的组织用于诊断疾病是否为恶性。

16、Can malign lipoma turn cancer? ─── 恶性脂肪瘤会转癌吗?

17、But researchers suspect that methyl-poor chromosomes are more likely to malfunction during cell division, taking a step toward malignancy. ─── 不过研究人员猜测,缺少甲基的染色体,在细胞分裂过程中更可能失常,也就离恶性肿瘤更接近了一步。

18、That has made it harder to sort malign from benign business practices. ─── 因此,恶性与良性的商业行为变得难以区分。

19、A decrease in the F/T PSA ratio may be used to alert physicians for the earlier detection of malignancy. ─── 临床医师当发现病人的术后游离/全量比有任何明显改变时就要特别警觉,能尽早侦测出摄护腺癌。

20、In the presence of malignancy, respiratory function may be compromised even when proximal limb muscles remain strong. ─── 在存在恶性肿瘤的情况下,呼吸功能损害可能发生在肢体近端肌无力出现之前。

21、Thus, we consider malignancy to be the most common cause of pseudohemoptysis, due to the pharyngeal and laryngeal lesions. ─── 因此,我们认为恶性肿瘤是咽喉病灶造成假性咳血最常见的原因。

22、The monitoring results in Wuxi river sec tion express that the malignancy (liver cancer) has been occuring in Misgu rnus anguillicautus livers. ─── 对无锡河段泥鳅的致癌测试结果表明,该河段的泥鳅肝脏已发生恶性肿瘤,即肝癌。

23、He had surgery for the removal of a malignancy. ─── 他做了外科手术为了切除一个恶性肿瘤。

24、He can boost a person in the front, but malign him in the back. ─── 他会当面吹捧一个人,背后又说他坏话。

25、All of these developments are open to both benign and malign interpretations. ─── 所有这些进展都有正反两方面的解读。

26、A malign tumor was found in his stomach. ─── 在他的胃部发现了一个恶性肿瘤。

27、There are 57 countries in the world that use IFN to treat above 30 types of virosis and malignancy. ─── 全世界已有57个国家使用干扰素治疗30余种病毒性疾病和恶性肿瘤。

28、A malign tumour was found in his stomach. ─── 在他的胃部发现了一个恶性肿瘤。 

29、Detection of p53 protein expression may be valuable in evaluation of differentiation and malignancy of liposarcoma. ─── 它们可作为判断育儿脂肪肉瘤分化程度及恶性程度的参考指标。

30、Oral cancer includes the subcategories of malignancy in the oral cavity, salivary glands, and oropharynx. ─── 口癌范围包括口腔癌、唾液腺癌和口咽癌。

31、One measure of malignancy is aneuploidy by flow cytometry. ─── 恶性肿瘤的检测方法之一是通过流式细胞计显示异倍性。

32、Clinically, clustered microcalcifications (MCCs) on mammograms are considered to be a strong indicator of malignancy. ─── 临床上,乳房摄影影像中的微小钙化群常是恶性变化的指标。

33、Complaints about the malign effects of congestion, especially from business, are at a new pitch. ─── 对交通拥堵的抱怨已经达到一个新的高度,商界尤其如此。

34、In a small study on rats, the compound appeared to afford the animals a measure of protection against this type of malignancy. ─── 在小规模老鼠试验中,人们发现该物质提供了一个预防这种癌症的方法。

35、He hit it without hope but with resolution and complete malignancy. ─── 他不抱任何希望,却充满了决心和敌意地刺下去。

36、How to judge lipoma benign malign still? ─── 如何判断脂肪瘤良性还是恶性?

37、In addition to the hematological malignancy, hemostasis and thrombosis are important research areas in hematology. ─── 因此,除了血液肿瘤,出血和血栓亦是血液学重要的研究课题。

38、The bad effect is that the hormone can drive malignancy but on the positive side it can stop BPH from developing. ─── 不好的一面是该激素会激发恶性肿瘤,但好的一面是它可以阻止BPH进一步发展。

39、Chronic gastritis with intestinal metaplasia, negative for dysplasia or malignancy. ─── 慢性胃炎伴肠化,无异型增生或恶性肿瘤。

40、The malign consequences are evident in many areas of public policy. ─── 公共政策在许多领域的负面影响是明显的。

41、The relationship between CT enhancement, MVD and the degree of malignancy were analyzed. ─── 对病灶的CT增强值、MVD、病理分级进行对照分析。

42、S100A14 had the ability to enhance the growth properties, and might increase the level of malignancy Of ESCC KYSE-2 cells. ─── S100A14可加快人食管鳞状细胞癌细胞系KYSE-2的增殖速率,KYSE-2的恶性程度可能有所增加。

43、You malign a generous person when you call him a stingy person. ─── 当你说一个慷慨的人吝啬时,你是在诋毁他。

44、Is there any known malignancy (such as rhabdomyosarcoma, Ewing sarcoma, synovial sarcoma, paraganglioma, etc) in her clinical history? ─── 在她的病史中是否有已知的恶性肿瘤?如横纹肌肉瘤、尤文瘤、滑膜肉瘤、副节瘤等等。

45、A few years does the terminal prognosis of tumour have malign melanin probably? ─── 恶性黑色素瘤的晚期预后大概有几年?

46、Primary colorectal signet ring cell carcinoma is a rare but distinctive malignancy of the large bowel. ─── 原发性结直肠印戒细胞癌是大肠一种罕见的但特殊的恶性肿瘤。

47、Malignancy tumor group are abundance of cellulars and haemorrhage 、necrosis 、heteromorphism、caryocinesia are manifest. ─── 恶性组肿瘤组可见出血坏死,细胞丰富,明显异型性,核分裂多见。

48、Can the Degree of Malignancy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Be Indicated by CDFI? ─── 彩色多普勒血流显像能预示肝癌的恶性程度吗?

49、The photos are hypercellular, and cells are atypical and pleomorphic enough for a malignancy. ─── 图片中瘤细胞丰富、异型、多形,足以诊断恶性。

50、But this crisis was supposedly caused by decades of malign economic and financial forces. ─── 但是这场危机难道不是恶性经济金融力量经由数十年积累形成的吗?

51、New York makes even a rich man feel his unimportance.New York is cold, glittering, malign. ─── 在纽约即使一个有钱人也会觉得自己无足轻重,纽约是冷酷、灿烂、邪恶的。

52、Can be malign and lymphatic tumour treated? ─── 恶性淋巴瘤能治吗?

53、A study on the proliferation and cytotoxcity of TIL activated by ATP and COA from malignancy pleural effusion. ─── ATP和COA活化癌性胸水TIL的增殖力与杀伤活性的研究

54、The malignancy of the paraganglioma is established upon the presence of local aggressive behavior or distant metastasis. ─── 对于副神经节瘤的恶性变化之判定,在于肿瘤是否造成周围组织的侵犯以及远端转移。

55、Surgical and endoscopic interentions are resered for complications such as pseudocysts, abscess, and malignancy. ─── 手术和内窥镜干预可能产生如假性囊肿,脓肿以及恶性肿瘤的并发症。

56、Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women in most of countries. ─── 乳腺癌是当今大多数国家妇女最常见的恶性肿瘤。

57、There was no distinguished features between cystic degeneration of benign tumors and the liquefactive necrosis of malignancy. ─── 良性肿瘤的囊性变与恶性肿瘤的液化坏死在声像图上无特异性表现。

58、But if it be stopped, and cannot have his way, it becometh adust, and thereby malign and venomous. ─── 但若有一天没有了,人就会迷失方向,还变得焦虑、空虚而颓废。

59、Ancient people had two opposite views on the clarity of the Yellow River: symbolism of auspice or malignancy. ─── 古人对黄河清有“祥瑞之兆”和“不祥之征”两种观点。

60、Streptococcus bovis is a well-documented pathogen of infective endocarditis and is usually connected with malignancy of the colon. ─── 牛型链球是常见的感染性心内膜炎菌种,且常与大肠之恶性肿瘤有关。

61、These patients need to be screened for occult malignancy. ─── 这些病人需要进行潜在恶性肿瘤筛检。

62、Dietary Whey Protein Inhibits The Development Of Dimethylhydrazine Induced Malignancy. ─── 以乳浆蛋白补充剂抑制由二甲肼所诱发恶性肿瘤的生成。

63、Ionizing radiation is a known cause of certain types of leukaemia (a malignancy of blood cells). ─── 电离辐射是导致某些类型白血病(一种血细胞恶性肿瘤)的一种已知原因。

64、The first is the complete absence of trauma or the presence of a colonic malignancy. ─── 一是完全没有创伤或结肠恶性肿瘤的存在。

65、In an institutional environment that demanded lying, more malign lies could flourish. ─── 在一种历来要求撒谎的环境里,更无耻的谎话也能风靡一时。

66、Skin manifestations of internal malignancy are divided to paraneoplastic dermatosis and metastatic tumors of skin. ─── 内脏肿瘤的皮肤表现可以分为副肿瘤性皮肤病及皮肤转移瘤。

67、Is malign and lymphatic tumour how to return a responsibility? ─── 恶性淋巴瘤是怎么回事?

68、ABSTRACT Purpose To study the correlation among apoptosis, proliferation and the degrees of malignancy in astrocytoma. ─── 摘要 目的:探讨星形胶质细胞瘤的恶性程度与细胞凋亡、细胞增殖的相关性。

69、Hence CLL appears to be a B-cell malignancy triggered or facilitated in its development and evolution by an auto-Ag. ─── 因此,白血病似乎是B细胞恶性肿瘤引发或促进其发展和演变的自动银。

70、How does as ill as malign hypertension photograph differentiate chronic nephritis? ─── 慢性肾炎怎样与恶性高血压病相鉴别?

71、All that remains is to list the properties characteristic of malignancy. ─── 剩下来的问题是要列举一下恶性肿瘤性质的特征。

72、Your behaviours exercised a malign influence on the children. ─── 你的行为对孩子们产生了不良的影响。

73、She likes to malign innocent persons. ─── 她爱诋毁那些清白的人。

74、Dietary Milk Proteins Inhibit The Development Of Dimethylhydrazine-Induced Malignancy. ─── 以牛乳蛋白补充剂抑制二甲肼所诱发恶性肿瘤的生成。

75、In patients with malignancy, CR1 activity in CR1 gene HH type was higher than that in ECR1 gene LL type. ─── 在恶性肿瘤患者中红细胞CR1基因HH型的红细胞CR1活性高于红细胞CR1基因LL型患者,但低于正常人红细胞CR1活性。

76、We describe this case of submandibular oncocytoma transforming into a malignancy associated with regional lymph node metastases. ─── 我们描述一个额外案件颌下腺嗜酸细胞瘤向恶性转化与区域淋巴结转移。

77、Before occurrence of this malignancy, it underlies a long time of intraepithelial neoplasia(CIN). ─── 宫颈癌前病变的筛查成为临床上降低宫颈癌发病率和死亡率的有效方法。

78、Breast cancer is known as a heritable malignancy,familial and hereditary breast cancer is more attributed to inherent genetic background. ─── 乳腺癌是可遗传的肿瘤,特别是遗传倾向乳腺癌和遗传背景密切相关;

79、It would not be necessary for me to copy what textbooks write about this fascinating malignancy here. ─── 我有必要摘录一段教课书重新复习一下这个容易迷惑的肿瘤。

80、For malign and ab extra inbreak fireweed. ─── 为恶性外来入侵杂草。

81、A few types of malignancy (e. g. , leukaemias) react quite well to hormones and newly discovered drugs. ─── 对少数几种恶性肿瘤(如白血病),激素和若干新发现的药物能起到良好的作用。

82、Ovarian carcinoma is one of the most common and lethal gynecological malignancy, and the knowledge about its nature has always been concerned. ─── 摘要卵巢癌是最常见的妇科恶性肿瘤之一,如何正确认识这类肿瘤一直备受关注。

83、Unfortunately, there's no evidence it has an effect on any malignancy other than colorectal cancer, and nobody knows why. ─── 不幸的是,没有证据显示阿斯匹林对除了结肠直肠癌之处的恶性肿瘤有什么疗效。这其中的缘由,无人知晓。

84、It is difficult to determine malignancy in endocrine neoplasms based upon cytology alone. ─── 仅从内分泌肿瘤的细胞学检查很难确定为恶性。

85、The marked pleomorphism and hyperchromatism of surrounding cells also favors malignancy. ─── 图中周围的多形细胞和深染细胞也提示恶性。

86、The stromal elements of cystic nephroma show malignancy more often than epithelium. ─── 囊性肾瘤的间质成分较上皮成分更容易恶变。

87、The cure of disease of malign organization cell? ─── 恶性组织细胞病的治疗?

88、When malign plasmodium parasitism, film of red blood cell has the drawback with irregular height. ─── 恶性疟原虫寄生时,红细胞膜有高度不规则的缺陷。

89、Ovarian cancer is a common gynecologic malignancy that usually can not be detected at early stage. ─── 卵巢恶性肿瘤是妇科常见的肿瘤,早期不易发现。

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