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09-21 投稿


lapsing 发音

英:[?l?ps??]  美:[?l?ps??]

英:  美:

lapsing 中文意思翻译



lapsing 短语词组

1、lapsing schedule ─── [经] 逐期折旧明细表

lapsing 词性/词形变化,lapsing变形

名词: lapser |动词现在分词: lapsing |动词过去式: lapsed |动词第三人称单数: lapses |动词过去分词: lapsed |

lapsing 常用词组

lapse of time ─── 一段时间;时光的流逝

lapse of memory ─── 记错;记忆力衰退

time lapse ─── 时间流逝;时间推移

lapsing 相似词语短语

1、lapwing ─── n.鸟头麦鸡;田凫

2、illapsing ─── 伊拉普辛

3、delapsing ─── 脱壳

4、-apsing ─── 后拱

5、lasing ─── n.发射激光,产生激光;adj.产生激光的;v.发出雷射光(lase的ing形式)

6、-lapsing ─── n.小错;过失;行为失检;v.(时间)流逝;(合同)终止;背弃(宗教信仰)

7、elapsing ─── vi.消逝;时间过去;n.流逝;时间的过去

8、laipsing ─── 膨胀

9、lapping ─── n.研磨;抛光;搭接;v.舔;折叠(lap的ing形式);n.(Lapping)人名;(英)拉平

lapsing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Within Mercosur, barriers to trade are multiplying rather than lapsing. ─── 在海关联盟Mercosur中,贸易壁垒是日益在加剧,而不是在减少。

2、The engine conked out on the final lap. ─── 发动机在最后一圈时失灵了

3、Over the first four laps, Bedford stayed abreast of the German runner. ─── 在头四圈里,贝德福德一直与那名德国赛跑选手并驾齐驱。

4、The book dropped off her lap. ─── 书从她的的膝上掉了下来。

5、He was reared in the lap of luxury. ─── 他在奢侈的环境中长大。

6、To lap better, all porous holes. ─── 上面净是气孔,便于舔食。

7、To satisfy that scrutiny, they must always be their public selves, without the luxury of lapsing into private bad behaviour. ─── 为满足这种审查,他们必须始终是他们的公共自我,而无法染上私下的不当行为。

8、He was cradled in the lap of penury . ─── 他自幼生活在贫困的环境里。

9、She have fall asleep with an open book in her lap. ─── 她睡著了,腿上还摊开着一本书。

10、He settled his briefcase comfortably in his lap. ─── 他把公文包舒适地搁在大腿上。

11、She sits the child on her lap while singing. ─── 她唱歌时,把孩子放在自己腿上。

12、Dropt in her Lap from some once lovely Head. ─── 回复:忧郁的呆呆经验值:775时间:2003/12/0117:40短信好友删除编辑回复

13、She put her napkin on her lap and began to eat. ─── 她将餐巾铺平在大腿上,然后开始用餐。

14、She began to sprint on the last two laps. ─── 她在最后两圈时开始冲刺了。

15、She is still going strong on the last lap. ─── 她在跑最后一圈时仍然劲头很足。

16、A board placed on his lap served for a desk. ─── 在膝盖上摆的一块木板成了他的写字台。

17、"I took Chinese to its lowest level, " he joked, lapsing into a comfortable Singaporean-accented English. ─── “我认为我的汉语水准是最低的”,他开著玩笑并以一种轻松的新加坡口音的英语说。

18、they lapsing? ─── 他们失误了吗?

19、She flatters John all the time and John just laps it up. ─── 她一直向约翰献媚,而约翰亦欣然接受。

20、They dropped the problem firmly back in my lap. ─── 他们把问题断然给我推了回来。

21、Cat W: 2 laps, each lap 3.8 km, total 7.6 km. ─── 女子组:2圈,每圈3.8公里,总共7.6公里。

22、After a bit of graining over a few laps the performance came back. ─── 几圈之后轮胎有点粒化,性能表现下降了。

23、He likes watching his cat sleep on his lap. ─── 他喜欢看他的小猫在他膝盖上睡觉的样子。

24、She carried a Raggedy Ann doll on her lap. ─── 她双膝上抱着一个拉格弟?安布娃娃。

25、She pillowed his head in her lap. ─── 她使他的头枕著她的腿。

26、He came from Delilah's lap to abraham's bosom. ─── 他改恶从善了。

27、You thanked her by dripping it all over your lap. ─── 你却滴得满膝盖都是。

28、It blooms at the end of the rainy season, when many other trees are lapsing into dormancy and no longer making fruit. ─── 它在雨季行将结束之时开花,此时很多其他的树种已陷入蛰伏状态,不再挂果。

29、Whether or not he succeed is in the lap of the god. ─── 他能否成功尚难以预料。

30、Everything falls into sb.'s lap. ─── (某人)事事顺利。

31、He can swin three laps in the pool. ─── 他能在游泳池里游三趟。

32、She was lapsing in and out of consciousness. ─── 她处于时醒时迷的阶段。

33、Run one lap around the floor at top speed. ─── 在大堂出尽全力跑一个圈。

34、Her white wool gloves lay in her lap. ─── 她的一副白羊毛手套则放在膝上。

35、She was born in the lap of fortune. ─── 她出生在幸福的环境中。

36、The portion of a garment that covers the lap. ─── 下摆外套下部压住膝盖的部分

37、He overtook the other runners on the last lap. ─── 他在最后一圈时超过了其他的赛跑选手。

38、Don't lap up your soup, children, it's not polite. ─── 不要舔食菜汤,孩子们,那样做不礼貌。

39、act or an instance of lapsing, as. ─── 的行为或事例,如。

40、Edge at the station, a Jiang Tabao up, turning laps. ─── 在车站边上,一把将她抱起来,转了几圈。

41、Why didn't you dump the problem in his lap? ─── 你为什么不把问题推到他身上去呢?

42、Her little girl sat on her lap. ─── 她的小女儿坐在她的腿上。

43、By lap 26, Senna had moved up into second position. ─── 到第二十六圈时,赛娜已经追到了第二的位置上。

44、You don't dump the accident in my lap. ─── 不要把这起事故往我身上推。

45、She pitted with 14 laps to go, losing a lap in the process. ─── 她布满14圈去,失去了一圈,在这个过程。

46、He pillowed his head on her lap. ─── 他把头枕在她的大腿上。

47、In Madison, points are awarded every 20 laps. ─── 在麦迪逊赛中,每20圈计一次分。

48、She sat with her hands in her lap. ─── 她双手放在大腿上坐着。

49、She kept her hands folded in her lap. ─── 她双手合拢,放在腿上。

50、The next lap of our trip take us into the mountain. ─── 下一段行程我们就要进山区了。

51、He tried to say, but his voice kept lapsing. ─── 他是想说这句话,可已经抖得语不成声了。

52、He was overtaken on the final lap. ─── 他在最后一圈被超过。

53、TDR can be used as thermal mat on laps for better comfort. ─── TDR可以当作热垫使用,以缓解笔记型计算机使用者的膝部疲劳。

54、He came over, put his head in my lap. ─── 他走了过来,把他的头枕在我的裙子上。

55、She lived all her life in fortune's lap. ─── 她一生生活在幸福的环境中。

56、His manacled hands were restless in his lap. ─── 他那双上了铁镣的手在膝盖上不知放在哪里才好。

57、He had a lead of three laps over the secondplace car at the finish. ─── 他在终点线领先第二名赛车三圈。

58、An heiress living in the lap of luxury. ─── 一位生活奢华的女继承人

59、She was sitting,a large photograph on her lap. ─── 她坐在那里,膝盖上放着一幅很大的照片。

60、HAMLET: Lady, shall I lie in your lap? ─── 哈姆莱特:小姐,我可以躺在你的腿上吗?

61、She crossed her hands on her lap. ─── 她两手叉着放在腿上。

62、They dropped the problem right into his lap. ─── 他们把问题推到他身上。

63、He tells her all those lies and she just laps them up. ─── 他对她说的是一派谎言,可她却全部接受。

64、And the chicken poops in her lap! ─── |一只鸡拉屎在她腿上!

65、She gather the fall apple and carry them in her lap. ─── 她捡起掉落的苹果,用衣服下摆兜着。

66、She fell into a pattern of abstaining from drink for a few weeks, then lapsing, said Romete. ─── 罗密特说,有几个星期,她挣扎在戒酒的计划中,然后,又开始纵酒。

67、She took the lead in the second lap. ─── 她在第二圈时领先。

68、She was brought up in the lap of luxury. ─── 她从小养尊处优。

69、She has fall asleep with an open book in her lap. ─── 她睡着了,腿上还摊开着一本书。

70、Dropt in its Lap from some once lovely Head. ─── 一度美丽的头颅们下撤回支撑。

71、His bag is about to fall off his lap. ─── 他的手提包快要从他的膝上掉下来。

72、He is too big to be on my lap the whole time. ─── 他太大了,不能一直坐在我的膝上。

73、She was sitting , a large photograph on her lap . ─── 她坐在那里,膝盖上放着一幅很大的照片。

74、Frank had worked hard as a candidate, and as election day come he felt that the result was in the lap of the gods. ─── 作为一个候选人,法兰克下了很大的功夫,但在选举那天,他觉得选举结果只能听天由命。

75、Malaysia seemed about to fall into his lap. ─── 他似乎马上就要傲视马来西亚。

76、A businessman will reach the brink of explicitly denouncing a government policy but not take the leap, instead lapsing into awkward silence. ─── 商人们如果公开地批评政府的政策会走到危险的边缘,但不会有机会大发其词,最终会落入尴尬的沉默之中。

77、Corrected number of laps in Knockout race event in Blacklist 15. ─── 修正了在黑名单模式中圈位淘汰赛中圈数的错误。

78、She was sitting with her hands on her lap. ─── 她坐着, 把手放到膝上。

79、Harris go on top in the last lap. ─── 哈利斯在最后一圈跑到了最前面。

80、Every morning he strolls for a lap in the park. ─── 他每天早上在公园里遛一圈。

81、Her confidence rattles like "pennies in a tin Band-Aid Box, " and she is always on the edge of lapsing into another session of tears. ─── 她的信心使相似的“便士在锡乐团-帮助的盒子中,”嘎嘎响,而且她总是在进入泪滴的另会议之内犯错的边缘上。

82、lapsing" of a temporary cut only? ─── 仅仅是一个短期减税的结束?

83、Sit properly with your hands on your lap. ─── 坐好,把手放到膝上.

84、He managed to overhaul the leader on the final lap. ─── 他在最后一圈努力超过了领先的人。

85、He would hear the lap of canes and crutches. ─── 他会听到手杖和拐杖触地的声音。

86、He used to lap the page where he stopped reading. ─── 他常把读到的那一页折起来。

87、Harris went on top in the last lap. ─── 哈里斯在最后一圈跑到了最前面。

88、He was boxed in by two other runners on the tenth lap. ─── 他在跑第十圈时被另外两个赛跑运动员在前面挡住了。

89、She was boxed in by two other runners on the sixth lap. ─── 她在跑第6圈时被另外两名赛跑运动员在前面挡住了。

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