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mummification 发音

英:[?m?m?f??ke??n]  美:[?m?m?f??ke???n]

英:  美:

mummification 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 木乃伊化


mummification 短语词组

1、mummification necrosis ─── [医] 干性坏死, 干性坏疽

2、self mummification ─── 自我木乃伊化

3、mummification agent ─── 木乃伊化剂

4、mummification paste ─── 木乃伊膏

mummification 词性/词形变化,mummification变形

名词复数: mummies |

mummification 相似词语短语

1、Russification ─── n.俄罗斯化

2、mundifications ─── 世界化

3、chymification ─── n.食糜生成

4、humidification ─── n.[建]加湿;潮湿

5、emulsification ─── n.[化学]乳化;[化学]乳化作用;乳剂化

6、mundification ─── 世界化

7、aurification ─── n.变成金色,镀金

8、humification ─── n.腐殖化(作用);腐殖质形成

9、momification ─── 苦瓜化

mummification 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A member of the royal family has died and custom dictates that a priest must oversee the mummification of the body. ─── 许多皇室成员死后按风俗是要一名祭司监护着他的木乃伊的。

2、Keywords root canal therapy;pulp mummification;pulpitis; ─── 关键词根充术;干髓术;牙髓炎;

3、fetus mummification ─── 胎儿干尸化

4、The sow which carried hog cholera field virus borned 9 piglets 171 days later. The 3 of 9 piglets were stillbirth,and the remainder were mummification. ─── 带毒母猪于带毒后 1 71 d产下 9头仔猪 ,其中 3头为死胎 ,6头为木乃伊。

5、Since the Egyptians believed that mummification was essential for passage to the afterlife, people were mummified and buried as well as they could possibly afford. ─── 由于埃及人认为只有成为木乃伊以后才可以通往来世,所以人们尽他们最大的能力来使尸体在木乃伊化的情况下埋葬。

6、Clinical evaluation of mummification of dental pulp through variant cervical dental cavity in the elderly ─── 老年人牙颈部变异洞形干髓术临床疗效评价

7、mummification paste ─── 干髓糊剂

8、The mummified rulers were likely to be artificial mummies, but the mummification method of the Inca are not fully known. ─── 被制成木乃伊的统治者很可能是人工制作的木乃伊,不过印加的炮制木乃伊的方法并不完全为人所知。

9、The mummification records show that 18 species had retained a self-sustaining genetic blueprint during this era; ─── 木乃伊的记录表明,有18个物种在那个时代保持了自我维生的遗传蓝图。


11、For each whose ancestry participated in the mummification of nature or the stripping of self-sustainable records of the natural world, there is large karma for this. ─── 对每个曾有祖先参与了给大自然做木乃伊或剥夺了大自然自我维生记录的人们,这里存在有巨大的业力。

12、Much of what modern science knows today about the process of mummification comes from the digging __and recovery of this Pharaoh's tombs. ─── 从挖掘这些法老坟墓的发现中,现代科学家了解了木乃伊的过程。

13、Canopic jars were commonly used in Egypt during the mummification process and contained the organs of the deceased. ─── 有罩盖的罐,常用于埃及木乃伊化的过程中,器官的死者。

14、Keywords Mummification of dental pulp;Class V cavity;Resistance; ─── 关键词干髓术;V类洞;抗折力;

15、Porcine parvovirus (PPV) causes reproductive failure in swine, manifested as embryonic resorption, fetal mummification, abortion and stillbirths. ─── 猪细小病毒病是由猪细小病毒引起的以初产母猪发生流产、不孕、产死胎、畸形胎、木乃伊胎及弱仔等为特征的猪的主要繁殖障碍性疾病之一。

16、I turned on the squirt gun, and she stood there, stiff, arms at her sides, eyes closed, as though awaiting mummification. ─── 我打开水枪,她站在那里,僵硬的,双手放在身体两边,闭着眼睛,好像在等待被做成一个木乃伊。

17、Egypt Finds Oldest Evidence of Mummification ─── 埃及发现最古老木乃伊化证据(英文)

18、mummification of pulp ─── 干髓术

19、The black soot over the body might be remnants of materials mixed for mummification, while the black paint on the face was associated with fertility and birth. ─── 身体上面的黑色碳化部分可能是制作木乃伊时的材料的遗留,然而在其脸部黑色的绘画与多产和出生有关联。

20、Methods Analysis of 127 failed mummification. ─── 方法对干髓术失败的127例进行临床分析。

21、Methods: 244 teeth with pulpitis were randomly divided into two groups and then mummification of dental pulp were performed through occlusal surface or cervical surface. ─── 方法:244例牙髓炎患牙随机分二组,分别从牙合面和牙颈部开髓完成干髓术,比较疗效。

22、In ancient Egypt, mummification was performed on the bodies of humans and of cats, and was considered a necessary step in preparing the deceased for the afterlife. ─── 在古埃及,人和猫的尸体制成木乃伊,这被认为是死者准备走向来世的必要步骤。

23、In the ancient Egypt department there is a room dedicated to death with mummies, sarcophagi and a film showing the process of mummification. ─── 在古埃及馆有一间房子,里面陈列着木乃伊和石棺,在那儿你还可以看到如何制作木乃伊的电影演示。

24、Parvovirus infection in a susceptible female can cause death of the embryo with absorption or death of the foetus with mummification. ─── 易感母猪感染猪细小病毒会导致死胎和死胎吸收,或产木乃伊胎。

25、Somepeople went to great lengths to preserve the bodies of their deadusing special salts, oils and resins to dry and preserve the fleshin a process called mummification. ─── 一些民族保存死者遗体的技术达到了极高的水平,他们用特殊的盐、油和松香给尸体脱水并制成木乃伊,来保存其肉身。

26、Mummification in ancient Egypt was a very long and expensive process. ─── 在古埃及,木乃伊的制作是一个非常漫长和昂贵的过程。

27、Keywords Mummification;Cause of failure;Clinical analysis; ─── 干髓术;失败原因;临床分析;

28、Wu Minkai, Wang Mansi, Fan Wei.Principle Experimental Study of Mummification[J].Chinese Journal of Stomatology, 1988,23:100. ─── [8]吴民凯,王满思,樊伟.对干髓术的初步实验研究[J].中华口腔医学杂志,1988,23:100.

29、Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of mummification of dental pulp for class V cavity in posterior teeth. ─── 目的评价后牙V类洞干髓术的临床疗效。方法120例患牙随机分为V类洞干髓组及常规(牙合)面洞治疗组。

30、mummification necrosis ─── 干性坏死

31、Although several ancient cultures practiced mummification, mummies from ancient Egypt are generally more well-preserved than mummies of similar antiquity from other cultures. ─── 尽管有几个古代文化有木乃伊化的习俗,但古埃及的木乃伊通常比其他文化中类似古代的木乃伊保存得更好。

32、modified mummification ─── 变异干髓法

33、Since bacteria need water in order to grow, mummification usually happens if the body dries out quickly after death. ─── 由于细菌为了生长而需要水分,若是死后尽快排干体内的水分,则木乃伊化将会成功。

34、Keywords Iodophenol;Modified mummification;Deciduous molar sinus;Periapical inflammation.; ─── 碘酚;变异干髓糊剂;乳磨牙;根尖周炎;

35、Keywords pulp mummification;resinifying therapy;root canal therapy; ─── 关键词干髓术;塑化治疗;根管治疗;

36、But we would like to keep the body for two or three years to see that the mummification process worked. ─── 但我们更愿意保存遗体两到三年以观察是否木乃伊制作过程起到了作用。

37、The art of Egyptian mummification consisted of many steps.First, the body was washed and ritually purified. ─── 木乃伊在埃及人的心目中仍然是神圣无比的。

38、Clinical Observation on Treating the Pulpitis and Periapical Iflammation of Deciduous Molars with Pulp Cavity Filling Agent and Mummification Agent ─── 空管糊剂与干髓剂治疗乳磨牙牙髓炎和根尖周围炎的临床观察

39、mummification agent ─── 干髓剂

40、Death: mummification, dismemberment, and the cult of Osiris ─── 死亡:制作木乃伊、肢解和奥赛里斯崇拜

41、RESULTS Twenty dermal ulcer patients recovered,6 mummification necrosis patients improved at some extents. ─── 结果26例中有20例皮肤溃疡者基本痊愈,6例干性坏疽者有不同程度的好转。

42、This is a group to join up who like tight thing that's like Mummification, Rubber and Lycra which make you immovable, only can stay to wait for other one to control and play. ─── 这里是为一些喜欢紧身的东西而设的同盟,例如木乃伊包扎,紧身橡胶衣或拉架衣,令你无法动弹,只能静待别人的玩弄。

43、Objective To compare the curative effects and safety between Liushen Pills and arsenous acid as endodontic sealer in mummification of baby tooth. ─── 目的比较中药六神丸与亚砷酸作为乳牙牙髓失活剂用于乳牙干髓术中的疗效及安全性。方法将80例乳牙牙髓炎的患儿随机分为治疗组40例、对照组40例。

44、Keywords aged;cervical caries;pulp mummification;resistance; ─── 老年人;牙颈部龋;干髓术;抗折力;

45、Modified Mummification of Pulp for Infected Root Canal of Diciduous Molar ─── 乳磨牙感染根管的变异干髓术

46、I felt that, just as the ancient Egyptians had removed a corpse's brain through the nostril with a slender hook before mummification, the cast and crew of this film, from the director down, had gotten into my mind and pulled out images. ─── 我感到就像古埃及人制作木乃伊时候移除尸体的大脑组织然后放入防腐剂,这部电影工作人员,从导演到最下一层工作者,侵入我的脑袋,植入影像。

47、(3) Mummification of pulp could be finished at one time . ─── (3)干髓术一次完成。

48、Clinical research on treatment of posterior pulposis by mummification of pulps ─── 干髓术治疗后牙牙髓病的临床研究

49、the false creators in turn reached into each kingdom in the mummification process and stripped the DNA required to subsist off of vegetarian diets. ─── 虚假造物者,反过来在木乃伊制作的过程中接触到每个物种中,剥夺了每个物种维持素食所需的DNA。

50、Alas, the mummification had worked;the genetic materials had been preserved and could be recovered in present time. ─── 令人高兴的是,木乃伊化的做法的确有效,相关的遗传物质一直受到保护并能在今天被恢复过来。

51、Application of Liushen Pills in mummification of baby tooth ─── 中药六神丸在乳牙干髓术中的应用

52、That is because the weather conditions in the desert are extremely dry and perfect for mummification. ─── 那是因为沙漠里的天气情况极其干燥,最适合木乃伊化。

53、83. Two types of mummification are known, the "hematic" type common to cattle and the "papyraceous" type of swine. ─── 木乃伊有两种类型,常见于牛的“出血”型和猪的“纸状”型。

54、Random reexamine 348 persons and treated 367 teeth for four years to ensure the rate of success of mummification of pulp with high-frequency current treating dental pulp .Result: 1. ─── 3、临床疗效观察,随机复查了治疗4年后患者348人、367颗牙,确定高频电流牙髓干髓术成功率。

55、Keywords pulp mummification;retreatment;root canal therapy; ─── 干髓术;再治疗;根管治疗;

56、A member of the royal family has died and custom dictates that a priest must oversee the mummification of the body. ─── 许多皇室成员死后按风俗是要一名祭司监护着他的木乃伊的。

57、Mummy covers the process of embalming and mummification along with the symbolic features of an Egyptian burial.Discoveries of tombs and modern beliefs about mummies are also included. ─── 在古希腊许多城市中,奴隶的数量都占了总人口的四分之一。

58、Parvovirus infection in a susceptible female can cause death of the embryo with absorption or death of the foetus with mummification. ─── 易感母猪感染猪细小病毒会导致死胎和死胎吸收,或产木乃伊胎。

59、Egyptians developed a detailed method of preserving dead bodies, called mummification. ─── 埃及的人民长期形成了一种保存尸体的好方法,称作木乃伊化。

60、The records of mummification rituals from the era of the Grand Masters some 30,000 years later remained upon the land from this experience. ─── 因为这个经历,来自大师年代木乃伊仪式的记录,在3万地球年后仍然保留在大地上。

61、Porcine parvovirus(PPV) is one of the major fectors which causes mummification, still births and other reproductive failures in pregnant sows. ─── 猪细小病毒(PPV)是引起母猪畸胎的主要因素之一。

62、stillbirth, mummification, embryonic death, infertility ─── 死产、干性坏疽、胚胎期死亡、不育症

63、Group A were cured by Mummification,Group B removed the pulp,root canal filling performed,Combined with phenol-formaldehyde liquid filling root canal. ─── 组,采用干髓术;B组去髓后根管治疗结合塑化治疗。术后3年、5年对比观察其疗效。

64、Objective: To evaluate the clinical effect of mummification of dental pulp through variant cervical dental cavity in elderly people. ─── 目的:评价老年人牙颈部变异洞形干髓术的临床效果。

65、Conclusion : The mummification of pulp using high-frequency current devitalizing dental pulp one time is reliable and safe . ─── 结论:高频电流牙髓失活干髓术可靠、安全,其优点:(1)避免了使用砷剂;

66、A comparative study of the root canal therapy and pulp mummification in pulpits ─── 根充术和干髓术治疗乳牙牙髓炎的比较性研究

67、Mummification preserves DNA and does not allow the soul to retract from the form. ─── 木乃伊化保存了物种的DNA,而不允许灵魂从肉体中撤回。

68、Current Situation of research on mummification of pulp ─── 干髓术的研究现状

69、That is because the weather conditions in the desert are extremely dry and perfect for mummification. ─── 那是因为沙漠里的天气情况极其乾燥,最适合木乃伊化。

70、devitalized mummification ─── 失活干尸化

71、An English scientist claims to have unlocked the secrets of mummification. ─── 一名英国科学家宣称已经解开了木乃伊制作的秘密。

72、The process of mummification has two stages. First, the embalming of the body. Then, the wrapping and burial of the body. ─── 木乃伊化在古埃及是一冗长而昂贵的过程,先冲洗、浸泡,然后充填香料,表面涂上松脂,以亚麻布缠裹,冲洗、浸泡到亚麻布缠裹,整整大约需要七十天。

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