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09-21 投稿


kneader 发音

英:[?ni?d?]  美:[?nid?r]

英:  美:

kneader 中文意思翻译



kneader 短语词组

1、sand kneader ─── [机] 揉砂机

2、high-speed kneader ─── [化] 高速捏和机

3、pulp kneader ─── [化] 碎浆机

4、kneader pins ─── [化] 搅动销

5、Kneader reactor ─── 捏合机

6、kneader pin ─── [化] 搅动销

7、vacuum kneader ─── [化] 真空压炼机

8、double blade kneader ─── 双刃捏合机

kneader 相似词语短语

1、deader ─── 死亡者

2、invader ─── n.侵略者;侵入物

3、header ─── n.头球;页眉;数据头;收割台

4、kneaded ─── vt.揉合,揉捏;按摩;捏制

5、kneads ─── vt.揉合,揉捏;按摩;捏制

6、kneeler ─── n.跪者;跪台;跪拜者;跪垫

7、knead ─── vt.揉合,揉捏;按摩;捏制

8、dreader ─── n.恐惧;可怕的人(或物)(dread的变形)

9、beader ─── n.联管箱;弯管机;卷边器

kneader 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords catalyst kneader;sealing structure;improvement; ─── 催化剂捏和机;密封结构;改进;

2、In prebaked anode production, the horizontal-type continuous kneader has been applied widely. ─── 在预焙阳极生产中,卧式连续混捏机曾经大量应用,使用效果良好。

3、Grease a 26cm spring form and spread the bread crumbs on it. Set aside. Mix all the ingredients for the crust and lightly knead to form a ball. ─── 26厘米可脱烤模抹油后洒上面包糠备用。把底胚的所有材料混合揉成面团。

4、4-supply of suitable transition system to carry the materials from kneader machine to vacuum pump according to the basic design of factory. ─── 4合适的过渡系统供应可从捏合机的材料,真空泵根据工厂的基本设计。

5、Repass gush drenchs lacquer of bottom river knead dough is handled, finished multilayer solid Mu Fu joins a floor board make. ─── 再经过喷淋底河流和面漆处理,就完成了多层实木复合地板的制作。

6、Nantong mixing Kneader Machinery Factory is a set design, production, sale and service of science and technology enterprises. ─── 南通密炼捏合机械厂是一家集设计、生产、销售、服务于一体的科技型企业。

7、"Move bowels still urinate?"The big Ye knead money to ask. ─── “大便还是小便?”大爷捏住钱问。

8、And Abraham hastened into the tent unto Sarah, and said, Make ready quickly three measures of fine meal, knead it, and make cakes upon the hearth. ─── 亚伯拉罕急忙进帐棚见撒拉,说,你速速拿三细亚细面调和作饼。

9、Company production Kneader, broken machines, Qieli Ji products and hydraulic products. ─── 企业主要生产捏合机、破碎机、切粒机系列产品和液压机系列产品。

10、Do not knead the pastry at this point or it will be like concrete. ─── 别在这个时候捏油酥面团,不然它会变得像混凝土那样硬。

11、The key parts of twin screw kneader are a couple of intermeshing screws, just like the heart of the screw kneader. ─── 双螺杆捏合机最核心的部件是一对相互啮合的螺杆,就如同双螺杆捏合机的心脏一样。

12、Add drained raisins. Knead for another 3 minutes at low speed. ─── 加入滤干水分的提子,低速搅拌3分钟,直到完全拌匀。

13、DHC is deep-seated discharge makeup oil is with elite of high grade olive oil is bases, dissolve so ministry of colour makeup knead dough is smeary special and effective. ─── DHC深层卸妆油是以优质橄榄精华油为主要成分,所以溶解彩妆和面部油污非常有效。

14、Ha ha, you fell into trap.I now knead still in Peking. ─── 呵呵,你们上当了。我现在还在北京捏。

15、Pharmaceutical Machinery:Pill producing machine、Kneader and so on; ─── 制药机械类:滴丸机、加药机、混合机等;

16、The Application and Development of the Twin Screws Kneader ─── 双螺杆磨浆机的应用状况及发展趋势

17、Usage: Evenly extend proper amount onto desired part along skin texture, do not knead skin repeatedly. ─── 使用方法:取适量顺肌肤纹理均匀涂抹于身体各个需要防晒保护的部位,忌来回搓揉、涂抹。

18、Usage:Wet your palm and face with water, put proper amount on your palm, fully knead it for foam, then massage it in your face for a moment, rinse it lastly. ─── 使用方法:用清水将手掌和脸部打湿,取适量于掌心,充分揉搓出大量泡沫,在脸部按摩片刻,再用清水冲洗干净。

19、The bag kneads working procedure to be the important process that makes appearance of good asphodel tea, knead to measurable, come with slow fire bake finally sufficient dry. ─── 包揉工序为做好水仙茶外形的重要工序,揉至适度,最后以文火烘焙至足干。

20、Transfer to a lightly floured work surface, knead gently to a smooth and pliable dough. ─── (2) 将粉团分为四等份,用木棍辗开成四片十八 厘米方块。

21、Effect of dispose mode of knif on working parameter of the straw kneader ─── 刀片配置方式对秸秆揉切机工作参数的影响

22、Improvement of the Sealing Structure of Catalyst Kneader ─── 催化剂捏和机密封结构的改进

23、Add black sesame seeds and knead for another 2 minutes at low speed. ─── 加入黑芝麻,低速继续拌均匀大约2分钟。

24、Usage: After bath free heart check amount knead slightly, then spread eve-nly in the body, a little massage, infiltration can be quickly absorbed. ─── 使用方法:将香体乳均匀涂于全身肌肤,天天使用,更加滋润。

25、Usage: After cleansing, apply some on needed parts, gently knead until fully absorbed. ─── 使用方法:洁肤后,取适量涂于所需部位,轻揉至完全吸收。

26、Punch down the risen dough and knead for 5 minutes. ─── 取出发好的面团,排除气体,揉搓5分钟。

27、Adds how many, may join probably according to 5:4:1.4:1 this kind of proportion kneads together, must knead together repeatedly until the surface agglomerate. ─── 到底加多少,大概可按5:4:1.4:1这样一个比例加入揉和,要反复揉和直到面成团。

28、Practice: use warm water and surface, knead dough until smooth and strong again, and then rolling into a bowl, add sesame oil seasoning made between cakes, baking accompli. ─── 做法:用温水和面,将面团反复揉至光滑有劲,再擀成碗状,中间加入香油调料做成饼,烘烤即成。

29、Inside put a pair of knead head ─── 内置一对揉捏头

30、Knead the mixture on a lightly floured board until smooth and elastic. ─── 在砧板上搓揉搅匀的面粉,直到变得软且有弹性。

31、Add egg and yoghurt to the flour mixture and knead. ─── 加入鸡蛋和酸奶搅拌成团。

32、Gen 18:6 And Abraham hastened into the tent unto Sarah, and said, Make ready quickly three measures of fine meal, knead it, and make cakes upon the hearth. ─── 创18:6亚伯拉罕急忙进帐棚见撒拉,说,你速速拿三细亚细面调和作饼。

33、Knead with the counterclockwise on the right side of turn to fill, the clockwise is kneaded turn for have diarrhoea. ─── 右侧以反时针方向揉转为补,顺时针方向揉转为泻。

34、Ningbo Yinzhou Shiqi Hexing Brush Factory was set up in 1997, specializes in making woodwork, wooden health products include knead comb, knead appliance, bath brush, bathroom sets etc. ─── 宁波市鄞州石碶和兴制刷厂创建于1997年,专业生产木制按摩梳、按摩器、浴刷、浴室套装、发梳等系列产品,有着丰富的木制品设计生产经验,技术力量雄厚,制作工艺精湛。

35、If you are kneading by hand, mix ingredients and knead until the dough comes together for about 7 to 10 minutes. ─── 如果你用手捏制面包,将所有原料倒在一起,揉7至10分钟直到面团充分混合。

36、Then the wolf went to the baker, told him :" My feet got hurt, help me knead it with paste. ─── 于是狼跑到面包师那里,对他说:“我的脚受了点伤,给我用面团揉一揉。”

37、This paper describes application, structural features and main technical performance of a domestic-made new-type kneader and proposes a list of series of kneader. ─── 介绍国产新型混捏机在工程中使用情况、结构特点及其主要技术性能,在总结实际使用效果的基础上,提出了混捏机系列型谱。

38、mathematical modeling, dynamic simulation and its strength analysis of the new stirring kneader are the center contents of this paper. ─── 新型搅拌捏合机的数学模型建立、动态模拟及其强度分析均是本文研究的主要内容。

39、In secure a dot to press skill palm moves the hand downward after kneading tens of seconds wide, duplicate this operation again, till press,knead coxal above. ─── 如遇到疼痛敏感的部位可以适当加长按压时间,疼痛点提示可能身体有某些不适,通过点按可以部分缓解这些不适。

40、Industry: Mass transfer equipment; Broken equipment; Mining measuring instruments; Feeding renewable Crusher; Crusher; Kneader; ─── 所属行业:传质设备;破碎设备;矿业测量仪器;加料再生破碎机;破碎机;捏合机;;

41、Twin-screw kneader is used for produing high strength paper with various raw materials such as straw,bulrush ,cotton stem and wood chips . ─── 双螺杆搓浆机适合于麦草、芦苇、棉杆、杨木和稻草等原料生产高强度纸种的打浆。该设备集漂白、洗涤和打浆于一体。简化了制浆工艺流程。可实现节能降耗和清洁制浆。

42、Usage: Wet face at first, press some cleanser on palm, plus a little water and knead to generate foam, massage face gently with fingertips, and then rinse with clean water. ─── 使用方法:将脸部先润湿,挤出适量于手心,加水揉出泡沫,用指尖轻轻按摩脸部,再用清水充分洗净即可。

43、Lower limbs is inflectional several, knead with big toe by sufficient the reverse side the number between each foot second. ─── 下肢屈曲数次,并用拇指揉按足背面各趾间数次。

44、STEP2: Replace palmar rub to knead with finger, OKer the bubble of detersive breast is even. ─── STEP2:以手指取代手掌搓揉,更可以使清洁乳的泡沫均匀。

45、Medicine price also nobody tube, be still what bird the capital city knead. ─── 医药价格也没人管,还是什么鸟首都捏。

46、Add in salt and knead the dough till it's firm and elastic. ─── 加入食盐,继续搅拌直到其面团非常有弹性。

47、The big toe that uses you first and forefinger rub knead him each toe of right leg, build trifling atmosphere first to leave one screen. ─── 先用你的拇指和食指搓揉他右脚的每一根脚趾,为下一幕先营造些许气氛。

48、Knead the dough on a lightly floured work surface until the dough has become smooth and elastic. ─── 台面铺上少许粉,放上面团,用手揉搓成至光滑有弹性。

49、Of woman uncertainty shucked off jacket, the doctor uses his hand to be felt in bosom before last of the woman, next feeling, left rub, right knead. ─── 妇人半信半疑的脱去了上衣,医生用他的手在妇人的胸部上上摸摸,下摸摸,左搓搓,右揉揉。

50、Occasionally knead and re-form the bar so that a fresh portion contacts the vehicle. ─── 偶尔重新捏塑清洁泥以便使车身能接触到清洁泥的干净部分。

51、Keywords twin-screw kneader;screw rotor;development; ─── 双螺杆磨浆机;螺旋转子;开发;

52、And Abraham hastened into the tent unto Sarah, and said, Make ready quickly three measures of fine meal, knead it, and make cakes upon the hearth. ─── 亚伯拉罕急忙进帐棚见撒拉,说,你速速拿三细亚细面调和作饼。

53、Knead of handle gently small land is used after 3. air, puff can restore brushy tactility. ─── 3.晾干之后用手轻轻地揉搓一下,粉扑就能恢复毛茸茸的触感。

54、In majority company, kneader as normal as water fountain and cabinet, you can see them everywhere. ─── 在大多数企业,碎纸机就像饮水机和档案橱柜一样随处可见。

55、If the blue sky is the mirror for you to make up, I'd prefer to a cangue of the mirror, knead you face into a missing letter in wind. ─── 如果,蓝天是用来给你化妆的镜子,那么我愿自己的就是镜中一抹枷蓝,把你的面容,水一样的面容揉成相思病的信笺在风中.

56、Firm airbags knead and squeeze leg and hip muscles, which in turn restore agility and relieve aches in the lower body. ─── 利用力道强劲的气垫按摩挤压腿部及臀部肌肉,有效减轻下半身肌肉疼痛,令您重拾请快感。

57、The ZZF series impurity sparating machine mainly uses to separate light-heavy paper from waste paper from waste paper and continue to break-up the pulp twice times from the pulp kneader. ─── ZZF系列杂质分离机主要用于分离废纸中的轻重杂质,并对来自碎浆机的浆料进行二次碎解。

58、Knead the dough on a floured surface. ─── 在撒了面粉的案板上揉面团。

59、Punch the dough down, and lightly knead it again for about 1 minute.Divide in half.Roll each half in a rectangle to fit your bread pan.Place each half in a greased and floured loaf pan. ─── 取出面团,轻揉1分钟,排挤出气体,然后分割成两份,将面团擀成和模型宽度差不多,然后翻面卷起,排入模型进行最后发酵。

60、When use bath product, bath is suckled or remembering to let first is bath shows rub to knead bubbly, come so, just but will before the old useless cutin of purify is taken away thoroughly. ─── 使用沐浴产品时,记得要先让沐浴奶或是沐浴露搓揉起泡,如此一来,才可将之前去除的老废角质彻底带走。

61、Rules: Knead the flour and make as many rice balls as you can in four minutes. The group who has made the most rice balls wins. ─── 分钟内,搓面粉,包汤圆,哪一小队包的又多又好。

62、key parts of twin screw kneader are a couple of intermeshing screws, just like the heart of the screw kneader. ─── 双螺杆捏合机最核心的部件是一对相互啮合的螺杆,就如同双螺杆捏合机的心脏一样。

63、Could you knead the dough for me? ─── 你能帮我揉面吗?

64、Allow to rise for 20 minutes and knead again for 7 to 10 minutes. ─── 发酵20分钟后再揉7至10分钟。

65、Sofa in the living room placed two, grey and white knead out easy atmosphere, smell the leather chairs placed in personality between two sofas, a more saucy and lively. ─── 客厅中放置了两组沙发,灰白与米白搓揉出闲淡气氛,饶具个性的皮制椅置于两个沙发间,多了一份俏皮与活泼。

66、Pizza dough must be knead for five minutes. ─── 做比萨饼的面团要揉5分钟。

67、Having been long sitting there, I have to knead the lame muscles of my legs. ─── 因为在那儿坐了很久,我不得不按摩我那僵硬的腿部肌肉。

68、Keywords twin screws kneader;application;tendency; ─── 双螺杆磨浆机;应用;趋势;

69、The kneader was specialy designed for solid catalyst forming.The principle,overall structure and design of the main parts and matters were discussed. ─── 为适应固体催化剂的成型生产设计专用的捏和机,阐述该机的工作原理、总体结构、关键部件的设计。

70、Green, Foshan City, New Dragon Machinery Co., Ltd.: silicone gel domestic manufacturer of professional equipment: products: planetary mixer / vacuum Kneader / strong decentralized mixer reactor ...... ─── 佛山市青新龙机械有限公司:国内硅酮胶设备的专业生产厂家:产品有:行星搅拌机/真空捏合机/强力分散搅拌机反应釜......

71、Can be empty by the person that can knead mostly, the person that refus is kneaded by refus is solid. ─── 大都可按可揉者为虚,拒按拒揉者为实。”

72、A spike of rice, side of one lever shredded tobacco for water pipes is hanged, contemporary and knead syncretic body primitively, the life attitude that revealing host and aesthetic orientaton... ─── 主人家饰摆设最有意思的组合,就是这白木储物架:一层置书,一层是现代化的通讯设备;

73、a flour mixture stiff enough to knead or roll ─── 一种足够硬的面粉混合物,可以揉或滚动

74、The paper introduces the development process of kneader,as well main structure,working principle,working process and main characters of this type. ─── 介绍了搓和机的研制过程,以及该机型的主要结构、工作原理、工作过程、主要特点。

75、In prebaked anode production, the horizontal-type continuous kneader has been applied widely. ─── 在预焙阳极生产中,卧式连续混捏机曾经大量应用,使用效果良好。

76、The Application of Speed Variation by AC Frequency Converting on the Continuous Kneader ─── 交流变频调带技术在连续混捏机上的应用

77、Knead the dough again and allow it to rest for another 45 minutes with a damp towel covered. ─── 取出面团再次揉匀,盖上湿布巾再松弛45分钟。

78、Industry: Chemical Plants; Chemical Forming Equipment; Fluidized bed drying equipment; Granulating Drying Equipment; Mixer; Kneader; ─── 所属行业:化工成套设备;化工成型设备;流化床干燥设备;制粒干燥设备;混合机;捏合机;;

79、Knead in remaining sugar.Knead until the fondant is smooth, pliable and does not stick to your hands. ─── 在桌面上洒上剩下的 1 磅糖粉,将上述的的材料揉至光滑即成。

80、Industry: Textile equipment and devices; Food processing equipment; Mixing Equipment; Sanding machine; Grinding machine; Kneader; Mixer; ─── 所属行业:纺织设备和器材;粮食加工设备;混合设备;砂磨机;研磨机;捏合机;搅拌机;;

81、At the same time, pulse current has the effect of reducing the excitability of ache receptivity and inflammation tissues, so it can knead cells and eliminate pains. ─── 同时脉冲电流本身具有可以使疼痛感受器兴奋性和炎症组织兴奋性降低的特点,可以起到对组织细胞按摩和镇痛的作用。

82、Roll the dough out on a lightly floured board and knead in the salt until well-dispersed. ─── 取出面团放在洒了少许面粉的台面上,加入食盐慢慢揉匀。

83、Then, from rise the following day, this father reduced what fleshy knead dough wraps to order, also do not wish at the same time again enthusiastic accost from the transient people before booth. ─── 于是,从第二天起,这位父亲减少了肉和面包的订购,同时也不愿再热情地招呼从摊前路过的人们。

84、Using method:apply suitable on hand and drips little water then knead equality and then massage circling,use day and night. ─── 使用方法:取适量,加水稍加揉搓,在面部轻轻打圈按摩,再用清水洗净,建议每日早晚使用。

85、Special kneading machine,firm structure,durable;double motors,strong power;bit vibration,stable;also can knead litter powder; easy operation ,easy clean;good quality,conform to the safe test. ─── 专业用打面机,结构坚固,耐用;双马达,马力大;震动小,稳定性大;搅拌效果佳,且可以搅拌小容量面粉;操作安全,容易清洗;高品质,符合安全测试。

86、One is added to get together on blower limelight, turn over the hair next, not the hair littery, hold in the palm however knead gently on the hand pressure. ─── 在吹风机上加一个聚风头,然后将头发翻过来,不要将头发弄乱,而是托在手上轻轻揉压。

87、Intermesh Mixer, Hydraulic Pressurizing Kneader, Open Kneader, Extruder, Sheet Preforming Machine Pelletizer, Rubber/Plastics Mixing Line. ─── 咬合式油压混练机、加压混合机、开放式混合机、押出机、挤押出片机、造粒机、橡塑胶生产线。

88、Design of Large-scale Agent Kneader ─── 大型催化剂捏和机的设计

89、a flour mixture stiff enough to knead or roll. ─── 一种足够硬的面粉混合物,可以鞣或滚动。

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