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09-21 投稿


kabala 发音

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英:  美:

kabala 中文意思翻译



kabala 词性/词形变化,kabala变形

异体字: kabbala |

kabala 相似词语短语

1、kabaya ─── 跑

2、kabbalas ─── 电缆

3、cabala ─── n.(中世纪)犹太神秘哲学;秘法;n.(Cabala)人名;(西)卡瓦拉

4、kabbala ─── 卡巴拉

5、kabbalah ─── 卡巴拉

6、kamala ─── n.粗糠柴;东印度大戟胶树脂树;吕宋楸荚粉;n.(Kamala)(美、印、英、波、肯)卡玛拉(人名)

7、kabaka ─── 卡巴卡

8、kabalas ─── n.犹太神秘哲学;奥秘教义(等于cabala)

9、Karbala ─── n.卡尔巴拉(伊拉克中部城市,伊斯兰教什叶派的圣地)

kabala 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、So, after they came to the Kabala Star one day, they had become to the teenagers. ─── 所以,他们来到卡巴拉星球一天后,他们就成长为年青人了。

2、Jung was especially knowledgeable in the symbolism of complex mystical traditions such as Gnosticism, Alchemy, Kabala, and similar traditions in Hinduism and Buddhism. ─── 他特别熟悉复杂神秘教义(如诺斯替教、练金术、犹太神秘哲学)的象征手法、熟悉印度教和佛教中的类似教义。

3、Once upon a time, The livings in the Kabala Star after lasted time of the War of the Stars only left the family of pandas. ─── 很久以前,卡巴拉星球上的生物在那次星球大战后只剩下熊猫一族。

4、The Kabala is an ancient Hebrew mystical system of thought. ─── 卡巴拉是古代希伯来人神秘思想系统。

5、The Kabala is presented, symbolically in the form of The Tree of Life. ─── 卡巴拉是现在,生命树形态的象征。

6、Kabala is one of many tools that are helping people understand the current transition. ─── 卡巴拉是正帮助人们理解目前转变的许多工具之一。

7、Kabala is one of many tools that are helping people understand the current transition. ─── 卡巴拉是正帮助人们理解目前转变的许多工具之一。

8、I have read the Kabala of the Jews. ─── 我阅读了犹太人的卡巴拉。

9、Kabbala, also spelled KABALA, KABBALAH, CABALA, CABBALA, OR CABBALAH, is an esoteric Jewish mysticism as it appeared in the 12th and following centuries. ─── 卡巴拉也可拼写为KABALA,KABBALAH,CABALA,CABBALA或CABBALAH,是深奥的犹太神秘主义,那时它出现在第十二世纪和后来的世纪里。

10、The Kabala is presented, symbolically in the form of The Tree of Life. ─── 卡巴拉是现在,生命树形态的象征。

11、The Kabala is an ancient Hebrew mystical system of thought. ─── 卡巴拉是古代希伯来人神秘思想系统。

12、Babula is a very lovely and kind panda, it lives in the Panda Island of the Anoka Mountain of the Kabala Star. ─── 巴布拉是一只很可爱善良的小熊猫,它生活在卡巴拉星球安卡山脉里的熊猫岛上。

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