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09-21 投稿


macintosh 发音

英:['m?kint??]  美:['m?kint??]

英:  美:

macintosh 中文意思翻译





macintosh 短语词组

1、macintosh hd macintosh ─── 高清

2、Macintosh client ─── [计] Macintosh客户机

3、Cornell Macintosh Terminal Emulator ─── 康奈尔麦金托什终端模拟器

4、Macintosh File System ─── [计] Mac文件系统

macintosh 相似词语短语

1、Macintosh ─── n.苹果电脑;n.(Macintosh)(美)麦金托什(人名);n.(macintosh)麦金托什雨衣;防水胶布(等于mackintosh)

2、macchiatos ─── 斑丘疹

3、Jacinth ─── n.橘红色;风信子石;[宝]红锆石;n.(Jacinth)人名;(英)贾辛丝

4、jacinths ─── n.橘红色;风信子石;[宝]红锆石;n.(Jacinth)人名;(英)贾辛丝

5、mackintoshed ─── 苹果机

6、macintoshes ─── n.麦金托什雨衣,防水胶布(同mackintosh);n.(Macintosh)苹果电脑,麦金托什电脑;n.(Macintosh)(美、爱)麦金托什(人名)

7、McIntosh ─── n.(McIntosh)麦金托什红苹果;n.(McIntosh)(美、加、英)麦金托什

8、mackintosh ─── n.(用防水布料制的)雨衣;麦金托什雨衣;防水胶布

9、mackintoshes ─── n.(用防水布料制的)雨衣;麦金托什雨衣;防水胶布

macintosh 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、“A p p l e Talk Remote Access” 、 “ Microsoft Dial-Up Networking”或“ Macintosh PPP” 。 ─── 对于“网络拨号”,单击“网络拨号”选项卡。从“选择服务类型”列表中选择

2、The RI Publication Order Services Section sells a transferable emblem sheet of the RI emblem (237) or a disk version for IBM-compatible computers (234D-MU) or Macintosh computers (234M-MU). ─── 国际扶轮出版品订购服务中心亦有贩售可转印的国际扶轮徽章表(237),或是与IBM电脑(234D-MU)或麦金塔(苹果)电脑(234M-MU)相容的磁碟片电子档案。

3、If you transfer a text file in binary mode from a UNIX system to an MS-DOS or Macintosh system , this file should have been copied in ASCII mode. ─── 如果你把一个文本文件以二进制模式从一个UNIX系统传送给一个MS-DOS或Macintosh系统,此文件拷贝成ASCII模式。

4、But ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. ─── 不过十年后,在我设计第一台麦金塔时,当时所学的东西全回来了。

5、Macintosh Virus and Its Prevention ─── Macintosh病毒及防治

6、On the File menu, click Save As, Save with Encoding from the down arrow next to the Save button, and then choose Unix or Macintosh under Line Endings. ─── 在“文件”菜单上,单击“另存为”,再单击“保存”按钮边向下箭头中的“编码保存”,然后在“行尾”下选择Unix或Macintosh

7、Something similar to what Apple did with their new line of MacIntosh computers. ─── 他们还要我们为这个系统开发新的市场策略。

8、For example, if you have a graphics file named Bear on the Macintosh, you should rename the file to Bear. Pct before you insert the file into a file for Windows. ─── 例如,如果在Macintosh上有一个名为Bear的图形文件,您应先将该文件重命名为Bear.pct,然后再将其插入到适用于Windows的文件。

9、The Windows system has been applied to Macintosh a decade ago but now, Windows has become the ace in Microsoft's hole. ─── 其实,视窗是苹果10年前早已用在麦金塔上的技术,如今反成了微软的王牌。

10、If you use a Macintosh, a PC under Microsoft Windows, or some other windowing system, you start telnet somewhat differently from how you do it on a UNIX system. ─── 如果你使用的是Macintosh、Microsoft Windows下的PC,或者是一些其他窗口化系统,那么你要进行的telnet 操作就和在unix系统上的不一样。

11、Being poor white, they were not even accorded the” grudging respect that Angus Macintosh's dour independence wrung from neighboring families. ─── 他们是穷白人,甚至还不如安格斯?麦金托什,因为后者总算还能以倔强的独立性争取到邻居们勉强的尊敬。

12、"In 1985 Microsoft Corp. introduced Windows, a GUI (which later grew into an operating system) that gave MS-DOS-based computers many of the same capabilities as the Macintosh." ─── 1985年微软公司推出窗口Windows,一套给MS-DOS计算机使用的图形使用者界面(后来成长为操作系统),许多功能和麦金塔相同。

13、REAL Software provides REALbasic, Cross-Platform That Really Works, for people who want to create and deliver cross-platform software for Windows, Macintosh and Linux. ─── 名副其实的跨平台开发工具REALbasic的生产商REAL软件公司,为想要为Windows、Macintosh和Linux创建和发布跨平台软件的人们提供了高效易用的解决方案。

14、Macintosh computer helped catalyse a total change in the way computers were used. ─── 麦金托什计算机帮助促进了计算机使用方式的大转变。

15、But ten years later when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me, and we designed it all into the Mac. ─── 但是十年后当我们在设计苹果第一台电脑的时候,这些东西都跑出来了,我把它们全都设计到了电脑里。

16、As a result, SpamX is an impressive cross-platform software application that has a rich user interface and is easily deployed for Windows, Macintosh and Linux. ─── 因此SpamX成为了小有名气的跨平台软件,它有非常标准的用户界面并易于部署到Windows、Macintosh和Linux上”。

17、Create a community for expatriate Macintosh users; participate actively in activities with foreign Macintosh user group. ─── 五、为外国苹果用户提供社区,多多参加涉外苹果用户组织活动。

18、A little farther on, Scarlett drew rein in front of the avenue of oaks that led from the road to old Angus MacIntosh's house. ─── 再往前一点,思嘉在一条橡树林荫道前收紧了缰绳,这条林荫道通往老安格斯 - 麦金托什的住宅。

19、In a library environment the term workstation often is used to refer to any personal computer such as an IBM PC or an Apple Macintosh. ─── 以图书馆的领域中,工作站泛指任何个人计算机,如:IBM个人计算机、苹果牌麦金塔计算机。

20、DLLs are not used on the Macintosh. ─── 动力连续图书馆程序不应用于麦金托什机.

21、The key to Java is the way it will run with equal ease on a variety of computer operating systems: Microsoft's Windows 95, Apple's Macintosh and various flavors of Unix. ─── Java的秘诀就是,它在各种各样的计算机操作系统上都能同样轻松自如地运行,如微软公司的Windows 95,苹果公司的“mac OS”还有种种不同特色的Unix。

22、The Macintosh compression and archiving program is a shareware program, by Raymond Lau, known as Stufflt . ─── Macintosh的压缩和归档也是一个共享的软件,命令为Stufflt.

23、Java programs, once written, can run without modification on just about any kind of computer: a PC, a Macintosh, a Unix workstation-heck, even a mainframe. ─── Java程序一旦写好了,就能在任何一种计算机(PC机、Macintosh机、Unix工作站、甚至是大型机)上无须修改就能运行。

24、It is only a matter of time before "we get a dot that's blue and Earthlike," said astronomer Bruce Macintosh of the Lawrence Livermore National Lab. ─── 劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家实验室的一名天文学家称:我们得到了一个象地球一样而蓝色的点,在此之前,只是时间问题。

25、With that in mind, I send you, as President of the Beijing Macintosh User Group, representing our Executives Commission, my most sincerest greetings to you and wish you health and happiness. ─── 在这个时刻,我作为北麦会长,想代表全体行政组,向你们问候!希望你们在新年里,身体健康,万事如意!

26、The MacAttachmentFormat parameter specifies the Apple Macintosh Operating System attachment format for messages that are sent to the mail contact. ─── MacAttachmentFormat参数指定要发送到邮件联系人的邮件的Apple Macintosh操作系统附件格式。

27、Macintosh computer ─── Macintosh计算机

28、Golden View Localization Services - Software and web localization into Chinese and other Asian languages.PC and Macintosh multilingual DTP.YiXin Translation Service - Translation in over 15 languages. ─── 上海创凌科技翻译有限公司-提供各种涉及中文的语言解决方案,包括文件翻译、口译、撰写技术文案及网站和软件本地化。

29、But ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me.And we designed it all into the Mac. ─── 但是当时我无知选了一所学费几乎跟史丹佛一样贵的大学,我那工人阶级的父母所有积蓄都花在我的学费上。

30、World): Apple develops its first Macintosh computer with 128 KB of RAM. ─── 1984(世界):苹果电脑公司开发出第一台拥有128千字节内存的苹果机。

31、Unfortunately for Apple, it did not provide for the possibility that the Macintosh launch would be delayed for a year. ─── 苹果有点不走运,因为这一协议并未考虑到麦金塔发布日期可能会延迟一年时间,也就没有相关条款。

32、Once you've copied the folder with your addresses to your Macintosh computer, you can import them into Address Book. ─── 在将包含地址的文件夹拷贝到Macintosh电脑之后,您可以将它们输入到“地址簿”中。

33、Provision by Adobe of cross-platform serial numbers Macintosh and Windows on most products, so its easy to switch platforms as business or system needs change ─── Adobe提供了大多数产品上的跨平台序列号Macintosh和Windows,所以如果业务或系统需要发生变化,可在不同平台之间轻松切换

34、The Mac OS X printing system provides a flexible and powerful new printing environment for Macintosh developers. ─── Mac OS X打印系统为Macintosh开发者提供了一个适应性好而且强大的打印环境。

35、Macintosh Laryngoscopes ─── Macintosh喉镜

36、An alternate operating system for the Macintosh based on UNIX. A/UX has its own, unique 32-bit addressing mode. ─── 一种可选择的、麦金托什机使用的基于UNIX的操作系统。A/UX拥有自己的、唯一的32位地址模式。

37、Macintosh application environment ─── Macintosh应用环境

38、To install using logical volumes on Power Macintosh hardware you should create all the disk partitions for your logical volumes as usual. ─── 为了在Power Macintosh硬件上安装使用逻辑卷,您应该按通常方式创建所有的磁盘分区。

39、Macintosh distributed function terminal ─── Macintosh分布式功能终端软件

40、We know better. His feelings come despite the fact that the Macintosh really is quite easy to use -- for Mac users. ─── 尽管我们知道,事实上,苹果的确是很容易的使用-对于mac用户来说。

41、But it saw its first commercial use on the desktop, in the Power Macintosh 6100. ─── 但是其第一个商业应用却是在桌面系统中,即Power Macintosh 6100。

42、We'd just released our finest creation, the Macintosh, a year earlier, and I'd just turned thirty, and then I got fired. ─── 我们只是推出了最好的创意,Macintosh操作系统,在这之前的一年,也就是我刚过三十岁,我被解雇了。

43、Declaring a Windows dynamic-link library (DLL) routine or Macintosh code-resource routine that is not in the specified library or code resource. ─── 声明了一个未在指定库或代码资源中的Windows动态链接库(DLL)例程或Macintosh代码资源例程。

44、He did, however, mention that he experienced a near-deathbed conversion: he switched and bought a Macintosh computer. ─── 但是他提到他临死前有一个突然的转变:他改变想法买了一台苹果电脑。

45、He wanted to offer it for Windows, Macintosh and Linux desktop environments to reach the widest possible audience for his automated spam reporting software. ─── 他希望所有的Windows、Macintosh和Linux桌面环境用户都能用它来自动报告垃圾邮件,尽可能多的扩大产品的用户群。

46、Eudora is one of the most popular and easy-to-use programs and is available for both Macintosh and IBM compatibles. ─── Eudora是最普及、最简单易用的程序之一,在Macintosh和IBM兼容机上都能使用。

47、Microsoft for 32-bit Windows (R) API, 16 bit Windows API and Macintosh (R) to provide binary VBscript realize procedures. ─── Microsoft 为 32 位 Windows(R) API、16 位 Windows API 和 Macintosh(R) 提供 VBscript 的二进制实现程序。

48、The partition map also can be used in the disk image files that a Macintosh system uses to transmit files. ─── 分区图表也可以用在苹果系统用来传送文件的磁盘映像文件上。

49、Woman police constable Macintosh was at the scene of the accident . ─── 女警员梅克英多西曾在事故现

50、Original "1984" Macintosh commerical. One of the most famous commercials of all time. ─── 原来的“1984年”麦金塔商业。其中最有名的商业的所有时间。

51、Kay’s work became the inspiration for the Apple Macintosh, which changed the world by opening computing to the rest of us. ─── 凯的工作成为苹果麦金塔电脑的灵感来源,它改变了世界,把计算机开放给专家以外的我们。

52、If you saved the file on a floppy disk, insert the floppy disk in the Macintosh floppy disk drive. ─── 如果已将文件保存到软盘上,请将软盘插入Macintosh的软驱中。

53、Where can I find information about Microsoft Office for the Macintosh? ─── 在何处可以找到有关Microsoft Office for the Macintosh的信息?

54、Macintosh direct laryngoscope ─── Macintosh直接喉镜

55、If your software runs under Microsoft Windows or Apple Macintosh operating systems, there are published standards and guidelines for how the software should look and feel to a user. ─── 假如您的软件运行在微软视窗或者苹果麦金托什操作系统上,那么就会要求您的软件在用户视觉和感觉上,都应该遵循一些已公开发行的标准和规范。

56、If you're on a Macintosh running OS X, the most popular feed reader is NetNewsWire, which can also connect to the web-based services. ─── 如果您使用在您的计算机安装的饲料阅读计划,您的饲料可以为您被存放,即使您没有被联络到互联网。

57、Enhance Macintosh recognition in Beijing; enrich Macintosh knowledge and incentives. ─── 二、提高在北京的苹果知识和素质,努力增加对苹果电脑的知识和意识。

58、An oak tree, the post office, and my Macintosh hardly change at all from one day to the next. ─── 一棵橡树,一个邮局,还有我的苹果电脑,从某一天运行到第二天,几乎没有丝毫变化。

59、Laryngoscopy via Macintosh Blade versus GlideScope: Success Rate and Time for Endotracheal Intubation in Untrained Medical Personnel. ─── 人工线性稳定会增加直接喉镜检查和经口腔气管插管使用喉镜窥视片时导致的压力。

60、When launched, the Macintosh was the smallest desktop computer ever produced. ─── 金塔电脑在投放市场时,是当时最小的台式电脑。

61、"Installing on Macintosh (USB). 1) Run the installer, then restart. 2) Run the Apple Desktop Printer utility.." ─── 在Macintosh (USB)上安装。1)运行安装程序,然后重新启动计算机。2)运行Apple Desktop Printer(苹果桌面打印机)实用程序。

62、you taught me a thing or two about Apple Macintosh computers. ─── 你教我一些关于苹果牌电脑的知识。

63、Although he enjoyed his greatest success and lasting fame for his waterproofing process, Macintosh was no one-trick pony. ─── 虽然受益于防水处理这一最大成就和持久的名声,但麦金托什并非只有这一招。

64、In Excel on the Macintosh, click Open on the File menu. ─── 在Macintosh的Excel中,单击“文件”菜单上的“打开”。

65、If you have a Macintosh computer with an infrared (IR) receiver, you can put your computer to sleep using an Apple Remote. ─── 如果您使用的是配备了红外(IR)接收机的Macintosh电脑,则可以使用Apple Remote遥控器将您的电脑置入睡眠状态。

66、Macintosh file system ─── Macintosh文件系统

67、On some systems (particularly those running Internet Explorer on a Macintosh operating system), you must manually configure your browser to display special characters. ─── 一些系统(特别是在Macintosh操作系统上运行Internet Explorer),必须手动配置浏览器来显示特殊字符。

68、On the Macintosh, fonts were originally stored in hand-tuned bitmap font files that specified individual pixel locations for a font at a particular size. ─── 在麦金塔中,字体原先是存储为手工调整的点阵字体文件,为每个字体、特殊大小分别指定一个个的像素位置。

69、But I also received many others that raised the notion of the Macintosh much more felicitously. ─── 不过我也收到了许多以更巧妙得体的方式弘扬苹果电脑理念的来信。

70、Woman police constable macintosh is at the scene of the accident. ─── 女警员梅克英多西曾在事故现场。

71、Shift+click will select individual frames and Control+click (Windows) or Command+click (Macintosh) will select discontiguous multiple frames. ─── “shift+鼠标单击”用于选择单个帧,“Ctrl+鼠标单击(Windows系统)”或“Command+鼠标单击(苹果系统)”将会选择不连续的多个帧。

72、While Jobs praised the Intel processors used in Apple's Macintosh computers, he said the processor giant was "too slow. " ─── 尽管乔布斯曾经赞扬用于苹果麦金托什(Macintosh)电脑的英特尔处理器,但是表示这家处理器巨头“行动太慢”。

73、Back in the days before Microsoft Windows and the Apple Macintosh, nearly every software product had a different user interface. ─── 回到微软“视窗”系统和苹果“麦金托什”以前的时代,几乎每款软件产品都有不同的用户接口。

74、There is no widely accepted standard to identify partitions containing RAID data on Apple Power Macintosh hardware. ─── 在Apple Power Macintosh硬件上,现在还没有一个广为接受的识别包含RAID数据分区的标准。

75、Maintain and enrich communications between Macintosh users; create a community for Macintosh users. ─── 三、维护并提高苹果电脑用户的交流,为苹果电脑用户建立一种社区。

76、Several platforms, including OS/2 and the Macintosh, have already battled Windows for the desktop, and in 1998 Linux was enlisted for the same campaign. ─── 包括os/2和Macintosh在内的几种平台已经与Windows在桌面系统中较量过,1998年,Linux也加入这一争斗当中。

77、"Spec it one of Mist' MacIntosh's dat de niggers driv in de woods an' de Yankees din' git." ─── "说不定是麦金托什先生家的,黑鬼们把牛赶进了树林,北方佬才没把牛抓了去。"

78、On NewWorld Power Macintosh machines, you will need to set up the ─── 在NewWorld Power Macintosh上,您需要设置

79、Gene Munster, an analyst at Piper Jaffray, said that Apple's consumers were probably not going to give up their Windows PC's but might buy a Macintosh as an additional computer for entertainment. ─── 分析人士认为,人们购买这款迷你电脑不会用它来替代微软,而是作为一个新增电脑。

80、It is still remarkable, though, that an early Macintosh architecture ran free UNIX before the Intel chip had a BSD flavor dedicated to it. ─── 不过,还有一点值得一提,在Intel提供专用于BSD系统的芯片之前,早期的Macintosh体系结构运行的是免费的UNIX系统。

81、Beijing Macintosh User Group Beijing Massage Hospital ─── 北京按摩医院

82、On the Macintosh ranch you fly a 1960 Cessna to spot your flock and ride motorcycles to round'em up. ─── 在麦金塔牧场,你得驾驶一架1960年的塞斯纳飞机来找到羊群的位置然后驾驶着摩托车把它们赶到一起。

83、Macintosh client ─── [计] Macintosh客户机

84、The TeX Live software distribution offers a complete TeX system for a variety of Unix, Macintosh, Windows and other platforms. ─── TeX Live软件发行版为Unix,Macintosh,Windows和其他多种平台提供了一套完整的TeX系统。

85、Abode Premiere is a professional application software of video frequency non-linear edition for Windows and Macintosh users. ─── Adobepremiere是Windows和Macintosh用户所熟悉的专业视音频非线性编辑应用软件。

86、In fact, the same Tcl script written using Tk will look like a Windows application on a PC, a Macintosh application on a Macintosh and a Motif program on a Unix work-station. ─── 实际上,用Tk写成的Tcl脚本在PC机上看上去像Windows应用程序,在Mac机上像Mac应用程序、在unix工作站上像Motif程序。

87、Pete has never used a Macintosh. ─── 皮特从未使用过麦金塔电脑。

88、Promote Macintosh culture, promote the use of Macintosh, advocate Macintosh. ─── 一、发扬苹果文化,倡导苹果电脑的使用,坚持拥护苹果电脑。

89、Charles Macintosh, of Scotland, sells the first raincoat. ─── 1823年的今天,苏格兰人查尔斯·麦金托什卖出了第一件雨衣。

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