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09-21 投稿


magma 发音

英:[?m?ɡm?]  美:[?m?ɡm?]

英:  美:

magma 中文意思翻译




magma 网络释义

n. [地质] 岩浆;糊剂n. (Magma)人名;(英)马格马

magma 词性/词形变化,magma变形


magma 常用词组

magma chamber ─── 岩浆房;岩浆库;岩浆储源

magma 短语词组

1、magma pump ─── [化] 糊泵; 稠液唧筒

2、bentonite magma ─── [医] 皂粘土乳 ─── [浆]

3、bismuth magma ─── [医] 铋乳

4、crater magma ─── 火山口岩浆

5、magma chamber ─── 岩浆房

6、magma basin ─── 岩浆储源

7、magnesium magma ─── [化] 氢氧化镁悬浮液

8、composite magma ─── 复合岩浆

9、magnesia magma ─── [化] 氧化镁悬浮液

10、magnesiae magma ─── [医] 镁乳 ─── [浆], 氢氧化镁合剂

11、magma density ─── [化] 稠液密度

12、Magma (algebra) ─── 数学(代 ─── 数)

13、derivation magma ─── 衍生岩浆

14、igneous magma ─── 岩浆

15、reticular magma ─── 网状填充组织

16、reticulare magma ─── [医] 网状粘质(填充组织)

17、ferric hydroxide magma ─── [医] 氢氧化铁乳 ─── [浆]

18、magma pocket ─── 岩浆储源

19、magma filter ─── 岩浆过滤器

magma 相似词语短语

1、mamma ─── n.妈妈;乳房;n.(Mamma)人名;(意)马马

2、magmas ─── n.岩浆;熔岩;糊剂;乳浆剂(magma的复数)

3、magmata ─── n.沉淀物;乳浆剂(magma的复数)

4、tagma ─── n.法子(法位学中实体的最小单位)

5、agma ─── abbr.美国齿轮制造商协会(AmericanGearManufacturersAssociation)

6、magmatic ─── adj.岩浆的

7、Gama ─── n.伽马(葡萄牙航海家)

8、-ama ─── abbr.美国医学协会(AmericanMedicalAssociation);美国经营管理协会(AmericanManagementAssociation);美国飞机制造商协会(AircraftManufacturersAssociation);n.(Ama)人名;(西)阿马

9、mama ─── n.妈妈(口语);n.(Mama)人名;(多哥、赞、贝宁)马马

magma 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They accumulated so quickly that the heat generated by the process melted the outer portion of the nascent moon and formed a global ocean of liquid rock, or magma. ─── 它们聚积的速度之快,使得过程中产生的热熔化了初生月球的外部,并产生了全球性的液态岩海,或称为岩浆。

2、This magma is very hot, and under a lot of pressure. ─── 岩浆是非常热的,并且处了很大的压力下。

3、The metal-sulfide-enriched hydrothermal fluid and thermal power of the granitic magma provide energy and carrier for the activation and movement of gold element,... ─── 岩浆中富金属硫化物的热液以及岩浆自身的热能,为地层和岩浆中金元素的活化和运移提供了能量和载体,对金起着捕获和富集的作用,有利于金矿床的形成。

4、Palaeohigh, magma intrusion belt and basement fault belt are favorable areas of abiogenic gases accumulation. ─── 古隆起带、岩浆侵入带以及基底大断裂带是无机成因天然气的有利聚集带。

5、When the magma reaches the surface, the earth bulges and pressures build. The result? ─── 当岩浆到达表面时,地面鼓起而且压力累积。结果呢?

6、Also, Mt.Fuji has fresher magma than do volcanoes in most subduction zones. ─── 同时,它里面的岩浆比大部分潜没区域的火山都更新鲜。

7、He takes advantage of his magma shackles and anti-magic pulse by moving to keep his ground-based enemies within these areas of effect. ─── 加尔不断移动以确保地面上的敌人在岩浆镣铐和反魔法脉冲的有效区域内。

8、When you see a termination of a sill you should ask yourself how the intruding magma behaved at the moment of intrusion. ─── 当你看到岩床终端时你应该自问,侵入的岩浆在侵入期是如何表现它们的特征的。

9、At deeper levels, the volcanic deposits were intruded by molten magma,which slowly crystallised to form granite. ─── 在地壳深处,熔化的岩浆侵入原先形成的火山岩中,慢慢结晶成为花岗岩。

10、Therefore any remaining tar from dinosaur remains shall decompose as all of earth ascends into a ball of fiery magma. ─── 因此,当地球全体提升进成一个炽热熔浆球时,来自恐龙遗骸的任何残留柏油将被分解。

11、The three volcanics are of kalium alkaline series, with their chemical elements showing the same magma origin. ─── 三种火山岩均属钾质钙碱性系列,岩石化学成分显示为同源岩浆产物。

12、Only young magma intrusions contain the amount of heat necessary for the heat supply of an economical geothermal field. ─── 只有年青的岩浆侵入体才能拥有一个经济性地热田热补给所必需的热能。

13、They are formed over a hot spot of magma. ─── 它们是在岩浆热点上形成的。

14、Crude: Come on, get on! Magma is coming! ─── 克鲁德:还不快上来,岩浆就要来了!

15、Judging from its magma and pattern of activity, Etna is most similar to hotspot volcanoes such as those in Hawaii. ─── 依岩浆和活动型态来判断,埃特纳与热点火山(譬如夏威夷的火山)最为相似。

16、The magma within the earth may be heavily charged with gases and steam. ─── 地球内的岩浆可能含有大量的气体和蒸汽。

17、Deep beneath this massive caldera is a network of magma streams and geothermal vents that power the city and provide sweltering warmth during the cold desert nights. ─── 在巨大的火山口之下是一个由岩浆以及地热口所组成的动力网络,提供这个城市能源以及热源抵御当地寒冷的夜晚。

18、During the course of its thickening and the hydrothermal fluid enriching, the crust under the root of mountain is melting into some large granitic magma. ─── 山根下部的地壳在增厚及热流体的不断富集过程中,导致重熔产生大量花岗岩浆。

19、Elemental Fury: Tooltip now indicates it increases the critical damage for Searing Totem, Magma Totem, and Fire Nova Totem. ─── 元素之怒天赋会增加火焰图腾的爆击伤害。

20、The convective heat of molten magma in the upper 10 km of the continental crust represents a significant geothermal energy resource. ─── 大陆地壳10公里深度以内熔岩中的对流热是一种重要的地热能资源。

21、Because of plagioclase fractionation, the magma became richer in mafic components and were then emplaced to form Fe-Ti-rich norites. ─── 大庙斜长岩杂岩体的演化过程是:硅酸盐母岩浆首先晶出大量的斜长石晶体堆积形成斜长岩。

22、Fayalite-bearing quartz syenite could represent the early fractional stage initial granitic magma derived from Archean protolith in a deeper and reductive environment. ─── 含铁橄榄石石英正长岩,代表了岩浆分离结晶初期还原条件下,太古代母岩派生的初始岩浆组成。

23、Geochemical studies show that magma of these two series originated from the same impoverished mantle source, with the source rock being spinel peridotite. ─── 地球化学研究证明,这两个系列的岩浆起源于同一贫化型地幔源区,源岩类型为尖晶石橄榄岩。

24、Earthquakes commonly accompany volcanic activity on movement of magma deep in the earth. ─── 地震通常都伴随着火山活动或地球深处的岩浆运动。

25、Not all molten rock cools on the earth's surface. Some magma cools beneath the surface after having been injected or intruded into the rocks of the earth's crust. ─── 并非所有的熔融岩石都是在地表冷却的,一些岩浆在侵入地壳岩石中之后,在地表之下冷却成岩。

26、In an enormous eruption roughly640,000 years ago, this volcano spit out around240 cubic miles of rock, dirt, magma and other material. ─── 大概64万年前,在一次猛烈的火山爆发中,这座火山喷射出大概240立方英里的岩石、土、浆和其他物质。

27、The magma belongs to the crustmantle mixed type of Archeozoic crystalline basement remelted and recomposed. ─── 其火山岩岩浆属于太古宙结晶基底重熔再造、壳幔混合型。

28、The keys to solving granite problemsin the future include connections with geodynamics,identification of heat sources and themechanisms of magma mixing,ascent and emplacement. ─── 同地球动力学相关联,花岗岩形成时的热源、岩浆混合和岩浆上升、定位的机制,可能是在最近的将来解决花岗岩问题的关键。

29、The emergence stratum mainly is Palaeozoic sediment rock series, drape, rift grow,magma activity is delicacy. ─── 出露地层主要为一套古生代沉积(浅变质)岩系,褶皱、断裂构造发育,岩浆活动微弱。

30、As magma rises under the mid-ocean ridge, ferromagnetic minerals in the magma become magnetized in the direction of the geomagnetic field. ─── 当岩浆从中海脊下涌起的时候,岩浆中的磁铁矿物质按地磁场的方向被磁化。

31、The strain state of the emplaced magma is shown by ellipsoid parameters, and distribution of stress field of the magma reflects the ways of emplacement and tectonic environment. ─── 从磁化率椭球参数可以看出岩浆侵位的应变状态;岩浆应力场分布体现了岩浆侵位元方式及其所处构造坏境。

32、Brad Lewis has been photographing the firery molten magma which explodes from the active volcanoes on Hawaii's Big Island for 25 years. ─── 在夏威夷,这位大师已经拍摄了25年,他常常孤身一人,因为随行人总会在喷发的火山面前失去应有的理智。

33、Ralston likens the pain he felt when he cut the nerves in his arm to sticking his entire arm in a vat of hot magma. ─── 切断神经时,拉斯顿形容自己所感受到的那种痛苦,就像被人把整条胳膊活生生地按进炽热的熔岩中一样。

34、The Jurassic volcanic rocks are belong to K alkaline and came from shallow crust with weak repartition of magma. ─── 侏罗纪为钾质碱性系列,古近纪为钙碱性系列,而且前者岩浆源较浅,岩浆分异作用差。

35、Geodynamic settings play an important role in controlling generation, ascent and final emplacement of magma. ─── 作者单位:中国地质大学地质过程与矿产资源国家重点实验室;

36、Ore-bearing rock body is located at the top of" magma tree" within the belt of dimicaceous granite-granitic pegmatite. ─── 含矿岩体位于“岩浆树”顶端-二云母花岗岩-花岗伟晶岩带。

37、Magma seeps slowly up from the depths beneath a dwarf stronghold. If it's not stopped, the dwarves will have to abandon their ancient halls. ─── 岩浆从一座矮人要塞的地下缓缓渗出。如果不加以制止,矮人就会不得不放弃他们古老的大厅。

38、The komatiites were f ormed in Mesoproterozoic,in a tectonic environment of tensile crust,while the r ising komatiite magma was quenched a nd rapidly cooled. ─── 吉峰拉马提岩的形成时代为中元古代,其形成环境可能是地壳拉伸减薄,上涌的科马提质岩浆在淬火快速冷却的条件下形成.

39、During the late Archaeozoic, there was bimodal volcanism,alkalic magma eruption and intrusion, showing the tension-riftedcharacteristics of the valleys. ─── 在晚太古代有“双峰态”火山活动、碱性岩浆喷发和侵入,反映了裂谷拉张特征。

40、It is an appropriate name for rocks that have cooled and crystallized from hot, molten rock material called magma. ─── 对于经由岩浆熔融物质冷却结晶的岩石来说,这个名称是很合适的。

41、The diagram above illustrates an important point for both the melting of mantle rocks and the crystallization of high temperature silicate liquids (magma or lava). ─── 图表上方举例说明地涵岩石和高的温度矽酸盐液体(岩浆或熔岩)的结晶的两者熔化者的重要的点。

42、Deep beneath the Earth's crust there are pockets of partially liquid rock called magma. ─── 在地壳的深处有很多异体囊,囊中有半液态的岩叫作岩浆。

43、If the magma breaks through to the surface, the result is a volcano. ─── 如果岩浆冲出地面火山就爆发了。

44、Most igneous rocks in Langgu depression are products of Cenozoic magma action, with diabase intrusion and subwater effusive basalt as major forms. ─── 廊固凹陷内火成岩主要是新生代岩浆多期活动的产物。

45、Their source was like an asthenospheric mantle of ocean-island basalt and geosphere was also involved in the magma rising and eructating process. ─── 其源区可能是源于一种似洋岛玄武岩源的软流圈地幔源,并且在岩浆上侵喷发过程发生了岩石圈的卷入。

46、The magma of porphyritic moyite-monzogranite series in the middle stage mainly originated from the lower crust, being the product of collision-orogeny. ─── 中期似斑状钾长花岗岩-二长花岗岩系列岩浆来源于下地壳,是碰撞造山作用的产物;

47、The granitic magma is rising and diffusing with buoyancy and then in the form of diapire in upper crust which resulted in the extending orogeny. ─── 在浮力作用下花岗岩浆不断上升扩张,在上地壳内以底辟形式就位,使上地壳产生伸展造山。

48、Notably, as researchers soon realized, not every large magma chamber will necessarily erupt catastrophically. ─── 尤其是当研究人员很快发现,并不是每个大型岩浆库都一定会造成灾难性爆发。

49、The magma originated from the upper mantle and belongs to the tholeiitic series which has undergone immiscible separation of metal sulfide. ─── 岩浆起源于上地幔,属于拉斑玄武岩系列,发生过金属硫化物的熔离作用。

50、The assumption of stationary conditions must be dropped, if we consider the influence of intrusions of hot magma into the upper part of crust. ─── 如果我们考虑热岩浆侵入地壳上部所造成的影响,则稳定态条件的假设便不成立。

51、Look at the rock under your foot. This light red colored rock is called granite which is derived from the crystallization of molten magma. ─── 你脚下的岩石,这种浅红色的岩石叫做花岗岩,它是由熔融的岩浆冷却结晶而形成。

52、They are one related with intrusionof magma and other with sedimentation-diagenesis.Both the two series further includethree subseries. ─── 两个成矿系列分别进一步划分成三个成矿业系列。

53、Owing to magma thermal metamorphism superimposing on the regional metamorphosis,the intensity of gas generation is higher. ─── 在区域变质的背景上,叠加了岩浆热变质作用,生气强度大。

54、Derived from magma poured out or ejected at the earth's surface. Used of igneous rocks. ─── 喷出的火山的来自于喷出或喷在地表的岩浆的。用于火成岩

55、The enclaves are remnants of rocks which partially melted to form granitoid magma. ─── 包体为部分熔融形成寄主花岗岩岩浆的源区岩石残余。

56、The activities of NNE trend transpressional faults are the main force of driving magma to migrate and ascent. ─── NNE向左旋压扭斜滑断裂是本区驱动岩浆上升和运移的主要因素。

57、As water journeys down toward the magma (molten rock) under the Earth, it begins to dissolve gold atoms from the nearby rocks. ─── 在水流经地下的岩浆(熔化的岩石)时会从附近的岩石中溶解金原子。

58、Deep underground or in sweltering landscapes, living near pools of magma, lives a cousin to the thunder lizard, the salamander. ─── 地下深处或是灼热之处,在岩浆池附近,生活着雷霆蜥蜴的近亲,火蜥蜴。

59、The system error of infrared photometric measurement on the saturation temperature and supersaturation of crystal magma were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed. ─── 对于红外光度法测量晶浆饱和温度、过饱和度的系统误差作了定性和定量的分析。

60、Thanks to a pool of magma 50 miles below the surface, dangerous gases had been collecting at the bottom of the crater lake. ─── 罪魁祸首就是地下50英里(约合80.5公里)处的一座岩浆池——在湖底火山口处不断涌出危险的气体。

61、It is believed that the simulation experiments of magma fountain by Campbell et el. can be used to explain the formation of this kind of enclaves. ─── 依据Campbell et al. (1986)的岩浆动力学模拟实验,混合的模型是岩浆喷泉作用。

62、When the magma cools and solidifies, the direction and the polarity of the field are preserved in the magnetized volcanic rock. ─── 岩浆冷却并凝固下来后,地磁场的方向和磁极被保留在磁化了的火山岩中。

63、It came from ground water, heated by magma, which joined with hot gases released from the liquefied rock itself. ─── 它来自被岩浆加热的地下水,并和热的气体一起从液化的岩石中释放出来。

64、An affected creature can take a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity to scrape the sticky magma from his skin. ─── 受影响的生物可以通过一个整轮动作把粘稠的岩浆从皮肤上刮掉,此动作会引发借机攻击。

65、Magma Spray deals 2 damage to target creature. If that creature would be put into a graveyard this turn, remove it from the game instead. ─── 岩浆喷散对目标生物造成2点伤害。若该生物于本回合中将被置入坟墓场,则改为将它移出对战。

66、Magma extravasated as pressure built under ground. ─── 当地底下的压力生成时,岩浆喷发。

67、Zircon starts off as molten magma, the hot lava from volcanoes. ─── 锆石开始是熔融的岩浆,来自火山的热熔岩。

68、The dome building is being driven by the rhyolite magma under the vent continues to rise and extrude onto the domes. ─── 基因遭污染的二代台湾画眉外观多元且不完整,常具备部分陆眉特徵,且每一个体不太相同。

69、But the Icelandic outfit hopes to drill to depths of 4km or more, to get closer to the magma that rises towards the surface along local faultlines. ─── 但是,这批冰岛的工作人员希望能够将钻头深入到地下4公里或更远处,这样可以更加接近沿局部的断层线[7]向地表活动的岩浆。

70、Sometimes magma reaches the surface through volcanoes. Then the molten rock is called lava. ─── 当岩浆通过火山口溢出地表时,便可称这种熔融的岩石为熔岩。

71、The discovery of magma so close to the surface suggests that Hawaii might have a good, fairly accessible source of alternative energy. ─── 既然岩浆离地表如此之近,那就表明夏威夷或许拥有了优质便捷的替代能源。

72、As water journeys down toward the magma( molten rock) under the Earth, it begins to dissolve gold atoms from the nearby rocks. ─── 在水流经地下的岩浆(化的岩石)会从附近的岩石中溶解金原子。

73、Upward pressure from underlying magma domes the surface. ─── 地下岩浆的向上推力使地面成圆顶形。

74、When a vein of quartz or magma is located, the character may wield his pick or shovel and begin digging out a section. ─── 当一个石英或岩浆矿脉确定位置后,挖矿人就会持着他的镐或铲开始挖掘出一个剖面。

75、The MA type is further divided into two subtypes of basaltic magma crystallization (BMA) and ultramafic magma crystallization (UMA). ─── MA型可分为玄武质岩浆结晶(BMA)亚类和超镁铁质岩浆结晶(UMA)亚类.

76、The dark colored, microgranular and igneous-texture enclaves provide reliable evidence that indicates the existence of magma mingling. ─── 暗色、细粒且具火成结构的岩石包体是指示岩浆混合作用存在的可靠证据。

77、The increases of FeO,MnO,Na2O,and Al2O3 contents from transition to rim for Cpx xenocrysts should be attributed to the reaction of the host magma with the xenocrysts. ─── FeO,MnO,Na2O,Al2O3质量分数逐渐升高,暗示与寄主岩浆反应的效应。

78、The hot magma, or lava as it is called, cols and builds up on the surface of the earth. ─── 滚烫的岩浆,或者叫熔岩,经过了冷却以后就形成了地球的表面。

79、Between swamps and magma, we will die here! ─── 克鲁德:前有沼泽,右有岩浆,我们完了!

80、In many places such flows of magma have pushed up the surface rocks to form huge ridges. ─── 在许多地方,这样的岩浆流会把地表岩向上推挤,形成了巨大的山脊。

81、Then Magma’s Netlist-to-GDSII flow is experimented by a real project of 1.5 million gates in 0.13um process. ─── 应用Magma的Netlist-to-GDSII扁平设计流程,具体实现了一个0.13um,150万门规模的实际项目的自动布局布线设计。

82、The compositions of carbon and oxygen isotopes fall in values between that of magma carbonate and marble. ─── 同位素地球化学研究表明成矿物质具多源性,这与该类金矿所处的构造边缘(转换)环境有关。

83、The deep fracture within the sag was the path of magma upwelling, invasion, or eruption after partially melting of upper mantle. ─── 凹陷内的深大断裂是上地幔部分熔融后岩浆上涌侵入或喷发的通道。

84、Magma Shackles (Su): The ground within 60 feet of Garr constantly warms and softens, hampering his enemies. ─── 岩浆镣铐(超自然):加尔周身60尺内的土地因不断加热而松软,阻碍敌人的移动。

85、When you see a termination of a sill you should ask yourself how the intruding magma behaved at the moment of intrusion. ─── 当你看到岩床终端时你应该自问,侵入的岩浆在侵入期是如何表现它们的特征的。

86、The volcano threw new showers of magma and ash into the air. ─── 这座火山向空气中喷发了新的岩浆和火山灰。

87、It can be found from shallow ground to several miles below the surface, and even farther down to the extremely hot molten rock called magma . ─── 它在接近地面的浅地表到地表下数英里处,甚至在更深层的被称为岩浆的酷热岩石中都能够被找到。

88、Tin-mineralized granitoids are widespread in Nanling region and were crystallized from granitic magma of different crustal evolutional periods or stages. ─── 南岭中生代成锡花岗岩系花岗质岩浆多期或多阶段侵位和结晶的产物。

89、In many places surface rocks have been melted, baked by the heat of magma beneath. ─── 地表岩石在许多地方被地下岩浆热量所熔化、所烘烤。




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