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khanate 发音

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英:  美:

khanate 中文意思翻译



khanate 网络释义

n. 汗国;可汗的地位;可汗的领土

khanate 词性/词形变化,khanate变形


khanate 短语词组

1、khanate of the golden horde ─── 金汗国

2、khanate of persia ─── 波斯汗国

3、khanate honey name ─── 汗国蜂蜜名称

4、khanate the great khan ─── 汗国大 ─── 汗

5、khanate of the great khan ─── 大汗汗国

khanate 相似词语短语

1、phonate ─── vi.发声;vt.发…音

2、emanate ─── v.产生;(抽象可感的东西)散发;表现出(品质)

3、khalifate ─── n.职权及领域;哈里发的职位(等于caliphate)

4、planate ─── 使均夷;平面的;扁平的

5、thanat- ─── abbr.死因学(thanatology);n.(Thanat)人名;(泰)他纳

6、khanates ─── n.汗国;可汗的地位;可汗的领土

7、cyanate ─── n.[有化]氰酸酯;[无化]氰酸盐

8、lanate ─── adj.羊毛状的;被羊皮覆盖的;[植][动]具绵毛状的

9、phenate ─── n.石炭酸盐;苯酚盐

khanate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It was also a khanate of the Mongol empire, considered one of its four descendant empires. ─── 这也是一个汗国的蒙古帝国,认为是其四个后裔帝国。

2、The Political Relation between the Mongolian Empire, Yuan Dynasty and the Jinzhang Khanate ─── 蒙古帝国和元朝与金帐汗国的政治关系

3、The change of the Khanate of Kipchak's territory illustrates not only the change of its power but aslo the conflict of the interest between itself and its neighbours. ─── 钦察汗国疆域的变迁不仅反映了其力量的变化,而且也反映了其与周边国家的利益冲突。

4、Toqtamish who was a noble of White Horde utilized the power of Timur and got the Khan's right of the Khanate of Kipchak. ─── 白帐贵族脱脱迷失利用帖木儿势力,取得钦察汗国汗位。

5、A Brief Textual Research on the Rise and Fall of the Turk Khanate ─── 突厥汗国兴衰略考

6、The Uighur Khanate collapsed in 840 because of natural disasters, internal strife and attacks by the ancient Jiegasi tribe. Consequently, most of the Uighur migrated westward. ─── 公元840年,回鹘汗国因自然灾害侵袭、统治集团内讧及黠戛斯(中国古族名)的进攻等原因而崩溃,其部众大部分向西迁徙。

7、Mongol Khanate ─── 蒙古汗国

8、In the early 13th century, Genghis Khan, leader of the Mongols, established the Mongol Khanate in north China. ─── 十三世纪初,蒙古族领袖成吉思汗在中国北部建立蒙古汗国。

9、In 744, the Uighur founded a khanate in Mobei, and later dispatched troops twice to help the Tang central authorities to quell the An Lushan-Shi Siming Rebellion. ─── 公元744年,发展壮大了的回鹘于漠北建立政权,并两次出兵帮助唐朝中央政权平息“安史之乱”。

10、The Turki realm later split into the eastern and western sides which fought ceaselessly in their scramble for the khanate ─── 公元552年突厥首领土门打败柔然,以漠北(蒙古高原大沙漠以北地区)为中心建立政权,尔后分裂为东西两部,为争夺汗权争斗不休。

11、After founding the Mongol Empire and being proclaimed “Genghis Khan”, he started the Mongol invasions and raids of the Kara-Khitan Khanate, Caucasus, Khwarezmid Empire, Western Xia and Jin dynasties. ─── 他通过统一东北亚的游牧部落建立起了自己的政权。

12、The early 17th century, the southern Tianshan Yarkand Khanate was established, and the Qing maintained tributary trade relations. ─── 17世纪初,天山南部建立了叶尔羌汗国,与清朝维持着朝贡贸易关系。

13、The Kipchak Khanate, although simular to the Mongols, are experts with bows and cavalry, however the use of axe's was widley known, most kipchaks were white-skinned - think of Russians, same location. ─── 钦察汗国,虽然与蒙古人类似(simular疑似similar之误),专精于骑射,却也以使斧而闻名,钦察人多数是白皮肤的,设想一下沙俄人,与之生活在同一地域。

14、Bukhara Khanate ─── 布哈拉汗国

15、Finally, the Khergit Khanate has grown much stronger and is the only kingdom to still use horses extensively. ─── 最后,库吉特汗国增长更强大,并且是唯一英国仍然广泛使用马匹。

16、Uzbek ancestors once believed in Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, from the Kipchak Khanate Uzbek Khan, the era began to believe in Islam. ─── 乌孜别克族先民曾信仰过祆教、佛教,从钦察汗国的乌孜别克汗时代就开头信仰伊斯兰教。

17、The khanate of uighur established and to grow strong gradually in the process of revolting against the Turk"s rule. ─── 回纥汗国是在反抗突厥统治的过程中建立并逐步发展壮大的。

18、The Crimean Khanate may be forced to betray the Cossack Hetmanate and take its lightening fast army of mounted bowmen elsewhere. ─── 迫于压力,汗国将不得不背弃哥萨克统领,携其来去如风的弓骑兵他往。

19、The background for the Khergit Khanate and the Kingdom of Rhodok have not yet been revealed. However Khergit Cavalry have a Mongol influence. ─── 库吉特汗国与罗多克王国的历史现在还不为人们所知,但可以确定的一点是:库吉特骑兵们的作战方式受到了蒙古人很大的影响.

20、It was also a khanate of the Mongol Empire, considered one of its four descendant empires. ─── 这也是一个汗国的蒙古帝国,认为是其四个后裔帝国。

21、Il - Khanate ─── 伊利汗国

22、Buddha of fans to spit in the period, by Jiao Wu Tang Xue Yantuo Khanate and the timing, spit fans of the Huihe ministries of the attack and was 646 years out of the Xue Yantuo Khanate. ─── 至菩萨子吐迷度时期,乘薛延陀汗国与唐交恶的时机,吐迷度联合回纥各部共攻之,并于646年灭了薛延陀汗国。

23、Golden Horde, or Kipchak khanate, Russian designation for the western part of the Mongol empire. ─── 金帐汗国,亦称钦察汗国。俄罗斯人对蒙古帝国西方部分的称呼。

24、By the end of 1877, Qing troops had recovered the areas north and south of the Tianshan Mountains which had been occupied by Yakubbae of Central Asia's Kokand Khanate (Fergana). ─── 到1877年底,清军陆续收复了中亚浩罕汗国(费尔干纳)阿古柏侵占的天山南北诸地。

25、The Khanate of Kipchak's Territory and Its Changes--one kind of studies of the khanate of kinchak and the Communication Between the West and the East During Mongle Yuan Dynasty ─── 钦察汗国之疆域及其历史变迁--钦察汗国与蒙元时期之中西交通研究之一

26、Since the khanate of the Turk found A.D.552 ,it had become more and more influent. ─── 公元552年突厥汗国建立后,影响大增。

27、In the Middle Ages it was ruled in succession by the Kievan Rus, the Golden Horde, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Crimean Khanate and the Ottoman Empire. ─── 在欧洲中世纪(十三至十六世纪),敖德萨相继被基辅大公国、金帐大汗国、立陶宛大公国、克里米亚大汗国和土耳其帝国所统治。

28、The Anonymous Historical Books After the Destruction of Dzungar Khanate and the Historical Memory of the Oirats ─── 准噶尔汗国灭亡后的佚名史籍与卫拉特人的历史记忆

29、Mohammed Sharif was a notable figure of the Sufi sect of Islam during the Yarkant Khanate period in the south of the Tianshan Mountains. ─── 穆罕默德·谢里甫是我国天山南路叶尔羌汗朝时期伊斯兰教苏非派著名人物。

30、Incorporated into the Mongol Chagatai Khanate in 1234. ─── 并入蒙古察合台汗国。

31、The pattern represents the traditions of the khanate and the Kazakh people, and the eagle represents freedom and evokes memories of the country's great history. ─── 该花纹代表古代可汗及哈萨克人的传统,大雕则代表自由,并藉以唤起对该国伟大历史的记忆。

32、Bulgaria is founded as a Khanate ─── 保加利亚建立可汗

33、Posts Traffic in Chagatai Khanate ─── 蒙古察合台汗国的驿站交通

34、Bulgaria is founded as a Khanate on the south bank of the Danube, after defeating the Byzantine armies of Emperor Constantine IV south of the Danube delta. ─── 681年的今天,保加利亚在于多瑙河三角洲以南的地区击败了康斯坦丁四世皇帝下的拜占庭帝国军队后,在多瑙河的南岸建立了可汗领土。

35、Hence, the fertile Fergana Valley (formerly ruled by the Khanate of Kokand) was divided between Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. ─── 因此,丰饶的费尔干纳谷地(从前由浩罕汗国统治)分割给了吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦。

36、An Examination on the Relationship between Mongol Khanate and Yuan Dynasty ─── 蒙古汗国与元朝关系的考察

37、The first part briefly discusses the problems of Batu"s westward conquest, the Khanate of Kipchak"s territory and its changes. ─── 第一部分:简要论述了拔都西征、钦察汗国的疆域及其变迁等问题。

38、A Study on the Declining Time of Yarkand Khanate ─── 叶尔羌汗国灭亡时间补证

39、After that, the Crimean Khanate was aware of the Moscow principality is the biggest threat. ─── 在此之后,克里木汗国才意识到莫斯科公国是其最大的威胁。

40、White Horde, which was feudatory to the Khanate of Kipchak , was becoming strong gradually, they began to intervene the affairs of the suzerain. ─── 在帖木儿帝国初期,蒙古人在钦察草原上建立的钦察汗国发生内讧,其属国白帐汗国日趋强大,开始干涉其宗主钦察汗国的事务。

41、A Summary of International Symposium on Genghis Khan and the Formation of the Mongol Khanate ─── 成吉思汗与蒙古汗国建立国际学术研讨会综述

42、Envoys from Temur Khanate in Central Asia to China ─── 中亚帖木儿王朝的来华使臣

43、Thanks to Shanxi merchants, potatoes came into Shanxi from Russia or Kazakh Khanate (now Kazakhstan) in early 19th century.It played an important role in the development of social economy in Shanxi. ─── 摘要18世纪末19世纪初,马铃薯由俄国或哈萨克汗国(今哈萨克斯坦)传入山西,改变了山西地区的农作物品种结构,对山西地区的社会经济和社会生活的发展起到一定的促进作用。

44、Kaiyuan the end, lost for death of Gu Li Pei-Ji Li, the Huihe opened a new chapter in the history of Khanate. ─── 开元末,护输死,子骨力裴罗继立,揭开了回纥汗国历史的新篇章。

45、Huihe dominate in Mobei, spit fans of self-reliance for Khan, the establishment of Huihe Khanate. ─── 回纥称霸于漠北,吐迷度自立为可汗,建立回纥汗国。

46、On Title of Hei Khanate--the Differentiate between the Interpretation of the Titles of Hei Khan and Kara Khan ─── 黑汗朝名称考--兼辨黑汗非喀喇汗译名

47、Kaida forged his own khanate in Central Asia out of his lands and part of the khanate of Genghiz's son Jagatai which he had annexed ─── 海都离开了他的领土,离开了他所并吞的成吉思汗之子察哈台的地区,在中亚成立了自己的伪可汗国。

48、The Turki realm later split into the eastern and western sides which fought ceaselessly in their scramble for the khanate. ─── 公元552年突厥首领土门打败柔然,以漠北(蒙古高原大沙漠以北地区)为中心建立政权,尔后分裂为东西两部,为争夺汗权争斗不休。

49、Huihe Khanate second renaissance, unity Mobei. ─── 回纥汗国第二次复兴,统一漠北。

50、" Golden Horde,or Kipchak khanate, Russian designation for the western part of the Mongol empire. " ─── "金帐汗国,亦称钦察汗国。俄罗斯人对蒙古帝国西方部分的称呼。"

51、On the Relationship Between the Tang Dynasty and Turkic Khanate and the Breakout of Xuanwumen Coup ─── 武德年间的唐突关系与玄武门之变的爆发

52、Uzbek ancestors once believed in Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, from the Kipchak Khanate Uzbek Khan, the era began to believe in Islam. ─── 乌孜别克族先民曾信仰过祆教、佛教,从钦察汗国的乌孜别克汗时代就开头信仰伊斯兰教。

53、681 - Bulgaria is founded as a Khanate on the south bank of the Danube, after defeating the Byzantine armies of Emperor Constantine IV south of the Danube delta. ─── 681年的今天,保加利亚在于多瑙河三角洲以南的地区击败了康斯坦丁四世皇帝下的拜占庭帝国军队后,在多瑙河的南岸建立了可汗领土。

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