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09-21 投稿


newsboy 发音

英:[['nju:zb??]]  美:[['nju:z?b??]]

英:  美:

newsboy 中文意思翻译



newsboy 相似词语短语

1、Dewsbury ─── n.(Dewsbury)人名;(英)迪尤斯伯里

2、new born ─── adj.新生的;再生的;n.婴儿

3、new boss ─── 新老板

4、newsboys ─── n.报童,报贩;送报人

5、newsy ─── adj.多新闻的;爱闲话的;成话题的;n.报童

6、newsbeat ─── n.新闻记者的采访区域

7、new book ─── 新书

8、new-born ─── adj.新生的;再生的;n.婴儿

9、newishly ─── 新奇的

newsboy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Simulative research of newsboy calculator problems ─── 报童问题计算机模拟的研究

2、Extended Newsboy Problem Based on Fuzzy Random Demand ─── 模糊随机需求模式下的扩展报童模型与求解算法

3、Reordering newsboy problem under fuzzy chance-constrain programming ─── 模糊机会约束规划下的可追加订购的报童问题

4、In the first chapter we present multi-item newsboy model with uncertain demand and budget constraint. ─── 本文分两部分,在第一部分,我们研究了一种带有预算费用约束的多地点(连锁店)报童问题。

5、Fuzzy Chance-Constrained Programming Model for Reordering Newsboy Problem ─── 可追加订购报童问题的模糊机会约束规划模型

6、So he decided to do newsboy. ─── 于是他决定去做报童。

7、On the other hand, the profit, service level, sensitivity analysis etc of the new model were compared with those of the classical newsboy model. ─── 在收益、服务水平等方面对此模型与经典报童模型进行了初步比较,并对最优解的灵敏度进行了分析。

8、Newsboy Problem of Price with Discount ─── 价格有折扣的报童问题

9、The story tells about A little newsboy or shoeshine boy who grew up to become rich and respected. ─── 一个报童或擦鞋儿童如何长大为受人尊敬的有钱人。

10、The story tells about A little newsboy or shoeshine boy who grew up to become rich and respected. ─── 一个报童或擦鞋儿童如何长大为受人尊敬的有钱人。

11、Then came the voice of another newsboy selling the "Stop-press News," bawling as he ran past ─── ”接着又来了第二个卖“快报”的带喊带跑的声音。

12、A Newsboy Problem with Two-Time Ordering ─── 可追加订购的报童问题

13、The newsboy didn't deliver papers today. ─── 报童今天没送报来。

14、newsboy problem with the random-fuzzy demand. ─── 随机模糊需求下的报童问题。

15、The reordering newsboy problem was researched under the uncertainty circumstances. ─── 摘要研究模糊环境下可追加订购的报童问题。

16、According to the ignorance of price competition, facing stochastic price-dependent demand, a demand model based on the newsboy problem is proposed. ─── 摘要当前市场条件下,企业间的竞争通常只考虑库存竞争,而忽略了价格竞争。

17、newsboy problem ─── 报童问题

18、Fuzzy Newsboy Problem ─── 模糊报童问题

19、Then, we compare our model with the newsboy model, and prove that the profit and sever level can be improved by using the substitution policy. ─── 然后,将本模型与报童模型进行比较,证明采用替代策略可以提高销售商的收益及服务水平。

20、A newsboy model with budget cost constraints ─── 带有预算费用约束的报童模型

21、The Loss Averse Newsboy - The Solution of Newsboy Problem under Prospect Theory ─── 损失厌恶的报童-预期理论下的报童问题新解

22、When he hears a newsboy shouting about a trial, he imagines he is a crack shot being interrogated in the courtroom. ─── 当他听到报童审判喊,他想象他是一个神枪手,在法庭审讯。

23、Also, at ten years of age, I became a newsboy on the streets of a city, and found myself a changed uplook. ─── 而且,在十岁时我就成为了一名报童,每天穿梭在市区的街道上。我发现我的想法改变了。

24、A newsboy was screaming an extra. ─── 一个报童在尖声叫卖号外。

25、Keywords Perishable Goods;Newsboy Model;Supply Contracts;Supply Chain Coordination;Game Theory;E-Business; ─── 易逝品;报童模型;供应链合同;供应链协调;博弈论;电子商务;

26、When I went to buy my newspaper, I found that the newsboy’s eyelids were not double-folded. ─── 我去买一张报纸,却发现卖报的人不是双眼皮。

27、The Optimal Solution of the Reordering Newsboy Problem with Triangular Demand Distribution ─── 三角分布下可追加订购的报童问题最优解

28、newsboy model ─── 报童模型

29、The Newsboy Problem with Time-based Parameters Under Normally Distributed Demand ─── 正态分布下时变参数的报童问题

30、The newsboy bave me an extra special edition. ─── 报童又给了我一份特刊。

31、The newsboy makes his rounds every morning. ─── 报童每天早上沿固定路线送报。

32、Because inventory modulation don’t happened (doesn’t happen) in Newsboy question. ─── 通过分析表明,当一个经销商供过于求,而另一个经销商发生缺货时,经销商之间的库存协调,可以使供应链整体利润达到最优。

33、Related literatures of classical newsboy problem, revenue sharing strategy and two-echelon supply chain integrated inventory model are reviewed. ─── 论文中将针对传统报童问题、营收共享策略及二阶存货模式进行文献探讨,以瞭解过去学者在此相关领域的研究情形。

34、Edison began his experiments in a baggage car on the Grand Trunk Railroad when he was a newsboy. ─── 爱迪生在行驶于大干线铁路上的一辆火车的行李车厢中开始了他的试验,那时他还是个报童。

35、"Read all about it! " yelled the newsboy, hawking his newspaper on the corner, "50 people swindled! 50 people swindled! " ─── 街角的报童大声吆喝:“快来看报纸,50人被骗!50人被骗!”

36、The newsboy throws his papers in the wrong place. ─── 报童把报纸投错了地方。

37、1. Charles finally caught on as a newsboy . ─── 查尔斯终于找到送报的工作。

38、Wonderful unscramble: Newsboy cap, this year also be very popular, because it is novel and fashionable,perhaps be, because it is nifty and lovely,perhaps be. ─── 出色解读:报童帽,在今年也是十分的抢手,也许是因为它新奇时尚,也许是因为它俏皮可爱。

39、Newsboy A boy who sells or delivers newspapers. ─── 报童:卖报或送报的小男孩。

40、A multi-item newsboy model with constraint in budget ─── 带有预算费用约束的多地点报童模型

41、This article uses the analogue method to solve the newsboy problem. ─── 摘要本文利用模拟法解决报童问题。

42、The Newsboy Problem with Independent Compensable Selling ─── 带有独立补偿销售的报童问题

43、The study extends the classical newsboy problem to consider a single-manufacturer and the single-retailer in supply chain to implement the revenue sharing strategy. ─── 研究目的是将传统报童问题加以扩大及深化,经由扩展传统报童模型,考虑单一制造商与零售商在供应链下实施营收共享策略之最适政策探讨。

44、Then came the voice of another newsboy selling the "Stop-press News, " bawling as he ran past. ─── 接着又来了第二个卖“快报”的带喊带跑的声音。

45、He should cross caddie, newsboy, had sold a shoe, had worked summer vacation time. ─── 他当过球童、报童,卖过鞋,打过暑期工。

46、Using Revenue Sharing to Achieve Channel Coordination for a Newsboy Type Inventory Model ─── 使用收益分享合同获得渠道协调

47、The proposed model is compared with newsboy problem incorporating pricing only and a numerical example is given to illustrate ... ─── 并与需求仅受价格影响的报童问题做了比较,最后给出算例说明了所得的结论。

48、3. Then came the voice of another newsboy selling the " Stop-press News," bawling as he ran past. ─── 接着又来了第二个卖“快报”的带喊带跑的声音。

49、A newsboy selling newspaper: 'sell reported that the sale was "shouting incessantly. ─── 卖报的报童:‘卖报,卖报”的喊声不绝于耳。

50、Reordering newsboy problem with stochastic- fuzzy parameters ─── 含随机-模糊参数的可追加订购报童问题

51、We consider the newsboy model with three budget constraint and demand uncertainty, work out corresponding optimal solution. ─── 特别是在资金有限(或短缺)情况下,决不可能盲目地去一味满足需求,于是我们基于这种情况建立了带有预算费用约束的三种模型,求出了最优订购量,使收益达到最大;

52、This paper extends traditional newsboy model with time-based wholesale price and time-based forecasting precision under normally distributed market demanding, discusses the optimal decision about ordering timing and ordering quantity. ─── 本文扩展了传统的报童模型,以批发价和需求预测精度随时间变化的报童问题为对象,研究市场需求函数为正态分布的报童模型关于最佳订货时点和最优订货量的决策问题。

53、multiple newsboy model ─── 多报童模型

54、Serbia and Montenegro, we hardly new ye) and fashion changes (nice to have you back, newsboy cap! ─── 他们将举行一场规模更大、更好的体育竞赛,从而让小里小气的芝加哥羞愧难当。

55、"Read all about it!" yelled the newsboy, hawking his newspaper on the corner, "50 people swindled! 50 people swindled!" ─── 街角的报童大声吆喝:"快来看报纸,50人被骗!50人被骗!"

56、A newsboy was screaming an extra. ─── 一个报童在尖声叫卖号外。

57、A newsboy problem with reduced-price selling was proposed on the basis of the existence of maximum reduced-price selling quantity and a method was given to solve the problem. ─── 摘要提出二次降价销售模型,在假设存在降价销售最大容量的条件下,建立了模型,并给出最优解。

58、A newsboy problem with reduced-price selling ─── 二次降价销售的报童问题

59、The newsboy problem model also increasingly develops with the transformation of theproduction management styles. ─── 随着生产管理模式的转变,报童模型也不断发展。

60、An Extended Newsboy Model of Onetime Ordering and Seasonal Selling ─── 一次订购季节性销售的一种扩展报童模型

61、Today early morning walk in the streets of Chongqing, a city of skyscrapers, newsboy hawking voice is no longer the elegant and the newspaper still learning. ─── 如今清晨走在重庆高楼林立的街头,报童叫卖之声不再而读报之雅习依旧。

62、Research on Possibility Model of Newsboy Problem with Discrete Fuzzy Demand ─── 离散模糊需求报童问题的可能性模型研究

63、The newsboy bave me an extra-special edition. ─── 报童给了我一张最新号外.

64、Compared with the newsboy model, we discuss the role of nested-option in perishable products supply chain risk management. ─── 并通过与经典报童模型比较,讨论了嵌入式期权在易逝品供应链风险规避中的作用。

65、The newsboy wore a warm cap on his head. ─── 报童头上戴着顶暖和的帽子。

66、Bits include Lou? s mirage sightings, one a New York newsboy(" they gave me a bad corner"). ─── 这是一部普通的两傻滑稽片,只有其中两傻产生海市蜃楼式幻想的一段较具有可看性。

67、Typical Newsboy Mode ─── 经典报童模型

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