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09-21 投稿


laches 发音

英:[?l?t??z]  美:[?l?t??z]

英:  美:

laches 中文意思翻译



laches 词性/词形变化,laches变形


laches 相似词语短语

1、raches ─── 脊椎

2、loaches ─── n.泥鳅

3、leches ─── n.肉欲;好色的人;vi.好色;纵欲;adj.好色的;n.(Lech)人名;(瑞典)莱克;(德)莱希;(波、捷)莱赫

4、leaches ─── v.过滤,滤去;萃取;被过滤,沥滤;n.过滤,过滤过程;过滤器;n.(Leach)利奇(人名)

5、latches ─── n.[计]门闩线路;插销(latch的复数形式);v.用插销插上;缠住;理解(latch的第三人称单数形式)

6、baches ─── n.(Baches)人名;(罗)巴凯斯

7、naches ─── 纳奇斯(美国地名)

8、caches ─── n.[计]高速缓存;隐藏所;隐藏物(cache的复数);v.把…储存于硬盘;隐藏起来(cache的三单形式)

9、larches ─── n.落叶松(larch的复数)

laches 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Therefore, author holds the opinion that CHINA should regulate patent laches. ─── 所以,笔者认为,我们应当对专利懈怠行为予以规制。

2、In the past many years, Yan Hui studied very hard and had never shown laches. ─── 这些年里,颜回努力用功从来没有懈怠之心。

3、laches principle ─── 懈怠原则

4、The plaintiff's right to set aside the deed is barred by laches. ─── 原告解约的权利由于迟迟不予行使而不得再次提出。

5、plaintiff's right to set aside the deed is barred by laches. ─── 原告解约的权利由于迟迟不予行使而不得再次提出。

6、Of course, the education that arteries and veins of a few people concerns, hold together and comfortable fortune are used is them all the time never of laches. ─── 当然,一些人脉关系的培养、维系和适时运用是他们一直不曾懈怠的。

7、However, anyhow, the ideal of reform cannot shake, spirit cannot laches, fight cannot lax. ─── 然而,无论如何,改革的理想不能动摇,精神不能懈怠,斗志不能涣散。

8、He is afraid that the lifelong regret that causes disappoint as a result of laches of any his a gleam of to look again and ashamed remorse. ─── 他怕由于自己的任何一线懈怠而造成辜负重望的终身遗憾和愧疚。

9、Although do not work, do not have teacher classmate supervise and urge, go to an unripe very easy also laches. ─── 即使不工作,没有老师同学的督促,往届生也很容易懈怠。

10、Thus, author suggests that our country amend Article 62 of PATENT LAW, according to the doctrine of laches . ─── 因此,笔者提出在我国参照美国懈怠原则设立相关制度,并提出了修改《中华人民共和国专利法》第62条规定的具体建议。

11、Sale job is admittedly main, but servive routine more not allow laches. ─── 营销工作固然重要,但服务工作更不容懈怠。

12、The artesian well of Central Plains oil field to 46 years old for Gao Shaozhi of one company director, career of 20 old oil artesian well, resembling is a hour not dare the time course of laches. ─── 对于46岁的中原油田钻井一公司经理高绍智来说,20多年的石油钻井生涯,就像是一堂时刻不敢懈怠的功夫课。

13、but in the long days ,we are so laches to them. ─── 可是,在漫长的人世间,我们是多么地懈怠我们的父母?

14、Be this kind of aeriform pressure, urge this station worker a bit in working not dare laches. ─── 正是这种无形的压力,促使该站职工在工作中丝毫不敢懈怠。

15、Lach - Trifilieff E, et al. Complemeot receptor I (CD35) on human reticulocytes: normal express in systemic lupus erythematosus and HIV-infected patients. J Immunol. 1999 Jun 15;162(12): 7549. ─── 王海滨,郭峰.晚期肝癌患者红细胞与淋巴细胞粘附肿瘤细胞能力的研究.中华微生物和免疫学杂志.2000;20(5):414.

16、This scene so imprint is engraved on my heart. Let not dare laches, Chen Yao. ─── 这一幕如此刻骨铭心,让姚晨不敢懈怠。

17、Want to know, the book is a friend, treating a friend is cannot of laches. ─── 要知道,书是朋友,对待朋友是不可懈怠的。

18、The judges applied the laches and equitable estoppel to patent laches in America. ─── 美国适用的懈怠原则和禁反言原则较好地规制了专利懈怠行为;

19、Next, gu Ge not because of this laches. ─── 然后,谷歌并未因此而懈怠。

20、Frailty, thy name is laches! ─── 不是某网游的名字么=.

21、Besides, the fluctuation of this job is very big, as close together as domestic and international economic situation relevant, have laches a bit, good luck can become a regret. ─── 况且,这项工作的波动性很大,与国内外的经济形势紧密相关,稍有懈怠,机遇就会变成遗憾。

22、misfortune will take place if we forget ourselves because of our laches . ─── 懈怠疏忽而忘记了自身,灾祸就会发生。

23、On the other hand, when we think about agriculture, we can have another perspective in addition to trade and politics (voting power). laches said, ─── 不过,当我们思考农业的时候,我们还有其他跳脱商业与政治(选票)的考量,革少说:

24、The judges applied the laches and equitable estoppel to patent laches in America. ─── 法官们将“懈怠”和“衡平法禁止反言”应用于美国的专利懈怠。

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