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09-21 投稿


regressive 发音

英:[r??ɡres?v]  美:[r??ɡres?v]

英:  美:

regressive 中文意思翻译



regressive 反义词


regressive 短语词组

1、regressive evolution ─── 逆行演化

2、regressive object ─── [计]回归目标

3、regressive scheme ─── 回归方案

4、regressive burning ─── 减面[ ─── 减推力]燃烧

5、regressive infantilism ─── [医] 迟发幼稚型(成年期发育停顿)

6、regressive taxation ─── [经] 递减税

7、regressive rate ─── [法] 累退率

8、regressive erosion ─── 下切,向源侵蚀

9、regressive tax ─── [经] 递减税

10、regressive supply ─── 递减性供给

11、regressive tax rate ─── [经] 递减税率

12、regressive behavior ─── [医]退行性行为

13、regressive species ─── 退化种

14、generalized regressive model ─── [计] 广义回归模型

15、regressive chart ─── 回归图表

16、regressive metaplasia ─── [医] 退行性转化

17、regressive supply curve ─── [经] 递降供给曲线

18、regressive sequence ─── 海退层序

19、regressive character ─── 退化性状

regressive 词性/词形变化,regressive变形

名词: regres-siveness |副词: regressively |

regressive 同义词

returning | backsliding |reactionary | degenerating

regressive 相似词语短语

1、egressive ─── adj.(发音)呼气的,外呼的;外出的;n.外呼音,呼气音

2、digressive ─── adj.枝节的;离题的

3、regressively ─── 回归的

4、redressive ─── 矫直

5、depressive ─── adj.抑郁的;压抑的

6、repressive ─── adj.镇压的;压抑的;抑制的

7、aggressive ─── adj.侵略性的;好斗的;有进取心的;有闯劲的

8、degressive ─── adj.[税收]递减的;下降的

9、Progressive ─── n.进步政党党员;进步政党的支持者;adj.进步政党的;adj.(progressive)进步的;稳步的;n.(progressives)改革论者;进步分子

regressive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Partial Least-Squares Regressive Analysis and Modeling for the Yield of Acrynolitrile Reactor P. ─── 中科院丙烯腈反应器收率的偏最小二乘回归分析与建模。

2、Crs were negatively correlated with oxygenated index(OI)(r=-0 948)and a linear regressive relation was found(OI=64 73-82 70Crs). ─── Crs与氧合指数(OI)呈负相关关系 (r =- 0 948) ,有直线回归关系 :OI=6 4 73- 82 70Crs。

3、Through multilane regress, factors of affecting IQ include hobby, mother's and father's education level, father's job, school and age. ─── 多因素分析,影响智力的主要因素有业余爱好、父母亲文化程度、父亲职业、学校和年龄等。

4、There are alluvial systems tract, transgressive systems tract, regressive systems tract, and fluvial systems tract in every tectonic sequence. ─── 冲积体系域发育冲积扇、砾质辫状河沉积,分布局限;

5、Persecution of Josephine Ho is a regressive step in Taiwan's democratization. The suppression of her sex positive activism is a continuation of the state repression of old. ─── 对何春蕤的控告是台湾民主的一大退步。对她从事性解放运动论述的压迫无疑是老旧落伍思想的延续。

6、The paper states a method of handling mining pressure data,which consists oftwo steps, variance analysis and regressive analysis,it can reduce a lot of work to analyze the da-ta. ─── 介绍了一种矿压数据处理方法,该方法分二步走,第一步为方差分析,第二步为回归分析。该法可以大幅度地减少数据分析量。

7、Andino has also caused melanoma tumors in mice to regress with a YF17D vaccine carrying a tumor-specific antigen. ─── 安迪诺也让YF17D疫苗携带针对肿瘤的抗原,成功减少了小鼠身上的黑色素瘤。

8、Economics of regress The economics of negative growth. The opposite of economics of progress. ─── 倒退经济学负增长经济学。是增长经济学的反意词。

9、Another difficulty is the infinite regress generated by the view of Locke and many other philosophers. ─── 另一个困难是洛克和许多其它哲学家的观点引起的无尽的倒退。

10、The coal production variable and fixed costs of a large coal group company are distinguished by using expert division and regressive analysis method. ─── 分别采用专家界定法和回归分析法对某大型集团公司及所属矿山煤炭生产的变动成本与固定成本进行界定。

11、Treatment with Pro or Bep was evidenced with an improvement in IP, which was related to the regressive effect on hypertrophy. ─── Pro消退心肌肥厚作用强于Bep,Pro恢复预缺血保护作用亦强,降低阈值及增加保护强度。

12、In the “Counteraction” to enlightenment, their thought had more “regressive” differences. ─── 在对启蒙的“反动”之中,他们的思维理路更有“逆向”之处。

13、Curve regressive relation exits between the volume of the workspace of the thumb tip and the total thumb length. ─── 拇指总长立方与拇指腕掌关节工作空间体积存在线性回归关系。

14、Some parliamentarians are saying that the dissolution of parliament will create a vacuum which could encourage the regressive elements. ─── 一些议员说一旦解散议会就会造成真空,那将有利于反动分子。

15、Experiments involving categorical factors will be met in many real problems and the method to deal with them by orthogonal regressive design has not been seen. ─── 在许多实际问题中,会遇到含有定性因素的试验,如何用回归正交设计去分析讨论它。

16、No matter how old you are, losing a parent is a regressive experience that makes people feel young, childlike and vulnerable. ─── 不管你的年龄几何,父母亡故是一种回归的感受,使得人们感觉年轻,孩子似的,并且脆弱。

17、The Regressive Cycle is used to describle a decline in performance (regression). ─── 倒退循环用来描述部属工作表现的下跌(倒退)。

18、The regressive equations had remarkable precision available for using biomass to predict biomass of main tree species in this area. ─── 回归方程精度较高,用于根据地区常绿阔叶林主要树种材积推算其生物量是可行的。

19、The naturalism in phenomenology supporting "regress to the fields and gardens" is the end result and acme of the historical phenomenology of Marx. ─── “回归田园”赖以支撑的现象学自然主义乃是马克思历史现象学的归宿和顶点。

20、Reciprocal or regressive? ─── 是互惠还是退步?

21、The development of medicine calls the regress of the humanistic spirit. ─── 医学发展呼唤人文精神的回归。

22、To stand still is to regress. ─── 停止就是倒退。

23、The regressive calculations of three dimensional FEM for the initial geostress in engineering area are achieved through ANSYS software. ─── 在ANSYS中实现对工程区初始地应力的三维有限元回归计算;

24、Regress to dream and harmony. ─── 人类永恒的家园。

25、Lotteries are thus a regressive form of financing, and attacked by advocates for the poor. ─── 因此,彩票是一种退步的融资形式,受到了为穷人辩护的人士的抨击。

26、This is the most regressive thing in the world than to watch his own heart, it had to stick their hands up. ─── 这世上最累的事情,莫过于眼睁睁看着自己的心碎了,还得自己动手把它粘起来。

27、The structure and solubility of 658 organic compounds cited from literatures were related and their models were established by Multiple Linear Regress(MLR). ─── 以文献记载658种有机物及其在水中的溶解度性质为研究对象,对其进行结构-性质关联,以多元线性回归法(MLR)建立数学模型。

28、But sadly, year after year, all we get is the same old blame game, some sanctimonious advice, a few regressive laws and no promises, not even empty ones. ─── 但是政府总是令人失望,年复一年都在重复着陈旧的调子:责怪女性、没有意义的荒谬建议、走回头路的法律规章,连改善女性安全的承诺都不敢做,哪怕是空洞的承诺。

29、The distribution of out-of-pockets was more regressive than that of premium, whereas the regressivity also decreased annually. ─── (2)1995至2000年的家户自付医疗费用均比保费负担呈更明显的累退分配,惟,其累退性逐年趋。

30、Moving to a single rate of VAT without exemptions would eliminate this distortion but it would also be regressive. ─── 实行无免税的单一增值税税率将会消除这种混乱局面,但是也是后退的。

31、Work tips: The playfulness associated with Leo can regress to childish demands for attention, as opposed to healthy recognition. ─── 工作:贪玩的性格会让狮子有不切实际的愿望,从而不能有正确的认识。

32、This paper presents a regressive modeling by combining the maximum like lihood estimation with the AIC criterion. ─── 将极大似然估计与AIC准则有机结合进行回归模型建模。

33、Because Regress Argument is thought to indicate where we might look for this initial source of justification. ─── 因为回溯论证是要表明我们到何处寻求确证的最初来源。

34、It was concerns about how regressive the switch to a flat tax would be that caused Mr Forbes's campaigns to founder. ─── 正是对于转换到均一税这种大踏步后退的担心,导致了Forbes先生竞选的失败。

35、The stepwise regress technology was applied to analyze the factors after virtualization of status variables. ─── 将状态变量转化成虚拟变量后,运用逐步回归技术进行因素的回归分析。

36、The DBH, height and the wood volume of these three pine species are closely correlated to the stand age which can be expressed using the regressive equations, y = a + b, y=a + bx + cx2, and y = a + bx respectively. ─── “三松”胸径、树高和材积随林龄的变化规律分别可用y=a+b1nx、y=a+bx+cx~2和y=a+bx回归方程来描述,相关紧密。

37、Technological developments such as online television and the proliferation of channels are making it harder to defend the regressive licence fee. ─── 在线电视和频道增长这种技术发展也让逆潮流的许可证费用的防守保卫举步维艰。

38、The paper established a regress equation model for multi-analysis of relativities between weather factors and air contaminations. ─── 利用气象因子与空气中污染物之间的相互关系,建立了旨在反映两者内在关系的多元回归方程模型。

39、The sequences may be divided into lowstand systems tract,transgressive systems tract,highstand systems tract and regressive systems tract. ─── 将层序划分为低水位体系域、水进体系域、高水位体系域和水退体系域。

40、Senator Mitchell said that the suggested delay was regressive and unfair, and that he couldn't support it. ─── 参议员米切尔说,这种延迟是一种退步,是不公平的,他不可能支持这个。

41、Mr Osborne's own measures were regressive, said the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), a think-tank. ─── 财政研究所(IFS)的智囊团认为奥斯本自己的举措是一种倒退。

42、With income model this paper collects the related data and carries on OLS regress analysis to three commercial banks one by one. ─── 2、以三家上市商业银行为研究对象,收集相关数据,采用改进的收入模型逐一进行回归分析。

43、The second order regressive polynomial was determined by the curve and the value of CTOD was estimated furthermore. ─── 可以使一组没有规律的数据,成为一条光滑的曲线。

44、This article is the empirical thesis, so the countermeasure is just the own opinions which based on the result of regress equation, is only a few aspects. ─── 为农业信息化评价指标体系的完善提供了理论参考,为农业信息化的评价提供了初步依据。

45、Inflation is the most regressive form of taxation and it hits the poor most. ─── 通胀是税收最累进递减的形式,对穷人的打击最大。

46、The blueness in be being moved like cool color, blue, violet wait for colour, have regressive, abate effect, also say " cold color, fade " . ─── 如冷色调中的青、蓝、紫等色彩,有后退、减弱的效果,亦称“寒色、退色”。

47、For example green, blue, violet wait for cool color, have a kind of systole and removed feeling, call " regressive color " . ─── 例如青、蓝、紫等冷色,便有一种收缩和远离的感觉,称为“后退色”。

48、To regress after partial recovery from illness. ─── 复发:疾病部分康复以后再次退化。

49、The policy has been condemned as a regressive step. ─── 这项政策被认为是一种倒退而受到谴责。

50、Regressive Tax A tax that takes a larger percentage from the income of low-income people than the income of high-income people. ─── 低收入人士的税率高于高收入人士的税务制度。

51、Two ordinary mirrors facing each other will create a fun-house hall that ricochets an image back and forth until it vanishes into an infinite regress. ─── 两面相对的普通镜子会产生哈哈镜效应,即同时来回反映一个物像的正反两面直至其消失于无限深处。

52、An integrated model combining linear regress(LR) and supervised distributed neural networks(SDNN) based on the features of coke oven flue temperature is proposed. ─── 在分析焦炉立火道温度特性的基础上,提出了一种基于线性回归(LR)和监督式分布神经网络(SDNN)的立火道温度智能集成软测量方法。

53、For the notional rotor system, the damper steady displacement will decrease when kinematic couplings are introduced, and hence the regressive lag modal damping can be increased. ─── 对于所考虑的旋翼系统来说,几何耦合可能会减小减摆器的静态位移,从而提高摆振后通型模态的阻尼.

54、"Regress socially? Look at him!" her husband responded, motioning to their son, crying uncontrollably on the kitchen floor. ─── “社交退步?看看他吧!”她的丈夫回答,同上监视着他们的正在厨房地板上无法控制的哭喊的儿子。

55、If these same consumers are poorer on average, it would also be regressive. ─── 如果这些人平均来说都比较贫穷的话,对价格上涨的反应同样会是反向的。

56、If we always mix with people who are lower in level, naturally we will regress! ─── 不然的话,都跟那些比我们低等级的人在一起,我们当然会退步。

57、The partial least square regressive method (PLS) is applied to build the model estimating the annual load of NSP, whose results are compared with the ones of least square method. ─── 将偏最小二乘回归模型应用于流域非点源污染年负荷量预测,并与基于最小二乘的多元线性回归模型预测结果进行了对比。

58、A regressive tax, like the poll tax, takes proportionately more of a poor person's income. ─── 像人头税一样,递减税占穷人收入的比例更大。

59、Advance look and regressive color: Colorific lightness and purity heal tall, hue heals bright. ─── 前进色和后退色: 色彩的明度和纯度愈高,色相便愈鲜明。

60、The Microsoft Decision Trees algorithm trains a model by using an Auto Regressive decision tree. ─── Microsoft决策树算法通过使用自动回归决策树来为模型定型。

61、Global environment conservation would lag behind if the regressive ecological functions of agroecosystem can not be restored or protected, especially in fragile agroecosystem. ─── 如果农业生态系统,特别是生态脆弱区的系统服务功能得不到恢复与保护,那将会拖全球环境保护的“后腿”。

62、If the incoherence of an infinite regress is to be avoided here, something must be considered important not because of its consequences, but because of its nature. ─── 如果我们要避免这种回溯法的不连贯性,我们必须基于事物的本质,而不是事物所产生的结果来判断事物的重要性.

63、The pediatrician suggested that these are usually asymptomatic and regress without treatment. ─── 儿科医师认为这种情况通常没有症状,可以不经治疗自行退化。

64、To better understand the complex relationship between transgressive regressive events and biological diversity-events, many sequence-stratigraphic problems need to be clarified. ─── 因此,海侵-海退事件与生物变化事件之间的复杂关系还需要更进一步的研究才能得到更加合理的阐释。

65、Regress to "natural person "state. ─── 回归“自然人”状态。

66、The biggest single reason for the difference in income distribution between Brazil and America is more regressive public spending in Brazil. ─── 巴西与美国收入分配差异的最大一个原因,是巴西的公共开支实行累退制,对穷人更为不利。

67、While this might appear to be a positive step, it is actually regressive. ─── 尽管这样做表面上看是一种积极的措施,可实际上却是消极的。

68、However, if only disparate sections of the application are changing, or the changes are minor, you should be able to successfully utilise automated tests to regress these areas. ─── 但是,如果只是某个相对独立的功能模块发生变更,或者变更较小,我们可以成功的实现在回归测试里的自动化。

69、The multivariable regress analysis shows that the factors of teachers and students have greater explaining effect to the collaborative learning based on Wiki. ─── 多元回归分析表明,教师因素和学生因素对基于Wiki的协作学习具有较大的解释效应.

70、The regressive analysis is that the data of engineering and scientific experiment are fitted into linear function to correspond to the mutual relationship among the variable. ─── 回归分析是把工程和科学实验数据拟合为线性函数,以反映变量间的相互关系。

71、Local economists complain that the subsidy tips the trade balance the wrong way, want only increases state spending, encourages people to waste fuel or smuggle it abroad and is regressive because the poor do not own cars. ─── 伊朗国内的经济专家指责这种补贴将破坏贸易平衡,只会加剧国家经济负担,导致很多没有汽车的穷人将燃料浪费或走私到国外。

72、On the other hand, the supposed inconceivability and absurdity of an infinite series of regressive causes will be admitted by no one who has competent familiarity with the modern mathematical analysis of infinity. ─── 另一方面,任何一个熟悉现代数学就无限性所作分析的人都不会接受有神沦者的假设,即一个无限系列的递归成因是无法理解的、荒诞的。

73、If mandible bone growth is very big, can go to after cut regressive, also can become a bit normaller, look a bit more beautiful. ─── 假如下颌骨发育很大,可以切割以后往后退,也可以变得比较正常一点,看起来美观一点。

74、Surgical removal may be necessary if the tumor does not regress or if it is growing rapidly to a large size. ─── 如果肿瘤没有自发消退或迅速增大则需要通过说书切除。

75、Chinese education, for all its faults, has merits, while Western education, however progressive in ideology, is often regressive in practice. ─── 中国教育尽管有缺点,自有其长处,而西方教育在观念上虽进步,但在实践中往往是倒退的。

76、Regress our first independent variable x1 on our second independent variable x2 , and then obtain the residual . ─── 将第一个自变量向第二个自变量进行回归,然后得到残差。

77、Reform of the payroll tax, a regressive levy that hits the less affluent hardest, would be a good way to shift resources to needier Americans. ─── 工资税是递减税,对不太富裕的人打击最大。对该税的改革是将资源转向更有需要的美国人的好办法。

78、The results by CART regressive tree analysis on confounding factors indicated that the benzol blends exposure was a main effect on infants body length. ─── 孕妇苯系物暴露是影响新生儿出生身长的主要因素,而孕妇在家被动吸烟和倒班可使其子代出生身长比对照组短;

79、But green lies mediacy, not be advance look, also not be regressive color. ─── 但绿色处在中间状态,不是前进色,也不是后退色。

80、The deregulation movement passed agriculture by, leaving in place a series of government programs that lack any economic justification and at the same time are regressive. ─── 取消管制浪潮没有波及到农业,在农业方面实行的一系列违背经济规律、退步的相关政策措施。

81、All who practice as prescribed will not regress but will definitely attain the highest perfect Enlightenment and be born in the Pure Land of Utmost Bliss of Amitayus. ─── 一切定于阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。得不退转。一切定生无量寿佛极乐世界清净佛土。是故舍利子。

82、Although some protectionist measures were enacted, U.S. leaders were to a large extent successful in deflecting the most regressive proposals. ─── 国会虽然通过了一些保护主义措施,但美国领导人在很大程度上成功地把那些最具倒退性的提案转移了方向。

83、Compared with linear teaching, nonlinear teaching is characterized by perception of life, construction of sense, circular regress, correlation and individualized response. ─── 与线性教学相比,非线性教学具有生命体验、意义建构、回环往复、互联关系和个性化反应等特性。

84、Henceforth, countermeasure of aesthetic education is that developing beauty on the base of independent actions of regress life. ─── 审美教育的对策是回归学生生命的自主活动。

85、Do cancers always regress before killing us if they can't maintain their telomeres? ─── 如果癌症不能维持它们的端粒,那么在杀死我们之前它们总要退化吗?

86、At the moment of victory, we regress. ─── 在胜利的时刻,我们后退了。

87、A new biased contract estimation for the parameter of the Linear Regressive Model is given,also BC Estimation and its many good properties are proved. ─── 对线性回归模型的参数给出了一种新的有偏压缩估计,简称BC估计,并证明了BC估计的许多优良性质。

88、The monk, who is devoted to conscientiousness and who is fearful of negligence, unable to regress, he is just in the vicinity of the Nirvana. ─── 乐于不放逸而视放逸为危害的比丘,绝不会倒退,事实上他已非常接近涅槃。

89、In such cases, processes may regress to their previous levels of performance, making the whole project a waste of time and money. ─── 在那种情况下,过程也许倒退回最初的性能级别,使整个项目成为时间和金钱上的浪费。

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