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09-21 投稿


microscopist 发音


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microscopist 中文意思翻译



microscopist 词性/词形变化,microscopist变形

名词复数: microscopies |名词: microscopist |

microscopist 同义词

tiny | infinitesimal | minute | mini | minuscule | atomic | microscopical

microscopist 反义词


microscopist 相似词语短语

1、microscope ─── n.显微镜

2、Microscopii ─── adj.显微镜座的

3、microscopic ─── adj.微观的;用显微镜可见的

4、microscopical ─── adj.显微镜的

5、microcopies ─── n.缩微本;由缩影胶片复印的影本;vt.缩微复制;vi.制作缩微本

6、microscopes ─── n.[光]显微镜(microscope的复数)

7、horoscopist ─── n.星占;诞生时的星位(horoscopy的变形)

8、micrologist ─── n.显微学家,显微科学家(micrology的变形)

9、Microscopium ─── n.显微镜(星)[天]座

microscopist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、and analysis of the image by microscopist Walter McCrone, who concluded ordinary pigments were used. ─── 分析肖像的显射镜技术人员沃尔特指出,这只是使用了一种平常的颜料。

2、Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, pioneering microscopist, observed in 1702 that dry sediments of "animalcules", expected to be dead, were brought back to life when exposed to rain water. ─── 安东尼·范·列文虎克——使用显微镜的先驱,在1702年观测发现,把被认为死亡了的干枯的“微生物”沉积物放在雨水中时它们又复活了。

3、Here we share the world of the microscopist, who has unlocked so much of nature. ─── 显微操作员为我们提示了许多事物本质,现在我们分享一下他们的视野。

4、Though Stringer is not a microscopist by trade, he has been interested in diatoms for over 60 years. ─── 尽管斯特林格的职业并非微镜技术人员,但过去60年来他一直对硅藻类感兴趣。

5、Though Stringer is not a microscopist by trade, he has been interested in diatoms for over 60 years. ─── 尽管斯特林格的职业并非微镜技术人员,但过去60年来他一直对硅藻类感兴趣。

6、Receives consumer report repair behind telephone, Dispatch microscopist service arrives in dispatchering center 8 hours workdays. ─── 接到客户报修电话后,调度中心8小时工作日内调遣技术人员服务到位。

7、This concept of image formation was largely developed by Ernst Abbe, the famous German microscopist and optics theoretician of the 19th century. ─── 这种成像的概念早在19世纪就被著名的德国显微镜及光学理论家ErnstAbbe阐明。

8、Maintains in process, Microscopist strict according to the rules procedure operation, Execute company unified maintain content sum charges standard. ─── 维修过程中,技术人员严格按照规定程序操作,执行公司统一的保养内容和收费标准。

9、Trains lecturer can regular to microscopist proceed inside train and intelligence examination, Makes microscopist have ability bear many kinds models maintain task. ─── 培训讲师会定期对技术人员进行内部培训及资质考核,使技术人员有能力承担多种机型的维修任务。

10、All microscopist average course manufacturer normal training, And by technology checks behind holds the card post. ─── 全体技术人员均经过厂家正规培训,并由技术部考核后持证上岗。

11、Receives consumer report repair behind telephone, Dispatch microscopist service arrives in dispatchering center 8 hours workdays . ─── 接到客户报修电话后,调度中心8小时工作日内调遣技术人员服务到位。

12、Company has capital asset 20,000,000, Occupy 2000 square meter, Staff 200 many people, Have high, Middle class microscopist 30 Given name. ─── 公司拥有固定资产2000万,占地2000平方米,职工200多人,拥有高、中级技术人员30名。

13、and analysis of the image by microscopist Walter McCrone, who concluded ordinary pigments were used. ─── 分析肖像的显射镜技术人员沃尔特指出,这只是使用了一种平常的颜料。

14、Company has capital asset 20, 000, 000, Occupy 2000 square meter, Staff 200 many people, Have high, Middle class microscopist 30 Given name. ─── 公司拥有固定资产2000万,占地2000平方米,职工200多人,拥有高、中级技术人员30名。

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