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09-21 投稿


misconstrued 发音

英:[?m?sk?n?stru?d]  美:[?m?sk?n?stru?d]

英:  美:

misconstrued 中文意思翻译



misconstrued 反义词


misconstrued 词性/词形变化,misconstrued变形

动词第三人称单数: misconstrues |动词过去分词: misconstrued |动词现在分词: misconstruing |动词过去式: misconstrued |

misconstrued 同义词

distortion | misinterpretation | misunderstanding | fallacy | false impression | misreading |error | misjudgment

misconstrued 相似词语短语

1、misconstruing ─── vt.误解,曲解;误会

2、to misconstrue ─── 曲解

3、misconstrue ─── vt.误解,曲解;误会

4、misconstrues ─── vt.误解,曲解;误会

5、misconstruct ─── vt.误会

6、misconstructs ─── 误解

7、misconstructed ─── 误解

8、miscounselled ─── 误传

9、construed ─── 翻译

misconstrued 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Similarly, the use of the WHO emblem on non-WHO websites is normally not allowed since its use could be misconstrued as WHO endorsement of the non-WHO site. ─── 同样的,在非WHO官方网站上使用WHO徽章通常都不被允许,因为这会让人误会这个非WHO官方网得到了WHO的授权。

2、While this document is often misconstrued as a constitution it is, in fact, an agreement between states and not a compact among the individual peoples to create a government. ─── 这是说,这份文件经常被误会以为是[宪章],但其实只是与会各国的一份协议,而不是参与者之间用来组成管理政府的条约.

3、Since the business plan's purpose is often misconstrued as a means of obtaining funds, the last point is frequently forgotten. ─── 商业计划书的目的常被误解为获得资金的手段,因此最后这一点也常被遗忘。

4、Xiangzi misconstrued this to mean that he should run faster. He bent forward to put on a spurt. Very soon they were home. ─── 祥子莫名其妙,以为是教他快跑呢,他一拿腰,一气跑到了家。

5、It was annoying the way Melly always misconstrued her motives--but perhaps that was far preferable to having her suspect the truth. ─── 媚兰总是误解她的动机,这使她感到十分懊恼----不过这或许比猜出她的本意要可取得多。

6、Thus dispensationalists have misconstrued God's work of salvation and (again) the newness ofthe New Covenant. ─── 因此,时代论者曲解了神的救赎工作和新约的新义。

7、He's displaced and unglued, scared that faith in God could be misconstrued, but the cross makes him wish that his spine was more than a school of jellyfish. ─── 他的流离失所,害怕对上帝的信仰可能被误解,但十字架使他希望他的脊椎不只是一群水母。

8、If one went missing, or suffered a collision, there is a danger of this being misconstrued as hostile action. ─── 如果有一方擦枪走火,或是遭遇冲突,就有可能被误解为敌对行动。

9、He has not committed to coaching the Lakers next season despite comments he made this week that were misconstrued . ─── 他并没有给出承诺说下赛季还会继续执教湖人,但是上星期他说的一些话引起了误解。

10、Instead, Southern slaveholders misconstrued abolitionist views of the 1830s as mainstream rather than marginal Northern public opinion, and castigated Northerners generally for opposing slavery. ─── 相反,南方的奴隶主误认为9世纪30年代的废奴主义观点是主流,而不是北方边缘的公众意见,于是他们普遍谴责北方人反对奴隶制。

11、The last thing an advertising agency wants to do is to harm their client's reputation by producing materials that could be misconstrued as deceptive advertising. ─── 广告商最不希望发生的事情就是,由于做虚假宣传而对其客户的名誉造成损害。

12、"I think people misconstrued what everything was about," Bryant said. "It wasn't about the team. It was about a lot of stuff going on." ─── “我觉得人们误解了许多事。”科比说:“这些事情可不是关于球队的,而是关于过去发生的一些事情。”

13、There is absolutely no way for that statement or its meaning to be misconstrued . ─── 你不可能不了解或误解这句话的意思的。

14、Our commitment and dedication to people should never be misconstrued as paternalism. ─── 我们对员工的宗旨和努力不应曲解为家长作风。

15、In this country, since people have misconstrued the meaning of freedom, they let their children grow up unchecked. ─── 在这个国家,误解自由,让小孩自由发展。

16、You have misconstrued my words. ─── 你误解了我的话。

17、Boilerplate statements and disclosure that is imprecise or could be misconstrued should be avoided as they do not meet the standards required. ─── 应该避免样本陈述以及不准确和可能被误解的披露,因它们不能满足所要求的标准。”

18、Yet he denies micro-managing, insisting that critics have misconstrued his attempts to understand the details of the firm's operations. ─── 然而他认为具体参与管理的做法没错,坚持说批评者对于他尝试了解sears具体经营细节的做法有所曲解。

19、The term "Chinese elite" can be misconstrued as a group of Chinese Singaporeans who can only master the Chinese language but are not very good in English (like the ME3 under the present system). ─── 而“华文精英”一词也会让人误解为只精于华文而不能很好地掌握英文的一群华裔(比如现行制度下的ME3)。

20、He has not committed to coaching the Lakers next season despite comments he made this week that were misconstrued. ─── 他并没有给出承诺说下赛季还会继续执教湖人,但是上星期他说的一些话引起了误解。

21、But Larry Craig says his actions were misconstrued, saying he should not have pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges involving lewd conduct in a men's room. ─── 但赖利表示自己的行为受到了误解。同时,对于男厕猥亵行为一事,赖利称自己本不该承认轻罪指控。

22、Database should not be misconstrued to the modern electronic database. ─── 数据库不应该被曲解为现代电子数据库。

23、However, never agree to anything that can be misconstrued as a promise of what you or the company will do. ─── 尽管如此,决不要同意任何您或者公司将要作出的会被误解的承诺。

24、The entire debate over regulation is misconstrued. ─── 调控的整个讨论都被曲解了。

25、In fact teachers, the current National Curriculum and many public exam boards strive to achieve a balance between these two and they should not be misconstrued in this way. ─── 事实上,教师们和国家课程考试委员会也在努力平衡两者之间的关系,这种误解不应该产生。

26、You have misconstrued his words. ─── 你误解了他的话。

27、Good intentions may be misconstrued and, of course, dissent can also be hijacked. ─── 善意可以被曲解,异议当然可以被骑劫。

28、The simplicity of sending e-cards via the Internet as opposed to the traditional Valentine's paper cards has seemingly opened up another channel for attention that could be misconstrued. ─── 和寄传统情人节卡相比,透过网路寄电子卡片方便多了;可是这种管道似乎会引起不必要的误会。

29、Incomplete communication with co-workers can be misconstrued today. ─── 今天不到位的沟通会让同事曲解你哦。

30、Isn't it possible you may have misconstrued their remarks? ─── 您会不会误解了他们的意思呢?

31、Don't misinterpret my comments as criticism ; She misconstrued my remarks. ─── 别把我的评论误解成恶意的批评;她曲解了我的评论。

32、So, you may mean something one way and you write it out, and the meaning is completely misconstrued by the person on the other side. ─── 因此,你也许是这个意思并且你写出来了,但是这个意思被另外一边的人完全误解了。

33、First BdU was starved for information, and second, the lack of any radio message was misconstrued to mean that the u-boat was carrying out orders as assigned, rather than that the boat had been sunk. ─── 首先潜艇指挥部缺乏信息,其次按章门,缺少无线电信息常常被误解为U艇执行错误的命令,这比被击沉还要糟糕。

34、So, you may mean something one way and you write it out, and the meaning is completely misconstrued by the person on the other side. ─── 因此,你也许是这个意思并且你写出来了,但是这个意思被另外一边的人完全误解了。

35、At home, also, we let our hearts loose;we are not afraid of being misunderstood, nor of our words being misconstrued. ─── 我们在外劳累辛苦一天后,回家洗个澡后的感觉真好;

36、He deliberately misconstrued everything I said. ─── 他故意曲解我所说的一切。

37、They shall not be able to be 'covered up' or misconstrued. ─── 它们将不可能被【掩盖】或者【误解】。

38、The zero-sum game seems simplistic, but it's often misconstrued as creating winners and losers. ─── 可能会是这样,但是这不是固有的规律。

39、Due to their inherent introspectiveness, snake people can be misconstrued as shy or aloof. ─── 因为天性好自省,所以肖蛇者有时会因为害羞或漠然而遭到误会。

40、“However subsequently in the papers that's been misconstrued to mean that you'll have to ask the manager what my role is when I came on to play. ─── “然而后来在报纸上这句话被误解为你要不得不问一问教练当我开始踢球的时候我的角色是什么。”

41、Good intentions may be misconstrued and, of course, dissent can also be hijacked. ─── 善意可以被曲解,异议当然可以被骑劫。

42、We misconstrued him. ─── 我们误会了他。

43、Being a Chinese, I know such an action may be misconstrued as not giving you face. ─── 我知道这样举动也许被误会象不给你们面子。

44、and in doing so the genuine will and convictions of the public were often completely misconstrued. ─── 而这样做的真正意愿和信念,却往往市民被完全曲解。

45、You have misconstrued my words.I am so sorry about it.I am not fomenting ,just tell the truth. ─── 这句话我也审美疲劳了,您从来都认为自己说的只是事实,没有感情倾向性。

46、Due to the lack of good management of enterprise culture, the company first enterprise culture increasingly were misconstrued. ─── 由于缺乏对企业文化的良好管理,公司最初的企业文化日益遭到曲解。

47、However, LKY's statement was still too vague and therefore easily misconstrued: self-discipline is not the same as obedience to authority. ─── 在另一些演讲中他比较明确:要先建立人们的自律才能谈发展民主。但这句话还是有点泛,容易给人误解自律就是老百姓听话。

48、The relationship between natural disasters and communicable diseases is frequently misconstrued. ─── 人们常常误解自然灾害与传播性疾病之间的关系。

49、MJ: Well a lot of things about Kobe is getting misconstrued. ─── 有很多关于科比的事情都被误解了。

50、Don't misinterpret my comments as criticism. She misconstrued my remarks. ─── 别把我的评论误解成恶意的批评,她曲解了我的评论。

51、You have completely misconstrued me/my words/what I said. ─── 你完全误解了我[我的话/我的意思]了。

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