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09-21 投稿


streamlet 发音

英:[['stri:ml?t]]  美:[['stri:ml?t]]

英:  美:

streamlet 中文意思翻译



streamlet 短语词组

1、streamlet chen ─── 小河陈

2、streamlet online store streamlet ─── 在线商店

streamlet 词性/词形变化,streamlet变形


streamlet 相似词语短语

1、stemlet ─── n.小梗

2、streambed ─── n.河床

3、streamier ─── adj.多河流的;流水般的;发出光线的(streamy的变形)

4、streamlined ─── adj.流线型的;改进的;最新型的;v.使成流线型;使合理化(streamline的过去式和过去分词)

5、streamiest ─── adj.多河流的;流水般的;发出光线的(streamy的变形)

6、streamer ─── n.彩色纸带;饰带;长旗;横幅;n.(Streamer)人名;(英)斯特里默

7、streamed ─── n.溪流;流动;潮流;光线;(数据)流;vi.流;涌进;飘扬;vt.流出;涌出;使飘动

8、streamlets ─── n.小河;细流

9、streamless ─── 无河川的

streamlet 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Beside the streamlet, there is a tall cyan poplar tree which is can be hold in the arm by 4 or 5 persons together and there is a white pine in the tree, which can called as old woman got a son. ─── 小溪边有一棵四、五个人合抱粗的大青杨,树身上又长出一棵白松树,人们叫它“老妇得子”。

2、There is a streamlet in front of our youth hostel. ─── 旅舍门口有小溪,没见码头。

3、My thoughts, Like melting glaciers in March, Trickling sluggishly; Like limpid streamlet, Flowing merrily through your spring. ─── 我的思念;如三月里的冰河舒缓的吟唱我的思念;如清澈的溪流快乐地流过你心泉的波浪。


5、Who knows big Hua Xi streamlet local manners and feelings this building checks true appearance? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>生活>购房置业>谁知道大华西溪风情这个楼盘真么样?

6、1. Your hone goes as if a streamlet coming from heaven, meandering jokuls, trickling hills, strolling plains, leisurely, gracilely, limpidly. ─── 你的思念像天上而来的小溪,流过雪山,流过山间,流过平原,那样悠悠,那样涓涓,那样清纯。收藏指正

7、Does the red Jin Hua City streamlet road make several road vehicle on the 1231st? ─── 您的位置:凡人谷知道>地区>浙江>金华市>金华丹溪路1231号做几路车?

8、A little beyond him there was a dip in the ground, where a streamlet soaked among dead leaves ─── 离他不远的地上有一条小沟,沟里的枯叶被一股溪水浸渍着。

9、Does the Zhong Shan City sand streamlet station take bus having having no a through train to Dongguan east pit crossing? Want number Qian He time? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>地区>广东>中山市>中山沙溪车站坐车到东莞东坑路口有没直达车?要多少钱和时间?

10、10、 We should express ourselves freely and adequately, like a streamlet comes to the sea, a bird flies in the sky, the university expands. ─── (我们应当自由充分地自我表达,就像小溪流向大海,鸟儿飞翔,宇宙膨胀。)

11、A little beyond him there was a dip in the ground, where a streamlet soaked among dead leaves. ─── 离他不远的地上有一条小沟,沟里的枯叶被一股溪水浸渍着。

12、My thoughts, Like melting glaciers in March, Trickling sluggishly; Like limpid streamlet, Flowing merrily through your spring. ─── 我的思念;如三月里的冰河舒缓的吟唱我的思念;如清澈的溪流快乐地流过你心泉的波浪。

13、Hundred should rather for one streamlet to light the firepower base, but is inferior to block of wood each other. ─── 首页>>风景名胜>>百闻不如一见的溪生火力基地,但相见还不如不见。

14、You snuggle up to the counter of the photographing shop, holding your little chin, with your hone rippling so continuously that Jiangying alleyway becomes a amorous streamlet as Xiang river. ─── 当你依偎着照相馆的窗橱,托着腮儿,你的思念那样悠远,江英小巷成了多情的湘江。

15、E'en as the morn on the streamlet and sea; ─── 娇影水之泤,明眸若朝曦。

16、A streamlet spread out every here and there. ─── 到处可见小溪流淌。

17、Over the streamlet vapors are borne, ─── 夜兮雾冥迷,汝真亦幻矣。

18、We may have the leisureliness of streamlet without the vast of sea ─── 没有大海的壮阔,我们可以有小溪的悠然。

19、The car weaves through the villages, crosses the canyon, and then runs along with a streamlet. ─── 小汽车迂回盘旋,穿过村庄,翻越峡谷,沿着一条小溪行使。

20、Over the streamlet vapors are borne,Waiting to fade at the bright coming morn. ─── 在小河那边烟雾飘荡,轻轻地等待着黎明来到。

21、Most of the soil had been washed away or buried in drift after the removal of the trees; only where the streamlet ran down from the kettle a thick bed of moss and some ferns and little creeping bushes were still green among the sand. ─── 树木被砍倒后,大部分肥沃的泥土已经或被冲走或被压到了沙土下,只有锅里渗出一条细流的地方长着一层厚厚的苔藓、一些羊齿草和贴地蔓生的灌木,在沙地中呈现出一片碧绿。

22、Dear guests, in the rainy season, streamlet of Jinxi gorge forms a waterfall, which called as Longtan waterfall. ─── 游客朋友们,在雨季,金溪谷小溪形成一个小瀑布,谓之龙潭瀑布。

23、An Accident Analysis of Foundation Treatment by Backfilling of Rubble in Streamlet Area ─── 采用毛石换填法处理明浜地基的事故分析

24、Your hone goes as if a streamlet coming from heaven, meandering jokuls, trickling hills, strolling plains, leisurely, gracilely, limpidly. ─── 你的思念像天上而来的小溪,流过雪山,流过山间,流过平原,那样悠悠,那样涓涓,那样清纯。

25、We should have ceased our songs as soon as the streamlet caroled less musically over its rocky bed; ─── 当水流潺潺的声音稍微减少了一些的时候,我们感谢赞美的歌声就定规会停止了;

26、brook or stream; a streamlet. ─── 小溪,小河;小河流。

27、An Accident Analysis of Foundation Treatment by Backfilling of Rubble in Streamlet Area ─── 采用毛石换填法处理明浜地基的事故分析

28、A secret streamlet trickles on beneath the heavy cover of inertia and pseudo-events, slowly and inconspicuously undercutting* (cut away the part below or under (a thing))it. ─── 秘密的小溪涓涓流淌于惯性和伪事件沉重的覆盖之下,渐渐地并难以觉察地从底部呈现*(接近于汉语中的“挖墙脚”,从底部溃烂)出来。

29、Not far off ran a pretty streamlet, looking clear and bright; ─── 没有多远就流淌着一条很棒的小溪,看起来干净而清澈;

30、Wild streamlet of the West! ─── 西陲野地的小溪!

31、Wild streamlet of the West! ─── 西陲野地的小溪!

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