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09-21 投稿


lowlands 发音

英:[?lo?l?ndz]  美:[?l??l?ndz]

英:  美:

lowlands 中文意思翻译



lowlands 短语词组

1、Lowlands of Scotland n. ─── 苏格兰低地

2、central lowlands ─── 中部低地

3、down here in the lowlands ─── 在这里的低地

4、the lowlands of holland ─── 荷兰的低地

5、the lowlands ─── 低地

6、hudson bay lowlands ─── 哈德逊湾低地

7、in the lowlands ─── 在低地

lowlands 词性/词形变化,lowlands变形

名词: Lowlander |形容词: Lowland |

lowlands 反义词

highland |upland

lowlands 同义词

flat | low |low-lying | plain | sea-level | fen | coastal | valley | sunken | wetland | swamp

lowlands 相似词语短语

1、sloblands ─── 懒汉

2、lowlander ─── n.低地的人;苏格兰低地的人

3、townlands ─── n.汤兰兹(纳米比亚地名)

4、Lowlands ─── n.苏格兰东南部的低地

5、Dowland ─── n.(Dowland)人名;(英)道兰

6、lowland ─── n.低地;adj.低地的

7、Hollands ─── n.荷兰制杜松子酒

8、plowlands ─── n.耕地;古代土地面积

9、snowlands ─── 雪地

lowlands 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It includes the Bicol Plain, a large lowland area important in rice production. ─── 包括盛产稻米的比科尔平原。

2、"During the polar winters, we expect the lowlands to cradle methane lakes that are rich with ethane," Griffith noted. ─── “在两极的冬季,我们期望低地成为那些富含乙烷的甲烷湖的发源地。”

3、Once across the Fangdou Shan, the eclipse path descends once again into the lush lowlands surrounding Wuhan. ─── 一旦越过了方斗山,日食路径将再一次从高处下降到武汉周边草木茂盛的低地。

4、On the other hand, more factors can be controlled in lowland rice than in upland crops. ─── 另一方面,水稻比旱作物能控制更多的因素。

5、About 15,000 ha of winter potato be planted in areas below 1,600 m asl, in lowlands of the western and southern Yunnan,where rainfall is sufficient or irrigation available. ─── 在海拔1600米以下的滇西、滇南冬春降水条件较好的低热河漕、盆坝及滇中有灌溉条件的冬闲田,可发展冬马铃薯45万亩;

6、Russia falls nearly into two sections: a lowland west of the Yenisey river and uplands to the east. ─── 叶尼塞河把俄罗斯的地形分为大体相等的两半,西边为平原低地,东边为高原山地。

7、The cocoa tree is not very big, only about twenty feet high, and it grows in moist lowlands in the hot parts of West Africa. ─── 可可树不很大,只有大约20英尺高。它生长在西非热带地区的潮湿低洼的地方。

8、Soon after, this roiling slurry bursts across the flatter lowlands, entombing the unsuspecting animals in its path. ─── 说时迟那时快,滚滚泥流汹涌横扫低地平原,途经之处把毫无警戒的动物全数吞没。

9、Lowland trees may lean to this side and that, though it is but a meadow breeze that bends them or a bank of cowlips from which their trunks lean aslope. ─── 低地处的树木会东倒,虽然让它们东倒西歪的,不过是草地上吹过的一阵阵微风;或者,它们的躯干倾斜到一边,不过是由于一排野樱草的影响。

10、Topography: Qingdao is a hilly city. 40.6% of the total Qingdao area is highland and lowland areas. ─── 地势:为滨海丘陵地形,山地和丘陵占全市总面积的40.6%。

11、Location: Cultivated beside the Ecological Pond; naturalized in the wet lowlands of Taiwan. ─── 分布:种植于生态池畔。已广泛归化于全台低海拔开阔潮湿地。

12、He made them of liquid metal in the lowland of Jordan, at the way across the river, at Adama, between Succoth and Zarethan. ─── 46是遵王命在约旦平原,疏割和撒拉但中间借胶泥铸成的。

13、He lives in the Lowland. ─── 他住在苏格兰低地。

14、And when game moved out of the lowlands in early spring, the expedition decided to return east rather than face possible starvation. ─── 然后,猎物在早春迁徙出低地时,探险队决定返回东部,以免遇到可能出现的饥饿问题。

15、Highland Lowland shall catch a little bit of that spirit, of these emotions and bring them back into your living room. ─── “高原谷地”抓到了一点这样的精神和情感,并且把他们带进了你家的客厅。

16、These are the heritages of which Moses made distribution in the lowlands of Moab, on the other side of Jordan in Jericho, to the east. ─── 以上是摩西在约但河东对著耶利哥的摩押平原、所分给他们的产业。

17、Because they live in the lowlands and the valleys with many rivers, the Dong people are excellent bridge builders. ─── 因为侗族人居住在低地和山谷里,那里有许多河流。侗族人都是优秀的桥梁建设者。

18、The Fairy Bluebird is a common lowland passerine bird ,which has a very loud contact call and short sharp whistles, and it often eats the fruits of fig with other birds. ─── 和平鸟是常见的低地留鸟,叫声响亮而拖长如流水般的升调笛音,常与其他鸟混群在结果的无花果树上找食。

19、It may be well also for lowland branches to reach hither and thither for what they need, and to take all kinds of irregular shape and extension. ─── 低地处的树,可能为了获得它们需要的东西,四处伸展枝桠,形成各种不规则的形状,任意扩张。

20、Three culm traits,basal culm thickness(BCT),culm length (CL) and culm strength (CS),of DH lines and their parents under upland and lowland ecosystems at milk stage were studied. ─── 在水田、旱田栽培条件下 ,考查了乳熟期DH系及其亲本的茎基粗、茎秆长及茎秆强度等性状。

21、A native or inhabitantof a lowland. ─── 低地人低地的居民或本地人。

22、Lowland trees may lean to this side and a bank of cowslips from which their trunks lean aslope. ─── 低地上的树木会东倒西歪,虽说使它们弓腰曲背的。

23、What do you plan to do on the lowlands? ─── 你们计划在低地上做什么?

24、The lowland is divided by the Ural Mountain into the East European Plain to the west and the West Siberian Plain and Central Siberian Plateau to the east. ─── 在西部地区,乌拉尔山脉的西侧为东欧平原,东侧为西西伯利亚平原和中西伯利亚高原。

25、And looking in the direction of Sodom and Gomorrah and the lowland, he saw the smoke of the land going up like the smoke of an oven. ─── 向所多玛和蛾摩拉与平原的全地观看,不料,那地方烟气上腾,如同烧窰一般。

26、The extreme southeast and the lowlands between the Leinster chain and the sea have an average of seven hourss of sun daily in June,which decreases to five hours a day in the west. ─── 列因斯特和大海之间的极端东南区和低地地区在六月份一天平均的日照时间为7个小时,而在西部地区一天的日照时间则减少到为5个小时。

27、Heavy rain and flooding in the lowlands damaged wheat planted in the winter. ─── 低地的强降雨和洪水毁坏了冬天种植的小麦。

28、Wu Kau Tang, located in the northeastern New Territories and excluded from the Plover Cove Country Park, is one of the most species rich lowland forest sites in Hong Kong. ─── 乌蛟腾位于新界东北部,不属于船湾郊野公园范围,是本港物种最丰盛的低地丛林之一。

29、The Mayans developed a strong political, artistic and religious identity amongst the highly populated Yucatan lowlands. ─── 在人口众多优卡塔半岛低地,玛雅人发展出了一个强大的政治、艺术和宗教文化。

30、To maintain an annual balance of soil organic matter,1400 and 1900 kg biomaterial/ha/yrshould be returned to the Soil in lowland and upland. ─── 为维持土壤有机质的年平衡,雨养低地和雨养旱地需分别归还1400和1900公斤生物物质/公顷. 年。

31、The Amazon basin is a big lowland with forests and swamps. ─── 亚马逊盆地是一个巨大的洼地,到处是森林和沼泽。

32、Millions have flown up here to escape the heat of the lowlands and they're now roosting among the rocks. ─── 为了避暑,蛾数以十万计从低地飞到这里,栖息在石头之间。

33、Over the next century global warming could speed up the melting of the polar ice caps, causing major flooding of lowlands and changes in crop production, experts have warned. ─── 在下一世纪,全球变暖可能加快融化的极地冰帽,造成重大水患的低地和变化,在农作物生产中,专家们警告说。

34、In the northeast lie the uplands of County Antrim, while the mountains in the southeast gradually give way to the central lowlands of the Neagh basin. ─── 在其东北有着安特里姆王国的高地而在东南部,山群逐渐被利弗海湾盆地的中心低谷所取代。

35、Trees of the family Dipterocarpaceae dominate the canopy and emergent layers of the hyper-diverse, aseasonal, humid lowland tropical forests of Southeast Asia. ─── 以龙脑香科植物为主的东南亚热带雨林有一非常特别的现象,那就是不定期的大开花现象。

36、Zhou L K, Xu X K, Chen L J, Li R H.Effects of hydroquinone and dicyandiamide on NO2 and CH4 emissions from lowland rice soil. ─── 周礼恺,徐星凯,陈利军,李荣华.氢醌和双氰胺对种稻土壤NO2和CH4排放的影响.应用生态学报,1999,10(4):189-192.

37、The precipitation amount near the glacier showed different annual cycle compared with the nearby lowlands. ─── 与山区外低地相比较,近冰川地区的降水量表现出不同的年变化过程。

38、The Central Lowland: This is the area of the lightest rainfall in Ireland,with two areas that receive less than 762 mm per annum.The mean winter temperatures are about 4 to 5. ─── 中部低地地区:该地区是爱尔兰降水量最少的地区。有两地区的年降水量还不到762毫米。该地区冬季的平均气温为4度到5度.

39、In Guizhou, rice and wheat are grown in the lowlands, while corn and rapeseed are produced in the uplands. ─── 在贵州,低凹地带种植水稻和小麦,高坡上则出产玉米和油菜。

40、These springs are the sources of streams and rivers, which cut through the rocks and carry away debris from the mountains to the lowlands. ─── 这些泉水是溪流和河流的源头,这些溪流和河流穿过岩石,把山上的碎石带到低地。

41、Bergado, Anderson, Miura, and Balasubramaniam:Soft Ground Improvement in Lowland and Other Environments. ASCE Press, New York, 1996. ─── 叶书麟,韩杰,叶观宝编(1994).地基处理与托换技术,中国建筑工业出版社。

42、Whatever may come of it, he said, I will go. Then he said to him, Go. So Ahimaaz went running by the lowland road and overtook the Cushite. ─── 他又说,无论怎样,我要跑去。约押说,你跑去吧。亚希玛斯就从平原往前跑,跑过古示人去了。

43、These people exploited the landscape intensively, foraging on hill slopes for wild cereal grasses and nuts, while huntinggazelle and other game on grassy lowlands and in river valleys. ─── 这些人集中地开发这片土地,在山坡上寻找野生的谷类植物和坚果,而在草木茂盛的低地和河谷里猎捕瞪羚和其他猎物。

44、Highland Lowland is a carpet and a coffee table in one. ─── “高原谷地”将地毯和咖啡桌合二为一。

45、Brazil features mostly uplands and plains.It is mostly flat to rolling lowlands in north and there are some plains and narrow coastal belt . ─── 地形以高原和平原为主,北部是亚马逊平原,地势低平。中部是起伏平缓的巴西高原,东南沿海是狭平原。

46、From now on the tendency of adjustment for cotton distribution in China will be:southern cotton plantations,move to North,upland cotton plantations move to lowlands. ─── 今后我国棉花布局和调整态势是南棉北移,高棉低移。

47、After him were working the priests, the men of the lowland. ─── 22其次是住平原的祭司修造。

48、Lowland areas are commandeered for the productive agriculture required to feed 1.3bn people, so that any crop that can migrate upwards will do so. ─── 低地被征用来从事生产性农业耕作,以养活中国13亿人口,因此可被移往高处的农作物都会被移向高处。

49、The comparison experiments for four gramineal forage crops(10 varieties summer-sowed)were conducted in the lowland area of Hebei Province. ─── 在河北低平原区,夏播情况下对4类禾本科饲草(10个品种)进行了比较试验。

50、You'll hear me group Nepenthes together as "lowland", "intermediate", "highland", and "ultra-highland. ─── 你将会听我说明将猪笼草种植在一起,如,低地,中海拔,高地,及极高地。

51、Steep, stony hill streams occur widely, but few lowland streams have escaped from severe human impacts e. G. Pollution, channelisation, etc. ─── 到处可见陡峭及布满石卵的山涧,但甚少低地溪流能逃过污染及水道工程等人为活动的严重影响。

52、Both major islands contain fertile lowland areas of pasture land, large forests, many sandy beaches and short swept flowing rivers. ─── 南北两岛都有许多肥沃的低地牧场,大片的森林,多沙的海滩以及湍急的河流。

53、Last month Bolivia's president, Evo Morales, sent troops to the lowlands of Santa Cruz department to crack down on gold mining. ─── 上个月玻利维亚总统埃沃·莫拉莱斯,派军队前往圣克鲁斯地区的低地镇压金矿开采行为。

54、Karachi is a coastal city, in the lowlands, and will be swamped by sloshing water during the shift. ─── 卡拉奇是一个低海拔的海滨城市,在转换期间会被动荡的海水淹没。

55、At the same time,the characteristics were verified that the lowland rice prefers NH + 4 to NO - 3 in contrast with the upland rice. ─── 同时验证了水稻喜 NH+4 和旱稻喜 NO- 3的吸收特性 .

56、The snow on the top of the mountain can be seen from Xiaguan, the old ( ancient ) town of Dali and any other lowland. ─── 在下关,大理古城及任何地势稍低的地方都可以看到苍山顶上的雪。

57、But the Chaldaean army went after the king, and overtook him in the lowlands of Jericho, and all his army went in flight from him in every direction. ─── 5迦勒底的军队追赶王,在耶利哥的平原追上他。他的全军都离开他四散了。

58、The comparison experiments were conducted with 11 domestic and overseas alfalfa varieties in the Hebei Lowland Plain Area. ─── 在河北低平原区对引进的11个紫花苜蓿品种进行了三年的比较试验。

59、Writin sad-eyed lady of the lowlands for you. ─── 和为你而创作的专辑。

60、Shepherds in those hills lead a hard life compared with those who work the lowland pastures. ─── 和那些在低地牧场上放羊人相比,山里牧羊人的生活是艰辛的。

61、A lone shepherd with his dogs was in the vanguard, leading his flock out of summer pasture into the lowlands and winter quarters. ─── 一个牧羊人带著牧羊犬看守羊群,并带领牠们离开夏日草原,走向低地,预备过冬。

62、"Striking a display to intimidate a nearby rival, a [western lowland gorilla] silverback stirs up butterflies drawn here by salt-rich animal urine. ─── 一只[西部低地大猩猩]银背大猩猩装出一副姿势来恐吓附近的一个竞争者,它扰动起一群被富含盐分的动物尿液吸引而来的蝴蝶。

63、The white sandstones we were excavating had formed from the sand carried by the rivers that poured into lowlands as Madagascar unhinged from Africa. ─── 在这些史前河谷中,喙龙与横齿龙也许一齐觅食,就像今日非洲草原上的斑马与牛羚一样。

64、But the scientists warn that far more effort is needed to extend protection across the region in lowland and mountain areas if the impacts are to be minimized. ─── 不过他们警告,如果要尽可能缩小恶化的趋势,现在的努力还不够,必须将保护区范围延伸,将低地与山地一起保护起来。

65、The setting and scenery of Vancouver, a comBination of sea, lowlands, and mountains, can Be matched By few cities in the world. ─── 世界上很少有城市能在地理环境和风景方面比得上温哥华的,这里既靠大海,又有低地和高山。

66、Lowlands to Saitama Prefecture in central as the center, including the coastal plain of the river and coastal plains. ─── 低地以埼玉县中部为中心,包括各河沿岸平原与海岸平原。

67、The king made silver and gold as plentiful in Jerusalem as stones, and he made cedars as plentiful as sycamores in the lowland. ─── 代下1:15王在耶路撒冷、使金银多如石头、香柏木多如高原的桑树。

68、Around the lowland there are several types of landscape. ─── 低地周围有各种类型的风景。

69、The population is almost evenly split between Christians, living in the highlands, and Muslims inhabiting the lowlands. ─── 住在高地的基督徒与住在低地的穆斯林的人口差不多各占全国总人口的半壁江山。

70、The original small village Yuxiang 2: lowland swamp the village stream, Nanshe Village. ─── 原小井峪乡2个村委会:窊流村、南社村。

71、While global warming will affect mainly the fertile lowlands, soil erosion is largely a problem of the uplands, especially the steeplands. ─── 全球变暖主要危害肥沃稻田,土壤侵蚀则主要波及旱地(特别是陡坡地)。

72、Planting their tents by the side of Jordan from Beth-jeshimoth as far as abel-shittim in the lowlands of Moab. ─── 他们在摩押平原沿约旦河边安营,从伯耶施末直到亚伯什亭。

73、To the east, rains of twenty-five centimeters or more in areas struck the western Gulf of Mexico. The rains washed out fields and flooded lowlands. ─── 在东海岸,25厘米的平均降水量及部分区域超过该水平的降水袭击了墨西哥西部海湾。降雨冲垮了农田并导致低洼地带被淹。

74、The mountainous, sparsely-populated regions of Scotland are quite different from the Scottish Lowlands in language and tradition, better preserving Gaelic speech and customs. ─── 人烟稀少的苏格兰山地与东南部低地在语言和传统上都大为不同,这里更完整地保留了盖尔人的语言和风俗。

75、Skiffs that once plied the lowland waters lie dry and splintering and ducks wallow in fetid green ponds that pocket the maze of feeder streams. ─── 以前可以在低水区划船的地方现在已经干旱并且裂开了,鸭子沉湎于发臭的绿色的池塘里,吃着里面的乱七八糟的食物。

76、Millions of young goby fish head upstream, but they must first run the gauntlet of the lowlands. ─── 几百万只幼小的虾虎鱼正溯溪而上,但它们会在低地先遭受层层的攻击.

77、Soon all lowland landscapes were left far behind them. ─── 不一会,所有的低地景色都远远地消失在他们背后。

78、Its west coast for the lowlands, the eastern part of the wavy plains, central and south-east to the plateau. ─── 其西部沿海为低地,东部是波状平原,中部和东南部为高原。

79、And the king caused silver to be as plentiful as stones in Jerusalem, and cedars, like the sycamores that are in the lowlands. ─── 27王在耶路撒冷使银子多如石头,香柏木多如低陆的桑树。

80、An inhabitant of the rapidly diminishing lowland forest regions, the rare Maroon Oriole is one bird species that requires protection. 2. ─── 图1:住在低海拔阔叶林中的朱鹂,因为栖息地迅速减少,目前是需要保护的稀有鸟类。

81、A native or inhabitant of a lowland. ─── 低地人低地的居民或本地人

82、Samuel: The British are trapped in the Belgian lowlands. And this paper is already a week old! ─── 整个英军的第三兵团被包围在比利时低地。而且这是一星期以前的旧报纸了。

83、In one study, half the male fish in British lowland rivers had signs of being feminised. ─── 一项 研究 显示,英国下游河流中一半左右的雄性鱼都有雌性化的迹象。

84、A business trip to the miserable lowlands of Scotland leads to Scottish millionaire Colin (Kevin McKidd) whisking Hannah away. ─── 在一次糟糕的苏格兰低地的商务旅行中,百万富翁科林(凯文.麦基德)带走了汉娜。

85、Sanballat and Geshem sent to me saying, Come, let us have a meeting in one of the little towns in the lowland of Ono. ─── 参巴拉和基善就打发人来见我,说:请你来,我们在阿挪平原的一个村庄相会。

86、In truth, say academics , plantation owners migrating from the lowlands have been more of a threat to the trees. ─── 学者说,事实上,由低地移民到山地的所有者对破坏森林有着极大的威胁。

87、And the king made silver and gold to be in Jerusalem as stones, and cedars made he to be as the sycomore-trees that are in the lowland, for abundance. ─── 在他统治期间,耶路撒冷的金银跟石头一样多,香柏木也多得像普通的桑树。

88、Bird's eye view Repulse Bay and the lowland park's scenery, is really marvelous stimulates. ─── 俯瞰浅水湾及低地公园的景色,真是奇妙而刺激。

89、The northern lowlands are exceedingly level, leading to speculation that they were lake beds during a significant chunk of Martian history. ─── 北方极为平坦的低地难免令人猜测:它们在火星历史上某个特定时期,是一片河床。

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