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methylene 发音

英:['meθ?li?n]  美:['m?θ?l?n]

英:  美:

methylene 中文意思翻译



methylene 短语词组

1、bismuth methylene digallate ─── [医] 甲烯双没食子酸铋

2、Loffler's alkaline methylene blue stain ─── [医] 吕弗勒氏硷性亚甲蓝染剂

3、hydrazi-methylene ─── [化] 1,2-亚肼代甲烷

4、methylene blue stain ─── [医] 亚甲蓝染剂

5、eosin-methylene blue ─── [医] 曙红美蓝

6、Loffler's methylene blue ─── [医] 吕弗勒氏甲烯蓝

7、dibutyl methylene diphosphonic acid(DBMDP) ─── [化] 亚甲基二丁基双膦酸

8、Levine's eosin-methylene blue agar ─── [医] 勒文氏曙红美蓝琼脂

9、methylene azure ─── [化] 亚甲天蓝 ─── [医] 亚甲天蓝, 甲烯天蓝

10、acetone-methylene chloride solvent ─── [机] 丙酮二氯甲烷溶剂

11、methylene blue tests ─── [医] 亚甲蓝试验(检肾渗透性)

12、Methylene Blue BB ─── [化] 碱性湖蓝BB

13、Kuhne's methylene blue ─── [医] 屈内氏甲稀蓝(溶于酚液内甲稀蓝和无水乙醇)

14、methylene blue ─── [化] 亚甲蓝 ─── [医] 亚甲蓝, 甲烯蓝, 美蓝

15、eosin-methylene blue agar ─── [医] 曙红美蓝琼脂

16、Kiihne's methylene blue ─── [医] 屈内氏甲烯蓝

17、Laffler's methylene blue ─── [医] 吕弗勒氏亚甲蓝(染细菌)

18、acid polychrome methylene blue ─── [医] 酸性多色甲烯蓝

19、endo-methylene group ─── [化] 桥亚甲基

methylene 相似词语短语

1、mesitylene ─── n.1,3,5-三甲基苯

2、methylate ─── v.在……中加入甲醛(或甲基化酒精);(使)甲基化;n.甲醇盐

3、diethylene ─── n.二亚乙基

4、trimethylene ─── n.三甲烯;环丙烷(等于cyclopropane)

5、methylamine ─── n.[有化]甲胺

6、methylases ─── n.[生化]甲基化酶

7、methylase ─── n.[生化]甲基化酶

8、ethylene ─── n.乙烯

9、methoprene ─── n.甲氧普林(一种杀虫剂)

methylene 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This article is a study of methylene chloride as a substitute for trichlorofluoromethane in producing flexible polyurethane foam. ─── 讨论了用二氯甲烷替代一氟三氯甲烷进行软质聚氨酯泡沫塑料的生产。

2、L-NAME , methylene blue and indomethacin could reduce the vasodilative effect of TFCM significantly. ─── L-NAME、亚甲蓝和吲哚美辛能显著减弱TFCM的血管舒张作用;

3、In this paper, the characters of adsorbability of Ca group and Na group bentonite to methylene blue were researched in order to apply bentonite as digestive mucosal protective agent. ─── 为将膨润土作为消化道粘膜保护剂提供依据,本文研究了钠质、钙质膨润土对亚甲基蓝的吸附性能。

4、eosin methylene blue agar medium ─── 伊红美蓝琼脂培养基

5、Fe-Mn nodules collected from the East Pacific Ocean were used for decolorization of a cationic dye methylene blue(MB) in a batch system. ─── 利用锰氧化物具有高的吸附与氧化还原化学活性的特点,研究了采自东太平洋的铁锰结核对阳离子染料次甲基蓝氧化性脱色特征。

6、nitrilotris(methylene phosphonic acid) ─── [化] 次氨基三(亚甲基膦酸)

7、The thermal stability and char yield of PFR were depended on the degradation process of methylene bridges. ─── 其中亚甲基的热解对酚醛树脂的热稳定性及高温下的成炭性能有着至关重要的作用。

8、Do not contact methylene chloride acet (like nail oil) strong acid detergent. ─── 不要接触亚甲基氯化物、丙酮(去指甲油剂)、强酸清洗剂。

9、Main methylene chloride and chloroform sales. ─── 主营二氯甲烷和三氯甲烷的销售。

10、Loffler's methylene blue solution ─── 吕弗勒(氏)亚甲蓝溶液:碱性亚甲蓝染剂

11、He had in fact intentionally used crystal methylene. ─── 事实上,他曾刻意服用晶体甲基。

12、The adsorption experiment of methylene blue (MB) in water by SPES mi- crospheres and polyethersulfone (PES) microspheres reveal that the adsorption property of the SPES microspheres is better than that of PES microspheres. ─── 对比SPES和聚醚砜(PES)2种微球对水中亚甲蓝(MB)的吸附,发现SPES微球对MB的吸附性能明显优于PES微球对MB的吸附性能。

13、The reactor and transfer line are rinsed with several small portions of methylene chloride . ─── 反应器和输送管线被用少量二氯甲烷洗涤几次。

14、MOMA (methylene bis 2-methoxyaniline) ─── 亚甲基双2-甲氧基苯胺

15、Do partial water changes. Add 2 - 5 drops per gallon of Methylene Blue. ─── 局部换水。添加亚甲基蓝,每加仑水添加2-5滴。

16、Na5 Ethylene Diamine Tetra (Methylene Phosphonic Acid) Pentasodium sa ... ─── 乙二胺四亚甲基膦酸五钠(固体) EDTMP.

17、Adsorption of Methylene Blue on the Muscovite ─── 亚甲基蓝在云母表面吸附状态的研究

18、It requires the extraction in chloroform of an ion-pair formed between thiocyanate ions and methylene blue in acidic medium. ─── 它要求在氯仿萃取的离子对之间形成硫氰酸离子和亚甲蓝在酸性介质。

19、M. = Polyoxy Methylene Resin (We can dye any color for you! ─── M. = 聚甲醛树脂(我们可以为您染任何颜色!)

20、Na5 Ethylene Diamine Tetra (Methylene Phos... ─── 摘要:乙二胺四甲叉膦酸五钠 EDTMP?

21、Lffler rs alkaline methylene blue stain ─── 吕弗勒氏碱性亚甲蓝染剂

22、Preinjection of L NNA and methylene blue into NPB separately blocked the depressor effect elicited by L Arg. ─── L - Arg在 NPB的降压效应可被 NPB内预注射 L - NNA或鸟苷酸环化酶抑制剂亚甲蓝所阻断。

23、effective drug for the treatment of methylene blue pigment class. ─── 有效治疗药为色素类的亚甲基蓝。

24、Methylene blue: An old-timer or a compound ready for revival? ─── 亚甲兰:一个古老但是将要重新流行的化合物?

25、Xing T L,Chu K H,Chen G Q.Sonochemical degradation of methylene blue in aqueous solution[J].Dyeing and Finishing,2005,(23):13-15. ─── [15]邢铁玲,Chu K H,陈国强.亚甲基蓝的超声化学降解[J].印染,2005,(23):13-15.

26、The deionizing and deoxidizing water is required by the methylene blue spectrophotometric method in the new national standard to analyze sulfide in water and waste water. ─── 在新颁国标中,采用亚甲基蓝光度法测定水和废水中硫化物时,要求用去离子除氧水做为实验用水。

27、Process of photocatalytic decomposition of methylene blue on cadmium sulphide was studied using cadmium sulphide nanoparticles as photocatalyst and tungsten as simulated visible light. ─── 以硫化镉为光催化剂,钨灯模拟可见光,研究了硫化镉对活性染料亚甲基蓝的光催化降解过程。

28、The genetic polymorphisms due to mutations in the methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase gene may increase the risk for NTDs. ─── 亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶基因突变导致的遗传多态现象可增加神经管缺陷(NTD)发生的危险性。

29、Keywords DNA;porphyrin;methylene blue;interaction; ─── 卟啉;亚甲基兰;相互作用;

30、First one, I need check Lit.; Second one, obviously benzylic methylene was oxidized to ketone and then intramoleular condensation. ─── 发表于2007-12-1005:16|只看该作者看帖回帖是一种美德,您的回帖是对楼主最大的支持.

31、A large number of structures of benzene methyl and methylene groups but rare aralkyl ether linkage existed in the waste liquor. ─── 两种废液木素中都含有大量的苯环及甲基、亚甲基结构,几乎不存在烷基芳基醚键结构;

32、Keywords methylene blue;photoinactivation;CMV; ─── 亚甲基蓝;光化学病毒灭活;CMV;

33、Abstract: Transparent polyurethane elastomers used for solid wheel were prepared from polyester polyol, polyether polyol, toluene disocyanate and methylene bis-ortho-chloroaniline. ─── 摘 要: 以聚酯和聚醚多元醇、异氰酸酯、三元醇和芳香族二胺等为主要原料,研制了轮子用浇注型聚氨酯弹性体。

34、Na5 Diethylene Triamine Penta (Methylene Phosp... ─── 二乙烯三胺五亚甲基膦酸五钠(固体) DTPMP.

35、Characteristics: a white or slightly yellowish crystalline powder, practically insduble in water, freely souble in methylene chloride, soluble in acetone ,slightly soluble in alcohol. ─── 性状:白色或微黄色结晶状粉末,,不溶于水、易溶于二氯甲烷,熔于丙酮、微溶于乙醇。

36、Furthermore, samples, as catalysis, were used to degrade simulation dye effluents, such as solutions of Acid Red G, Direct Bordeaux, Direct Red and Methylene Blue. ─── 同时以酸性红G、直接枣红和直接大红(直接染料)及亚甲基蓝为对象模拟染料废水进行催化降解实验。

37、Using plug flow reactor (PFR) as pre condensing and dislocation reactor is helpful in increasing the content of methylene diphenylamine (MDA) in the product. ─── 对苯胺、甲醛在盐酸催化下生成二苯基甲烷二胺(MDA)及其同系物的连续缩合流程进行了研究,并与间歇缩合进行了比较。

38、The organic monomer, acrylamide can react with cross-linking reagent, methylene bisacrylamide to form polyacrylamide gel.This polymerizing reaction needs TEMED as catalyst and APS as arising agent. ─── 单体-丙烯酰胺和交联剂-甲叉双丙烯酰胺相互作用可形成聚丙烯酰胺,该聚合反应以TEMED作为催化剂,以APS 作为引发剂。

39、Antioxidative effect of carotenoids on the methylene blue sensitized photooxidation of soybean oil and rapeseed oil was investigated. ─── 采用亚甲基蓝作光敏剂,研究了类胡萝卜素在豆油、菜油中的抗油脂光敏氧化作用。

40、Alkalinity is determined by titration method and the concentration of sulfide is determined by methylene blue method. ─── 实验室分析:滴定法-碱度。浊度法-硫化物、硫酸盐类。

41、Loffler's alkaline methylene blue ─── 吕弗勒(氏)碱性美蓝

42、Ployether ployamino methylene phosphonates ─── 多醚基多氨基甲叉膦酸

43、dibutyl methylene diphosphonic acid ─── 亚甲基二丁基双膦酸

44、The DET method qualitatively distinguishes the two hydrogen atoms in methylene, and the results for carbon are better than those determined by ah initio method. ─── 密度泛函方法定性地区分了亚甲基上两个氢的不同,对碳的化学位移计算要比从头算法稍好。

45、sodium methylene bis-naphthalene sulfonate ─── 亚甲基双萘磺酸钠

46、The supported cuprous oxide to visible light photocatalytic degradation for the methylene bule are reported. ─── 报道了漂珠负载氧化亚铜可见光催化分解亚甲基蓝溶液。

47、Both fibres were tested parallelly and the data obtained were treated by linear regression.Based on the absorbed amount of methylene blue, the optimum modification parameters were determined. ─── 对各种影响因素进行正交优化设计、平行实验和线性回归处理,以亚甲基兰吸附量为指标,从而确定了最佳工艺参数。

48、Methylene tetrahydro folate reductase ─── 亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶

49、In the activation of lignin charcoal with activating agent A, the effects of activation temperature, time and quantity of activating agent on methylene blue adsorption, iodine value and yield of activated carbon were studied. ─── 以水解木素炭为原料,用碱类化合物A作活化剂,研究了活化温度、活化时间及活化剂用量对活性炭的亚甲基蓝脱色力、碘值和活化得率的影响。

50、Unna's alkaline methylene blue stain ─── 乌纳氏碱性亚甲蓝染剂

51、Loffler's alkaline methylene blue stain ─── [医] 吕弗勒氏碱性亚甲蓝染剂

52、Do partial water changes. Add 2-5 drops per gallon of Methylene Blue. ─── 局部换水。添加亚甲基蓝,每加仑水添加2 - 5滴。

53、Tubal patency was confirmed at laparoscopy by observation of the passage of methylene blue from vagiua through the fimbrial openings of the tubes. ─── 对不孕症者还行输卵管伞端粘连分离,扩张或造口术,经阴道用稀释美蓝行输卵管通液术。

54、Its long molecules, consisting of tens and hundreds of thousands of methylene groups (!CH2!), cannot exist as long stretched polymeric chains, which might be called a “primary structure. ─── 它是一个大分子的化合物,是由数万数千万的二次甲基(-CH2-)组成的,不能长期以高分子链的延伸存在,这可以称之为“基本结构”。

55、The new method in the determination of negative ion surface-active agent is introduced, comparing with methylene blue method, it have merits of simple operation step and little dosage. ─── 介绍了水中阴离子表面活性剂测定新方法,该法与亚甲蓝法比较,具有操作步骤简单,萃取剂用量少的优点。

56、Cyanuric acid, N, N'-methylene-bis-acrylamide and hexamethylene tetramine have sensitization effect for radiation crosslinking of PVA. ─── 三聚氰酸、N,N’-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺和六次甲基四胺等对PVA水溶液的辐射交联有敏化作用,可使凝胶剂量降低。

57、The methylene blue-fuchsin basic stain is instable, being related with character of the inclusion bodies. ─── 但采用亚甲蓝-碱性品红法显示病毒包涵体的效果不稳定,可能与包涵体嗜性有关。

58、The experimental results suggest that methylene chloride ist a good substitute which can instead of trichloro-fluoromethane in the production of different kind of density flexible polyurethane foam. ─── 小试结果表明,用二氯甲烷生产各种密度的软质聚氨酯泡沫塑料,确实是较全面的一氟三氯甲烷的代用品。

59、One of the hydrogen atoms of the active methylene group is replaced with a cyclooxy group . ─── 活性亚甲基上的一个氢原子是被环氧基所取代的。

60、It introduces a variety of excellent performances of polyamino polyether methylene phosphonates (PAPEMP), which has been researched and produced in Shanghai Petrochemical Company. ─── 报道了上海石化研制和生产的多氨基多醚基亚甲基膦酸(PAPEMP)的一系列优良特性。

61、Methylene blue spectrophotometric method ─── 亚甲蓝分光光度法

62、Methylene blue spectrophoiometry ─── 亚甲基蓝分光光度法

63、Studies on treatment of soil containing nitro-aromatic compounds by the water extraction and methylene dichloride back-extraction process have been carried out. ─── 对土壤试样中的硝基芳香类化合物进行了水提取与二氯甲烷反萃取研究。

64、Capacity of methylene blue decolorization ─── 亚甲蓝的脱色能力

65、Na5 Diethylene Triamine Penta (Methylene Phosphonic Acid) P... ─── 二乙烯三胺五甲叉膦酸五钠 DTPMP?

66、Original principal agent of Zhejiang and Sichuan Zigong giant of carbon tetrachloride (CFC) and methylene chloride (MC), quantities, quality assurance, in 99.95 above. ─── 主要代理原装四川自贡和浙江巨化的四氯化碳(CFC)和二氯甲烷(MC),大量现货,质量保证,含量99.95以上.

67、Objective To study the value of methylene blue staining in diagnosis of precancerous lesions and early gastric cancer. ─── 摘要目的研究内镜下美蓝染色对胃癌前病变和早期胃癌的诊断价值。

68、Normal human plasma control sample was added to the upper well and plasma sample treated with photoactivated methylene blue for 10 min was added to the lower well. ─── 上孔加正常人血浆对照样品,下孔加亚甲蓝光敏法处理10 min后血浆样品。

69、Nax Sodium salt of Diethylene Triamine Penta (Methylene Phos... ─── 二乙烯三胺五甲叉膦酸钠 DTPMP?

70、The UV-Visible absorption band of 4. 5% Mo doped TiO2 reached to about 460 nm, the removal efficiency of methylene blue was 58. 3% , and TOC was 52. 5%. ─── Mo6+掺杂的质量分数为4.5%时,样品的吸收带边可达460 nm,对40 mg/L亚甲蓝反应2 h的降解率为58.3%,矿化率为52.5%。

71、Approximately 473 L of methylene chloride was added to the reaction vessel to dilute the suspension. The suspension containing the product (II) was then cooled to 5-10 DEG C. ─── 在反应容器中加入约473升二氯甲烷以稀释悬浊液。将含产品(II)的悬浊液冷却至5-10℃。

72、Use: Methylene Blue at 5 drops per gallon for 5 days. ─── 使用亚甲基蓝每加仑水5滴用量,连续5天。

73、Both L-NAME(an inhibitor of NOS) and methylene blue(an inhibitor of GC) could abolish the protective effect of captopril. ─── NOS抑制剂左旋硝基精氨酸甲酯(L-NAM E)和GC抑制剂亚甲蓝均可取消卡托普利的血管保护作用。

74、Methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase gene ─── 亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶基因

75、Characteristics: a white or yellowish crystalline powder, slightly soluble inwater, in acetone in alcohol and in methylene chloride, very slightly soluble in ether. ─── 性状:白色或微黄色结晶状粉末,微溶于水、丙酮、三氯甲烷,极微溶于乙醚。

76、The genetic polymorphisms due to mutations in the methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase gene may increase the risk for NTDs. ─── 亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶基因突变导致的遗传多态现象可增加神经管缺陷(NTD)发生的危险性。

77、Methylene bis(dialkyldithiocarbamate) is an ashless antioxidation and EP additive for lubricant. ─── 亚甲基双二烷基二硫代氨基甲酸酯为无灰型润滑油抗氧和极压多功能添加剂。

78、Effects of methylene blue on rat infraorbital nerve ─── 亚甲蓝对大鼠眶下神经作用的实验研究

79、When using either Hexane or Methylene Chloride the column must be flushed with Isopropanol before returning to your resvered-phase mobile phase. ─── 当用已烷蔌二氯甲烷柱子时,必须先用异丙醇冲洗,然后再用你的反相流动相。

80、Transparent polyurethane elastomers used for solid wheel were prepared from polyester polyol, polyether polyol, toluene disocyanate and methylene bis-ortho-chloroaniline. ─── 以聚酯和聚醚多元醇、异氰酸酯、三元醇和芳香族二胺等为主要原料,研制了轮子用浇注型聚氨酯弹性体。

81、Bengoyl leuco methylene blue is prepared from methylene blue by reduction and acylation. ─── 介绍了以亚甲基蓝为原料,经还原、酰化生成苯甲酰无色亚甲基蓝的方法。

82、The rate of decomposition was not affected by methylene blue and ethanol. ─── 亚甲蓝和乙醇不影响过亚硝酸根的分解速率。

83、eosin methylene blue agar with tetracycline ─── 含四环素伊红美蓝琼脂

84、The determination was carried out under acidic condition, using CHCl_3 as a solvent, Dioctyl Sodium Sulfosuccinate as a volumetric solution, and Dimethyl Yellow - Methylene Blue as mixed indicator. ─── 三氯甲烷为溶剂,磺酸钠基丁二酸二辛酯溶液为滴定液,用二甲基黄-亚甲蓝混合指示液,在酸性条件下进行滴定,以测定苦参碱含量。

85、The methylene blue spectrophotometric method was improved by using solid reagent for the rapid determination of anionic surfactant in water. ─── 对亚甲蓝分光光度法进行改进,用固体试剂快速测定水中的阴离子表面活性剂。

86、The experiments proved that the adsorption of methylene blue and oil absorbency by the micro-porous starches were significantly improved. ─── 实验得出:与木薯淀粉对亚甲基兰溶液、食用油的吸附性能相比,微孔淀粉的吸附性能明显提高。

87、Again, chloroform,methylene chloride, and to a lesser degree, DMF, aresuitable solvents. ─── 再次,三氯甲烷,甲叉二氯,和稍微, DMF,是适当的溶剂。

88、99mTc medronate methylene diphosphonate ─── 99m锝甲烯亚甲基二磷酸盐

89、The affinity of cellular structures for basic dyes, such as methylene blue. ─── 嗜碱性基本染料,如亚基兰的细胞结构的亲和性

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