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09-22 投稿


brickkiln 中文意思翻译



brickkiln 相似词语短语

1、brick it ─── 砖块

2、brickie ─── n.砖瓦匠

3、brickies ─── n.砖瓦匠

4、brick in ─── 用砖填补;用砖围砌

5、brick-kiln ─── [炉窑]砖窑

6、brickfield ─── n.制砖厂

7、bricken ─── adj.砖砌的

8、brick-kilns ─── [炉窑]砖窑

9、brickier ─── adj.砖的(bricky的变形)

brickkiln 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The paper revealed the structure of a local traditional brickkiln with long history, which is used to bake blue bricks and tiles by special techniques. ─── 本文给出了一种历史悠久的用独特技术烧制青色砖瓦的传统砖瓦土窑的结构,并对其各部分结构、作用、特点进行了剖析。

2、Keywords brickkiln;fluorine pollution;fruit; ─── 砖厂;氟污染;水果;

3、Villagers build brickkiln,stonekiln; mine and carry stone material. ─── 村民自己建設磚窰、石窰,並且可以人工開採和搬運石材。

4、Everywhere was parched and stifling as if the whole ancient city were one lighted brickkiln. ─── 处处干燥,处处烫手,处处憋闷,整个的老城像烧透的砖窑,使人喘不出气。

5、The Fluorine Pollution and Control on Fruit Trees Nearby a Brickkiln ─── 砖厂排放的氟对周围果树的污染及防治对策

6、Vertical is particularly practical burn at one-time code shape kiln furnace, horizontal also can do the brickkiln of the room with Yu Youhong. ─── 立式特别实用在一回性码烧成型窑炉,卧式同样可用于有烘干房的砖窑。

7、An investigation was Conducted within a brickkiln and the fruit trees around it in order to understand the fluorine pollution from the brickkiln. ─── 为了探讨砖厂氟污染对周围果树的影响,摸索可行的治理办法,我们对一个砖厂及周围果树开展了调查监测。

8、The Fluorine Pollution and Control on Fruit Trees Nearby a Brickkiln ─── 砖厂排放的氟对周围果树的污染及防治对策

9、Draw thee waters for the siege, fortify thy strong holds: go into clay, and tread the morter, make strong the brickkiln. ─── 14你要打水预备受困。要坚固你的保障。踹土和泥,修补砖窑。

10、Strictly standardize the managemnet of brickkiln industry ─── 严格规范砖瓦窑业的管理

11、GD40-C brickkiln is special fan construction is reasonable, can bear flue gas and 150 degrees of the following sirocco bring wind platoon technically to be used wetly as furnace of brickyard, kiln. ─── 型砖窑特用风机构架公道,能忍受烟气和150度下面热风特别作为砖厂、窑炉引风排湿之用。

12、Draw thee water for the siege; strengthen thy fortresses; go into the clay, and tread the mortar; make strong the brickkiln. ─── 你要打水,预备敌人围困!你要加强防御!你要踩泥作砖,预备砖模!

13、The younger daughter married a brickkiln worker. ─── 小女儿嫁给了一个烧砖的窑工。

14、Everywhere was parched and stifling as if the whole ancient city were one lighted brickkiln. ─── 处处干燥,处处烫手,处处憋闷,整个的老城像烧透的砖窑,使人喘不出气。

15、Take great stones in thine hand, and hide them in the clay in the brickkiln, which is at the entry of Pharaoh's house in Tahpanhes, in the sight of the men of Judah; ─── 对他们说、万军之耶和华以色列的神如此说、我必召我的仆人巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒来.在所藏的石头上我要安置他的宝座.他必将光华的宝帐支搭在其上。

16、Dark Brickkiln Event: A Criminal to Challenge the Baseline of Human Civilization ─── 黑砖窑事件:挑战人类文明底线的罪恶

17、thee waters for the siege fortify thy strong holds: go into clay and tread the morter make strong the brickkiln. ─── 你要打水预备受困。要坚固你的保障。踹土和泥,修补砖窑。

18、Dark Brickkiln Event: A Criminal to Challenge the Baseline of Human Civilization ─── 黑砖窑事件:挑战人类文明底线的罪恶

19、Keywords Brickkiln;Fluorine fixing material;Fluoride;Fugitive emission; ─── 砖瓦厂;固氟剂;氟化物;无组织排放;

20、Keywords flue gas;treatment;ring brickkiln;defluorination;desulfidation;dust removal; ─── 轮窑;烟气治理;烟气脱硫;除尘;

21、The results showed that the level of fluorine pollution in fruits is related to the distance from fruit trees to the brickkiln and the variety of fruit trees. ─── 结果表明,水果受氟污染的程度与果树距砖厂的距离及果树的种类有关。

22、Impaction of Brickkiln Fluorine Gas on Vegetable and Soil ─── 农村轮窑氟气对蔬菜和土壤的影响

23、But under, he is forced to find an intermediary place, a certain brickkiln that is versed in fillet makes the same score fruit county to Guangxi works. ─── 无奈之下,他只好找到一家中介所,被工头带到广西平果县的某个砖窑打黑工。

24、Strictly standardize the managemnet of brickkiln industry ─── 严格规范砖瓦窑业的管理

25、Study of Flue Gas Treatment of Ring Brickkiln with Lime Milk ─── 石灰乳吸收法处理轮窑烧砖烟气的研究

26、14 Draw thee waters for the siege, fortify thy strong holds: go into clay, and tread the morter, make strong the brickkiln. ─── 你要打水预备受困。要坚固你的保障。踹土和泥,修补砖窑。

27、He also brought out the people who were in it, and set them under saws, sharp iron instruments, and iron axes, and made them pass through the brickkiln. ─── 将城里的人拉出来,放在锯下,或铁耙下,或铁斧下,或叫他经过砖窑(或作强他们用锯,或用打粮食的铁器,或用铁斧作工,或使在砖窑里服役)。

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