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09-22 投稿


percolating 发音

英:[?p??rk??let]  美:[?p??k?le?t??]

英:  美:

percolating 中文意思翻译





percolating 常用词组

percolating water ─── 渗透水;渗漏水,流动水

percolating 短语词组

1、percolating work ─── 渗滤工程

2、percolating clay ─── 渗滤粘土

3、percolating sales ─── 渗透销售

4、percolating network ─── 渗透网络

5、percolating threshold ─── 渗透阈值

6、percolating clusters ─── 渗透簇

7、percolating solution ─── 渗透溶液

8、percolating force ─── 渗透力

9、percolating up ─── 上渗, ─── 上滤

10、percolating filter ─── [医] 滴滤池

11、percolating bed ─── 渗滤层

12、percolating coefficient ─── 渗透系数

13、percolating poison box ─── 渗毒箱

14、percolating water ─── 渗透水; ─── 渗漏水,流动水

percolating 词性/词形变化,percolating变形

动词第三人称单数: percolates |动词过去式: percolated |名词: percolation |动词现在分词: percolating |动词过去分词: percolated |

percolating 相似词语短语

1、perforating ─── v.在……上打孔,穿孔;刺穿,贯穿(perforate的现在分词)

2、perorating ─── v.作长篇大论,冗长地谈论;(演讲)作结语,致结束语

3、peculating ─── vi.盗用,挪用(公款等);vt.盗用,挪用(公款等)

4、suspercollating ─── 悬浮聚合

5、percocting ─── 渗滤

6、personating ─── v.扮演,伪装,冒充(personate的现在分词)

7、percolative ─── 渗滤的

8、percolation ─── n.过滤;浸透

9、pernoctating ─── vi.守夜;通宵祷告

percolating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、An investigation on the therapeutic effect and its mechanism of the method of percolating the Lung to opening the orifices on acute non-suppurative otitis media ─── 宣肺开窍法治疗急性非化脓性中耳炎疗效观察与机理探讨

2、to be dissolved or passed out by a percolating liquid ─── 被渗滤液溶解或分离

3、As President Hu Jintao visited the United States, the percolating issue was not whether China, too, would bend to our template. ─── 从那建造摩天大楼的阵阵噪音里,我们清楚听到历史崭新的一个章节正在书写中。

4、Compared with conventionally filter, the technique of percolating water abstraction is a new technics,which is characterized by for good abundant water and low cost. ─── 天然河床渗滤取水技术是一种通过渗滤系统净化取水的新工艺。

5、percolating recharge ─── 渗漏补给

6、percolating tank ─── 渗滤器

7、Study on Inclined Tube Well Collecting Percolating Ground Water of Huanghe River for Daily Drinking ─── 斜管井取黄河渗透水供生活饮用的研究

8、"One of the questions that's percolating up in ecology is how you link these, " said Ellison. ─── 自下而上渗入生态的一个问题是,你如何将这些联系起来。

9、Integrating percolating mechanics with rock mechanics and hypothesizing the reservoir is elastic-plastic, a mathematical model for percolation-solid phase balance is abstractly presented; ─── 将渗流力学和岩土力学相结合,建立了含水力压裂裂缝的储层渗流和固相平衡的数学模型;

10、Keywords environmental science;percolating flow mechanics;mathematical model;volatile organic pollutants;gas transport in the solid waste landfill; ─── 环境科学;渗流力学;数学模型;挥发性有机污染物;垃圾填埋场气体迁移;

11、"It's turned out to be a very pertinent story, especially with everything that's percolating right now. ─── “这部影片变成了一部非常贴合当前情势的故事,特别是联系到最近的所有事情的情况下。”

12、Keywords AMT system;Treatment;Garbage;Percolating liquid;Tentative experiment;Medium test.; ─── AMT系统;处理;垃圾;渗滤液;小试;中试;

13、Wastewater treatment plants - Mineral filter media and plastic media for percolating filters - Requirements, testing, delivery, placing ─── 废水处理厂。渗滤器用矿物和塑料过滤介质。要求、检验、供货和安置

14、Non-sandstone Reservoir Percolating Characteristics and Its Producing Techniques between Salts ─── 盐间非砂岩油藏渗流特征及开采技术实践

15、The engineering includes landfill zone, percolating water treatment zone, management zone and outside-field engineering. ─── 工程包括卫生填埋区、渗滤液处理区、管理区及场外工程。

16、And for coffee drinkers there's a lot of research percolating. ─── 而对于咖啡饮用者来说,经常有很多研究结果问世。

17、landfill percolating liquid ─── 垃圾渗滤液

18、Once his voice was percolating to her satisfaction. ─── 他的声音曾使她感到满意。

19、Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect and its mechanism of the method of percolating the Lung to open the orifices on acute non-suppurative otitis media (AN-SOM). ─── 目的探讨宣肺开窍法治疗急性非化脓性中耳炎的疗效与机理。方法自拟宣肺通窍汤,每日一剂,早晚各1次水煎服。

20、Keywords Phyllostachys pubescens;litter;percolating water;plant species diversity;soil fertility; ─── 关键词毛竹林;枯落物;渗滤水;植物多样性;土壤肥力;

21、The percolating behaviors and electro-thermal characteristics were correlated with the specific network structure of the heating composite. ─── 将材料的渗滤行为、发热特性以及特定的网状结构形态进行了关联。

22、percolating filter ─── 渗床渗透滤器

23、In the years preceding the financial crisis, we warned of the cumulative imbalances percolating under the seemingly calm surface. ─── 2008年全球金融危机爆发前的几年里,我们一直在对看似平静但实际上暗流涌动的很多市场失衡现象提出警告。

24、The fight scenes will keep kids percolating in their seats, but a creative cartoon energy sparks throughout "Kung Fu Panda. ─── 打斗的场面将让孩子们一直待在自己的座位里,而创造性的卡通人物的活力在电影的整个过程中绽放。

25、The results show that concentration and percolating velocity make a greater impact on its viscoelasticity in the percolation process of the solution. ─── 结果表明 ,聚丙烯酰胺溶液在渗流过程中 ,浓度和渗流速度对其粘弹性影响较大。

26、It shows that the relation between fractural orientation and percolating di -rection is of the maximum influences in the displacement effects; ─── 指出裂缝方向与渗流方向的关系对驱替效果的影响最大;

27、What is even more interesting is that the strengths of some approaches are percolating out to others. ─── 更有趣的是某些技术的优势正在渗透到其他技术中。

28、When asked if there was anything percolating Thursday, Webber's agent said, "Not with the Lakers." ─── 当周四被问及能否透漏点什么时,韦伯的经纪人说:"不去湖人队"。

29、Strong percolating force, especially on old wall surface, and an adhesive force higher than ordinary coating; ─── 渗透力强,尤其是在旧的墙面,其附着力高于一般涂料。

30、Any number of other sales are percolating upwards, including Lee Kee Holdings, a zinc trader, LK Machinery, a die-casting firm, and China National Coal. ─── 其他的股票销售也都呈上升态势,包括利记控股有限公司,一家锌交易商,LK机械,一家压模铸造公司,以及中煤集团。

31、Leaching Characteristics of Nutrients of Percolating Water in Different Phyllostachys edulis Stands ─── 毛竹林渗滤水养分的淋溶特征

32、water percolating capacity ─── 水分渗透能力渗水量

33、to make coffee by percolating boiling water through coffee ─── 用沸水滤过咖啡的方法煮咖啡

34、mineral filter media for percolating filters; ─── 英文标题: (Sewage treatment plants;

35、The percolating water from compost returns to blowout one-time fermentation room and the percolating water from landfill returns to blowout the surface of landfill area. ─── 堆肥产生的渗滤液回喷一次发酵仓,填埋产生的渗滤液回喷填埋场表面,所收集的发酵气体则作为燃料使用。

36、Keywords Drinking water;Inclined tube well;Percolating water; ─── 关键词生活饮用水;斜管井;渗透水;

37、percolating water ─── 渗滤水渗漏水渗透水

38、The details of the contract had been percolating for some time. ─── 该契约的具体内容已传播了一段时间了。

39、Analysis and Maintenance on Percolating Oil of an Oil-immersed Transformer ─── 油浸式变压器渗漏油现象分析与防护

40、Its rocks are made of limestone and are formed by water percolating the ground’s surface and eroding away everything but the pillars. ─── 石林的岩石由石灰石构成,形成的原因是雨水渗透了地表,腐蚀了一切,只留下诸多岩石柱子。

41、Keywords landfill percolating liquid;ultrasonic cavitations;catalyze oxidation; ─── 垃圾渗滤液;超声辐照;催化氧化;

42、On the Percolating Medical Morality Education into the Teaching Process of Medical Information Retrieval ─── 试论医学文检课教学过程的医德渗透

43、Keywords Technique of percolating water abstraction;iron removal at stratum;Charaeteristies of water quality;Correlation;Reliability; ─── 关键词渗滤取水;水质特征;地层除铁;相关性;可靠度;

44、There have been no sweeping algorithmic updates with this storm of developments, even though algorithms are always bubbling and percolating behind the scenes. ─── 在这场开发风暴中,没有出现运算规则的升级,尽管运算一直在幕后变化。

45、The result indicats that this design effectively prevents the phenomenon of the wall of well percolating water-icing ices. ─── 实验结果表明,该设计有效防止了井壁渗漏水的结冰现象。

46、Experimental Study of Fluid Percolating Characteristics in Extremely Low Permeable Reservoirs ─── 特低渗透油藏流体渗流特征试验研究

47、They blundered blindly through the forest, finding their way to the Cafe of Green Tea by the smell of the percolating coffee. ─── 他们蒙着眼,跌跌撞撞地穿过树林,朝散发出过滤咖啡香气的绿茶咖啡馆摸去。

48、My work was to help monitor treatment of garbage percolating liquid and mainly monitor the variation of three indicators, BOD, COD and ammonia nitrogen. ─── 我的工作是在监控协助监控垃圾渗滤液的处理,主要监控三个指标的变化,即BOD、COD及氨氦(氮)。

49、percolating mechanism; ─── 渗流机理;

50、" If that hilarious Web video has been percolating below the radar, posting it will make you look good even if it's old. ─── 要是它转贴频率还不是很高,那么你把它贴出来别人会觉得你很酷。

51、Keywords technique of percolating water abstraction;purifying mechanics;seepage field;silting of filtering bed;numerical simulation; ─── 关键词渗滤取水;净化机理;渗流场;滤床淤塞;数值模拟;

52、There are many subjects I want to write about, still percolating in my mind and will no doubt find their home here in due course. ─── 我希望能经此让你们体会到我们学校采取的这一做法给学生带来的阅读的快乐。

53、Nitrates produced in excess of the needs of plant life are carried away in water percolating through the soil ─── 植物生存所需要的过量硝酸盐通过土壤渗滤而被带到水中。

54、The acoustic generator combined with aerated-water-discharge technique can bring plugs out of hole effectively and remove plugs in the formation, dredge fluid channels, improve percolating environment and increase oil well productivity. ─── 该声波发生器与混气水排液工艺相结合,可以达到解除地层堵塞、疏通液流通道、改善油层内部流体的渗流条件、增加油水井产能的目的,而且可以将堵塞物有效携带出井筒。

55、vertical percolating zone ─── 岩溶垂直入渗带

56、The Study of Landfill Percolating Liquid Disposal by Ultrasonic Cavitations and Catalyze Oxidation ─── 超声催化氧化处理垃圾渗滤液研究

57、In a debate percolating on blogs and on Amazon itself, quite a few writers take a permissive view on these issues. ─── 在博客和亚马逊上展开的这场辩论中,不少作者对这些问题采取了宽容的态度。

58、To extract synephrine, the percolation processes was selected, the extraction steps include wetting powdery FAI, dipping the wet powder in hydrochloric acid solution and percolating by using hydrochloric acid solution. ─── 通过比较选择渗漉法提取辛弗林,提取步骤为:枳实粗粉润湿,酸液浸泡,装渗漉筒以盐酸溶液渗漉。

59、(3) making use of percolating water from canals and the fringe of farmland; ─── (3)充分利用农田边缘和渠道渗漏剩余水;

60、Concentrations and Fluxes of Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Soil Percolating Water of Chinese Fir Plantation ─── 杉木林土壤渗滤水溶解有机碳含量与迁移

61、The result indicates that this design effectively prevents the phenomenon of the wall of well percolating water-icing ices . ─── 实验结果表明,该设计有效防止了井壁渗漏水的结冰现象。

62、percolating flow mechanics ─── 渗流力学

63、The coffee is percolating. ─── 正煮着咖啡。

64、Typically, a very smooth, low acid roast is the best choice for percolating due to the inevitable tendency of a percolator to boil your brew. ─── 通常情况下,非常顺利,低酸烤是最好的选择渗滤由于必然趋势的壶沸腾的啤酒。

65、Over time a multi-level organization forms around the percolating -up control: fast at the bottom, slow at the top. ─── 时间累积,由下渗滤而上形成一种多层次的组织控制形式:底层较快,上层较慢。

66、percolating bed ─── 渗透过滤床

67、Bubbles simply supply a short cut for the faster-moving percolating gas. ─── 气泡不过是对快速运动的渗透气体提供了一条捷径。

68、To remove soluble or other constituents from by the action of a percolating liquid. ─── 过滤通过渗透液体使可溶解的或其他成分分离出来

69、Keywords percolating water;recycling spraying;wetland treatment; ─── 垃圾渗滤液;循环回喷;湿地处理;

70、percolating hose ─── 渗透水带

71、Production of Lin Guang anticorrosive wood oil select natural material, it has strong percolating force and adhesive force. ─── 林光牌防腐木油选用天然原料精制而成,具有超强的渗透和附着力。

72、Mulch trickle irrigation results not only in the diminution of soil water evaporation, but also in the prevention of water percolating into deep soil. ─── 膜下滴灌技术不仅可减少地面水分蒸发,还可以避免深层渗漏。

73、Soil percolating water ─── 渗滤水

74、So there's been a percolating-upward of appliance standards that were set initially in California. ─── 因此,一些自下而上发展设置的电器标准最初是由加州确立的。

75、Higher prices are now percolating through the economy: last month Starbucks bumped up the price of a whipped-cream Frappuccino by about 6%. ─── 高物价现在已经渗透了整个经济:上个月星巴克泡沫奶油星冰乐的价格上涨了约6%。

76、percolating resistance ─── 抗渗性

77、percolating network ─── 渗透网络

78、The coffee is percolating, ie Boiling water is passing through ground coffee beans. ─── 正在用过滤法煮咖啡.

79、his voice was percolating to her satisfaction. ─── 他的声音曾使她感到满意。

80、Kinetic modeling of acrylamide polymerization in percolating inverse microemulsions via BP artificial neural networks ─── 丙烯酰胺反相微乳液渗滤体系聚合动力学模型

81、Keywords middle-aged;nitrogen removal;COD degradation;percolating liquor; ─── 中年期;脱氮;降解COD;垃圾渗滤液;

82、percolating extraction ─── 提取工艺

83、percolating water abstraction ─── 渗滤取水

84、The effect of nitrogen fertilizer kind and dose on nitrogen migration, leaching loss and nitrogen utilization rate by rice in purple soil was studied in percolating pools. ─── 摘要 利用养分渗漏池研究了紫色土中氮肥品种、用量对氮素移动、淋失和水稻氮肥利用率的影响。

85、The process of percolating water treatment and its characteristics are analyzed here. ─── 对垃圾渗滤液处理工艺的现状及各特点进行了比较分析。

86、I' ll percolate some coffee, ie make it by percolating. ─── 我去用过滤法煮些咖啡.

87、To be dissolved or passed out by a percolating liquid. ─── 溶解被渗滤液溶解或分离


89、remove substances form by a percolating liquid. ─── 通过把水分渗透出来来把东西移走。

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