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09-22 投稿


loaning 发音

英:[?l??n??]  美:[?lo?n??]

英:  美:

loaning 中文意思翻译



loaning 词性/词形变化,loaning变形

原型:loan 现在分词:loaning

loaning 短语词组

1、loaning rate ─── [经] 贷款利率

loaning 相似词语短语

1、loaving ─── 游荡

2、looning ─── n.[鸟]潜鸟;懒人;笨蛋;n.(Loon)人名;(英、瑞典)隆

3、lowning ─── 洛宁

4、loanings ─── n.田间小路;村边空地

5、loaming ─── n.壤土;肥土(含有黏土、沙和有机物质的土地);亚黏土;vt.用壤土填

6、moaning ─── v.呻吟;(物)发凄厉声;(非正式)抱怨;(诗、文)悲叹;(风)呼啸(moan的现在分词)

7、loafing ─── n.条,一条面包;块;游荡;vt.游荡;游手好闲;虚度光阴;vi.游荡;游手好闲;虚度光阴

8、leaning ─── v.倾斜;倚靠;(使)斜靠;屈身(lean的现在分词);n.倾向,偏向,爱好;n.(Leaning)(美)利宁(人名)

9、loading ─── n.装载;装货;装载的货;v.装载,装填,担负(load的ing形式);装入

loaning 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He hoped to profit from loaning money to make money. ─── 他希望从借贷中获利。

2、Loaning money to someone you don't trust is a risky business. ─── 借钱给你不信任的人是冒险的.

3、He used his house as a collateral for the loan. ─── 他用房子作这笔贷款的担保品。

4、She approached the bank for a loan. ─── 她向银行要求贷款。

5、He gladly consented to the extension of the loan. ─── 他很乐意地同意延长贷款偿还期。

6、She's on loan to another movie studio for two films. ─── 她被借调到另一家电影制片厂去拍两部影片。

7、The People's Bank made a timely loan to them. ─── 人民银行及时给了他们贷款。

8、The act of approaching someone for a loan or handout. ─── 向某人借款,要求施舍接近某人以获得贷款或施舍的行为

9、Loaning can be for as long as you want Have the option of recalling your loaned players if needed . ─── 贷款可以,只要你想有选择回顾借给你的球员如果需要。

10、She took out a bank loan and set up on her own. ─── 她从银行贷了一笔款,自己干起来了。

11、If you can't repay the loan, mind your neck! ─── 如果你不能归还借款,小心你的脖子!

12、I took him up on his offer of a loan. ─── 他主动借钱给我,我接受了。

13、An efficiencyexpert on loan from the main office. ─── 从总公司借调的一个效率专家。

14、' We'd done them a great favour loaning him to them for so long and we couldn't believe that when we were in need of him, they said 'No'. ─── 租借阿亚拉为他们效力如此长的时间算是帮了他们大忙。但在我们需要他的时候,他们居然说‘不’,这让人难以置信。

15、Can you accommodate me with a loan? ─── 你能借钱给我吗?

16、You are welcome to the loan of my knife. ─── 你可随意借用我的小刀。

17、He is banking on get- ting a loan from his father to set up in business. ─── 他正期待着从他父亲那里得到一笔贷款,以便其从商。

18、She has a piano on loan from her friend. ─── 她正在借用朋友的钢琴。

19、All purchases shall be financed with the proceeds of loan. ─── 全部货款用贷款支付。

20、She offered me the loan of her car. ─── 她提出把汽车借给我用。

21、The book you wanted is out on loan. ─── 你要的那本书借出去了。

22、They had a large bank loan to work off. ─── 他们有一大笔银行贷款需要偿还。

23、You will just have to grovel to the bank manager for a loan. ─── 你只得低声下气地向银行经理借贷。

24、Your offer of a loan is extremely welcome just now. ─── 你提供这笔贷款是解救燃眉之急.

25、An alternative plan is to apply for a loan. ─── 另一种可能的方案就是申请贷款。

26、A life-insurance policy may serve as security for a loan. ─── 人寿保险可作贷款的抵押。

27、Where can you apply for a bank loan? ─── 在哪里可以申请留学贷款?

28、The new loan takes the total debt to $100000. ─── 加上这笔新贷款,负债总额达到10万元。

29、Perhaps your bank manager will let you have a loan. ─── 也许你的银行经理能让你借一笔贷款。

30、When will you pay the last installment of the loan? ─── 你什么时候付清最后一期分期贷款?

31、There is less love in life like the money deposited in the bank, however, loneliness and desires are so active like loaning. ─── 爱情像存款里的钱一样少得可怜,孤单和欲望却像贷款一样不停地自动生息。

32、He will have to mortgage his land for a loan. ─── 他不得不将土地抵押来申请贷款。

33、He waylaid me with a request for a loan. ─── 他等我经过时拦住我向我借钱。

34、He broached the subject of a loan with his bank manager. ─── 他向银行经理提出贷款问题。

35、You're eligible for a short term loan. ─── 你马上就能得到短期贷款。

36、She arranged a loan with the bank. ─── 她和银行商定了一项贷款。

37、Why don't you borrow it from a loan company? ─── 为什么不向金融公司借钱?

38、There is no record of a loan ever being refused. ─── 不曾有被拒绝贷款的纪录。

39、The company has agree to repay the loan in stage. ─── 公司已同意分期偿还贷款。

40、Ipswich would sell for the right money but they like the idea of loaning him back for a season to help them get out of the Championship. ─── 伊普西维奇希望他能卖上个好价钱。但更喜欢购买后租借回一年的方案,从而让其帮助球队升入英超。

41、I wonder whether you need a loan. ─── 你们是不是要求贷款。

42、He had been on loan to the navy during the war, away from the campus. ─── 在战争时期他被借调到海军工作,离开了校园。

43、He didn't have the wherewithal to repay the loan. ─── 他没有钱偿还贷款。

44、A bank loan helped to set him up in business. ─── 他靠一笔银行贷款做起了生意。

45、They asked for more time to repay the loan. ─── 他们请求有更多的时间来偿还贷款。

46、She has her doubts about loaning him more money. ─── 她对是否再借钱给他不无疑虑。

47、Finally, I decide to toss the "loaning funds" use case. ─── 最后,我决定抛开“贷款”用例。

48、I took out a loan to extend the factory. ─── 为了扩大厂房,我贷了一笔款。

49、He rang up the loan and wished me a fine day. ─── 他把贷款打在现金收入机上,并祝我一天愉快。

50、He tried to redeem the bank loan two years ago. ─── 两年前他就试图偿还银行贷款。

51、He came to see me with the invariable request for a loan. ─── 他来见我时又提出了他那一贯的借钱的要求。

52、I decided not to ask her for a loan in view of her proverbial meanness. ─── 因为她小气得出了名,我决定不找她借钱。

53、Both had reneged on paying off the loan. ─── 两人都违背了还清贷款的诺言。

54、Which Loan Contracts Cannot be Protected by Law? ─── 哪些借贷合同不受法律保护?

55、Thanking you again for the loan. ─── 再次感谢您的慷慨。

56、He is on loan to the Foreign Languages Press. ─── 他借调到外文出版社工作去了。

57、Oh, i forget, i loan my cd to that guy . ─── 啊!我忘了,我是把我的cd借给了那个人。

58、Talking to the loan officer at the bank. ─── 与银行的贷款负责人谈。

59、Do you ever loan money on character? ─── 你们能不能凭信用借贷呢?

60、He used his house as collateral for the loan. ─── 他用房子作贷款的担保。

61、Do you have sufficient cover for this loan? ─── 你有这笔贷款的足够担保吗?

62、Did he approach you about a loan ? ─── 他与你谈了借款的事了吗?

63、Loaning someone money is not a trivial matter. ─── 借给 别人 钱 不 是 一 件 鸡毛蒜皮 的 小事。

64、Loan repayments are pegged to your income. ─── 分期付还贷款按你的收入计算。

65、Bill of exchange where the drawee sign is helping another company(the drawer) to raise a loan; it is given on the basis of trade debt owed to the borrower. ─── 受票人签字是帮助另一公司(出票人)筹措贷款,这种汇票的给予是以欠借款人的贸易债务为依据的。

66、He put bonds in pledge for a loan. ─── 他将债券作抵押以取得贷款。

67、We hit Florida's Redland region to pick up a pair of collectible cars (Mom wound up loaning them to the makers of Miami Vice). ─── 我们还在佛罗里达的雷德兰区域找到了一对藏品汽车(妈妈兴奋的将其借给了迈阿密风云的制作人)。

68、He has given his house as security for the loan. ─── 他以抵押自己的房屋作为贷款的担保。

69、He managed to secure a loan to purchase a house. ─── 他设法弄到一笔贷款买了一栋房子。

70、Loaning money is the quickest way to wreck a relationship! ─── 借钱是破坏关系最快的途径!

71、An efficiency expert on loan from the main office. ─── 从总公司借调的一个效率专家

72、He accommodated a friend with a loan of money. ─── 他借钱给朋友。

73、Bank loaning funds to a kid (defer to version 2). ─── 银行贷款给小孩(将在版本2中完成)。

74、They offered me a loan on very favourable terms. ─── 他们提出以十分优惠的条件贷款给我。

75、He approach the bank with a re-quest for a loan. ─── 他与银行洽谈申请贷款事宜。

76、He has applied to the banker for a loan. ─── 他已向银行申请贷款。

77、They applied for a home improvement loan. ─── 他们申请了房屋修缮贷款。

78、He ask his bank manager for a loan. ─── 他向银行的分行经理申请一笔贷款。

79、She has her doubts about loaning him more money. ─── 她对是否再借钱给他不无疑虑。

80、He demanded her wristwatch as a pawn for the loan. ─── 他要她把手表留下来作为贷款的抵押。

81、He asked them to help him with a loan. ─── 他请他们给他一笔贷款。

82、It gal him to have to ask for a loan. ─── 他得向人借贷,觉得甚为苦恼。

83、A loan of money will help me out of my predicament. ─── 只需一笔贷款就能帮我摆脱困境。

84、Which is your mortgage loan bank? ─── 你们在哪家银行申请按揭?

85、They advanced him a long-term loan. ─── 他们借给了他一笔长期贷款。

86、Loaning or not to modern new-type enterprises should not be a criterion for judging a commercial bank. ─── 不能以贷款有无投向近代新式企业作为是否为商业银行的评判标准。

87、They obtained a loan from the government. ─── 他们从政府那里得到一笔贷款。

88、They applied for a home equity loan to send their son to college. ─── 为了送他们的儿子上大学他们申请了以房屋为抵押资产的贷款。

89、It's extremely dangerous to borrow money from loan sharks. ─── 借高利贷是极端危险的。

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