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09-22 投稿


leafed 发音

英:[li?ft]  美:[li?ft]

英:  美:

leafed 中文意思翻译



leafed 短语词组

1、leafed through ─── 迅速翻阅

2、grassy-leafed ─── [网络] 草叶

3、gold-leafed (gold-leaf ─── 的过去分词) n. 金叶;金箔

4、silver-leafed ─── [网络] 银叶

5、fine-leafed ─── [网络] 细叶

6、fan-leafed ─── [网络] 叶子像扇子一样的

7、silvery-leafed ─── [网络] 银色的叶子

8、spiny-leafed ─── [网络] 多刺叶

9、large-leafed ─── [网络] 大片的

10、prickly-leafed ─── [网络] 多刺的

11、leafed pigment ─── 叶状色素

12、two-leafed ─── [网络] 双叶

13、leather-leafed ─── [网络] 皮革叶

14、pinnate-leafed ─── [网络] 羽状叶

15、broad-leafed a. 【 ─── 植物】阔叶的[亦作 broadleaf, broadleafed]

16、silky-leafed ─── [网络] 丝滑的

17、leafed door ─── 带叶片的门

18、leaved or leafed ─── 有叶的或 ─── 有叶的

19、curly-leafed ─── [网络] 卷曲

leafed 词性/词形变化,leafed变形

过去式:leafed 过去分词:leafed 原型:leaf

leafed 相似词语短语

1、-leafed ─── adj.有叶子的;v.生叶,翻...的页(leaf的过去式和过去分词形式)

2、leamed ─── 利米德

3、leaned ─── v.倾身;依靠;使…瘦弱(lean的过去分词)

4、leaped ─── v.跳跃;急速移动;剧增;突然移动

5、leaked ─── vbl.漏的

6、leaded ─── adj.[冶]加铅的;v.促使(lead的过去分词);引导;带领

7、leased ─── v.出租;租用;租借(lease的过去式和过去分词)

8、leaved ─── adj.有…叶的,由叶造成的(常用于复合字中)

9、loafed ─── n.条,一条面包;块;游荡;vt.游荡;游手好闲;虚度光阴;vi.游荡;游手好闲;虚度光阴

leafed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You'd do well to take a leaf out of John's book. ─── 你还是向约翰学学为好。

2、I leafed my notes before the final examination. ─── 在期末考试前我匆匆地翻了下笔记。

3、One falling leaf heralds the coming of autumn. ─── 一片落叶预示着秋天的来临。

4、You are a green leaf,a harbinger of spring full of brightness. ─── 你是一片绿叶,一片报春的绿叶,从你身上可以看到一个锦绣的春天.

5、Shanghai Maple Leaf Door Products Co., Ltd. ─── 上海枫叶门业有限公司。

6、The stalk of a leaflet of a compound leaf. ─── 复叶中小叶的叶柄。

7、Jim talked a leaf out of his adversary's book. ─── 吉姆学着对方的样子说。

8、A differentiated part of an organism, such as an eye, a wing, or a leaf, that performs a specific function. ─── 器官一个生物体中起着特定作用的独特部分,例如一只眼、一只翅膀或一片叶子

9、He took out a sheaf of papers and leafed through them. ─── 他拿出一沓报纸,匆匆翻阅了一下。

10、He has been very lazy but he is going to turn over a new leaf and work hard. ─── 他以前一直很懒,但他将改过自新,努力工作。

11、Having three leaflets, as a leaf of clover or string bean. ─── 具三叶的有三中叶的,如三叶草或豆类植物的叶子

12、trees are leafed out now. ─── 树木现在都长出了叶子。

13、A leaf of a book numbered only on the front side. ─── 一张书中的一页,只在正面记有页码

14、The expanded area of a leaf or petal; a blade. ─── 叶片叶子或瓣的延展部分; 叶子

15、He had torn a leaf out of his notebook . ─── 他从笔记本上撕下了一页。

16、Mary leafed idlythrough some old magazines as she waited for her taxi to arrive. ─── 玛丽在等出租汽车时,百无聊赖,便随手翻翻几本旧杂志。

17、The illustration shows a section through a leaf. ─── 图中所示为叶的剖面。

18、The mask was coated in gold leaf. ─── 假面具上贴有金箔。

19、The central rib or vein of a leaf. ─── 叶的中脉或中肋。

20、Oh, lift me as a wave, a leaf, a cloud! ─── 呵,卷走我吧,象卷落叶,波浪,流云!

21、Mary leafed idly through some old magazines as she waited for her taxi to arrive. ─── 玛丽一面等待出租汽车开来,一面懒洋洋地翻阅旧杂志。

22、He tore a leaf from the calendar. ─── 他从日历上撕下一页。

23、Axil the upper angle between leaf and stem. ─── 叶在茎上的着生处称为叶腋。

24、He turned over a new leaf and worked harder. ─── 他改过自新认真地工作。

25、A main longitudinal vein in a leaf. ─── 叶片上主要的纵脉。

26、A blank leaf in the front of the back of a book. ─── 书籍封底前的一张空白页。

27、I was leaf to everything that he could urge. ─── 他说什么话我都当作耳边风。

28、A new leaf was turned in their relationship. ─── 他们的关系有了新的开始。

29、The ACE is inherited by child leaf objects. ─── ACE由子叶对象继承。

30、Shanghai Leaf Charm Cosmetic Co., Ltd. ─── 上海李长恒化妆品有限公司。

31、The insect settled on a leaf. ─── 一只昆虫落在一片树叶上。

32、Susan leafed idlythrough some old magazines as she waited for her taxi to arrive. ─── 苏珊一面等待出租车的到来,一面懒洋洋地翻阅旧杂志。

33、She leafed through quite a few books before finding one that she wanted to read. ─── 在找到她想阅读的书之前,她迅速地翻看了好几本书。

34、I leafed through it out of a sense of obligation. ─── 出于一种责任感我迅速翻阅了一下。

35、Very good! The action of leaf is right or wrong? ─── 叶子是对还是错?

36、A stem with the form and function of a leaf. ─── 具有叶的形状和功能的枝。

37、Then he tore a leaf out of his notebook. ─── 他从笔记本里撕下一页纸。

38、Lotus flower, hide in the shadow of a leaf. ─── 会躲太阳的一朵荷花。

39、A notch, as in the edge of a leaf. ─── 切口,如叶片边缘

40、He casually leafed through the book . ─── 他随便翻阅着那本书。

41、Degradation is accelerated following leaf detachment. ─── 叶子脱落促进降解。

42、The plant you gave me leafed out, just when I thought it was dead. ─── 你给我的那株植物正在我以为它死了的时候长出了叶子。

43、The principles governing leaf arrangement. ─── 叶序学支配叶子顺序排列的原则

44、She came back to him towards evening with a newly plucked olive leaf in her beak. ─── 傍晚时分,鸽子回来了,嘴里衔着一片刚啄下的橄榄叶。

45、"Each leaf is the tree," Lao Tzu said 2,000 years ago. ─── 两千年前老子说过这样的话:“每片树叶都是树”。

46、The fall of a leaf heralds the advent of autumn. ─── 一片落叶预兆秋天的来临。

47、But they must turn over a new leaf. ─── 不过,他们必须改过自新啦。

48、Leaf: Single sheet, comprising two pages. ─── 一页:包含底面两版的一张纸。

49、Cumulative count of page merges at the leaf level. ─── 叶级页合并的累积计数。

50、There is a maple leaf in Canada's national flag. ─── 加拿大国旗上有片枫叶。

51、The type set for printing one side of a leaf. ─── 一页版面为在一面印刷的版面设置

52、On the other side of the page or leaf. ─── 在页后在书页的另一面或页后

53、He thumbed through the report;She leafed through the volume. ─── 他审查了她的报告;她审查了很多书卷。

54、You must take it off, leaf by leaf. ─── 你给我把它一片一片地拿掉。

55、Buy Paper For Gold Leaf Separation. ─── 台湾求购分隔金叶用纸。

56、A remnant or trace of an organism of a past geologic age, such as a skeleton or leaf imprint, embedded and preserved in the earth's crust. ─── 化石埋置并保存于地层中的古生物遗体、遗物和其生活遗址,如骨骸、叶子的印痕等

57、A dry leaf was quivering in the air . ─── 一片枯叶在空中微微颤动。

58、But none other than I has a leaf of this kind. ─── 只有我拥有的瓦伦丁式的树叶让人心怡。

59、As she sat in the waiting room of the doctor's office, Bridget leafed through a magazine. ─── 坐在诊所等候的时候,布丽姬特随手拿起一本杂志翻了翻。

60、George turned over a new leaf and stopped disturbing the class. ─── 乔治已改过自新,不再在课堂上捣乱了。

61、He thumbed through the report; She leafed through the volume. ─── 他审查了她的报告;她审查了很多书卷。

62、The Canadian flag is a red maple leaf. ─── 加拿大国旗上有一片红色枫叶。

63、The expanded area of a leaf or petal;a blade. ─── 叶片叶子或瓣的延展部分;叶子

64、Not a leaf nor an insect stirred. ─── 不单是树叶,连个虫子都不动。

65、Leaf is main accumulation organ for Hg. ─── 叶是两种沉水植物积累转移汞的主要器官。

66、He is determined to turn over a new leaf. ─── 他决心洗心革面,脱胎换骨。

67、A grade of Chinese black tea, obtained from the fifth and largest leaf gathered from a shoot tip of a tea plant. ─── 功夫茶中国的一种浓茶,茶叶采自茶树顶部第五片和最大的一片叶子

68、He said he would turn over a new leaf if we forgave him. ─── 他说,如果我们宽恕他,他将改过自新。

69、You should take a leaf from Pete's Book. ─── 你应该学皮特的样子

70、The stalk by which a leaf is attached to a stem. ─── 叶柄叶子赖以生长的附在主茎上的叶柄

71、He was trembling like a leaf at the news. ─── 听到那个消息,他吓得直打哆嗦。

72、She leafed through some old magazines while waiting for her husband. ─── 在等她的丈夫时,她翻阅了一些旧杂志。

73、The tobacco leaf covering a cigar. ─── 卷雪茄的烟草叶

74、A minute projection on the surface of a stigma, petal, or leaf. ─── 乳突花柱头、花瓣或叶子表面上细小的隆起物

75、Imitation gold leaf; tinsel; glitter. ─── 仿金箔仿造金片;闪闪发光的金属;闪烁

76、Compounds from Leaf of Ilex purpurea Hassk. ─── 四季青叶化学成分研究。

77、Do you promise to turn over a new leaf. ─── 你保证要改过自新吗?

78、There a maple leaf in Canada's national flag? ─── 加拿大国旗上是不是有片槭树叶?

79、You can tear a leaf of paper out of my notebook. ─── 你可以从我的笔记本中撕下一页纸。

80、Shaped like a sword, as the leaf of an iris. ─── 剑形的,如鸢尾属植物的叶子

81、He leafed through the old news-paper files. ─── 他迅速翻阅了旧报纸的合订本。

82、He leafed through the music. ─── 他一张张地翻乐谱。

83、The midrib and larger veins in a leaf. ─── 叶脊或大叶脉。

84、You should take a leaf out of Tom's book. ─── 你应该学学汤姆。

85、The scar remaining on a twig after a leaf falls. ─── 叶脱落后留在枝上的痕迹。

86、He tore a leaf out of his notebook. ─── 他从笔记本上扯下一页。

87、The central or principal vein of a leaf. ─── 中脉中心的或主要的叶脉

88、A sharp, pleasurable feeling of anticipation sped her fingers as she leafed through the pages. ─── 一种预料之中的愉悦心情冲上手指,仿佛这一切滋生于那些翻动的书页。

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