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09-22 投稿


litigating 发音

英:[?l?t?ɡe?t??]  美:[?l?t?ɡe?t??]

英:  美:

litigating 中文意思翻译



litigating 词性/词形变化,litigating变形

动词过去式: litigated |动词现在分词: litigating |名词: litigation |动词第三人称单数: litigates |形容词: litigable |动词过去分词: litigated |

litigating 短语词组

1、litigating party ─── [法] 诉讼当事人

2、not worth litigating ─── [法] 不值得诉讼, 无诉讼价值

3、re-litigating (re-litigate ─── 的现在分词) 再次起诉 再次提出诉讼

litigating 相似词语短语

1、ligating ─── v.结扎,绑扎(动脉或血管等);n.(Ligate)(加、美、拉)赖盖特(人名)

2、litigations ─── n.诉讼;起诉

3、vitiating ─── n.损害;弄坏;v.损害;弄坏(vitiate的ing形式)

4、fatigating ─── 加脂

5、mitigating ─── adj.减轻的;节制的;和缓的;n.减轻;镇静;v.镇静,缓和,减轻(mitigate的ing形式)

6、levigating ─── n.磨细;澄出;v.捻成细粉;挑选(levigate的现在分词)

7、titivating ─── vi.化妆;装饰;打扮自己;vt.化妆;打扮;装饰

8、legitimating ─── adj.合法的;正当的;合理的;正统的;vt.使合法;认为正当(等于legitimize)

9、litigation ─── n.诉讼;起诉

litigating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the case of violation of state stocker s' rights and interests, a company's litigating way can be used for protection. ─── 当国有股东权益受到侵犯时,可以使用公司诉讼的方式维护国有股东权益。

2、They are the chips in the game of dickering, threatening, and litigating. ─── 他们是买卖、威胁、以及诉讼博弈的筹码。

3、I shouldn't be litigating with clergy. ─── 我不想被一个神职人员起诉。

4、This part briefly discusses the litigating conditions of our parties" procedural safeguards of the rights for collecting evidence, further indicating the writing purpose of this paper. ─── 简略讨论了当事人收集证据权利程序保障运作的诉讼环境,进一步点明本文的写作意图。

5、He spent half his life litigating against them for stealing his idea, and his health, marriage, and personal relationships suffered. ─── 他花了半生的精力去投诉他们偷了他的想法、婚姻、以及人际关系。

6、We should study on the litigating qualification of the organization of management of collectivity on copyright in theory and improve this system. ─── 对我国著作权集体管理组织诉讼资格作理论上的深入探讨,有利于促进该制度的完善。

7、The primary reason for requiring this "exclusiveness of the record, " as it is sometimes called, is fairness to the litigating parties. ─── 要求“唯一专有记录”(正如人们有时称呼的)的主要原因在于坚持对诉讼当事人的公正性。

8、litigating patent, trademark and copyright matters; ─── 打官司的专利、商标和版权事务;

9、An adversary decisionmaking process like formal adjudication depends upon the litigating parties to gather and present relevant evidence, and to challenge the evidence introduced by other parties. ─── 诸如正式裁决的对抗性决策取决于诉讼当事人的相关证据的收集和呈递及对对方当事人提出的证据的质疑。

10、Litigating divisions represent the rights and interests of the American people and enforce federal criminal and civil laws, including civil rights, tax, antitrust, environmental, and civil justice statutes. ─── 诉讼部门代表美国民众的权益,执行联邦刑事、民事法律,包括民法、税法、反托拉斯法、环境法等。

11、3.The rules of procedure are the litigating lawyer regulatory and enabling legislation. ─── 程 序法规对诉讼律师来说既是规范性法规又是授权性法规。

12、Instead of spending all this money litigating against kids who are the people they're trying to sell things to in the first place, they have to learn how to effectively use the Internet. ─── 与其花大把的钱去起诉这些正是他们首要销售对象的孩子们,他们倒不如学着怎样有效地利用互联网。

13、Michael Clayton: You are the senior litigating partner of one of the largest, most respected law firms in the world. You are a legend. Arthur Edens: I'm an accomplice! ─── 迈克尔;克莱顿:你是世界上最大、最受尊敬的律师事务所的资深诉讼合伙人,你简直可以称为这个行业的一个传奇。

14、Michael Clayton: You are the senior litigating partner of one of the largest, most respected law firms in the world. You are a legend. ─── 迈克尔·克莱顿:您是世界上最大的、也最受人尊敬的律师事务所之一的资深合伙人。您本人就是一个传奇。

15、Technology firms are seeking more patents, expanding their scope, licensing more, litigating more and overhauling their business models around intellectual property. ─── 科技企业在寻求更多的专利,扩大专利覆盖范围,增加更多的许可,提起更多专利诉讼,围绕知识产权调整公司的营业模式。

16、On the Administrative Execution Lawsuit--From the angle of view of "citizen litigating offical" ─── "官告民"视角下的行政执行诉讼

17、Modern litigating system universally put into practice the doctrine of proof judging, one important evidence, may make a person out of danger, and may also put a person in danger. ─── 现代诉讼制度普遍实行证据裁判主义,一个重要的证据,可以救人于水火,也可以置人于死地。

18、In the case of violation of state stockers' rights and interests, a company's litigating way can be used for protection. ─── 当国有股东权益受到侵犯时,可以使用公司诉讼的方式维护国有股东权益。

19、We're not litigating. If we wanted to we would have done so years ago. ─── 我们没有对簿公堂,如果我们想,在数年之前就已经完成了。

20、77. The primary reason for requiring this "exclusiveness of the record," as it is sometimes called, is fairness to the litigating parties. ─── 要求"唯一专有记录"(正如人们有时称呼的)的主要原因在于坚持对诉讼当事人的公正性。

21、litigating party ─── [法] 诉讼当事人

22、Michael Clayton: You are the senior litigating partner of one of the largest, most respected law firms in the world. ─── 迈克尔;克莱顿:您是世界上最大的、也最受人尊敬的律师事务所之一的资深合伙人。您本人就是一个传奇。阿瑟;

23、But I have no interest in spending our time re-litigating the policies of the last eight years. ─── 但我没有兴趣让我们花时间再对过去8年的政策争论不休。

24、And Chinese companies face the same problems that dog any company litigating outside its home country -- unfamiliar rules and the like. ─── 另外,中资企业还面临着任何企业在国外打官司都会遇到的那些问题,比如不熟悉当地的法律法规等。

25、The publicity that can surround litigating a failed relationship, despite who maybe at fault, is undesirable to both the customer and vendor. ─── 尽管客户和供应商已对谁对谁错失去了兴趣,但合同纠纷诉讼仍会引起公众的关注。

26、The system is valuable in that it can influence the distribution of the burden of proof , improve the litigating efficiency and economize on judicial resources . ─── 只要是属于法定司法认知范围内的事项,当事人无需举证、质证,由法官依职权或依当事人申请而直接予以认定。

27、Michael Clayton: You are the senior litigating partner of one of the largest, most respected law firms in the world. You are a legend. ─── 迈克尔.克莱顿:您是世界上最大的、也最受人尊敬的律师事务所之一的资深合伙人。您本人就是一个传奇。

28、Study on Litigating System for Bill Payment in China ─── 我国票据付款诉讼制度的研究

29、Courts use a variant of the exhaustion doctrine in deciding whether a party in civil or criminal proceedings should be barred from litigating an issue that could have been raised earlier in an administrative forum. ─── 法院利用一种用尽方法理论的变式来决定民事或刑事诉讼中的当事人是否应被阻止就本可早些时候在行政法庭提出的争议提起诉讼。

30、Perhaps Deming and her attorneys should be litigating against more culpable targets? ─── 也许戴明和她的律师应该对更应受到谴责的目标诉讼?

31、He spent half his life litigating against them for stealing his idea, and his health, marriage, and personal relationships suffered. ─── 他花了半生的精力去投诉他们偷了他的想法、婚姻、以及人际关系。

32、not worth litigating ─── [法] 不值得诉讼, 无诉讼价值

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