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09-22 投稿


kittenish 发音

英:['k?t(?)n??]  美:['k?tn??]

英:  美:

kittenish 中文意思翻译



kittenish 网络释义

adj. 小猫似的,耍闹的;献媚的

kittenish 词性/词形变化,kittenish变形

副词: kittenishly |名词: kittenishness |

kittenish 短语词组

1、kittenish boy ─── 小猫男孩

kittenish 相似词语短语

1、kittenning ─── 配套元件

2、kittens ─── n.小猫(kitten的复数)

3、kitten ─── n.小猫;小动物;vi.产小猫;n.(Kitten)人名;(法)基滕

4、kittels ─── 挠痒痒

5、kittenlike ─── 小猫

6、kittenishly ─── 俏皮地

7、kittenned ─── 小猫

8、kittenishness ─── 猫腻

9、bitterish ─── adj.稍苦的;带苦味的

kittenish 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The little kitten, feasting her eyes on him, seemed ready at any moment to start her gambols again and display her kittenish nature. ─── 小猫用眼睛紧紧地盯住他,随时都准备嬉戏一通,表露一下它那猫的本性。

2、The little kitten, feasting her eyes on him, seemed ready at any moment to start her gambols again and display her kittenish nature. ─── 小猫用眼睛紧紧地盯住他,随时都准备嬉戏一通,表露一下它那猫的本性。

3、Madame Chiang always stunning in her silk gowns could be as coy and kittenish as a college coed or as commanding and petty as a dormitory house mother. ─── 绸旗袍的蒋夫人像小猫似地很迷人。她可以像一个男女同校的大学女生一样忸怩作态,也可以像看管女生宿舍的大妈一样威严和小心眼儿。

4、9 see joke: Age person insinuates, kittenish and factitious " Dai Gao cap " . ─── 9看笑话: 世人称巴结、献媚人为“戴高帽”。

5、Savage knight jumps on kittenish kiosk rarely ─── 凶残的骑士很少跳到装饰如猫的亭子上去

6、Madame Chiang, always stunning in her silk gowns, could be as coy and kittenish as a college coed , or as commanding and petty as a dormitory house mother. ─── 穿绸旗袍的蒋夫人像小猫似地很迷人。她可以像一个男女同校的大学女生一样忸怩作态,也可以像看管女生宿舍的大妈一样威严和小心眼儿。

7、sometimes his gaze is arrested by the pink tip of her kittenish nose, sometimes his eyes slide over her rosy cheeks as if they were as frictionless as the surface of a painted miniature. ─── 有时他的眼神被她小猫一样红红的小鼻尖吸引,有时他的眼光又会避开她玫瑰般红润的面颊,好像那面颊是一小幅光滑如镜的画,没有半点摩擦力。

8、If woman too too active Xiang Nan's person is kittenish, the man won't reject you, but won't arrive with your hoary head old. ─── 如果女人太过主动地向男人献媚,男人不会拒绝你,但是不会与你白头到老。

9、"You switch on the television and you see Xuxa," the kittenish, blond former soft-porn actress who is now one of the most popular stars of children's TV in Brazil. ─── 白人美女舒莎原本是电视女演员,如今是巴西最著名的儿童节目主持人之一。

10、"I think at that time, everybody is kittenish to the leader, dare not put forward crosscurrent. ─── “我当时就想,大家都对领导献媚,不敢提出反对意见。”

11、Savage knight jumps on kittenish kiosk rarely ─── 凶残的骑士很少跳到装饰如猫的亭子上去

12、4.If woman too too active Xiang Nan's person is kittenish, the man won't reject you, but won't arrive with your hoary head old. ─── 4. 如果女人太过主动地向男人献媚,男人不会拒绝你,但是不会与你白头到老。

13、mischievous; naughty; elfish; impish; kittenish ─── 顽皮

14、She was over forty,but still kittenish. ─── 她已经年过四十了,但依然扭捏作态。

15、Liu Wen is the first Chinese supermodel, the kittenish face of Estee Lauder, a runway regular in Paris, Milan and New York. ─── 刘雯是中国的第一个超级名模,有着迷人的笑脸,她是雅诗兰黛(EsteeLauder)的代言人,也是巴黎、米兰和纽约T形台的常客。

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