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09-22 投稿


missy 发音

英:['m?s?]  美:['m?s?]

英:  美:

missy 中文意思翻译



missy 网络释义

n. 小姐;少女,小姑娘n. (Missy)人名;(英)米西

missy 词性/词形变化,missy变形

名词复数: missies |

missy 短语词组

1、Missy Monroe ─── 梦露小姐

2、missy monroe kissy kox ─── 米西·梦露·基西·科克斯

3、dear missy ─── 亲爱的missy

4、kissy missy kitsy ─── 小姐

5、kissy missy mv kissy missy mv

6、a missy ─── 给Missy

missy 相似词语短语

1、miss ─── v.错过,未击中;未见到,未听到;想念,留恋;不理解;发觉遗失;避开(不好的事);(发动机)短时熄火;(妇女)未按时来经;n.错过,未击中;年轻女子;傻姑娘;(非正式)流产;失败(尤指唱片或电影不成功);n.(Miss)女士,小姐;学生对女教师的称呼

2、mimsy ─── adj.循规蹈矩的;平淡无奇的

3、miss. ─── v.错过,未击中;未见到,未听到;想念,留恋;不理解;发觉遗失;避开(不好的事);(发动机)短时熄火;(妇女)未按时来经;n.错过,未击中;年轻女子;傻姑娘;(非正式)流产;失败(尤指唱片或电影不成功);n.(Miss)女士,小姐;学生对女教师的称呼

4、kissy ─── adj.想要接吻的

5、messy ─── adj.凌乱的;使不整洁的;(情况)棘手的;n.(Messy)(法)墨史丽(人名)

6、missay ─── vt.说坏话;说…的坏话;vi.说错

7、Cissy ─── adj.有娘娘腔的,柔弱胆小的;n.娘娘腔的男子,脂粉气质的男人,柔弱的人;n.(Cissy)(美、德、荷)锡西(人名)

8、massy ─── adj.(诗/文)巨大的,厚重的;n.(Massy)(法、美、加)马西(人名)

9、hissy ─── 发嘘声的;发出嘶嘶声的

missy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Well, you put up quite the fight missy, but it's over now. ─── 但是现在妳完蛋了。

2、Oh,sorry,I didn't mean to ask!"Missy said nothing. ─── 噢,对不起,我本不想问的!"米西什么也没说。

3、Elizabeth "Missy" Hessling waits patiently as her father, Roy, quickly brushes her hair before school. ─── 伊丽莎白“小乔”黑斯林耐心等待她的父亲,罗伊,很快在学校刷她的头发。

4、Elizabeth "Missy" Hessling, 8, gives her father, Roy, "the face" for picking on her during dinner. ─── 伊丽莎白“小乔”黑斯林,8,让她的父亲,罗伊,“为她挑选晚餐的脸”。

5、"Mind how you address me, missy. ─── “注意一点你对我说话的态度,小姐。

6、Jack and Missy are standing at an intersection. ─── 杰克和蜜西正站在十字路口前。

7、Missy: You people are unbelievable. I mean, we're talking about cheating here. ─── 你们令人难以置信。我的意思是,我们在这里谈论作弊。

8、B: Of course I can, little missy. ─── 我当然愿意,小妞。

9、Commentary with director Robert Luketic, Wanda Sykes, producer Chris Bender, production designer Missy Stewart and director of photography Russell Carpenter ─── 导演罗伯特·卢克蒂克,旺达·斯盖斯,制片克利斯·本,作品设计蜜西·斯图尔特和摄影导演罗素·卡彭特评论

10、"Please no."said Missy suddenly. ─── "请不要。"米西突然说道,

11、The Merry Tang Ti-old actress Missy recruitment in the survey, currently leads the vote is the first of the "07 good man," Wells champion Bo-ran, paid simbo, Han Geng, followed. ─── 而风流倜傥的男小乔在演员招募调查中,得票目前暂列第一位的是“07好男儿”冠军井柏然,付辛博、韩庚、紧随其后。

12、They just might succeed in cloning Missy later this year-or perhaps not for another five years. ─── 他们可能会在年底成功克隆出密斯,也可能再过五年都不会成功。

13、Missy Schwen ─── 什文

14、just be one, razor blades in apples, a boy named Mr. Kitty with a breast fetish, a dead dog, a missi ─── 原子及分子的量子世界导论:解题...582.10元[瞧瞧卓越图书有没有

15、Each campaign will include around or at least 30 missi. ─── 每个游戏包有大约或至少30个任务。

16、Elizabeth "Missy" Hessling, 8, plays by herself as her brothers build Lego ships for a battle in the boys' bedroom. ─── 伊丽莎白“小乔”黑斯林,8次为她的兄弟建立一个男孩的卧室战斗舰艇独自乐高。

17、Missy Elliott : "MC is a funny girl and always makes me laugh no matter what. I love her!" ─── "MC是一个有趣的女孩,不管怎样总是能让我大笑.我喜欢她!"

18、This should be the Missy Dress What Does This Mean? ─── 和我的灰姑娘可怜的装扮,这个小姐的会更适合。

19、any funding from ZhongCan? military use is a big market, especially for missi... (Meshfire ,2005-01-14 ─── 理工大学出版的吗?我是南京陆院的,最便捷的购买途径是什么?(立木,2005-01-15

20、Cao Cao as the sick, Missy asked to go to the hospital to see her. ─── 中英文对照:饰演的曹操生病,要求小乔去医院看她。

21、Despite the obvious obstacles, Missy and Brat fall in love. ─── 史班最近的伴侣是小鬼,一个半红不黑的演员和双性恋者。

22、But this Christmas, Kevin (Michael Weinberg) is really in hot water again, and so are Mary (French Stewart) and his sidekick (Missi Pyle), who are up to no good! ─── 本以为可以好好享受独立和自由的小天地,并在这个满布新颖机关的大屋内疯狂一番,可是却遭两名笨贼大驾光临,把一切搞垮,更惹怒父亲的女友。

23、Missi Pyle, who recently starred in the short-lived light drama "The Wedding Bells," has joined the cast of ABC's comedy pilot "Traveling in Packs." ─── 最近,在一个短命剧集婚礼钟声表演的米希-派尔已经开始了ABC最近将要试播的喜剧打包销售的演出。

24、Nvzhong Hero Missy sake of the country and the happiness of Fu Jun, Cao decided to break the story on this began. ─── 女中豪杰小乔为了国家和夫君的幸福,决定大破曹军,故事就这样开始了。

25、Zhou Yu and Missy's feelings of the focus has been on show in the audience talked about, especially for MissyZhou Yu to dress their wounds and that the audience was dubbed the "rice bag. ─── 周瑜和小乔的感情戏在上集中被观众津津乐道,特别是小乔为周瑜包扎伤口的那段被观众戏称“包粽子”。

26、Some of us backstairs crowd thought he was callous about Missy ─── 我们当中的一些仆人认为,他对米丝太无情。

27、Howard: Missy may think the grass is greener on the other side, but she has a great job here. ─── 霍华德:蜜西可能是这山望著那山高,觉得别的工作比较好,不过她在这里的工作也很不错啊。

28、Elizabeth "Missy" Hessling, 8, races to the front door of her home in Broomfield. ─── 伊丽莎白“小乔”黑斯林,8,她在布鲁姆菲尔德家门口的比赛。

29、"Stop this chatter, Chang-ma," Missy paused in her sewing to cut her short. Her cheeks flushed. ─── “张妈,少胡扯吧。”大小姐停针打住说,她的脸上微微红晕起来。

30、Missy was not amused at this nickname because she was a good Catholic and didn't like clowning around about her religion. ─── 米丝不认为这个绰号有趣,因为她是一个虔诚的天主教徒,不喜欢别人拿她信仰的宗教开玩笑。

31、Missy, that you're half Irish, ─── 姑娘,你也是半个爱尔兰人。

32、Few people knew that missy actually listed her permanent address for voting as Sara's Hyde Park mansion ─── 米丝为了参加选举,实际上把她的永久地址写成萨拉在海德帕克村的宅第,这一点是没有多少人知道的。

33、Don't you speak to me like that, missy! ─── 不许那样对我讲话,小姐!

34、There's none can save you now, missy. ─── 现在没人能救你了,小姐。

35、I guess it's what we called 'senioritis'.I also met Missy last semester through one of the Hot Pot Nights. ─── 我们抱着“我执”与“自我意识”看待自己,在这种错误的观念下,对这个“我”非常执着。

36、"Well, Missy," he said, pinching her cheek, "so, you've been spying on me and, like your sister Suellen last week, you'll be telling your mother on me?" ─── "小姐,好啊,"他说着,拧了一下她的面颊,"那么,你是在偷看我了,而且像你的苏伦妹妹上星期干过的那样,准备到你母亲面前去告我的状了吧?"

37、The song uses the same composition, and has the exact same beat as Chilli's song "Straight Jack" featuring Missy Elliott.It also has similarities to Kelis' "Blindfold Me". ─── 歌曲运用了同一种手法,而且与Chilli的"Straight Jack"极其的相似,它也和Kelis的 "Blindfold Me"有许多共同点。

38、Well, Missy, ’ he said, pinching her cheek, ‘so,you've been spying on me and,like your sister Suellen last week, you will be telling your mother on me ? ─── “嗨,小姑娘,”他说,捏了捏她的脸蛋,“好啊,你在监视我,象上星期你的妹妹苏伦一样你会向你妈妈告我的状,对不对?”

39、Missy Elliot Pass That Dutch ─── 时,也发生过一

40、YOU' RE PRETTY CREATIVE YOURSELF THERE, MISSY. ─── 你自己就是上帝的一个漂亮的作品了,小姐.

41、She was much more beautiful than Barba Bracken, but slender, and Barba was heard to say that Missy was flat as a boy. ─── 她比芭巴?布雷肯漂亮得多,但是太苗条。有人听见芭巴说米茜的胸部就像男人一样平。

42、I have been stylingfor this magazine, missy, since before you bought yourfirst pair of orthopedic pumps. ─── 我在这份杂志做时尚设计 小姐。早在你买第一双高跟鞋之前。

43、Howard: Missy may think the grass is greener on the other side, but she has a great job here. ─── 霍华德:蜜西可能使这山望着那山高,觉得别的工作比较好,不过她在这里的工作也很不错啊。

44、Well, missy, what do you want? ─── 喂, 小姐, 你要什麽?

45、You've got no more sense than a June bug, Missy. ─── 除了害怕被炮弹炸个粉碎以外,她还担心媚兰随时会生孩子。

46、Missy Ryan ( Schwen ) ─── 米西·里安

47、It was the final irony of Missy's life. ─── 这是对米丝一生的最后嘲讽。

48、I missi you! ─── 可恶的大猩猩!

49、You have a name, missy? ─── |你叫什么名字,小姐?

50、Excuse me,missI'm afriad you made a mistake. ─── 对不起,小姐。恐怕你弄错了。

51、She jumped off the swing and turned to run back to Missy to tell her what she had just figured out. She stopped. ─── 她跳下秋千并跑向美希去告诉她自己的发现。可是她停住了。

52、Our collections include the styles of Bikini, One-piece, Seperates, cover-ups to meet the needs of missy, junior and childrens. ─── 这季的你,定是泳池边,海滩,湖边,度假中最引人注目的风景点。

53、And besides, Missy, what are you doing out here without your shawl? ─── 另外,姑娘,你光着肩膀在这儿干什么?

54、The man turned and looked at her and his eyes did something funny, squinty-like. He grabbed Missy's arm. "Come on. ─── 那个男人转过头看着她,他瞟着她,看上去很怪。他之后抓住美希的胳膊。“快走。

55、In a statement of purpose, Missy's owner and the A&M team say they are “both looking forward to studying the ways that her clone differs from Missy. ─── 在一份用途声明中,密斯的主人和农业机械大学的团队表示,他们“共同期待能研究密斯的克隆体与它本身的差异之处。”

56、You, too, missy. ─── 你也是 小姐。

57、I loved dropping Owsley off at David and Lance's, with Missy and Gordon there. ─── 我喜欢将奥斯利暂寄在大卫和兰斯处,同米西和戈登一起。

58、Listen, missy! If you want this cart, you'll have to take me with it! ─── 你给我听着车在人在,车亡人亡

59、Missy: He was trying to build some sort of armed robot to keep me out of his room. ─── 他当时想制造某种武装机器人把我挡在他的房门外面。

60、Hold on there, Missy. ─── |待在着,小姐.

61、Neither of us will go out with Missy Goldberg. ─── |谁都不许跟米西.戈尔伯格约会。

62、Missy Elliott:: This Is Not A Test ─── 米茜·艾略特::这不是一个试验

63、Mr Sperling has put $US3.7 million into cloning research in the hope a copy can eventually be made of his aging long-haired dog, Missy. ─── 斯珀林先生已经向克隆研究提供了370万美金的资助,他希望该项研究能够成功克隆出他的那只年迈的长毛狗密西。

64、We all joked: "downstairs audience did not think the film should be in Missy's ad was shot upstairs!" ─── 大家也打趣的说:“楼下观众应该没想到电影中的小乔正在楼上拍广告呢!”

65、missy was not amused at this nickname because she was a good Catholic and did not like clowning around about her religion ─── 米丝不认为这个绰号有趣,因为她是一个虔诚的天主教徒,不喜欢别人拿她信仰的宗教开玩笑。

66、Missy Elliot ─── n. 蜜西-艾略特

67、May I say a word to your telephone, missy? he asked roguishly. ─── “可以用你的电话说句话儿吗?”他流里流气地问。

68、Missy may think the grass is greener on the other side, but she has a great job here. ─── 蜜西可能使这山望着那山高,觉得别的工作比较好,不过她在这里的工作也很不错啊。

69、She jumped off the swing and turned to run back to Missy to tell her what she had just figured out. She stopped. ─── 她跳下秋千并跑向美希去告诉她自己的发现。可是她停住了。

70、That you, missy? ─── |是你吗,小妞?

71、- Back off, missy! ─── |-走开,小妞!

72、Missy is really brave. ─── 茜真的很勇敢。

73、" She said that she played with the film's most powerful Tony Leung as a magician, every time a To see him, feel that they are Missy, it is magic. ─── 她表示,片中与她对手戏最多的梁朝伟厉害得像魔术师,每回一看到他,就觉得自己是小乔,很神奇。

74、Missy: Standing back handspring back tuck okay? ─── 后手翻加后空翻,好吗?

75、Missy: Well, it would be nice not to have to drive to Anaheim in rush hour. ─── 好吧,不用在交通高峰时段开车去阿纳海姆也挺好的。

76、Abel: You know what, watch your mouth little missy! ─── 亚伯:你知道吗,小姑娘,管好你的嘴!

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