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loquat 发音

英:['l??kw?t]  美:['lokwɑt]

英:  美:

loquat 中文意思翻译



loquat 网络释义

n. 枇杷;[园艺] 枇杷树

loquat 短语词组

1、loquat tree ─── [网络] 枇杷树;晚翠枇杷

loquat 词性/词形变化,loquat变形

副词: loquaciously |名词: loquaciousness |

loquat 相似词语短语

1、diquat ─── n.敌草快(一种接触性除草剂)

2、loquats ─── n.[园艺]枇杷(loquat的复数形式)

3、fouat ─── 福亚特

4、to quat ─── 到夸脱

5、asquat ─── 阿斯夸特

6、coequate ─── 同量

7、loquacity ─── n.多话,饶舌;喧噪

8、squat ─── v.蹲坐;蹲举;擅自占用;霸占;n.蹲坐;被非法占用的建筑物;蹲举训练;(体操)下蹲动作;非法占用空房;几乎没有;任何东西;adj.矮胖的;矮而宽的

9、liquate ─── v.熔析

loquat 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The climatic index of loquat growth and the climate resource in southern Shaanxi were contrasted,so the predominance of climate condition was explained for the development of loquat in the area. ─── 介绍了陕南气候资源并将其与枇杷生长气候指标进行对比分析,阐述了陕南发展枇杷生产的气候条件优势。

2、Keywords loquat;post-harvest physiology;anthracnose;storage;fresh-keeping; ─── 关键词枇杷;采后生理特性;炭疽病;贮藏保鲜;

3、Comparative study on photosynthetic characteristics of different loquat varieties ─── 不同枇杷品种光合作用特性研究

4、Loquat wine was fermented into vinegar by Acetobacter pasteurianus subsp.Huniang 1.01.The relations among strain growth, acid production and oxygen consumption during the fermentation were studied. ─── 摘要以枇杷果酒为原料,以沪酿1.01为发酵菌,研究了枇杷果醋酿造过程中菌株生长、产酸及耗氧的关系。

5、Restoration effects of 'Dongkeling' on frost injury loquat fruit ─── 冻克灵对枇杷冻害果实的恢复效应

6、The High-yield Cultivation of the Big Five-star Loquat ─── 大五星枇杷丰产栽培技术

7、Using loquat fresh fruit as raw material,the production technology and raw material ratio of loquat vinegar beverage were determined based on comparative experiment and orthogonal experiment. ─── 以枇杷鲜果为原料,通过对比试验和正交试验,确定生产工艺和枇杷果醋饮料的原料优化配比。

8、Keywords loquat(Eriobotrya japonica Lind);cloudy loquat fruit juice;stability; ─── 枇杷;混浊枇杷汁;稳定性;

9、Quality, Active Oxygen and Polyamines Metabolic Changes in Cold stored Loquat Fruits as Affected by Postharvest SO_2 Treatment ─── SO_2对冷藏枇杷果实品质及活性氧和多胺代谢的影响

10、Superior varieties of big fruit loquat ─── 大五星枇杷及其丰产栽培

11、Dawuxing loquat is a proper rawmaterial for making canned foods and brewing wine which bears large fruits with gold peel and flesh,abundant juice and high fructose. ─── 大五星枇杷果实大,果皮、果肉颜色金黄,汁液丰富,糖分高,是制作罐头和酿酒的好原料。

12、The world will loquat with cherries, plums and referred to as the "Three Friends of fruit. " ─── 世人将枇杷与樱桃、梅子并称为“果中三友”。

13、Through this Zhai loquat, I see two reasons: First, upward climb of the people who do not eat the fruit less than good. 2 is not Yimaoquren. ─── 通过这次摘枇杷,我明白了两个道理:一是不向高处攀登的人是吃不到好果子的。二是不能以貌取人。

14、The Effects of Different Storage Temperatures on Lignification and Related Enzymes Activities in Loquat Pulp ─── 不同贮藏温度对枇杷果肉木质化及相关酶活性的影响

15、Ding C K.Chachin K.Hamauzu Y.Ueda,y., Imahori,Y Effects of storage temperatures on physiology and quality of loquat fruit 1998 ─── 何志刚.李维新.林晓姿.林华.庄林歆贮藏温度及气体成分对枇杷的保鲜效果[期刊论文]-中国食品工业2004(5

16、Infusion for Stopping Cough with Sichuan Fritilary Bulb and Loquat Leaf ─── 川贝枇杷止咳冲剂

17、Keywords Wuwei Xiaodu yin;Accoction of Rhizoma Coptidis;Decoction of Loquat Leaf;Flora imbalance;Normal flora; ─── 五味消毒饮;黄连水煎剂;枇杷叶水煎剂;菌群失调;正常菌群;

18、The Report of Growth and Development Rules of Loquat Fruitage in the Northern Sunlight Greenhouse ─── 北方日光温室内枇杷果实生长发育规律初报

19、Techniques for Improving Survival Rate of Fix Planting and Fast Growing in Loquat ─── 提高枇杷定植成活率及速生技术初探

20、Effects of Leaf Spot Disease Stress on Activated Oxygen Metabolism and Chlorophyll Content in Loquat Leaves ─── 叶斑病胁迫对枇杷叶片活性氧代谢和叶绿素含量的影响

21、There are special sweet spot of loquat, but not the only sweet spot. ─── 有斑的枇杷特别甜,而没有斑的也不是不甜。

22、The relationship between leaf number of the Mogi loquat bearing shoot and average of fruit weight, total soluble solids and total acid was studied. ─── 摘要1.本试验乃探求茂木种枇杷结果累枝上叶数多少对果实重量,可溶性固形物及果酸含量的影响。

23、Effect of Drought on the Growth of Loquat ─── 干旱对枇杷生长的影响

24、Structure and dynamics of arthropod community in the loquat orchards covered with various pastures ─── 不同牧草覆盖枇杷园节肢动物群落的结构和动态

25、Definition: Loquat Leaf is the dried leaf of Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. (Fam.Rosaceae). ─── 本品为蔷薇科植物枇杷 Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. 的干燥叶。

26、Effect of mechanical injury on postharvest physiology of loquat fruit ─── 机械伤害对枇杷果实采后生理的影响

27、To give more people a doggerel: loquat is not the lute, was poor literacy. ─── 更有人借此赋得打油诗:枇杷不是此琵琶,只怨当年识字差。

28、Hey, forgot to tell you, there are special sweet spot of loquat, but not the only sweet spot. ─── 哎,忘了告诉你,有斑的枇杷特别甜,而没有斑的才甜。

29、The world will loquat with cherries, plums and referred to as the "Three Friends of fruit. ─── 世人将枇杷与樱桃、梅子并称为“果中三友”。

30、Keywords loquat flesh;browning;heating;inhibitor;colour; ─── 批杷果浆;用变;色泽;烫漂;抑制剂;

31、Correlationship between bearing base shoot character with form quality of fruitof Zaozhong 6 loquat ─── 早钟6号枇杷结果母枝性状与果实形质的相关

32、He brought a box of loquat fruits for me. ─── 他还带了一盒枇杷给我,

33、Abstract:Objective To study the antioxidant effects of loquat leaf flavanone on lipin and provide the basis for the loquat leaf resources development use. ─── 摘要:目的 研究枇杷叶黄酮对油脂的抗氧化性能,为枇杷叶资源开发利用提供依据。


35、Extracting Loquat Thematic Information Based on Linear Spectral Mixture Models ─── 基于线性光谱混合模型的遥感影像枇杷树信息提取

36、Three varieties (Baisa, Jiajiao and Dahongpao) of loquat fruit cultivated largely at Tangxi, Yuhang County, Zhejiang Province were used in this study. ─── 对浙江余杭塘栖主栽的3个枇杷品种(大红袍,夹脚和白砂)果实采后膜透性、呼吸强度、乙烯产生及果实的耐贮性作了初步研究。

37、intermediate bengal loquat ─── 四柱南亚枇杷

38、Influence of the Shapes of Young Loquat Trees on Yield Formation ─── 幼龄枇杷树形对产量形成的影响

39、Abstract: In the study of germplasm preservation with loquat, plant growth inhibitor can retard the rate of growth of plantlet and prolong preservation time. ─── 摘 要:在枇杷种质资源离体保存中,加入植物生长抑制剂可以延缓枇杷试管苗的生长速度,延长保存时间。

40、The pollen taken away from the Loquat trees is directly put into the LN after being dried, then take it out from the LN and calculate its germination proportion. ─── 将枇杷盛花期的花粉干燥后直接液氮超低温保存,取出后观察其萌发率。

41、Abstract: The effects of cutting back on growth of tree-crown, shoot, bearing and yield in degenerative loquat tree were studied. ─── 摘 要:采用三年逐步回缩更新法,探讨回缩后枇杷树冠、枝梢、果实的生长发育,以及产量和经济效应。

42、Our production of health food products, products with green tea tablets of Yunnan, Yunnan high source of spirulina, Chuanbei loquat sugar, sugar-V, anti-fat-and so on, to find the agents. ─── 我司生产保健食品,产品有云南绿茶含片,云南高源螺旋藻,川贝枇杷糖,伏糖平,防脂素等,欲寻全国代理商。

43、Sophora japonica, Huang Jinhuai, Long Zhuahuai, osmanthus, Lamei, red, green plum, peach, apricot , Papaya trees, chestnut, loquat, Melia azedarach, Ailanthus altissima; ─── 国槐、黄金槐、龙爪槐、桂花、腊梅、红绿梅、桃树、杏树、木瓜树、栗树、枇杷、苦楝、臭椿;

44、Ingrdients: Sugar、Glucose、Honey、Tendrilleaf Fritillary、Bulb、Loquat Extracts、Mint. ─── 产品说明:配料:砂糖、葡萄糖、蜂蜜、川贝、枇杷浸膏、薄荷。

45、One hundred and sixty-eight germplasms were investigated for resistance to loquat leaf spot disease under natural field condition. ─── 摘要在自然发病情况下,调查了168份枇杷种质资源对叶斑病的抗病情况。

46、Definition on Freezing Injury Temperature of'Zaozhong 6'Loquat Young Fruits and Division of Suitable Cultivating Area ─── 早钟6号枇杷幼果冻害温度界定及其栽培适宜区区划

47、At the same condition of extraction,the brown pigment of loquat was the most dissolvability and rate of extraction in methyl alcohol. ─── 在相同提取条件下,乙醇水溶液对枇杷果核棕色素的溶解度最大,提取率最高。

48、Liu Z L, Lin S Q, Chen H B.Time course changes of endogenous hormone levels during the floral and vegetative buds formation in Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lind1.). ─── 刘宗莉,林顺权,陈厚彬.枇杷花芽和营养芽形成过程中内源激素的变化.园艺学报,2007,34(2):339-344.

49、The Initial Experimental Report on the Trimming of the Big Five-Pointed Star Loquat Florescence ─── 大五星枇杷花期修剪试验初报

50、fritillary and loquat cough mixture ─── 川贝枇杷露

51、DNA extraction from leaf of loquat cultivars and several Eriobotrya species was carried out. ─── 摘要以枇杷属的普通枇杷和多种野生枇杷的叶片为材料,对枇杷的DNA提取进行了研究。

52、Keywords Dawuxing loquat;wine;brewing process; ─── 大五星枇杷;果酒;酿造工艺;

53、An experienced farmer's aunt told me that the next long side of the loquat tree because not enough sunlight exposure, so more acid, and long in the loquat trees on the relatively sweet. ─── 一位经验丰富的农家阿姨告诉我,长下树下端的枇杷因为接触阳光不够多,所以比较酸,而长在树梢的枇杷就相对比较甜蜜。

54、A procedure had been studied on cryopresrvation of Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) pollen by the method of dry freezing. ─── 摘要采用花粉干冻法对枇杷花粉超低温保存进行了研究。

55、Should be cough of deficiency of yin with irritability, can drink beverage of loquat of a few tendril-leaved fritillary bulb. ─── 小孩子夜间会咳嗽,白天不会是怎么回事?要吃什么药?

56、16 diploid and polyploid cultivars of loquat were used for studying the relationship between the number of chloroplast in stomata guard cell and the ploidy. ─── 以16个枇杷品种的二倍体和自然多倍体为试材,研究气孔保巨细胞叶绿体数目和气孔密度与倍性的相关性。

57、To assess the effects of Loquat Qingfei Decoction treatment and prevention relapse of acne vulgaris. ─── 摘要目的评价枇杷清肺饮(变化)治疗和/或预防寻常痤疮复发的作用。

58、Soon, loquat tree has sprouted leaves, but also out of the light-yellow flowers. ─── 不久,枇杷树又长出了叶子,还开出了淡黄色的小花。

59、This paper summarizes the bioactivity,Abstracts,isolation,purification,inspection,analyze and identification of triterpenes(ursolic acid and corosolic acid)in loquat leaf. ─── 本文对枇杷叶中三萜类物质的类型、生物活性、提取分离、纯化、检测分析以及鉴定进行了综述。

60、The Extraction of Brown Pigment from Loquat Nut with Optimization of Uniform Experiment ─── 均匀设计法优化枇杷果核棕色素提取工艺

61、The traditional nunchaku is made from a strong, flexible hardwood such as oak, or loquat. ─── 传统的双节棍是由坚韧的硬木,如橡木或枇杷制成的。

62、The storage characteristic and quality changes of loquat fruits for four cultivars (Baisa, Dahongpao, Jiajiao, and Dayeyangdun) under the condition of low temperature were investigated. ─── 摘要研究了4个品种枇杷白沙、大红袍、夹脚和大叶杨墩等果实在低温条件下的贮藏特性与品质变化。

63、The field investigation were performed by measuring activity of original and neutralisation bamboo vinegar on apple, orange, loquat, strawberry, waxberry, pak-choi and rice at two provinces in China. ─── 摘要在南北方2省8地对原竹醋液和中和竹醋液在苹果、柑橘、枇杷、草莓、杨梅、桑果、桑叶、水稻等作物上进行应用试验。

64、of a loquat tree, was the servants' home. ─── 枇杷树树阴之下便是仆人的住所了。

65、Establishment of AFLP analysis system and its application in loquat germplasm ─── 枇杷AFLP分析体系的建立与应用

66、The results showed that there were significant differences in storability and quality of loquat fruits among the four cultivars. ─── 结果表明,不同品种枇杷果实的耐贮性和品质变化存在较大差异。

67、Farming calendar of loquat 'Donghuzao' ─── 东湖早枇杷农事月历

68、Keywords Loquat fruit;postharvest;lignification;quality;senescence;chilling injury;regulation; ─── 枇杷;果实;采后;木质化;品质;衰老;冷害;调控;

69、Abstract: Exploiting and using of natural germplasm resources of longan and loquat nurseries in Fuzhou National Fruit Gene-pool were described.Some problems and perspectives were also discussed. ─── 摘 要:本文阐述国家果树种质福州龙眼枇杷圃的现状、种质资源利用开发情况,提出存在的主要问题,并对今后的研究利用进行展望。

70、Beside the book was a large plate of loquat seeds which Hsiao-ch'eng had evidently eaten to pass the time while waiting for him ─── 书旁一大碟枇杷和皮核,想是效成等自己消闲吃的。

71、Loquat has a lot of nutrition and can become medicine. ─── 枇杷富含营养,且可以做成药。

72、I dreamt of a loquat, he whispered words to my ear: "God got boring, so created me; Not enough, so created yourself. " ─── 我梦见有株枇杷树,说上帝太无聊,创造了他,还觉无趣,就造了你们。

73、Although it is difficult to climb trees, but I still have to climb, because this is a long-famous "best in the world loquat" in tangqi loquat tree! ─── 尽管这株树很难爬,可我还是要爬上去,因为这是长着赫赫有名的“天下第一枇杷”的塘栖枇杷树!

74、The brewing techniques of loquat fruit wine were studied and the effects of different fermentation temperature and sugar content on wine quality were also analyzed. ─── 摘要以龙泉枇杷为原料研究批把果酒生产工艺,考察不同发酵温度、糖浓度对果酒质量的影响。

75、Main Ingredients:LingZhi,Hawthorn Fruit,Danshen Root,root of Multijugate Sweetvetch,Loquat Leaf,Powder of Bamboo Liquid,Combination of absorbing fat herb,etc. ─── 主要成份:灵芝、山楂、丹参、黄芪、枇杷叶、竹液粉、吸油植草组合等。

76、loquat ( Eriobotrya japonica Lindl. ) ─── 枇杷

77、Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) originated from China is a well-known, characteristic tree species. ─── 摘要枇杷是原产于我国的名优特色树种。

78、Present state in using longan and loquat garden nurseries in Fuzhou National Fruit Gene-pool ─── 国家果树种质福州龙眼、枇杷圃的研究利用现状

79、The products of Yuhang such as Jingshan tea, Shaoshan preserved fruit, Sanjiacun lotus powder and Tangxi loquat have the name at home and at abroad. ─── 余杭的径山茶、超山蜜饯、三家村藕粉、塘栖枇杷等产品在国内外都享有一定声誉。

80、Individual hybrid progeny's fruit phenotypic charaters were investigated using the fruit of reciprocal cross between two loquat cultivars, "Golden Nugget" and "Jiefangzhong". ─── 摘要用黄金块与解放钟正反交后代的果实为材料,研究分析杂种单株的果实性状遗传表现。

81、The development area for famous fruit longan, loquat and shaddock reaches 260,000 mu, the annual yields: edible fungus 58,000 tons, meat, eggs, milk totally 389,000 tons, vegetable 230,000 tons. ─── 以龙眼、枇杷、文旦柚为主的优质水果开发面积已达26万亩,年产量4.2万吨。食用菌年产量5.8万吨。肉蛋奶年产量3.89万吨。蔬菜年产量23万吨。

82、King of the Loquat--Big Five Stars ─── 枇杷之王--大五星

83、Effects of different bags on fruit quality of 'Jiefangzhong' loquat ─── 不同纸袋对解放钟枇杷套袋效果的影响

84、I am dubious about to have picked a spot of loquat: "Oh, too sweet, and almost too sweet. ─── 我半信半疑地摘了一棵有斑的枇杷:“哎呀,太甜蜜了,简直太甜蜜了。”

85、The influences of various kinds of bags in the different areas on the loquat fruit shape and quality were studied. ─── 摘要本试验目的乃研究枇杷由于栽培地区及套袋种类不同,对于果实形状及品质所产生的影响。

86、Study on Seedless Tendency of Cross Bred Loquat ─── 杂交枇杷果实无核的相关性研究

87、Study on Young Loquat's High Yield Training and Pruning ─── 幼龄枇杷定干高度对树形及丰产性能的影响

88、Study of Establishing Social Service System of Loquat Industries ─── 枇杷产业社会化服务体系建设初探

89、At the same condition of extraction, the brown pigment of loquat was the most dissolvability and rate of extraction in methyl alcohol. ─── 在相同提取条件下,乙醇水溶液对枇杷果核棕色素的溶解度最大,提取率最高。


重复的没有加注。发音按照汉语拼音近似标注番茄、Tomato [tou-ma-tou]莲雾、WaxApple [wa-ks-e-po]芭蕉、Banana [ba-na-na]茄苳、Jiadong [jia-dong]杨桃、Carambola [ke-re-mu-bou-le]木瓜、Papaya [pa-pa-ya]柑橘、Orange [o-ren-jie]柚子、Grapefruit [ge-rei-pe-fu-ru-te]葡萄柚、Grapefruit柠檬、Lemon [le-mong]橘子、Orange金桔、Kumquat [ka-mu-ke-wo-te]山楂、Hawthorn [he-song]西瓜、Watermelon [wo-te-me-len]梨、Pear [pi-er]菠萝、Pineapple [pai-ne-po]苹果、Apple香蕉、Banana芒果、Mango [Mang-gou]西柚、Grapefruit火龙果、Pitaya [pi-ta-ya]哈密瓜、Cantaloup [kan-ta-lou-po]草莓、Strawberry [si-jo-be-ri]橙子、Orange猕猴桃、Chinese Goosberry [gu-zi-be-ri]葡萄、Grape [ge-rei-po]枇杷、Loquat [lou-kuo-te]鲜枣、Jujube [jiu-jiu-be]柿子、Persimmon [pe-si-men]龙眼、Longan [long-gen]甘蔗、Surarcane [xiu-ga-can]水蜜桃、Peach [pi-qi]榴莲、Durian [du-ri-en]椰子、Coconut [ko-ko-na-te]

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