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09-20 投稿


microphotograph 发音

英:[?ma?kro??fo?t??gr?f; ?ma?kr??fo?t??gr?f]  美:[?ma?kr???f??t??ɡrɑ?f]

英:  美:

microphotograph 中文意思翻译



microphotograph 词性/词形变化,microphotograph变形


microphotograph 相似词语短语

1、macrophotograph ─── n.宏观摄影

2、pyrophotograph ─── 火成照片

3、macrophotographs ─── n.宏观摄影

4、macrophotography ─── [摄]宏观摄影;超近摄影

5、air photograph ─── 航空摄影;航摄像片

6、microphotographic ─── n.缩微照相的

7、microphotographs ─── n.缩影照片

8、astrophotograph ─── 天体照相

9、microphotography ─── n.缩微照相术;显微摄影术

microphotograph 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、HB Grain Trade Company is the microphotograph of the grain circulation company. ─── HB粮食贸易公司是我国粮食流通企业的一个缩影。

2、The microphotograph of the processed chip is shown in Fig. 15. ─── 图15显示流片结果的显微照片。

3、Tabletop chemistry takes a photogenic turn in this winning microphotograph by John Hart of the University of Colorado, who specializes in fluid dynamics. ─── 桌面化学在这张获奖图片中进行了一次十分上镜的旋转。 图片作者是来自科罗拉多大学的John Hart,专攻流体动力学。

4、The microphotograph of willemite in crystalline glaze was observed by means of SEM. ─── 硅锌矿在釉熔体中有球粒状生长习性。

5、Keywords fly ash cement;non-sintering tailing building materials;microphotograph characters;reaction mechanism; ─── 粉煤灰水泥;尾矿免烧建材;显微形貌;反应机理;

6、Boundary-integral Algorithm for Size Analysis of Powder Microphotograph ─── 粉末显微图像粒度分析的边界积分算法

7、The Studies on Microphotograph Characters and Reaction Mechanism of Non-Sintering Fly Ash-CaO Cement Tailing Building Materials ─── 粉煤灰-CaO胶凝尾矿免烧建筑材料的显微形貌特征及反应机理研究

8、Pseudocolorization for microphotograph of scanning electron microscope ─── 扫描电镜图片的彩色处理初步体会

9、The application of video-microphotograph system in plant anatomy experiment teaching ─── 电视-显微成像系统在植物形态解剖学实验教学中的应用

10、A simple and quick digital microphotograph technique applied biology study ─── 一种简便快捷的生物数码显微照相技术

11、Keywords homogeneous;cellulose tosylate;microphotograph;degree of substitute; ─── 均相;纤维素对甲苯磺酸酯;形态;取代度;

12、The printed or positive reproduction of a microphotograph. ─── 缩微印刷品一张微型照片的印刷或正片复制品

13、The Studies on Microphotograph Characters and Reaction Mechanism of Non-Sintering Fly Ash-CaO Cement Tailing Building Materials ─── 粉煤灰-CaO胶凝尾矿免烧建筑材料的显微形貌特征及反应机理研究

14、Boundary-integral Algorithm for Size Analysis of Powder Microphotograph ─── 粉末显微图像粒度分析的边界积分算法

15、Analyzing the microphotograph, it showed that the gel in the dough would become net structure after syneresis cracking. ─── 通过显微照片分析,发现在粉团中的凝胶脱水收缩后成网状结构。

16、In this paper, the processing technology of glass fibre reinforced polyetheretherketone (PEEK) composites are studied by using mechanical test and analysis of microphotograph. ─── 摘要本文初步探索了玻璃纤维增强聚醚醚酮(PEEK)复合材料的成型工艺。

17、A method for taking microphotograph directly on the photographic paper without camera and films is presented. ─── 介绍一种显微摄影方法,直接利用像纸获取标本的负像与正像,省去了像机与胶卷,易于在教学中推广.

18、Its microphotograph,size distribution,thickness and behavior in oil ink were mainly investigated. ─── 结果表明,进口铜金粉的粒度分布均匀,表面干净;

19、An Analytical System of Microphotograph and Its Application in Mineral Size Analysis ─── 显微图像分析系统及其在矿物粒度分析中的应用研究

20、Keywords fracture microphotograph;microstructure;upset butt welding;failure analysis; ─── 断口形貌;微观组织;电阻对焊;失效分析;

21、This paper deals with the reduction mode of iron ore by observing the microphotograph ofreduction products. ─── 本文从还原产物的显微图象分析铁矿石的还原模型。

22、An Analytical System of Microphotograph and Its Application in Mineral Size Analysis ─── 显微图像分析系统及其在矿物粒度分析中的应用研究

23、It also can be used for microphotograph with photo attachment。 ─── 可配用摄影装置进行显微摄影。

24、Keywords immobilization;algae;dye decolorization;scanning electronic microphotograph;growth and physiology; ─── 固定化;藻类;染料脱色;扫描电镜;生长生理;

25、Abstract: A method for taking microphotograph directly on the photographic paper without camera and films is presented. ─── 文摘:介绍一种显微摄影方法,直接利用像纸获取标本的负像与正像,省去了像机与胶卷,易于在教学中推广.

26、A simple and quick digital microphotograph technique applied biology study ─── 一种简便快捷的生物数码显微照相技术

27、Analyzing the microphotograph, it showed that the gel in the dough would become net structure after syneresis cracking. ─── 通过显微照片分析,发现在粉团中的凝胶脱水收缩后成网状结构。

28、Keywords composite mechanical properties heat treatment microphotograph analysis; ─── 复合材料;机械性能;热处理;金相分析;

29、The printed or positive reproduction of a microphotograph. ─── 缩微印刷品一张微型照片的印刷或正片复制品

30、With Visual C++ 6.0, a microphotograph size analysis system (or MSAS) had been developed in Windows environment The open code was adopted to make the system simple to expand function and easy to maintain. ─── 采用Visual C++6.0为开发工具,在Windows环境下开发了显微图象粒度分析系统(MSAS),提供开放的代码,使该软件易于扩展功能及维护。


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