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pyrolusite 网络释义

n. [矿物] 软锰矿

pyrolusite 相似词语短语

1、pyrolysing ─── v.(化)使热解(pyrolyze的现在分词)

2、pyrolysis ─── n.[化学]热解;[化学]高温分解

3、pyrolize ─── 热解

4、gyrolite ─── n.白钙沸石

5、pyrolyzate ─── 热解物;干馏物

6、pyrolysate ─── n.干馏物

7、prolusion ─── n.预演,序幕;序言

8、pyroxenite ─── n.辉石岩;[岩]辉岩

9、pyrolyse ─── v.使热解(等于pyrolyze)

pyrolusite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Waste acid from a titan white plant was used directly to leach pyrolusite ore with addition of pyrite for making manganese sulphate. ─── 利用钛白生产过程中产出的废酸为原料,以软锰矿、黄铁矿直接浸出制取硫酸锰产品。

2、A new technology of catalytic decomposing chalcopyrite with pyrolusite in acidic medium is introduced.The effect of main factors is elucidated emphatically and optimum process conditions are proposed. ─── 介绍用软锰矿在酸性介质中催化分解黄铜矿的新工艺,着重阐述各主要因素的影响情况,并提出最佳工艺条件。

3、The technological feasibility of SO2 removal from tail gas of single-absorption H2SO4 plant with aqueous pyrolusite suspension as absorbent and commercial MnSO4 as byproduct is examined. ─── 研究用软锰矿的水悬浮液脱除一转一吸硫酸生产尾气中的SO2并副产工业硫酸标的工艺可行性。

4、Keywords Hydro-metallurgy two ore method;cleaning residue;pyrolusite;extraction;Fe ion;self-catalyzed oxidating reaction; ─── 湿法两矿一步法;洗净残渣;软锰矿;浸出;铁离子;自催化氧化反应;

5、Keywords pyrolusite;catalytic oxidation;sulfur dioxide;waste gas treatment; ─── 软锰矿;催化氧化;二氧化硫;废气处理;

6、Study on simultaneously Leaching of Pyrolusite and Flotation Galena Concentrate ─── 方铅矿和软锰矿两矿法浸出工艺的研究

7、By curing process,and used pyrite,pyrolusite and sulfuric acid as material,manganous sulfate was product. ─── 本文介绍了高效实用的软锰矿浆脱硫的新技术和工艺流程以及硫酸锰副产品的回收。

8、Keywords Zinc electrolyte;Leaching;Zinc concentrate;Pyrolusite;Manganese sulphate; ─── 电锌溶液;浸出;锌精矿;软锰矿;硫酸锰;

9、This artical introduces the effective practical new technique and it' s process for desulfurizing with pyrolusite slurry and the by-product recovery of manganous sulfate. ─── 采用重结晶、沉淀法和直接加热法对某化工厂对苯二酚生产过程中得到的硫酸锰副产品进行了分离纯化的实验室研究。

10、Keywords Flue gas desulfurization;SO_2;pyrolusite;Jet bubbling reactor; ─── 烟气脱硫;二氧化硫;软锰矿;喷射鼓泡反应器;

11、Based on the theory of iodimetry,a new analytical method for the rapid titration of manganese dioxide in pyrolusite is developed. ─── 利用碘量法基本原理,建立了一种快速测定软锰矿中二氧化锰含量的新方法。

12、Keywords Pyrolusite;Residue;Copper;Bismuth; ─── 软锰矿;残渣;铜;铋;

13、Keywords Pyrolusite;SO_2;Catalytic oxidation;Sulfuric acid;Reaction kinetics;Neural network; ─── 软锰矿;二氧化硫;催化氧化;硫酸;反应动力学;神经网络;

14、nodules are mainly pyrolusite, psilomelane and limonite. ─── 结核主要由硬锰矿、 软锰矿、 褐铁矿构成。

15、plumbagolike pyrolusite ─── 石墨状软锰矿

16、Keywords manganese sulfate;pyrolusite;wet-method;reduction;Fenton reagent; ─── 硫酸锰;软锰矿;湿法;还原;芬顿试剂;

17、Keywords jet bubbling reactor;pyrolusite pulp;desulphuration and manganese-leaching; ─── 喷射鼓泡反应器;软锰矿浆;脱硫;浸锰;

18、Low grade pyrolusite ore ─── 低品位软锰矿

19、The mass ratio of cellulose reductant to pyrolusite,the size of cellulose reductant and the component change of pyrolusite after reduction were investigated. ─── 考查了纤维素还原剂与软锰矿的质量比、纤维素粒度对还原效果的影响,分析了还原反应前后软锰矿矿物相的变化。

20、main silver-bearing minerals were psilomelane, pyrolusite, limonite, galena, pyrite and sphalerite. ─── 主要载银矿物有硬锰矿、软锰矿、褐铁矿、方铅矿、黄铁矿和闪锌矿。

21、Keywords BP artificial neural network;pyrolusite;pyrite;roasting;leaching; ─── BP神经网络;软锰矿;黄铁矿;焙烧;浸取;

22、The result showed that in different time pyrolusite coexisting component had different effect on desulfurization efficiency and manganese iron. ─── 结果表明,软锰矿的共存组分对于脱硫率及锰离子浓度在不同时间有不同程度的影响。

23、The Raw materials were pyrite, pyrolusite and waste sulphuric acid. The filter of produced precipitate in acid hydrolysis is easily. ─── 其工艺的特点是产品成本低,并且酸解过程产生的沉淀容易过滤。

24、This research would be a theoretic foundation of the industry application in preparation of vitriol from pyrolusite flue gas desulfurization. ─── 这为软锰矿烟气脱硫制硫酸锰的工业应用提供了理论依据。

25、Study on Pyrolusite Coexisting Component in Flue Gas Desulfurization ─── 软锰矿共存组分在烟气脱硫过程中的实验研究

26、Keywords pyrolusite;iron pyrites;roasting;leaching; ─── 软锰矿;硫铁矿;焙烧;浸取;

27、Keywords flue gas desulfurization;pyrolusite;jet bubble reactor;manganese sulfate; ─── 烟气脱硫;软锰矿;喷射鼓泡反应器;硫酸锰;

28、Keywords pyrolusite;cellulose;reductant;reduction leaching;manganese sulfate; ─── 软锰矿;纤维素;还原剂;还原浸出;硫酸锰;

29、Effect of Air Excess Coefficient on Flue Gas Desulfurization with Pyrolusite pulp ─── 空气过剩系数对软锰矿浆脱硫反应的影响

30、The function of pyrolusite coexisting component in flue gas desulfurization was studied. ─── 研究了软锰矿的共存组分在烟气脱硫过程中的作用。

31、Production of Manganous Sulfate by Curing Process with Pyrite, Pyrolusite and Concentrated Sulfuric Acid ─── 两矿加浓硫酸熟化法生产硫酸锰

32、pyrolusite ore ─── 软锰砂

33、Keywords ferrous oxidation;oxidizer;catslytical oxidation rate;pyrolusite tailing; ─── 亚铁氧化;催化氧化剂;氧比速率;锰砂;

34、Keywords manganese sulfate;rhodochrosite;pyrolusite; ─── 硫酸锰;菱锰矿;软锰矿;

35、Test results show that the percentage of manganese leached out is dependent on pyrolusite charge,plant powder charge,sulphuric acid volume,temperature and duration of leaching. ─── 试验结果表明:软锰矿中锰的浸出率受到软锰矿用量、植物粉料用量、硫酸用量、浸出温度及浸出时间等因素的影响。

36、The mineral components of nodules are mainly pyrolusite, psilomelane and limonite. ─── 锰结核主要由硬锰矿、软锰矿、褐铁矿构成。

37、Keywords pyrolusite;flue gas desulfurization;sulfur dioxide; ─── 软锰矿;烟气脱硫;二氧化硫;

38、Keywords Pyrolusite;Flue gas desulfurization;Sulfur dioxide;Manganese sulfate.; ─── 软锰矿;烟气脱硫;二氧化硫;硫酸锰;

39、Study on Decontaminating and Crystallizing of Manganese Sulfate Prepared by Leaching Pyrolusite wit ─── 用二氧化硫浸出软锰矿制备的硫酸锰产品的净化、结晶研究

40、pyrolusite in powder ─── 软锰粉

41、Keywords Silver-manganese ore;Pyrolusite;HIMS;Flotation; ─── 银锰矿;软锰矿;强磁选;浮选;

42、Keywords pyrolusite;reducer;deoxidize;lixiviate;purify; ─── 软锰矿;还原剂;还原;浸出;净化;

43、The compositions of major elements show that the psilomelane is rich in K and poor in Mn, but pyrolusite is rich in Mn and poor in K. ─── 常量元素含量表明:硬锰矿富钾、贫锰,软锰矿贫钾、富锰。

44、Keywords Galena;pyrolusit;two-ore-method;mangano-manganic-oxide;lead-sulfate; ─── 方铅矿;软锰矿;两矿法;四氧化三锰;硫酸铅;

45、The effect of agitation rate on desulfuration reaction mechanism of pyrolusite pulp was investigated. ─── 研究了搅拌强度对软锰矿浆湿法脱硫反应的影响。

46、Study on Flue Gas Desulfurization with Pyrolusite Pulp ─── 软锰矿烟气脱硫研究

47、Keywords pyrolusite;flue gas;desulfurization;reactor; ─── 软锰矿;烟气;脱硫;反应器;

48、clamp dog pyrolusite can be used to smelt alloy directly, to wash blast furnace directly and to substitute part of silicon manganese alloy as slagging agent and refrigerant in steel-making; ─── 软锰矿制块可以直接冶炼合金,可以直接作为高炉的洗炉物料,可以直接作为炼钢的造渣剂和冷却剂,替代部分硅锰合金;

49、The technological process of recovering copper and bismuth in wet handling elution residue by adding pyrolusite as oxidizing agents under the condition of ordinary pressure,low temperature,acidity. ─── 主要介绍在常压、低温、酸性条件下加软锰矿为氧化剂湿法处理洗净残渣提取铜和铋的技术。

50、Keywords arsenic production cinder;oxidation-roasting;recovery of sulfur;pyrolusite;manganese sulfate; ─── 关键词砷华生产废渣;氧化焙烧;硫回收利用;软锰矿;硫酸锰;

51、Study on flue desulfurization by catalysis and oxidation function of pyrolusite ─── 软锰矿催化氧化烟气脱硫研究

52、The Raw materials were pyrite, pyrolusite and waste sulphuric acid.The filter of produced precipitate in acid hydrolysis is easily. ─── 其工艺的特点是产品成本低,并且酸解过程产生的沉淀容易过滤。

53、pyrolusite resource can be effectively used so that it's good for environment; ─── 化废为宝,有效地利用了软锰矿资源,改善环境;

54、The function of pyrolusite coexisting component in flue gas desulfurization was studied. ─── 研究了软锰矿的共存组分在烟气脱硫过程中的作用。

55、pyrolusite pulp ─── 软锰矿

56、Keywords cinder of arsenite preparation;oxidation roasting;pyrolusite;deoxidization roasting;magnetic separation;acid leaching;comprehensive utilization; ─── 砷华生产废渣;氧化焙烧;软锰矿;磁化焙烧;磁选;酸浸;综合利用;

57、Keywords sufur dioxide;reduced pyrolusite;wet desulphurization;smelting gas;foam tower.; ─── 软锰矿;湿法脱硫;冶炼烟气;泡沫吸收塔;

58、Influence of Agitation Rate on Desulfuration Reaction of Pyrolusite Pulp ─── 锰浆脱硫中搅拌强度对脱硫反应影响研究

59、Simultaneous acid leach of ZnS concertrata and Pyrolusite ore is used to obtain Zn and Mn Solution,leach rates of Zn and Mn are up to 97% and 95%. ─── 将硫化锌精矿与软锰矿同时浸出,得到 Zn 和 Mn 溶液,锌和锰的浸出率分别97%和95%.

60、Study on Preparation of High Purity Manganese Carbonate and Barium Hydroxide by Oxidation of Barium Sulfide Using Pyrolusite ─── 软锰矿氧化硫化钡制高纯碳酸锰和氢氧化钡工艺研究

61、function of pyrolusite coexisting component in flue gas desulfurization was studied. ─── 了软锰矿的共存组分在烟气脱硫过程中的作用。

62、Therefore, the reduction technology of pyrolusite is an important research topic in the metallurgical industry of manganese internationally. ─── 因此,软锰矿的还原工艺技术一直是国内外锰矿加工产业的一项重要研究课题。

63、Main metallic minerals in the manganese-silver concentrate were psilomelane, pyrolusite, pyrite, limonite, and a few arsenopyrite, hematite and sphalerite. ─── 该锰银精矿的主要金属矿物为硬锰矿、软锰矿、黄铁矿、褐铁矿、少量毒砂、赤铁矿和闪锌矿;

64、Keywords manganese sulphate;wet-method;pyrolusite;pyrite; ─── 硫酸锰;湿法生产;软锰矿;硫铁矿;

65、Keywords air excess coefficient;Pyrolusite pulp;Desulfurization Reaction; ─── 空气过剩系数;软锰矿;脱硫反应;

66、The main silver-bearing minerals were psilomelane, pyrolusite, limonite, galena, pyrite and sphalerite. ─── 主要载银矿物有硬锰矿、软锰矿、褐铁矿、方铅矿、黄铁矿和闪锌矿。

67、Keywords two-ores method;pyrolusite;manganese sulfate;technology study; ─── 两矿法;软锰矿;硫酸锰;工艺研究;

68、Removal of SO_2 from Flue Gas amd Accessory Production of Dilute Sulfuric Acid by Aqueous Pyrolusite Catalyzed Oxidation ─── 软锰矿液相催化氧化烟气中的SO_2副产稀硫酸的工艺

69、Keywords pyrolusite;flue gas desulfurization;desulfurizing mechanism; ─── 软锰矿;烟气脱硫;脱硫机理;

70、Keywords Pyrolusite;Aqueous catalyzed oxidation;Flue gas desulfurization;Sulfurica cid; ─── 软锰矿;液相催化氧化;烟气脱硫;硫酸;

71、Keywords pyrolusite;SO_2;manganese sulfate;decontaminating;crystallizing; ─── 软锰矿;二氧化硫;硫酸锰;净化;

72、By curing process, and used pyrite, pyrolusite and sulfuric acid as material, manganous sulfate was product. ─── 本文介绍了高效实用的软锰矿浆脱硫的新技术和工艺流程以及硫酸锰副产品的回收。

73、Keywords Pyrolusite pulp;desulphurization;catalysis and oxidation;Synergic effects;Thiobacillus ferrooxidans bacterial; ─── 软锰矿;脱硫;催化氧化;协同作用;氧化亚铁硫杆菌;

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