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09-22 投稿


lanthanum 发音

英:[[?l?nθ?n?m]]  美:[[?l?nθ?n?m]]

英:  美:

lanthanum 中文意思翻译



lanthanum 词性/词形变化,lanthanum变形

简写符号: La |

lanthanum 相似词语短语

1、lanthanon ─── n.稀土元素(等于lanthanide)

2、lanthanide ─── n.[化学]镧系元素

3、lanthanons ─── n.稀土元素(等于lanthanide)

4、lanthanoid ─── 镧系元素

5、xanthan gum ─── [有化]黄原胶

6、cantharus ─── n.甲虫螺属;双耳大杯

7、labdanum ─── n.劳丹脂

8、ladanum ─── n.岩蔷薇(等于labdanum);赖百当

9、lantana ─── n.马樱丹属

lanthanum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Among the simplest are the lanthanum compounds of the form La?? ─── 其中最简单的是la?研问降娘缁0合物。

2、High concentration of Lanthanum nitrate inhibited the plantlets growth. ─── 过高的浓度对试管苗生长有一定抑制。

3、lanthanum chloride supported on activated carbon ─── 活性炭负载三氯化镧

4、single crystal lanthanum hexaboride ─── 单晶LaB6


6、The oxygen-flask cormbustion method is used to determine the total phosphorus in cotton seed using lanthanum nitrate as titrant and haematoxylin as indicator. ─── 氧瓶燃烧法以硝酸镧标准溶液做滴定剂,苏木精为指示剂,测定棉籽中的总磷。

7、Ytterbium doped potassium lanthanum tungstate crystal ─── 掺镱钨酸镧钾晶体

8、Lanthanum chloride (LaCl3), heptahydrate; ─── 别名名称:Lanthanum trichloride;

9、Levy's team created its nanotech transisors using two ceramic crystal materials known as lanthanum aluminate and strontium titanate. ─── 李维所带领的小组利用所谓的铝酸镧衬底和钛酸锶,两种陶水晶材料,制造出奈米科技电晶体。

10、erbium-doped lanthanum calcium borate ─── 掺铒硼酸钙镧

11、Keywords phase diagram;lanthanum chloride;tegafur;complex; ─── 三元相图;氯化镧;喃氟啶;镧配合物;

12、In order to realize the overall sintering of chromic acid lanthanum heating element,it is necessary to add sintering aids in it. ─── 为了使铬酸镧发热元件能够整体烧结,成型前在铬酸镧粉末中加入助烧剂,将收缩率调节一致。

13、Conclusion: Microelement lanthanum has important roles on development and prevention of caries. ─── 结论:微量元素镧对龋病的发生发展及防治有重要作用。

14、lanthanum diethyldithiocarbamate ─── 二烷基二硫代氨甲酸镧

15、Objective: To study the relation between microelement lanthanum and caries. ─── 目的:探讨微量元素镧与龋病的关系。

16、Study of Suppressing the Enamel Demineralization by Combined Application of Fluoride Lanthanum and Molybdenum. ─── 氟化物与镧、钼协同应用抑制牙釉质脱矿过程的研究。

17、Application: Used in Magnetic material and made Lanthanum metal. ─── 用途:产品用于生产金属镧,磁性材料等。

18、Keywords Mutagenicity test: Micronucleus test: Lanthanum nitrate; ─── 关键词诱变力试验;微核试验;硝酸镧;

19、Used to make petro- chem catalyst. Also used to manufacture lanthanum metal. ─── 作石油化工催化剂,也可用来生产金属镧。

20、Abstract : ELV-8 accelerator use flat lanthanum hexaboride as the cathode . ─── 摘要 :ELV-8型加速器的加速管分为变梯度加速管段和等梯度加速管段两部分。

21、Effects of Lanthanum Chloride on LPS Binding and CD14 Expression in Monocyte ─── 氯化镧对脂多糖与单核细胞的结合及CD14表达的影响

22、He called lanthanum carbonate "a helpful addition to our armamentarium. ─── 他形容碳酸镧对于整体是有帮助的。

23、Study on Novel Lanthanum Oxide Antifogging Agent ─── 新型氧化镧防雾剂的研究

24、They conclude: "Lanthanum carbonate remains safe and effective for treating phosphatemia in stage 5 CKD patients. ─── 他们的结论是,碳酸镧仍然是安全的,且可以有效地治疗第五期CKD病患的高血磷。

25、Lanthanum nitrate hexahydrate p.A. ─── (硝酸镧 六水 P.

26、Experiment results show that interferences with determination of Ca, Mg can be better inhibited by adding lanthanum oxide solution. ─── 实验表明,氧化镧溶液的加入对测定钙、镁元素的干扰有较好的抑制作用。

27、lanthanum concentrate rare earth chloride ─── 富镧氯化稀土

28、Location of semipermeable layer and permeability of seed in S. sudanense were studied by lanthanum tracer、transmission electron microscope and energy dispersive X-ray analysis. ─── 摘要通过硝酸镧示踪、透射电镜观测和X射线能量色散分析等技术,对苏丹草种子半透层的位置和透性进行了研究。

29、Objective Study of the influences of lanthanum, cerium and fluoride on the activity of glucosyltransferase (GTF) and adherence of oral cariogenic bacteria. ─── 摘要目的为观察镧、铈和氟对葡糖基转移酶活性和口腔主要致龋粘附的影响。

30、Methods Samples were assayed by acetylene-air flame AAS using releasing agent lanthanum chloride. ─── 方法采用空气-乙炔火焰原子吸收光谱法,氯化镧作为释放剂。


32、From the experiments we can conclude that the "rattling" motion of lanthanum atoms in voids of unit cell produce the effect phonon scattering and make the widen of Raman spectra. ─── 我们认为晶格孔隙中镧原子的振颤运动产生了有效的声子散射并使拉曼谱线加宽。

33、ELV 8 accelerator uses flat lanthanum hexaboride as the cathode . ─── ELV-8型加速器的加速管分为变梯度加速管段和等梯度加速管段两部分。

34、The one photon and two photon excited UV fluorescence spectra of 1, 10 phenanthroline and [bis(1, 10 phenanthroline)lanthanum] nitrate are observed in the methanol solution. ─── 测量了1,10-二氮杂菲和硝酸[二-(1,10-二氮杂菲)合镧]甲醇溶液的单光子和双光子激发紫外荧光谱。

35、The base is made of a strontium titanate crystal, with a thin layer of lanthanum aluminate on top. ─── 材料的底部是由一种钛酸锶晶体制作的,顶部是一层很薄的铝酸镧。

36、Keywords antiknock;carboxylic lanthanum;gasoline;research method test; ─── 抗爆剂;羧酸镧;汽油料;研究法实验;

37、lanthanum chloride seven-hydrate ─── 七水氯化镧

38、Judd-Ofelt Parameterization Analysis of Nd3+ Doped Yttrium Lanthanum Oxide Transparent Ceramics[J]. ─── 引用该论文 丁君,杨秋红,唐在峰,徐军,苏良碧.

39、Cerium showed more effective than lanthanum for vanadium tolerance of FCC catalysts. ─── 氧化铈较氧化镧更容易与钒反应,因而具有更强的抗钒能力。

40、neodymium-doped lanthanum beryllate ─── 掺钕铍酸镧

41、Investigation of Lanthanum Activity in the Solid Steel by Sensors ─── 传感法研究固态钢中镧活度

42、The influence of lanthanum ions on the framework silicon, aluminum and extra-framework aluminum of LaDAlY zeolites has been studied by using 29Si, 27A1 MAS NMR and static 27Al NMR with acetylacetone treatment. ─── 用~(29)Si(~(27)Al)MAS NMR和辅加乙酰丙酮(acac)处理样品的静态~(27)Al NMR研究了镧离子对脱铝Y型沸石(DAIY)骨架硅、铝和非骨架铝(EFAL)的影响.

43、Experiment results show that interferences with determination of Ca, Mg can be better inhibited by adding lanthanum oxide solution. ─── 实验表明,氧化镧溶液的加入对测定钙、镁元素的干扰有较好的抑制作用。

44、The adulteration of the non- fluorescence lanthanum or gadolinium ions can enhance the fluorescence intensity of the complexes of europium,but only have little influence on the locations of the fluorescence characteristic peaks. ─── La3+、Gd3+以不同比例掺杂Eu~(3+)配合物,在紫外光的激发下,Eu~(3+)荧光发射峰位置只有微小变化,但对其荧光发射强度影响较大。

45、Preparation technique of a novel lanthanum oxide glass antifogging agent was introduced, and the synthesized agent is characterized by uv/vis spectrometer and the zetasizer tester. ─── 介绍了一种新型氧化镧玻璃防雾剂的研制工艺,并将产品用紫外-可见分光光度仪和纳米粒度分析仪进行了表征。

46、lanthanum fluoride active medium ─── 氟化镧激活媒质

47、Probing Lanthanum Ions Binding on tRNAPhe by NMR ─── NMR探测苯丙氨酸转移核糖核酸中镧离子的键合

48、lanthanum hydropyrophosphate ─── 焦磷酸氢钐

49、Pure RE (cerium, lanthanum) have certain improvement effect on the conductivity of pure aluminum with relatively high impurity contents in some degree of addition, but had a slight effect on that with relatively low impurity content. ─── 单独加稀土铈或镧对杂质含量高的纯铝的导电性在一定的添加范围内有一定的改善,而对杂质含量较低的纯铝的导电性略有改善。

50、Through the fluorescence spectra, FT-IR spectra and curve-fit, the effect of lanthanum (III) on horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was studied. ─── 摘要运用萤光光谱、傅立叶变换红外光谱以及曲线拟合等技术研究了镧离子对辣根过氧化物酶的结构的影响。

51、lanthanum dialkyldithiophosphate ─── 二烷基二硫代磷酸镧

52、Responses of Microbial Biomass Towards Exogenous Lanthanum in Two Soils ─── 两种土壤微生物生物量对外源镧的反应

53、Hyperfine Structure Measurements on High-Lying Levels of Lanthanum by Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy[J]. ─── 引用该论文 管国明,景春阳,贾列娟,周志尧,林福成.

54、Interactions between lanthanum and wheat roots are studied by a sequential extractive process combined with instrumental neutron activation analysis as well as transmission electronic microscopy. ─── 用中子活化分析结合分级提取及透射电镜观察,研究了稀土元素镧在小麦根中的分布和存在形态。

55、Present Situation of Lanthanum Chromite Interconnector in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell ─── 固体氧化物燃料电池铬酸镧连接材料研究现状

56、Phosphoric acid, lanthanum salt, cerium terbium-doped; ─── 名称 掺杂铈铽的磷酸镧;


58、Abstract Objective To observe the effect of polystyrene sulfonic lanthanum on calcium and phosphate metabolism in rats with chronic renal failure induced by adenine. ─── 摘要 目的 观察聚苯乙烯磺酸镧对大鼠腺嘌呤性慢性肾衰竭钙磷代谢的影响。

59、The yttrium abundance is constant ([Y/Fe] =-0.06) for all stars with [Fe/H] >-25. (3) The barium overdeficiency increases with decreasing metallicity when [Fe/H] -2.5的恒星钇丰度为常数([Y/Fe]=-0.06). (3)对于[Fe/H]

60、The experimental results suggest that the bonding strength of nickel-lanthanum electrodeposits is higher than that of bright nickel. ─── 实验结果,镍-镧镀层与基体的结合强度高于亮镍镀层与基体的结合强度。

61、Sr doped lanthanum copper oxide ─── 掺锶铜酸镧

62、Lanthanum oxide/dodecyl sulfate ─── 氧化镧/十二烷基硫酸钠

63、The extraction mechanism and separation process of lanthanum and actinium were studied in HDEHP (kerosene)NO3 system. ─── 本文研究了在HNO_3体系中,P_(204)萃取La和Ac的机理及影响La,Ac萃取分离因素,给出了La,Ac分配的数学摸型。

64、Platform additive Lanthanum matrix modifier and Zeeman background correction methodwaa used for determination of lead in NBS-1572 (citrus leaves),NBS-1577a (bovine liver) andbeer. ─── 本文研究了用平台加镧基体改进剂和塞曼扣除背景测定NBS1572(果叶),NBS1577a(牛肝),啤酒中的Pb,并对生物材料中几种主要成分的干扰及降低方法作了研究。

65、barium titanate ceramic doped with lanthanum ─── 掺镧钛酸钡陶瓷

66、Keywords urushiol;lanthanum;properties of paint film; ─── 漆酚;镧;涂膜性能;

67、The pot experiment was conducted to analyze the concentration and distribution characteristics of rare earth elements (REEs) lanthanum (La) in forages upon the foliage and soil dressing the La. ─── 摘要设立盆栽试验,研究不同施用条件(喷施和土施)下稀土元素镧在牧草体内的含量及分布特征。

68、Application of lanthanum oxide in wear-resisting surfacing electrode ─── 氧化镧在耐磨堆焊焊条中的应用研究

69、The standard solution is added lanthanum nitrate solution as much as the sample. ─── 标准溶液也同样品一样加入相同量硝酸镧溶液。

70、In addition, as the lead lanthanum zirconium titanate (PLZT) This category of ceramic infrared Rail. ─── 此外还有像锆钛酸铅镧(PLZT)这样一类红外铁电陶瓷等。

71、strontium doped lanthanum manganite ─── 掺锶锰酸镧

72、X-ray crystallography reveals that the title compound is a novel two-dimensional framework material constructed from coordination between lanthanum and sulfates. ─── 单晶衍射结果表明该化合物是有机胺支撑的、通过镧与硫酸根配位形成的层状开放骨架结构,该化合物也用元素分析、差热-热重和红外进行了表徵。

73、The increase of superconductive transition temperature in some compounds and alloys of Lanthanum is equivalent to applying pressure to Lanthanum. ─── 某些镧合金及化合物的超导转变温度的增加与纯镧加压等当。

74、Keywords Polyaza macrocyclic;Lanthanum;Complex;Crystal structure; ─── 氮杂大环;镧配合物;晶体结构;

75、neodymium-doped sodium lanthanum borate ─── 掺钕硼酸钠镧

76、The catalytic converter on your exhaust system contains cerium and lanthanum. ─── 排气系统上的接触反应器含有铈和镧。

77、hydrated lanthanum oxide ( La2O3·nH2O) ─── 水合氧化镧

78、anhydrous lanthanum chloride ─── 无水氯化镧

79、Progress of Doped Lanthanum Gallate Solid Electrolytes ─── 掺杂镓酸镧基固体电解质的研究进展

80、on your exhaust system contains cerium and lanthanum. ─── 排气系统上的接触反应器含有铈和镧。

81、Keywords lanthanum;demineralization;dental root surface caries; ─── 口腔预防;镧;脱矿;牙根面龋;

82、Method: The capillary permeability of inner ear was compared between the normal group and the salicylate ototoxicity group traced with lanthanum by electron microscopy. ─── 方法:采用硝酸镧作为示踪剂电镜下观察正常对照组与水杨酸钠组内耳基底膜螺旋血管、血管纹和内淋巴囊毛细血管的血管通透性。

83、Keywords Ductile iron;magnesium ferrosilicon nodularizer;lanthanum; ─── 球铁;硅铁镁球化剂;镧;

84、lead lanthanum titanate thin films ─── PLT薄膜

85、Keywords pillared;layered;porosity;catalyst;lanthanum niobate; ─── 柱撑;层状;多孔性;催化剂;镧铌酸;

86、Study of Suppressing the Enamel Demineralization by Combined Application of Fluoride Lanthanum and Molybdenum. ─── 氟化物与镧、钼协同应用抑制牙釉质脱矿过程的研究。

87、lanthanum fluoride infrared transmitting ceramics ─── 氟化镧透红外陶瓷

88、Then, using phenol adsorption to test the products, it shows that the phenol removal rate of fly-ash base sorbent with lanthanum reaches 88.9%. ─── 对所得产品进行苯酚吸附测试,结果表明,镧负载粉煤灰基吸附剂对苯酚的去除率达到88.9%。

89、polycrystal Lanthanum hexaboride ─── 多晶LaB6

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