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09-21 投稿


pedunculated 发音


英:  美:

pedunculated 中文意思翻译



pedunculated 同义词


pedunculated 短语词组

1、pedunculated fibroid ─── 有蒂纤维瘤

2、non-pedunculated hydatid ─── [医] 睾丸附件

3、pedunculated hydatid ─── [医] 附睾附件

4、pedunculated oak ─── 带蒂橡树

5、pedunculated polyp ─── 有蒂息肉

6、pedunculated fibroid tumor ─── 有蒂纤维瘤

pedunculated 反义词


pedunculated 词性/词形变化,pedunculated变形

异体字: pedunculated |

pedunculated 相似词语短语

1、pediculate ─── n.柄鳍目之鱼;adj.有小花梗的;有梗的;柄鳍目的

2、peduncled ─── 花序梗

3、pediculates ─── n.柄鳍目之鱼;adj.有小花梗的;有梗的;柄鳍目的

4、peculated ─── vi.盗用,挪用(公款等);vt.盗用,挪用(公款等)

5、peduncular ─── adj.花梗的

6、pedunculation ─── 花序梗

7、pediculated ─── 有花梗的

8、carunculated ─── 肉阜

9、pedunculate ─── adj.有梗的;有肉茎的;有花梗的

pedunculated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、pedunculated leiomyoma ─── 有蒂平滑肌瘤

2、leiomyoma pedunculated polyoid ─── 有蒂息肉样平滑肌瘤

3、Value of hepatic dual phase helical CT scanning in diagnosis of pedunculated hepatocellular carcinoma ─── 螺旋CT肝双期扫描在外生性肝癌诊断中的临床应用

4、Methods Five kinds of island flaps with pedunculated vasa vasorum and cutaneous nerve were applied respectively for repairing of 8 cases with skin and soft tissues defect. ─── 方法 临床分别应用了5种皮神经营养血管蒂岛状皮瓣修复皮肤、软组织缺损8例的实践。

5、giant pedunculated sehorrheic keratosis ─── 巨大有蒂脂溢性角化病

6、pedunculated melanoma ─── 有蒂黑素瘤

7、PURPOSE to study the diagnosis and treatment of pedunculated hepatocellular carcinoma (PHC). ─── 目的研究带蒂肝细胞癌(phc)的诊断与治疗。

8、They are benign single pedunculated bony tumors near the lateral end of the bony portion. ─── 它是在接近骨质外侧端的良性单一有蒂的骨性肿瘤。

9、Note that this type of adenoma is sessile, rather than pedunculated, and larger than a tubular adenoma (adenomatous polyp). ─── 无蒂,比管状腺瘤(腺瘤息肉)要大。

10、18 Gupta NM,Dhavan S,Bambery P, Goenka MK. Pedunculated large leiomyoma of esophagus. Indian J Gastroenterol, ─── 17张效公,黄孝迈,康澧源,孙玉鹗,朱百锁.食管平滑肌瘤.中华肿瘤杂志,1986;8:55-57

11、Nursing Care of Patients Underwent Vessel Pedunculated Sternum Subvolution to Correct Funnelbreast ─── 带血管蒂胸骨翻转术矫治漏斗胸病人的护理

12、pedunculated myoma ─── 带蒂肌瘤

13、Treatment of spinal canal stenosis with the spine canaloplasty that the pedunculated laminotomy and the lamina arcus vertebrae was regrafted to the sectioned former location ─── 带蒂椎板内板切除原位回植术治疗椎管狭窄症

14、Free bone grafts can be used alone or combined with pedunculated grafts. ─── 免费骨移植可单独使用或与带蒂移植相结合。

15、They are benign single pedunculated bony tumors near the lateral end of the bony portion. ─── 它是在接近骨质外侧端的良性单一有蒂的骨性肿瘤。

16、Macroscopically the appearance of an osteochondroma is of a sessile or pedunculated mass capped with cartilage. ─── 肉眼看,骨软骨瘤表现为无柄或有蒂的,具有软骨帽的团块样物质。

17、torsion of pedunculated fibroid ─── 有蒂子宫肌瘤扭转

18、Objective To evaluate the clinical features,diagnosis and treatment of huge pedunculated hepatocellular carcinoma. ─── 目的探讨巨大原发性外生型肝癌的临床特点、诊断和治疗方法。

19、Treatment for Atrophic Rhintis with Nasal Submucous Pedunculated Bone-Subperiosteal Muscle Flap Grafting ─── 带蒂骨-骨膜肌瓣鼻腔粘骨膜下植入术治疗萎缩性鼻炎

20、A 30-year-old female patient presented with a pedunculated hard mass on the right dorsal tongue base for one year. ─── 一位三十岁女性患者主诉于其右侧舌基部背面,出现一无痛性坚硬肿块,已一年馀。


22、Pedunculated orbicular muscle translocation operation to treat severity lower eyelid entropion and trichiasis ─── 带蒂轮匝肌转位术治疗严重下睑内翻倒睫

23、Conclusions Complete debridement and hemostasis of the wound, and safe transfixion were preconditions of using pedunculated greater omentum to treat severe liver trauma. ─── 结论对肝创面要彻底清创,严格止血,稳妥缝扎断裂胆管是应用带蒂大网膜的先决条件。

24、Results Packing pedunculated greater omentum was an effective method for severe liver trauma. ─── 结果带蒂大网膜在治疗严重肝损伤中有重要作用。

25、A 30-year-old female patient presented with a pedunculated hard mass on the right dorsal tongue base for one year. ─── 摘要一位三十岁女性患者主诉于其右侧舌基部背面,出现一无痛性坚硬肿块,已一年馀。

26、Clinical and pathological features of primary pedunculated giant esophageal liposarcoma ─── 食管原发性巨大带蒂分化好脂肪肉瘤临床病理特点

27、Objectives To investigate the treatment of severe liver trauma with packing the pedunculated greater omentun. ─── 目的探讨应用带蒂大网膜治疗严重肝损伤的方法应用。

28、Use of Foreign Body Forceps to Remove Pedunculated Submucous Myomas in Outpatient Clinic ─── 宫腔镜异物钳治疗带蒂粘膜下子宫肌瘤

29、Evaluation of metal clips combining with high-frequency electroresection in treating large, pedunculated colorectal polyps by endoscopy ─── 内镜下金属夹联合高频电切序贯治疗宽蒂巨大肠息肉疗效评价

30、Pedunculated orbicular muscle translocation operation to treat severity lower eyelid entropion and trichiasis ─── 带蒂轮匝肌转位术治疗严重下睑内翻倒睫

31、pedunculated scar ─── 赘状瘢痕

32、These tumors may be sessile or pedunculated. ─── 这些息肉无蒂或带蒂。

33、Objective:To improve the recognition and diagnosis of pedunculated hepatocellular carcinoma. ─── 目的:提高对外生型肝癌的认识和诊断。

34、Objective To investigate the possibility and effect of longitudinal pedunculated prepuce flap one-stage urethroplasty in treating children s hypospadias. ─── 目的评价纵行带蒂包皮皮瓣作为尿道重建材料在修复尿道下裂的可行性及效果。

35、pedunculated subserous myoma ─── 带蒂浆膜下肌瘤

36、pedunculated hemorrhoids ─── 悬胆痔

37、Conclusion The resection rate of huge pedunculated hepatocellu... ─── 结论巨大原发性外生型肝癌手术切除率高,预后较好。

38、Non pedunculated ─── 无蒂型

39、pedunculated hydatid ─── [医] 附睾附件

40、Osteomas of the external auditory canal are benign abnormal growth of bone which develops as semi-spherical or pedunculated masses beneath the skin of the canal and can often cause obstruction. ─── 摘要外耳道骨瘤是良性的骨质异常生长,它在耳道的皮肤下发展出半球状或有蒂的肿块,而且常造成阻塞。

41、Keywords Tumour;hepatocellular;Pedunculated;Tomography;X ray computed; ─── 关键词肿瘤;肝脏;外生性;体层摄影术;X线计算机;

42、In past, surgeons usually reconstructed the defects with pedunculated pectoralis major masculocutaneous flap or other free flaps. ─── 为寻找简单实用的修复方法,我科使用颞肌瓣修复用口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤术后造成的颌面畸形。

43、Method:Fifty-four cases with glottic carcinoma were operated by partial or enlarged partial laryngectomy,and reconstructed laryngeal function with pedunculated musculocutaneous flap of platysma. ─── 方法:对54例声门型喉癌,行喉部分切除和扩大部分切除后应用颈前带蒂肌皮瓣行喉功能重建。

44、Methods:The hepatic dual phase helical CT scanning of 7 cases of pedunculated hepatocellular carcinoma were reviewed retrospectively. ─── 方法:回顾性分析了7例外生性肝癌螺旋CT肝双期扫描的CT表现。

45、Keywords Hepatocellular carcinoma;pedunculated;Interventional therapy;Chemoembolization; ─── 关键词肝癌;肝外生长;介入治疗;化疗栓塞术;

46、Keywords pedunculated pericardium;right ventricular outflow tract;reconstruction; ─── 带蒂心包;右室流出道;重建;狗;

47、Nursing Care of Patients With Tongue Carcinoma Underwent Resection and Pedunculated Musculocutaneous Flap of Sternocleidomastoid Muscle Transposition to Repair Body of Tongue ─── 舌癌切除及胸锁乳突肌带蒂肌皮瓣转移修复舌体的护理

48、These tumors may be sessile or pedunculated. ─── 这些息肉无蒂或带蒂。

49、Objective:To explore the value of laryngeal functional reconstruction with pedunculated musculocutaneous flap of platysma after partial laryngectomy. ─── 目的:探讨颈前带蒂肌皮瓣(任意和巨形)在喉部分切除中重建喉功能的效果。

50、Objective To ivestigate an effective method for treatment of blepharal pedunculated and bridged scar with minimally invasive. ─── 武汉科技大学附属医院整形美容科湖北武汉430064)[摘要]目的:探讨一种微创治疗眼睑部桥赘状瘢痕的有效方法。

51、Longitudinal pedunculated prepuce flap ─── 纵行带蒂包皮皮瓣

52、pedunculated fibroma ─── 带蒂纤维瘤

53、Urethroplasty for Hypospadia with Transverse Pedunculated Preputial Flap (Report of 12 Cases) ─── 横行带蒂包皮瓣尿道成形术治疗尿道下裂(附12例报告)

54、Methods: Sessile polyps were removed piecemeal and pedunculated polyps transected at stalk. ─── 方法:无蒂息肉采取逐渐切除的方法,有蒂息肉则横断切除蒂的方法。

55、pedunculated Borne on a stalk or pedicel; ─── 有柄的长了一个轴或茎部;

56、Unsuccess Cause Analysis of Pedunculated Flaps Reconstructed the Defect of Floor of the Mouth ─── 带蒂皮瓣修复口底缺损失败原因分析

57、We reported a case with a solitary long and pedunculated polyp of prostatic urethra with intermittent urinary leakage in whom transurethral resection was done successfully. ─── 我们报告一例成人前列腺尿道上皮息肉,有一长茎,从近膀胱颈处的前列腺尿道长出,而凸出到球状尿道处。

58、Huge pedunculated hepatocellular carcinoma and its surgical treatment ─── 巨大外生型肝癌的外科治疗

59、pedunculated body ─── 蕈形体

60、pedunculated tumor ─── 带蒂肿瘤

61、Objective To analyze the reason of necrosis for pedunculated skin flaps repaired after floor of the mouth defect repair. ─── 目的对11例口底缺损后皮瓣修复坏死原因进行分析。

62、Title: Clinical observatio of interlocking intramedullery nail combined with pedunculated periosteal bone flap for tibial shaft nonunion. ─── 关键词:骨膜骨瓣;带锁髓内钉;骨不连;治疗

63、pedunculated papilla ─── 有柄乳突(动)

64、pedunculated type ─── 有蒂型

65、pedunculated acetabulum ─── 有柄腹吸盘(动)

66、Infilling of the pedunculated omentum in the treatment of splenic abscess ─── 带蒂大网膜填塞脓腔治疗脾脓肿

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