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09-21 投稿


leaded 发音

英:[?led?d]  美:[?led?d]

英:  美:

leaded 中文意思翻译




leaded 同义词

leaded 短语词组

1、best leaded fishing line ─── 最佳含铅钓鱼线

2、cracked leaded gasoline ─── [建] 裂化含铅汽油

3、leaded joint ─── 铅接头

4、Leaded Chip Carrier ─── 有引线芯片座

5、leaded paint ─── 含铅油漆

6、leaded gasoline ─── [化] 加铅汽油; 乙基化汽油

7、leaded petrol ─── [化] 加铅汽油

8、double-leaded a. ─── 行距宽的

9、leaded gas ─── 加铅汽油,含铅汽油

10、leaded bronze ─── [化] 含铅青铜

11、leaded zinc oxide ─── [化] 含铅锌白; 铅化锌白(ZnO+碱式硫酸铅)

12、leaded number ─── [机] 加铅数

13、leaded steel ─── 含铅钢

14、leaded light ─── 铅条玻璃窗

15、leaded fuel ─── [化] 加铅燃料; 乙基化汽油

16、leaded party ─── 被领导方

17、leaded zinc ─── [化] 含铅氧化锌; 含铅锌白

18、leaded up gasoline ─── [化] 加铅汽油

leaded 常用词组

leaded gasoline ─── n. 加铅汽油

leaded 反义词


leaded 相似词语短语

1、beaded ─── adj.饰以珠的;带着小滴液体的;挂着汗珠的

2、-pleaded ─── v.辩护(plead的过去式)

3、loaded ─── v.向……装货;把……装入车船(或集装箱等);(船、车)装货;(使)负载;有……的偏向(load的过去式及过去分词);adj.载着(重物)的;(枪)装满弹药的;(非正式)腰包鼓鼓的;(非正式)喝酒过多的;(非正式)有多种附加功能的;欺骗的;话中有话的;不公平的;诱导性的

4、leader ─── n.领导者;首领;指挥者;n.(Leader)(英)利德(人名)

5、deleaded ─── vi.去铅

6、pleaded ─── v.辩护(plead的过去式)

7、headed ─── adj.有头的;有标题的;v.率领(head的过去分词);朝向;走在…的前头

8、leaden ─── adj.铅灰色的;铅制的;沉闷的;铅一般重的;vt.使沉重;使懒散;使呆滞

9、yeaded ─── 酵母

leaded 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The plastic is light, but the lead is heavy. ─── 塑料是轻的,但铅是重的。

2、A ball of lead will weigh down an equal bulk of feathers. ─── 一个铅球要比同样大小的羽毛团重。

3、He is worthy to take the lead. ─── 他是配当领袖的人。

4、The harmfulness of leaded atuo-exhaust to human's health was discussed. ─── 对汽车使用含铅汽油对环境和人体健康危害进行了探讨。

5、Discontent in the party will lead to further defections. ─── 党内的不满情绪将导致更多的党员脱党。

6、Today these particles lead to auroral displays. ─── 如今粒子导致极光出现。

7、He is one of a few all-rounder master in progressive literatus leaded by Lu Xun after the May Fourth Movement. ─── 他是“五四”以后以鲁迅为旗帜的进步文化界少数几位“全才”式的大师之一。

8、The nitration of this may lead to dinitrotoluene. ─── 对此的硝化会生成二硝基甲苯。

9、He is not alone in believing (ie Other people agree with him) that it may lead to war. ─── 不单他一个人认为那会引起战争。

10、They lead a busy and colourful life on the campus. ─── 他们在大学里过着忙碌而又丰富多彩的生活。

11、As a Party member,you ought to give the lead. ─── 作为党员,你应当带头。

12、She was in the lead during the race. ─── 她在赛跑中领先。

13、His extravagance lead him to poverty. ─── 他的奢侈让他走向穷困。

14、Paul lets his wife lead him by the nose. ─── 保罗完全听命于自己的妻子。

15、Not to worry . . . made of Chinese disposable plastic and painted with leaded paint . . . ─── 无须担心…它由中国的一次性塑料制成,有毒油漆喷成…

16、She continued to lead a quiet and modest life. ─── 她仍然过着安静、有节制的生活。

17、It is a left lead followed by a right cross. ─── 一个左直拳接着是一个右交叉拳。

18、She braced herself to lead a normal life. ─── 她振作起来去过正常生活。

19、This road will lead you to the parking lot . ─── 往这条路走就会到停车场。

20、Do you want leaded or unleaded? ─── 你要含铅还是无铅汽油?

21、He was designated to lead the expedition. ─── 他被指派率领远征队。

22、You were wrong to lead back on the third trick. ─── 你在打第三墩牌时因攻搭档出的花色就错了。

23、It is hard work that leaded to his success,rather than chance. ─── 他的成功与其说是由于机遇,不如说是由于努力.

24、The infection may lead to respiratory problems. ─── 感染可能会引起呼吸道问题。

25、Greater spending on education is expected to lead to a large increase in the number of students. ─── 希望在教育上多投资以期多收学生。

26、He's the chief trouble-maker; the others just follow his lead. ─── 他是首要的捣乱分子,其余的人只是跟著学的。

27、They are vying with each other for the lead. ─── 他们互相竞争领先。

28、They will let the young man lead the fight. ─── 他们将让这位年轻人领导这一仗。

29、Second, The form of the anti-Japanese national united front in northeast China is an anti-Japanese troop leaded by CPC. ─── 第二,东北抗日民族统一战线的组织形式是党领导的抗日武装队伍。

30、It's the job of the church to help people lead better lives. ─── 帮助人们生活得好些是教会的责任。

31、A small folded bag filled with lead pellets, used as ammunition in a stun gun. ─── 子弹小袋,豆弹小袋装满铅弹的小折叠袋,用作鸟枪的子弹

32、After a very proper upbringing he chose to lead the Bohemian life of an artist. ─── 他受过正统的教育,却立意过著艺术家我行我素的生活。

33、He felt the lead of the bullet on his back. ─── 他感觉到子弹的铅头就在他的背上。

34、You must keep your dog on a lead in the park. ─── 在公园里要牵著你的狗。

35、Not spaced or separated with lead, as lines of type. ─── (如铅字的行间)没有用铅字隔开或分开的

36、He speculated that this might lead to a success. ─── 他推测这可能会导致成功。

37、You can make party companion leaded. ─── 你可以组织自己的团队。

38、His plans are a recipe for (ie are likely to lead to) disaster. ─── 他的计画後患无穷。

39、Charlton Heston took the lead in many films about the bible. ─── 在许多有关圣经故事的电影中,查尔顿·赫斯顿都担任主角。

40、A spade lead will allow a ruff in dummy. ─── 出黑桃可让明手将吃。

41、You're not going to lead me again by the nose! ─── 你别想再牵著我的鼻子走!

42、He's playing the lead in the new play. ─── 他在新戏中担任主角。

43、The children leaded toward school, carrying slates and followed by their dogs. ─── 孩子们带着石板向学校走去,小狗跟在后面。

44、A diet high in fat may lead to obesity. ─── 一个人的饮食含脂肪过多会导致肥胖。

45、He always takes the lead in response to the government's call. ─── 他总是带头响应政府的号召。

46、They suggest that consumers should be not leaded to the crossroads by no truely advertizement. ─── 他们建议消费者不要被虚假广告引入歧途(误导).

47、He's not so ill that he can't come to work; he's just swinging the lead. ─── 他并不是病得不能来工作,他只是在泡病号。

48、Lassen was working from top to bottom, fixing the glass he had leaded. ─── 拉森的工作从顶部到底部,负责修复玻璃。

49、Is it a logical necessity that higher wages will lead to higher prices? ─── 工资一高物价就高,这是不是合乎逻辑的必然规律?

50、PLCC plastic leaded chip carriers. ─── 塑料封装有引线芯片载体。

51、Industry and thrift lead to wealth. ─── 勤俭致富。

52、A good job should lead to security in retirement. ─── 一个好的工作应该能够保证退休员工的福利。

53、Advertisements for houses for sale often lead buyers on with misleading description. ─── 兜售房屋的广告常常以骗人的说明使买方上当受骗。

54、You must also strive to lead by example. ─── 你同时也必须争取做出表率。

55、He wishes to straighten up and lead a respectable life. ─── 他希望改邪归正,过体面的生活。

56、He didn't want to retire and lead an empty life. ─── 他不想退休过空虚的生活。

57、He leaded the children to get into the seasons magically.First. The months and. ─── 他具有魔法般的神奇方式,首先月份,接着是说生日。

58、Hand-cranked contraptions suck grubby, leaded gasoline into large glass bulbs to measure how much has been taken. ─── 他们用手摇装置汲取肮脏的含铅汽油到一个大玻璃泡中以测量取了多少汽油。

59、Leaded gasoline; leaded paint. ─── 含铅汽油; 含铅涂料

60、An experienced Tibetan climber was chosen to lead the others up the mountain. ─── 一位经验丰富的藏族登山者被挑选出来带领其他人登山。

61、Lead deposits, which accumulated in soil and snow during the 1960s and '70s, were primarily the result of leaded gasoline emissions originating in the United States. ─── 六七十年代以来,铅沉积就在土壤和雪中不断累积,这主要是美国的含铅汽油排放的后果。

62、He leaded me in the paths of righteousness for His name`s sake. ─── 他以他的名义指引着我通向正义之路.

63、"I just want to know. please tell me, how much do you make an hour? " leaded the little boy. ─── “我只是想知道。告诉我吧,你一小时赚多少钱?”小男孩央求道。

64、Studies lead them to conclude that men are weaker. ─── 他们通过研究得出结论:男子的身体比较弱。

65、You lead the way as we are strangers. ─── 你给我们领路好像我们是生人似的。

66、To influence or lead by means of wiles; entice. ─── 引诱,诱骗通过使用诡计来影响或怂恿;诱使

67、Alloys, with steel in the lead, are playing the most important part in engineering. ─── 以钢为主的各种合金在工程中起着最重要的作用。

68、They plan to lead with the football world cup. ─── 他打算以世界杯足球赛作头条新闻。

69、He said he would follow her lead. ─── 他说他要以她为榜样。

70、He posted a 50 to take the first-round lead. ─── 他在第一轮中以50分领先。

71、Don't let anyone lead you by the nose; use your own judgment and do the right thing. ─── 不要让别人牵着你的鼻子走,用你自己的判断能力做正确的事情。

72、Chronic poisoning may lead to death from inanition. ─── 慢性中毒也可能由虚弱导致死亡。

73、Keep your dog on the lead in public places. ─── 在公共场所你得用皮带牵著狗。

74、The children leaded toward school , carrying slates and followed by their dogs . ─── 孩子们带着石板向学校走去,小狗跟在后面。

75、Either viewpoint must lead to the same answer. ─── 任何一种看法都应该导致同一答案。

76、Any of various Asian coins of small denomination, especially a copper and lead coin with a square hole in its center. ─── 亚洲小额货币一种小额的亚洲钱币,尤指中间有一个方孔的铜币和铅币

77、Japan has taken the lead in car production. ─── 在汽车生产方面日本占首位。

78、Lead on! I'll follow. ─── 你在前面带路!我跟着。

79、We need some lead in order to do this kind of test. ─── 为做这种试验我们需要一些铅。

80、Early success may lead to megalomania. ─── 少年得志可能导致妄自尊大。

81、Lead the way with the police dog; he'll soon smell the fellow out. ─── 带着警犬领路吧,它马上会把好家伙的行踪嗅出来。

82、Arco says 20% of West Coast drivers want leaded petrol. ─── 阿科说20%的西岸司机要含铅汽油。

83、They lead the most precarious existence of all. ─── 他们是人类生活中最不安定者。

84、The revelation of his past lead to his resignation. ─── 对他过去的揭露导致了他的辞职。

85、The two racing drivers fenced for a chance to gain the lead. ─── 两个赛车手伺机竞相领先。

86、He made these confessions to lead the police up the garden path. ─── 他说出这些口供,是为了让警察产生错觉。

87、A full-scale nuclear war could lead to the annihilation of the human race. ─── 全面的核子战争能导致人类的灭绝。

88、If you want to lead a quiet life, you must lay the axe to the root of the evil. ─── 如果你想过安宁的日子,就得根除这种恶行。

89、He told me he once caught a shark, but I know he was swinging the lead. ─── 他告诉我有一回他捕到了一条鲨鱼,我知道他是在胡诌。

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