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reticular 发音

英:[r?'t?kj?l?]  美:[r?'t?kj?l?]

英:  美:

reticular 中文意思翻译



reticular 词性/词形变化,reticular变形

副词: reticently |

reticular 短语词组

1、reticular structure ─── [化] 网状结构

2、reticular activating system ─── [医] 网状激动系统

3、reticular keratitis ─── [医] 网状角膜炎

4、reticular degeneration ─── [医] 网状变性(表皮或角膜上皮)

5、reticular tissue ─── [化] 网状组织 ─── [医] 网状组织

6、reticular fibers ─── [医] 网状纤维

7、Arnold's reticular white substance ─── [医] 阿诺德氏白网状质, 白网状质

8、reticular layer ─── [医] 网状层, 固有膜

9、reticular substance ─── [医] 网状物质(红细胞); 网状结构(神经)

10、reticular cells ─── [医] 网状细胞

11、reticular formation ─── 网状结构

12、reticular membranes ─── [医] 网状膜

13、reticular cartilages ─── [医] 网状软骨, 黄色弹力纤维软骨

14、grey reticular formation ─── [医] 灰网状质

15、reticular layer of skin ─── [医] 皮肤网状层

16、white reticular formation ─── [医] 白网状质

17、reticular apparatus ─── [医] 网状器

18、internal reticular apparatus ─── [医] 内网器, 高尔基氏体

19、reticular alba ─── [医] 白网状质

reticular 相似词语短语

1、reticula ─── n.网状物(reticulum的复数)

2、reticulate ─── adj.网状的;vt.使成网状;vi.成网状

3、retinacular ─── adj.韧带的;支持带的

4、reticulary ─── 网状的

5、testicular ─── adj.[解剖]睾丸的;睾丸状的

6、lenticular ─── adj.透镜的;晶状体的;两面凸的;小扁豆似的

7、articular ─── adj.[解剖]关节的

8、reticularly ─── 网状的

9、retinular ─── 网膜

reticular 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Staining sites located in the stratum spinosum of epidermis,reticular dermis and part vessels.Conclusion FADD expression is tightly associated with the development of hypertrophic scars. ─── FADD阳性信号主要见于表皮棘层、真皮网状层,以及部分血管.结论FADD表达与增生性瘢痕演变密切相关.

2、The two meters high, 1.5 meters wide, soil structure, the bending blurred, showing reticular formation. ─── 各高2米、宽1.5米,土结构,各弯曲迷离,呈网状结构。

3、ascending reticular activation system ─── 上行网状激动系统

4、Chest radiographs are nonspecific, showing reticular or nodular opacities , or consolidation, often with a lower lobe predominance. ─── 胸片表现无特异性,可以是网状、结节状阴影或实变影,常以下肺为主。

5、A49-year-old man with reticular erythematous mucinosis is reported. ─── 报告1例网状红斑黏蛋白病。

6、An Unusual Reticular Cloud Formation ─── 一种奇特的网状云结构

7、mesencephal reticular nucleus ─── 中脑网状核

8、Collagen and reticular fibers were observed in theca of growing and vesicular follicles and atretic follicles. ─── 在生长卵泡、囊状卵泡及相应闭锁卵泡的卵泡膜中均见到了胶原纤维和网状纤维。

9、The above results indicated that part of projections from the pontine nuclei and pontotegmental reticular nucleus to cortex of anterior cerebellar lobe contained GABA. ─── 提示:脑桥核和脑桥被盖网状核至小脑皮质的投射径路部分含有GABA。

10、Ultrastructural studies on reticular formation of medulla oblongata in the early stage of brain-stem mechanical injury in rats. ─── 大鼠机械性脑干损伤早期延脑网状结构的超微病理研究。

11、The stroma of all lymphatic organs is made up of reticular connective tissue ─── 所有淋巴器官的间质由网状结缔组织组成。

12、A reminder that bone marrow is one place where you find a stroma of reticular tissue. ─── 一个提示:网状组织存在于骨髓基质中。

13、WGA-HRP labeled terminal fibers were mainly observed in AMB,NTS,intermediate zone and reticular formation of pons. ─── 2)WGA-HRP标记神经纤维主要存在于双侧孤束核、疑核、脊髓中间区、延髓网状结构;

14、In this study, we observed a 16-month-old Chinese girl with characteristics of reticular hyperpigmentation over the trunk and extremities. ─── 摘要报告一例色素失调症的女婴,除了皮肤病变外,尚包括牙齿、眼睛及中枢神经等外胚层发育障碍。

15、lateral reticular nucleus, LRN ─── 外侧网状核

16、The effects of intraventricular injection of acetylcholine(ACh) on pain responsesof neurons in nucleus parafascicularis (Pf) and midbrain reticular formation (RF)in 54 rats were studied, using two microelectrodes recording simultaneously. ─── 在54只大鼠上,用两支微电极同时记录神经元放电的方法,研究了脑室注射乙酰胆碱(ACh)对丘脑束旁核(Pf)和中脑网状结构(RF)痛反应神经元电活动的影响。

17、Arnold's reticular white substance ─── [医] 阿诺德氏白网状质, 白网状质

18、The radiographic appearance of honey combing comprises reticular densities caused by the thick walls of the cysts. ─── 放射上蜂窝肺的表现由空腔壁增厚所造成网状密度影组成。

19、Limit Test of Benzene-series Residues in the Total-saponins of Separated and Purified by Macro Reticular Resin from Panax quinque folium L. ─── 大孔树脂提取西洋参总皂苷苯系残留限量检查。

20、By SEM in the experimental groups on the surface of IOLs there was fine granular proteinic membrane, but in control groups there was fibrinous reticular proteinic membrane. ─── 扫描电镜下,实验组人工晶体表面附着细颗粒状的蛋白膜,对照组表面附着纤维网状及颗粒样蛋白膜。

21、flattened epithelial reticular cell ─── 扁平上皮网状细胞

22、The purplish material in the center of the shaft is primitive bone marrow, with reticular cells and developing blood cells. ─── 图片右侧,中间染色紫红的为原始骨髓,由网状细胞和各个时期的血细胞组成。

23、The first type of abnormality on HRCT is reticular opacities. ─── HRCT上的第一类异常改变是网状影。

24、Keywords macro reticular resin;ginsenoside;adsorptive capacity; ─── 大孔吸附树脂;人参皂苷;吸附容量;

25、paragigantocellular reticular nucleus ─── 旁巨细胞网状核

26、Affecting my reticular activating system. ─── 影响到我脑袋的网状活化系统。

27、reticular theory of protoplasm ─── 原生质网状说

28、medullary reticular formation ─── 延髓网状结构

29、mesencephalic reticular formation ─── 中脑网状结构

30、Application of Polypropylene Reticular Plate to Hernioplasty for Flaccid Inguinal Hernia ─── 应用聚丙烯单张网片行无张力腹股沟疝修补术

31、reticular nucleus of thalamus ─── 丘脑网状核

32、gigantocellular reticular nucleus ─── 巨细胞网状核

33、single-layer reticular domes ─── 单层球面网壳结构

34、reticular nucleus of rostral pontine ─── 桥脑网状体上核

35、On the basis of the design idea of reticular formation, the security design of reticular formation is modeled and its points of keeping security are consolidated. ─── 在公文流转系统开发过程中,基于网状结构的设计思想,建立了网状安全设计模型并强化了其中的安全防范点。

36、Morphometric Study of Reticular Fiber of Liver of Wistar Rat at Different Ages ─── 不同鼠龄Wistar大鼠肝组织内网状纤维分布的计量形态学研究

37、reticular pigmented anomaly of the flexures ─── 屈侧网状色素异常

38、Hardesty's membrane is closest to the reticular lamina. ─── 斯蒂膜层是离网状板最近。

39、Process and Design of Filter with New-type Reticular Filter Medium ─── 新型网状滤料过滤工艺及其设计

40、Twenty-eight cases had pulmonary interstitial fibrosis, such as honeycomb lung, reticular and cordal shadows. ─── 临床症状与影像学表现不一致21例;

41、A fine but irregular reticular pattern is present in the lung periphery, representing intralobular interstitial thickening. ─── 肺外带可见明显的不规则网状影,提示小叶间质增厚。

42、Limit Test of Benzene-series Residues in the Total-saponins of Separated and Purified by Macro Reticular Resin from Panax quinque folium L. ─── 大孔树脂提取西洋参总皂苷苯系残留限量检查。

43、ascending reticular activating system ─── 上行网状体激活系统

44、The proband was a 9-year-old boy, with reticular pigmentation of the skin, leukoplakia in the oral mucosa, dystrophy of all nails and disproportionate dentition. ─── 先证者男,9岁。全身呈网状棕黑色色素沉着,口腔黏膜白斑,牙齿排列不整齐,20甲营养不良。

45、In patients with chronic HP, HRCT can show irregular reticular opacities representing fibrosis, traction bronchiectasis, or frank honeycombing. ─── 慢性期HP的肺纤维化在HRCT上表现为不规则网状影、牵拉性支气管扩张及蜂窝肺。

46、You'll have triggered your reticular activating system. ─── 你会触发你的目标导向系统。

47、Here the tissue has been silvered so that you can see the network of fine reticular fibers that support all the blood forming cells. ─── 本图片中银染后可以显示骨髓中纤细的网状纤维,构成造血组织的支架。

48、In one pathway, the axons project towards the reticular formation in the midbrain. ─── 在这路径,神经的轴突会朝中脑的网状结构伸延。

49、Dynamic strength fracture of reticular shells under severe earthquakes ─── 强震作用下球面网壳动力强度破坏研究

50、syndrome reticular erythematous mucinosis ─── REM综合征, 网状红斑性粘蛋白病

51、I learned about the organs and the inner workings of the body in class but nobody told me about the reticular activation system. ─── 在学校里我学过人体构造,组织器官这些知识,但是我从没听说过“网状激活系统”。

52、Damaged endothelial cells show ruffle formation, dilatation of rough endoplasmic reticular and decreasing in cytoplasmic density, and bulged into the sinusoidal lumen. ─── 对窦内皮细胞的形态、位置变异、及枯否氏细胞与窦内皮细胞受损的密切关系,做了较详尽的观察。

53、Later, osteoblasts will differentiate from the primitive reticular tissue in the resorption cavity and will begin to lay down new bony lamellae around the edge of the cavity. ─── 以后,腔隙中的原始结缔组织中的细胞可以转化为成骨细胞,分泌骨基质,在此腔隙边缘中形成新的骨板。

54、Most of the collagen fibers were returned to reticular arrangement along with time, only few remained irregular and sparse in arrangement. ─── 大部分胶原纤维恢复正常的网状结构,但部分胶原纤维排列紊乱,呈“漩涡状”排列,似“瘢痕样”改变。

55、paramedian reticular nucleus ─── 旁正中网状核

56、Methods Thirty seven cases were treated with cross reticular bone grass used in SAA, including developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) and coax plana caused by Legg-Perthes disease. ─── 方法 对发育性髋关节发育不良、大龄髋关节半脱位、Legg Perthes病扁平髋的患者 37例采用交叉网状植骨方式槽状髋臼扩大术治疗。

57、After whole lung lavage therapy, HRCT showed that the diffused ground-glass opacity palliated and the extent of lung opacity shrinked, while the reticular opacity and area of confluence persisted. ─── 全肺灌洗治疗后HRCT显示肺部磨玻璃影不同程度变淡, 范围缩小, 但仍遗留不同范围的网格状阴影及实变影。

58、reticular nucleus of the thalamus; ─── 丘脑网状核;

59、Structure and Properties of Three-dimensional Reticular Sn-Co Alloy Electrodes as Anode Material for Lithium Batteries ─── 新型三维网状锡-钴合金负极材料的结构与性能

60、Cross reticular bone grass used in slotted acetabular augmentation ─── 交叉网状植骨在槽状髋臼扩大术中的应用

61、Microspores form a reticular protectum and columnar probacules as they are still encased in callose. ─── 小孢子母细胞纤维素壁生存到四分体时期,随着小孢子外壁出现而消失。

62、diffuse thalamic reticular nuclei ─── 弥散性丘脑网状核

63、I got a neuroanatomic lesion affecting my reticular activating system. - What does that mean? - It means I don't sleep. ─── 你有什么问题吗?-我有神经管能上的损伤,影响了我的网状活化系统。-那是什么意思?-就是说,我不用睡觉。

64、The type-B is helpful to the form of reticular structure, and make sure the TPB is validity.Compared with the type-A, the type-B was more significant to decrease polarization. ─── B型结构更有利于形成两相的网状结构,保证了所形成TPB的有效性,使阴极内部产生的氧离子顺利地传输至电解质表面,与A型复合阴极相比更加显著地降低了阴极极化。

65、Haywire:I got a neuroanatomic lesion affecting my reticular activating system. ─── 我有神经管能上的损伤,影响了我的网状活化系统.

66、your reticular activation system to your advantage. ─── 充分利用网状激活系统。

67、malignant reticular cell erythroderma ─── 恶性网状细胞红皮病

68、To report a case of reticular erythematous mucinosis (REM). ─── 报告1例网状红斑性黏蛋白沉积症。

69、This pattern is characterized by the presence of irregular reticular opacities, honeycombing, architectural distortion, traction bronchiectasis, and/or areas of consolidation. ─── 不规则网状阴影、蜂窝肺、肺结构变形、牵拉性支气管扩张、和/或肺塌陷。

70、mesencephalic reticular system ─── 中脑网状系统

71、Thapsigargin is a highly selective inhibitor of the endoplasmic reticular Ca2+-dependent ATPase. ─── Thapsigargin是内质网Ca2+-ATP酶选择性抑制剂,可以不可逆地使内质网钙池排空,使胞质内Ca2+浓度持续升高。

72、parvocellular reticular nucleus ─── 小细胞网状核

73、Our results suggest that the origins of the serotoninergic fibers in L6 and S1 seginents may be extensive,not only from the reticular formation of medulla oblongata but also from reticular formation of pons and nucleus of cerebral nerve. ─── 提示L6和S1节段的5-HT传入纤维起源是广泛的,不仅延髓网状结构,而且脑桥网状结构和脑神经核内的5-HT能神经元也向L6和S1投射。

74、paramedian ponitine reticular formation ─── 旁正中桥脑网状结构

75、SHEN Shi-zhao,ZHI Xu-dong.Failure Mechanism Reticular Shells Subjected to Dynamic Actions[J].China Civil Engineering Journal,2005,38 (1):11-20. ─── [2]沈世钊,支旭东.球面网壳结构在强震下的失效机理[J].土木工程学报,2005,38(1):11-20.

76、PDGF could increase osteoblastic surface granules, reticular fibers and intracellular calcium salt crystals, and calcium granule mitochondria. ─── (2)PDGF促使细胞内线粒体更丰富,粗面内质网增多。

77、descending inhibitory reticular projection ─── 下行抑制性网状投射

78、I got a neuroanatomic lesion affecting my reticular activating system. - What does that mean? ─── 我有神经管能上的损伤,影响了我的网状活化系统。-那是什么意思?-就是说,我不用睡觉。

79、Therefore, with the help of ergonomics and anthropometrics, a spinal curve bar and reticular back cushion were incorporated and shaped into a chair with a proper posture. ─── 因此坐姿应要坐的正,亦即不向左右偏移且背部是紧靠椅子的背靠,让上背部与下背部(腰部)受到背靠的支撑,使脊椎保持自然的曲线。

80、The whole relationships of sememes make the meanings of vocabulary as a reticular structure, in which the words and sememes cannot be orderly organized. ─── 全部的词义关系构成的是词义的网状结构,在这个结构中,词义不能有序地得到排列与定位。

81、medial pontine reticular formation ─── 桥脑内侧网状结构

82、got a neuroanatomic lesion affecting my reticular activating system. ─── 我有神经管能上的损伤,影响了我的网状活化系统。

83、stellate epithelial reticular cell ─── 星形上皮网状细胞

84、There was occasional pruritus.Examination revealed dark brown spots and confluent reticular pigmented macules on the ab-domen,groin,vul va,inner aspects of thighs. ─── 检查见腹部、股内侧、外阴对称性褐色网状沉着斑点。

85、They found the stimulation of the respiratory center by the lateral pontile reticular formulation and laterally located descending neural pathway. ─── 他们发现呼吸中枢的刺激来自于侧脑桥网状结构和侧位的下行神经通路。

86、desending facilitory reticular projection ─── 下行易化性网状投射

87、Three-dimensional reticular Sn-Co alloy ─── 三维网状Sn-Co合金

88、two-dimensional reticular structure ─── 2D网状结构

89、Ultrastructural studies on reticular formation of medulla oblongata in the early stage of brain-stem mechanical injury in rats. ─── 大鼠机械性脑干损伤早期延脑网状结构的超微病理研究。

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