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09-21 投稿


titbit 发音

英:[?t?tb?t]  美:[?t?tb?t]

英:  美:

titbit 中文意思翻译



titbit 短语词组

1、scourging a titbit ─── 痛斥一点点

titbit 词性/词形变化,titbit变形


titbit 相似词语短语

1、tidbit ─── n.小栏报导;珍闻(等于titbit)

2、ribbit ─── n.瑞比特(男子名);呱呱(青蛙叫声)

3、tittie ─── n.(苏)姐妹

4、to bit ─── n.托比特书(《圣经旧约》中《外典》之一卷)

5、Timbit ─── 音色

6、titbits ─── 花絮

7、titis ─── n.伶猴;灰鹱;沼泽鞣木

8、turbit ─── n.浮羽鸽(家鸽之一种)

9、titlist ─── 冠军保持者;第一名

titbit 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Tidbit's pup, however, was not ordinary. ─── 蒂碧特的孩子却与众不同。

2、We only had one or two white (refers to flour) in a year. What we had most was durra cake. Maize corn noodle was also titbit. ─── 一年大概只能吃一两次“白的”( 指白面),吃得最多的是红高粱饼子,棒子面饼子也成为珍品。

3、A monkey wiggles its hand into a jar, grabs a tidbit, but cannot pull it out because only an open hand can go through the narrow neck. ─── 猴子把手伸进一个罐子里,抓住了一块食物,但却拿不出来,因为只有空手才能通过罐子那狭窄的颈部。

4、Phelan found out that the source of the leak in the Hughes organisation had been Gregson Bautzer. He gave Dietrich this titbit of information, and Dietrich the roof. ─── 费伦发现是格雷格森·鲍泽泄露了休斯公司的机密。于是他把这一重要的情报给了迪特里希,迪特里希知道后极为生气。

5、Each of them is a little tidbit of knowledge that helps put some aspect of the overall process into perspective. ─── 它们都是项目流程的精华知识,将会帮助您对整个流程形成一个正确的观点和看法。

6、Do you know how hard it is to come up with another fascinating tidbit every day? ─── 你知道每天提出一个吸引人的小栏报导有多难吗?

7、Horseradish is one of the advanced rare vegetables originated from Japan, where it has been cultivated for more than 400 years, it is regarded as titbit by Japanese. ─── 山葵是为数不多的原产于日本的高级蔬菜之一,在日本有400余年的栽培历史,日本人视之为珍品。

8、A tasty delicacy; a tidbit. ─── 一可口美味; 量小味美的食品

9、The Lapdog knew many tricks and was a great favorite with his master, who often fondled him and seldom went out to dine without bringing him home some tidbit to eat. ─── 而驴子的生活却总是在磨面、 在森林和牧场之间驮运木料中渡过。总之是干一些粗活、重活。

10、Titbit Sea Food Juveniles Rearing Base Intensive Fish Farming on Land ─── 海珍品苗种繁育基地陆地工厂化养鱼

11、A tasty delicacy; a tidbit ─── 一可口美味;量小味美的食品

12、If he tells a tidbit to everyone, it will certainly be reported, but he will not have learned anything. ─── 如果他将独家消息告诉每位顾问,当然新闻一定会刊登,但是这个结果没有用。

13、interesting news; (Am.) a tidbit; (Br.) a titbit ─── 趣闻

14、Sea Cucumber 、Abalone 、Sea urchin 、 Titbit Seafood 、shellfish breeding and intensive culturing in coastal beaches; ─── 海参、海胆、鲍鱼等海珍品及滩涂贝类苗种繁育、精养;港圈改造、虾池精养、混养等。

15、She always keeps some titbit to give to her cat ─── 她总留点儿特别好吃的东西喂猫

16、Juicy Tidbit had taken his clothes and run away. ─── 小嫩肉把客人的衣裳剥下来,自己穿上,逃了。

17、The team is also fending off the ravenous English tabloids, hungering for whatever Beckham tidbit they can find. ─── 球队还在努力挡开那些贪婪的英国小报,他们饥渴地想要找到任何和贝克汉姆有关的珍闻。

18、Titbit Seafood Culture Short-necked Clam Culture and Export Base ─── 海珍品养殖杂色蛤养殖出口基地

19、It`s indispensable titbit for the ancient high officials` menu, listed f the slap-up tonic courses. ─── 自古以来为达官贵人席宴上必不可少的名贵珍品。

20、But the director discovers that this approach will not be good enough: news editors will print a story only if at least three advisers attest to the tidbit. ─── 不过这位首长发现这个办法行不通,因为报纸编辑只愿意刊登有三人以上共同证实的消息。

21、Emma reads tabloids everyday in order to get some juicy titbit. ─── 为了获取一些花边新闻,艾玛每天读小报。

22、One final titbit from this book. ─── 法兰克教授在书中还提到有意思的一点。

23、23. The application then discards that tidbit, assuming that it might change and that it can merely ask for it again if necessary. ─── 用完了之后,程序就将这些信息扔掉。认为一旦需要的话,就再询问用户。

24、英文摘要 Symphony music is the highest level and form of the western music, as well as the unique titbit of cultural legacy in world music. ─── 中文摘要 交响音乐是西方音乐的最高形式,也是世界音乐文化遗产中的珍品。

25、I'm just tired of working for A Moment of Science.Do you know how hard it is to come up with another fascinating tidbit every day? ─── 在科学时刻中工作我觉得很累了,你知道每天要找寻令人称奇的珍闻有多困难吗?

26、Your PC is a titbit for hackers! How to secure your PC? ─── 你的个人电脑是骇客的最爱。你怎样保护你的电脑?

27、She always keeps some titbit to give to her cat. ─── 她总留点儿特别好吃的东西喂猫。

28、Titbit Sea Food Juveniles Rearing Base Intensive Fish Farming on Land ─── 海珍品苗种繁育基地陆地工厂化养鱼

29、pierrette: as you ladies want the whole truth, i'd like to add a tidbit of information you lack. ─── 皮尔丽特:当你的女士们想要全部的真相时,我将增加你所不知道的小道消息。

30、The Lapdog knew many tricks and was a great favorite with hismaster,who often fondled him and seldom went out to dine without bringing him home some tidbit to eat. ─── 而驴子的生活却总是在磨面、森林和牧场之间驮运木料中度过。总之是干一些粗活、重活。

31、Here's one tidbit: Miami's Dwyane Wade is on the list. ─── (这里透露一下我在过去14年里是一家分析赛季前动态的杂志资深编辑)。

32、The female shark, dubbed Tidbit, died during a routine physical exam before the pregnancy was identified. ─── 这条名叫“蒂碧特”的雌性鲨鱼,在未被发现怀孕前进行的一系列身体检查时死亡。

33、TIDBIT - Bette Midler was the original choice for the lead in "Sister Act". ─── TIDBIT -贝蒂米德勒是原来选择带头“修女也疯狂” 。

34、This is the tidbit which tempts his insectivorous fate. ─── 就是这一点东西引诱它残杀昆虫。

35、The tidbit about Lee and his recycle bin is the latest twist in a bitter and complex legal dispute between two of the tech world's biggest players. ─── 有关李博士和他的回收站之间的传闻,再次彰显业界两大巨擎之间复杂而痛苦地挣咬情节。

36、Even if I eat as much as a pea-sized tidbit of such a hero, I won't be able to digest it. ─── 即使我吃下这勇士如品尝了豌豆一般大的小口美食,但是却不能消化它。

37、A common technique for discovering leakers is to tell each suspect some unique piece of information (a tidbit) and then see if it spreads. ─── 如果想要逮到洩漏机密的人,最普通的技巧是分别告知每位顾问一条独家的消息,然后再看看发生什麽结果。

38、grilled fish tidbit ─── 鱼肉粒

39、Titbit Seafood Culture Short-necked Clam Culture and Export Base ─── 海珍品养殖杂色蛤养殖出口基地

40、The processing technology of grilled fish tidbit by Mackrel(Scomber japonicus) was studied. ─── 对利用鲐鱼制作休闲鱼肉粒的生产工艺进行了研究。

41、The most interesting tidbit in her profile is the thing that sounds like it couldn't have been written by anybody else in the world. ─── 最有趣的花絮文字是指在她的个人资料中听上去在这个世界上没有别人会那么来写的东西。

42、In this paper,drying condition and the moisture content of the sliver fish crap grilled fish tidbit were investigated and it's texture and colour were analyzed. ─── 研究了鲢鱼鱼肉粒干燥工艺,探讨了鱼肉粒的水分含量、干燥方式和干燥工艺条件对鱼肉粒品质的影响,并对不同干燥条件下的产品进行了感官、质构和色差分析。

43、I'm just tired of working for A Moment of Science.Do you know how hard it is to come up with another fascinating tidbit every day?I'm going to find a new job. ─── 我只是厌倦了的工作而已.你知道每天要找出一个奇闻有多难吗?我打算找一份新工作.

44、Titbit]Sleep Less Because of "Thatcher gene"? ─── 趣闻】睡眠少是因为“撒切尔基因”?

45、Emma reads tabloids everyday in order to get some juicy titbit. ─── 为了获取一些花边新闻,艾玛每天读小报。

46、Keywords drying;grilled fish tidbit;texture;microwave; ─── 干燥;鱼肉粒;质构;微波;

47、throw her a little tidbit every now and then. ─── 不是地给她一点珍贵的东西。

48、"When Juicy Tidbit came, she was very nice. ─── “小嫩肉到这儿以后,人缘很好。

49、The Beatles were never regulars at either Anfield or Goodison Park - so it really depends on which titbit of folklore you choose to swallow. ─── 或者他们因害怕离间那些潜在的球迷而选择回避?

50、Show your dog the titbit of food and even let it sniff it. ─── 给狗看看那块食物,让他闻以下.

51、The application then discards that tidbit, assuming that it might change and that it can merely ask for it again if necessary. ─── 用完了之后,程序就将这些信息扔掉。 认为一旦需要的话,就再询问用户。

52、take her quirky tidbit and turn it into your pickup line. ─── 把她那奇特的花絮文字取来,变成一句搭讪话.

53、He gave Dietrich this titbit of information, and Dietrich the roof. ─── 于是他把这一重要的情报给了迪特里希,迪特里希知道后极为生气。

54、Most of the people who worshipped her, who read every tidbit about her in the gossip press and hung up pictures of her in their rooms, were not social snobs. ─── 崇敬她大多数的人不会放过每一篇报导她的八卦新闻,甚至在他们的房间中悬挂黛妃的画像,这些人并非都是傲慢成性。

55、The product is designed for easy carrying about and drinking.It's really a natural and pollution-free healthcare titbit. ─── 该产品易于携带,食用方便,是纯天然,无污染雪域健康珍品。

56、Derren: Let me think, ah yes, there's one really juicy tidbit. ─── 德伦:我想一下。啊,对了,有一件小事颇为有趣。

57、Study on the Technology for Making Grilled Fish Tidbit Leisure Food ─── 鱼粒休闲食品生产工艺的探讨

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