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09-21 投稿


mufti 发音


英:  美:

mufti 中文意思翻译



mufti 词性/词形变化,mufti变形

名词复数: muftis |

mufti 相似词语短语

1、muti ─── n.穆蒂(德国钢琴家)

2、muffin ─── n.(涂牛油趁热吃的)英格兰松饼,(常含小块水果等)杯状小松糕;玛芬

3、muftis ─── n.便服,便衣;n.(Mufti)人名;(俄)穆夫季;(阿拉伯)穆夫提(伊斯兰教教法权威)

4、murti ─── (Murti)穆帝;n.神像

5、buffi ─── 滑稽的;(歌剧中)演滑稽角色的男低音歌手(buffo的复数);n.(Buffi)人名;(意)布菲

6、Sufi ─── n.苏非派

7、buftie ─── 布夫提

8、mukti ─── 解脱

9、shufti ─── n.一瞥,掠影;侦察

mufti 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After the thing that needs evil blood goes, must mufti of and so on of the root of remembranous milk vetch, ginseng, angelica with filling. ─── 待恶血之物去后,必须黄芪、人参、当归之类常服以补之。”

2、Agaricus blazei Mufti ─── 姬松茸

3、Soldiers wear mufti on leave, not uniform. ─── 士兵度假时穿便服,不穿制服。

4、Mufti, Abdulla Mansur: After the disaster, every night I would teach the children to recite the Koran. My house is much livelier now. ─── 灾难过后,每天晚上我开始教孩子们朗诵古兰经,家里也热闹起来了。

5、oh right it's mufti today, 11th of Feb., let me get dressed... ─── 星期五早晨,高兴还是不悦?穿的一身蓝足够反应我的心情了吧。

6、The mufti should be well-versed in the sciences of Shari`ah such as Islamic jurisprudence, principles of jurisprudence, scholars' differences and agreements, and objectives of the Shari`ah. ─── 作为法学家,他应精通沙利亚各门学科:法学,法理学,学者的分歧与公议,沙利亚的目的等。

7、Another participant, the Grand Mufti of Egypt, is by comparison a trailblazer. ─── 另一名与会者,埃及的大穆夫提相比之下则是一位开拓者。

8、Senior clerics, including Sheikh Abdul-Aziz Al-Sheikh, the kingdom's grand mufti, have denounced child marriage.But it is still prevalent in conservative areas. ─── 高级教职人员,包括皇国大阿訇色柯.阿布度尓.阿兹谴责儿童婚姻,但在保守地区儿童婚姻仍然盛行。

9、ABBAS, Fauzia Mufti ─── 富齐亚·穆夫提·阿巴斯

10、The online mufti should know even more about the questioner's conditions, laws of his country, prevailing customs and so on, so that he would be able to give the right fatwa. ─── 在线法学家更应该知道提问者的情况,所在地区的法律,当地的主要习惯等等,那样才能给出正确判例。

11、The problem, says the mufti, is that, after 70 years of Soviet atheism, religious ignorance has let extremism take hold. ─── 法学家阿纳斯·普什卡切夫谈到,这个问题缘于苏联70年统治规定的无神论寿终正寝之后,对宗教力量的忽视造成了极端主义的大行其道。

12、Research and application on mufti-level inverter is one of the newest developments of modern power electronic. ─── 多电平逆变器及其相关技术的研究与应用,是现代电力电子技术的最新发展之一。

13、Mufti: a Moslem scholar who interprets the sharia ─── 解释伊斯兰教义的伊斯兰学者

14、S heikh Ahmad Kuftaro, the grand Mufti of Syria, is actively striving to unite the human family. ─── 我亲吻世界上那些为真主的道路、为提高穆斯林尊严而圣战的人们的双手。

15、Mike: That's easy - a good coffee machine and mufti Fridays. ─── 迈克:太容易了——是好的咖啡机和星期五便装日!

16、The Grand Mufti thanked him for it and stated in conclusion that he was taking his leave from the Fuhrer in full confidence and with reiterated thanks for the interest shown in the Arab cause. ─── 大穆夫提对此表示感谢。最后,他表示自己将满怀信心地辞别元首,并再次感谢元首对阿拉伯事业的关心。

17、Does urgent prophylactic lose mufti action? ─── 常服紧急避孕药有没有负作用?

18、Mike: I knew that - I just said the mufti Friday and coffee machine for a hoot. ─── 迈克:这我知道。我刚才说咖啡机和便装日只是说着玩儿的。

19、(of a well-known public figure) to travel in casual or inferior than normally worn clothing so as to avoid detection; to be in mufti ─── 微服

20、Finding peace within himself, Abdulla is a Mufti who is consoling the children in the First Da Ai Village. ─── 找到心中平静的宗教师阿督拉,在大爱一村教导孩童朗诵古兰经。

21、Jerusalem's Grand Mufti, Sheikh Mohammad Husein, issued a call of ordering Palestinian Muslims to stay away from the polls. ─── 耶路撒冷大穆夫提谢赫穆罕默德侯赛因,发出呼吁,要求下令巴勒斯坦穆斯林远离投票站。

22、Emboldened by his welcome, Mr Gomaa offered to help Britain set up a post like his own: state-certified grand mufti. ─── 受到布莱尔大力欢迎的鼓励,戈玛提出帮助英国设立一个如同他自己那样的职务:国家认可的大穆夫提。

23、Nasser Farid Wasel, Egypt's Mufti, said in 1999 that cloning clearly contradicts Islam. ─── 埃及的法学家,NasserFaridWasel认为在1999年克隆技术已经完全的于伊斯兰教抵触了。

24、This requirement enables the mufti to implement Shari`ah-based evidence on current contemporary situations and problems. ─── 这些要求使法学家能依据沙利亚证据结合当前的环境解决现存问题。

25、Grand Mufti ─── 大穆夫提(教法首席说明官)

26、The moment that Germany's tank divisions and air squadrons had made their appearance south of the Caucasus, the public appeal requested by the Grand Mufti could go out to the Arab world. ─── 德国坦克师和空军中队出现在南高加索之日,就是可向阿拉伯世界发出大穆夫提请求的公开呼吁之时。

27、The Grand Mufti began by thanking the Fuhrer for the great honor he had bestowed by receiving him. ─── 大穆夫提首先就受到接见这一荣幸向元首表示感谢。

28、Emboldened by his welcome, Mr Gomaa offered to help Britain set up a post like his own: state-certified grand mufti. ─── 受到布莱尔大力欢迎的鼓励,戈玛提出帮助英国设立一个如同他自己那样的职务:国家认可的大穆夫提。

29、officers in mufti ─── 身着便装的军官

30、A fatwa is not universally binding like a papal edict; rather, it simply expresses the opinion of the mufti who issues it. ─── 伊斯兰教法裁决不像教皇的法令一样具有普遍的约束力,它仅仅是颁布裁决的穆夫提的意愿表达。

31、After prayer I sat with Mufti Selim, the Uzbek commander. ─── 祈祷结束后,我与乌兹·别克指挥官Mufti Selim坐在一起。

32、He is already much diminished in power since he sloughed off the “second skin” of his army chief's uniform last year and became a president in mufti. ─── 去年他脱掉了可以称为”第二肌肤”的陆军参谋长制服,成为只穿便装的总统;

33、(of Islam) mufti ─── 姆夫蒂

34、The Fuhrer replied that Germany's fundamental attitude on these questions, as the Mufti himself had already stated, was clear. ─── 元首回答说,德国在这些问题上的基本立场,与穆夫提刚才所说的一样,是非常明确的。

35、An appeal by the Mufti to the Arab countries and the prisoners of Arab, Algerian, Tunisian, and Moroccan nationality in Germany would produce a great number of volunteers eager to fight. ─── 穆夫提对阿拉伯国家和德国境内的阿拉伯、阿尔及利亚、突尼斯和摩洛哥裔囚犯的呼吁将会唤起一大批渴望战斗的志愿者。

36、The ideal control system is mufti-loop. ─── 理想的控制系统应是多回路的控制系统。

37、He (the Fuhrer) fully appreciated the eagerness of the Arabs for a public declaration of the sort requested by the Grand Mufti. ─── 他(元首)完全理解阿拉伯方面对大穆夫提请求的这种声明的急切心情。

38、It would also ease the Mufti's work of secretly organizing the Arabs against the moment when they could strike. ─── 这也将使穆夫提把阿拉伯人组织起来枕戈待旦的秘密工作更加容易。

39、Benjamin Franklin wrote of his desire to see the Mufti of Istanbul preach Islam to Americans from a pulpit in Philadelphia. ─── 本杰明·富兰克林曾写下想要与在费城向美国人开坛讲道的来自伊斯坦布尔的伊斯兰学者见面的愿望。

40、The night before a mufti day I choose what clothes I will wear so that I am not late in the morning. ─── 在便装日前一天的晚上我会选择明天该穿什么,这样早上就不会迟到了。

41、Mike: I knew that - I just said the mufti Friday and coffee machine for a hoot. ─── 迈克:这我知道。我刚才说咖啡机和便装日只是说着玩儿的。

42、The Grand Mufti, Shaikh Ahmed bin Hamad Al Khalili exhorted Muslims to be pious and obey Allah the Almighty. ─── 伟大的伊斯兰教领袖哈玛,激励穆斯林要虔诚及顺服全能的阿拉。

43、In addition, in a bid to use them to undermine British rule in the Middle East, Himmler drafted the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem to oversee these divisions' religious practices. ─── 为了破坏英国人在中东的统治,希姆莱又命令耶路撒冷的领有来监视这些师的宗教仪式。

44、The Mufti could not but be aware, however, that the outcome of the struggle going on at present would also decide the fate of the Arab world. ─── 但是,穆夫提应该清楚目前这场战争的结果也会决定阿拉伯世界的命运。

45、The Grand Mufti replied that it was his view that everything would come to pass just as the Fuhrer had indicated. ─── 大穆夫提回答说,他认为事况一定会按元首指出的那样发展。

46、1. Soldiers wear mufti on leave, not uniform. ─── 士兵度假时穿便服,不穿制服.

47、Mufti - Intelligence: Influence on Scientific Research of Education Evaluation ─── 多元智能:对教育评估科学性研究的影响

48、Twice a term, Bethlehem College has a mufti (casual clothes) day when students don't have to wear their uniforms. ─── 一学期2次的,学生可以穿便服上学,其目的是为慈善而施舍助人。

49、He is already much diminished in power since he sloughed off the “second skin” of his army chief's uniform. last year and became a president in mufti. ─── 去年他脱掉了可以称为“第二肌肤”的陆军参谋长制服,成为只穿便装的总统;

50、The Fuhrer replied that he had just now given the Grand Mufti precisely that confidential declaration. ─── 元首回答说,他刚才的表态正是这样一种秘密声明。

51、to make a tour in disguise; to make a tour in mufti ─── 微服出访

52、in mufti ─── 穿着便衣

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