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09-21 投稿


lown 发音


英:  美:

lown 中文意思翻译




lown 相似词语短语

1、lowns ─── adj.平静的,安静的;v.变平静;n.(Lown)(美)劳恩(人名)

2、blown ─── adj.(非正式)配有涡轮增压器的;v.(风)吹(blow的过去分词)

3、Down ─── n.(美、英、加、澳)唐(人名);adv.(down)向下,下去;在下面;adj.(down)向下的;n.(down)软毛,绒毛;[地质]开阔的高地;v.(down)打倒,击败;下降;下去

4、flown ─── v.飞行(fly的过去分词)

5、lowan ─── 洛文(品牌名,Lowan)

6、loan ─── n.贷款;借款;vi.借出;vt.借;借给

7、gown ─── n.长袍,长外衣;礼服;睡袍;法衣;vt.使穿睡衣

8、lone ─── adj.单身的;独自的;寂寞的;人迹稀少的;n.(Lone)人名;(西、肯)洛内;(丹)隆娜;(缅)伦

9、clown ─── n.小丑;乡下人;粗鲁笨拙的人;vi.扮小丑;装傻

lown 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In some feels fields, like lown frsment bank law enforcement, bad credit means you can not cannot get a job. ─── 70%的雇主看申请工作者的信用历史。

2、If the rules roots are played planted in the formfall, they should be left the lown alone until the following spring. ─── 假如这些根在秋天种植,他们应该要把它们保存下来直到下个春天。

3、I had met Professor Lown before. ─── 我以前见过劳恩教授。

4、Lown was scheduled to take the oath of office Tuesday for his fourth term as mayor but didn't show up. ─── 罗恩原定于周二开始他的第四个市长任期,但他没有出现。

5、Technology of Lown Planting and Lown Conservation ─── 草坪建植及养护管理技术

6、This is Mr. Lown. ─── 这位是劳恩先生。

7、eg: No sooner had I started mowing the lown than it started raining. ─── 我刚开始割草,不一会天就下雨了。

8、With that he called the tailor lown. ─── 就骂裁缝是骗人的流氓。

9、Secondary Air Supply Synthesizer Secondary Air Supply Synthesizer can lown down emission of vehicles together with catalyst.Sometimes it can work separately. ─── 二合一进气系统可与催化剂同时作用降低车辆排放污染物达到相关环保标准,在某些车辆上也可单独使用。

10、Lown said he would regret it for the rest of his life if he pursued just a political career. ─── 他说,如果自己只是追求仕途,将会终身遗憾。

11、Lown classification ─── 劳恩分类

12、The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, an organization co-founded by BWH cardiologist Bernard Lown, MD. ─── 1985年---为奖励在预防核战争中的努力,诺贝尔奖金颁发给了国际内科医师组织。这个组织是由布赖海姆女子医院的心脏病专家伯纳德.劳恩博士合作创办的。

13、Nice to meet you Mr. Lown. ─── 劳恩先生,见到你真高兴。

14、As part of the program, Lown Scholars may also return to Harvard periodically for short-term stays of one week to several months to continue collaborations. ─── 作为该项目的一部分,获得奖学金的学者或需定期返回哈佛进行一周至数月不等的短期访问,以继续与学院的合作。

15、Lown ventricular premature contraction classification ─── Lown室性过早搏动分级法

16、Nice to meet you, Mr. Lown. ─── 劳恩先生,见到你真高兴。

17、Abraham Lincoln lown cars. ─── 亚伯拉罕·林肯平静的车厢。

18、eg:No sooner had I started mowing the lown than it started raining. ─── 我刚开始割草,不一会天就下雨了.

19、The abraham lincoln lown cars. ─── 用亚伯拉罕·林肯平静的车厢。

20、How things change And how soon Now every lown of any size seems to have a "China Market" , And everyone is talking about China ─── 情形变化得多快,如今无论哪里,都有“中国市场”,大家都在谈论中国。

21、Lown was scheduled to take the oath of office Tuesday for his fourth term as mayor but didn't show up. ─── 罗恩原定于周二开始他的第四个市长任期,但他没有出现。

22、Lown Ganong Levine syndrome ─── 劳-甘-莱综合征, 短P-R综合征(预激综合征之一型)

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