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09-21 投稿


lightless 发音

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lightless 中文意思翻译



lightless 网络释义

adj. 不发光的;无光的;暗的

lightless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、That subterranean world, Onstott said, is a lightless pool of hot, pressurized salt water that stinks of sulfur and noxious gases humans would find unbreathable. ─── Onstott说道,那个地下世界是一个没有光的热池,压力下的盐水散发着让人无法呼吸的硫黄和有毒气体。

2、Lizards and mice can lose their eyesight in a blink (so to speak) inhabiting lightless caves. ─── 栖息全暗洞穴中的蜥蜴和老鼠会在一眨眼(可以说)的功夫内丧失它们的视力。

3、Those precious beings who have mastered this form of yoga profess that the universal Soul manifests Itself into two primary elements, a lightless Light and a soundless Sound. ─── 精通此瑜伽的大师们指出,宇宙灵识以两种基本形式化现,即无光之光和无声之音流。

4、came up the lightless stairs; ─── 走上没有亮灯的楼梯;

5、A starlit sky? No, it's a lightless bat cave! ─── 满天都是小星星?是暗无天日的蝙蝠洞!

6、It can be quite fearful to walk here in lightless evenings, while today, it's not, though the moonlight is filmy. ─── 没有月光的晚上,这路上阴森森的,有些怕人。今晚却很好,虽然月光也还是淡淡的。

7、Lightless on the sea, the ship was enveloped in a pitch darkness and that starry mountain disappeared a vague dream. ─── 海上没有灯,浓密的黑暗包围着我们的船。星的山成了一个渺茫的梦。

8、Vampire squid is an apt name for a creature that lurks in the lightless depths of the ocean. ─── 吸血鬼乌贼对于这种潜藏在暗无天日的深海的生物来说是个恰如其分的名字。

9、Lightless on the sea, our ship was enveloped by the pitch darkness. ─── 海上没有灯,浓密的黑暗包围着我们的船。

10、She walked around in the lightless room. ─── 她在黑暗的房间中走来走去。

11、A kind of waterborne inorganic zinc-rich coatings containing inorganic binder, superfine zinc powder and additive was developed, and an even, lightless and VOC-free film was gained. ─── 开发了一种由水性无机粘结剂、超细锌粉及助剂组成的水性无机富锌涂料。

12、came up the lightless stairs; the unilluminated side of Mars; through dark unlighted (or unlit) streets. ─── 走上没有亮灯的楼梯;火星无光的一侧;穿过没亮灯的街道。

13、Blame it on the lightless conspiracy of bee life, a secret guarded by ten thousand fanatically loyal, armed soldiers. ─── 其责任归咎于蜜蜂生活的隐密性,有一个由狂热忠诚的武装卫士守护着的秘密。

14、In lightless blue holes, animals like this inch-long Agostocaris cave shrimp don't need surface pigmentation. ─── 在缺乏光照的蓝色深穴里,像这样的虾类体表完全不需要色素。

15、A starlit sky? No, it's a lightless bat cave! ─── 是小星星?是暗无天日的蝙蝠洞!

16、Some undefinable time later, Obi-Wan felt his head and shoulders breach the surface of the lightless ocean. ─── 不知过了多久,欧比旺终于感觉到脑袋和双肩浮出了那暗无天日的海洋的水面。

17、Monumenta usually takes place in late spring, but Boltanski delayed the opening to take advantage of lightless days and winter chill. ─── “Monumenta”通常在春末举行,但波尔坦斯为了利用灰暗的天气和冬天的寒冷而将展览延迟了。

18、He tells us of lightless stars, "visible" only to radio antennae. ─── 他对我们谈起一些不发光的星星,只有无线电天线才可以“看见”。

19、"I can't stand much of this," said Hurstwood, whose legs ached him painfully, as he sat down upon the miserable bunk in the small, lightless chamber allotted to him. ─── “这样下去我可受不了啦,"赫斯渥说,他在指定给他的黑暗的小卧室里那张破烂的床铺上坐下来时,感到两条腿疼痛难忍。

20、'Such devils steal effects from lightless hell; ─── “魔鬼从幽冥地府,盗来了诡异魔力;

21、Some calculations suggest that the surface was as dark as a lightless cave, although the precise amount of darkening remains uncertain. ─── 尽管当时究竟有多黑暗仍没有定论,但某些计算结果认为,当时地表就像无光的洞穴般黑暗。

22、lightless stars 'visible' only to radio antennae. ─── 不发光的星星仅仅'可见'于无线电触角。

23、These colorless crustaceans are among the few creatures that have adapted to the lightless world at the bottom of the region's aquifers, springs, and sinkholes. ─── 这些没有颜色的甲壳类动物是极少能在没有光线的海底世界生存的动物。

24、Our own Earth may have long-lost siblings that wander through the lightless void. ─── 我们地球也许有失散多时的兄弟姊妹,正在黯淡无光的太空中飘浮流浪。

25、1. He tells us of lightless stars, "visible" only to radio antennae. ─── 他对我们谈起一些不发光的星星,只有无线电天线才可以“看见”。收藏指正

26、We smoke out of his mini dragon bong, out in the lightless corner of the Foothill parking lot. ─── 我们在山麓停车场黑暗的角落用他那小号龙形大麻烟枪抽烟。

27、His hair was pale and lightless. ─── 他的头发灰暗没有光泽。

28、Keywords lightless;coated printing paperm soft roll calendering machine; ─── 低光泽;涂布印刷纸;软辊压光机;

29、his paper presents the production situation of lightless coated printing paper which manufactured in Laiwu Taishan paper mill of Shandong: the lst , the selection of main priduction equipments; ─── 本文介绍了山东莱芜泰山造纸厂研制低光泽涂布印刷纸的生产情况:1.主要生产设备的选择;

30、lightless and fetid and crammed with dozens, even hundreds, of bodies, each one clinging to his bit of space, his bit of elixir. ─── 这里的房间像地下墓穴一样,又暗又臭,拥挤着上百具躯体,那些人守着自己那一点点地方,享受着自己的“长生不老药”。

31、Lightless on the sea, the ship was enveloped in a pitch darkness and that starry mountain disappeared a vague dream. ─── 海上没有灯,浓密的黑暗包围着我们的船。星的山成了一个渺茫的梦。

32、To Dinin's superior eyes, which translated subtle variations of heat into vivid and colorful images, the Underdark was far from a lightless place. ─── 在狄宁锐利的双眼中,温度细微的差异都被转换成鲜明、生动的影像,幽暗地域也不再是黑暗无光的世界。

33、And lengthened wanderings in a lightless maze; ─── 还有在黑暗的道路上漫长的旅行;

34、Under a lightless lorry, cutting his head off. ─── 在没打灯的卡车下,截断了头颅。

35、She walked around in the lightless room. ─── 她在黑暗的房间中走来走去。

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