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09-21 投稿


mispronounced 发音

英:[?m?spr??na?nst]  美:[?m?spr??na?nst]

英:  美:

mispronounced 中文意思翻译



mispronounced 词性/词形变化,mispronounced变形

动词过去分词: mispronounced |动词第三人称单数: mispronounces |动词现在分词: mispronouncing |动词过去式: mispronounced |名词: mispronunciation |

mispronounced 相似词语短语

1、to mispronounce ─── 发音错误

2、mispronounces ─── vi.发错音;vt.发错音

3、mispronouncer ─── 发音错误者

4、pronouncer ─── n.发音器

5、unpronounced ─── 缄默的;未发出音的;未说出口的

6、mispronounce ─── vi.发错音;vt.发错音

7、pronounced ─── adj.显著的;断然的;讲出来的;vt.发音;宣告;断言(pronounce的过去式和过去分词);vi.发音;作出判断(pronounce的过去式和过去分词)

8、pronounce ─── vt.发音;宣判;断言;vi.发音;作出判断

9、mispronouncing ─── vi.发错音;vt.发错音

mispronounced 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You mispronounced two of five characters. ─── 五个字念错了两个。

2、you've mispronounced the word "right" . ─── 你把“right”这个词念错了。

3、Laughable dreadful wrongly written or mispronounced characters! ─── 首页>>搞笑贴图>>可笑可怕的错别字!

4、" As you can see, a mispronounced vowel can change a lot. ─── 如你所见,一个读错的元音字母能改变很多。

5、written or mispronounced words ─── 通假字

6、As the mispronounced and barely intelligible words were dragged out of him, he became instant prey for his classmates. ─── 因为他的发音不准且很难从他的嘴巴里吐出清楚的字眼来,他马上就成了同学们欺负的对象。

7、written or mispronounced character ─── 别字“顽疾”

8、Psychological Analysis of Wrongly Written or Mispronounced Characters on TV Screen ─── 荧屏错别字心理分析

9、Applied Research of Psychology of Wrongly Written or Mispronounced Characters in Chinese Characters Teaching ─── 错别字心理学理论对汉字教与学的应用研究举要

10、Wrongly written or mispronounced characters ─── 错别字

11、When if we are use phoneticize input methods,typing, classics regular meeting appears a few wrongly written or mispronounced characters. ─── 假如我们是使用拼音输入法打字的时候,经常会出现一些错别字。

12、Shortly thereafter, the name began to be mispronounced. ─── 在那之后不久这名字就开始被发错音了。

13、She mispronounced `ship' as `sheep'. ─── 她把ship(船)念成sheep(羊)了。

14、While afterward, this name was mispronounced as"Yangzhong".So this place had been called "Yangzhong". ─── 后来,人们因为误读了这个词,所以才把此地称为“阳宗”。

15、: I've mispronounced the character. ─── 我把这字念白了。

16、But you mispronounced a word. ─── 王渊源:哪个字读错了呀?

17、She mispronounced 'ship' as 'sheep'. ─── 她把ship(船)念成sheep(羊)了.

18、The phenomenon that some of the Chinese characters are mispronounced is very popular in China's radio and television programs. ─── 目前,我国广播电视中字音误读现象广泛存在,这并不符合我们国家的语文政策。

19、And when they did accept French words, they mispronounced them so badly that no one could recognize them as French. ─── 而且,当他们真地使用法语词汇时,他们差之千里的发音,往往没人能听得出他们讲的是法语。

20、He repeatedly mispronounced words and slurred his speech. ─── 他一再读错单词,而且说话含含糊糊的。

21、Few mispronounced words. Demonstrated an overall ability to link, but with some choppiness still remaining. Occasional pauses. ─── 学员存在一些错误的发音,大部分的表达较为流畅,但会出现间歇性的停顿。

22、The 100 Most Familiar Wrongly-Written or Mispronounced Characters in Up-to-Date Chinese Publication ─── 当代汉语出版物中常见的100个别字

23、The product introduction that checks you more has wrongly written or mispronounced characters, perhaps go up brushstroke seeks advice to was not become, because,be this misprint. ─── 多检查一下你的产品介绍有没有错别字,说不定上一笔咨询没成,就是因为这个错字。

24、Master the Relationship of Chinese Character's Form, Sound and Meaning, Wall up Wrongly Written or Mispronounced Characters ─── 把握汉字形声义关系,杜绝错别字

25、When if we are use phoneticize input methods, typing, classics regular meeting appears a few wrongly written or mispronounced characters. ─── 假如我们是使用拼音输入法打字的时候,经常会出现一些错别字。

26、In third place was "remuneration", which is often mispronounced as "renumeration". ─── “报酬”位居第三。这个词难在它经常被误读为"renumeration"。

27、you mispronounced a word. ─── 字读错了呀?

28、The son arranges lever simply climb, say: "Although I play a few sentences in your manuscript into wrongly written or mispronounced characters, but just score a lucky hit penetrated. ─── 儿子索性顺杆儿爬,说:“我虽然把你文稿中的一些句子打成了错别字,可恰恰歪打正着又鞭辟入里。比如‘名利拴手’,古往今来多少有作为的人因为为名所累、为利所缠。

29、Forge is ground is not I keep written or mispronounced character, "Forge is ground " " forge " should be " stone " by the word, this word can be not found in my computer. ─── 锻磨不是我写别字,“锻磨”的“锻”该是“石”字旁,可我的电脑里找不到这字。

30、Mayor Koch once offered a historical example to hammer home a point about mispronounced words. ─── 葛市长有一次举了一个历史上的事例,最能说明发音失误的后果。

31、A Probe into the Reasons Why Some of the Chinese Characters are Mispronounced in the Movie and Television Programs ─── 影视误读原因探析

32、Also, practice some difficult words that you mispronounced. ─── 此外,实践中一些困难的话,你念错。

33、You've mispronounced the word "right". ─── 你把“right”这个词念错了。

34、With nine letter and four syllables, the tongue-twisting "phenomenon" has been named as the most mispronounced word in the English language. ─── 由九个字母和四个音节组成的,发音饶舌的“现象”一词成为英语里面最难念的单词。

35、My Chinese name is Siew Lan, but perhaps Chinese names are hard to read, because so many people mispronounced my name. ─── 答:我的中文名字是秀兰,中文说起来比较困难,好多人都叫错我的名字。

36、The new electronic formula measuring appliance, the layout is reasonable, black bottom mispronounced character, orange color indicator, clear legible; ─── 新型电子式仪表,布局合理,黑底白字、桔黄色指针、清晰易读;

37、President Kennedy deliberately mispronounced Laos as "Lay-os" , lest Americans think he wanted to go to war with a small bug. ─── 肯尼迪总统故意将“老挝”误读为“Lay-os”,以免美国人认为他想与一个星斗小国开战。

38、You mispronounced two of five characters. ─── 韩佳:一共五个字念错了两个。

39、WHEN Akio Morita, Sony's co-founder, gave the firm its name in the 1950s, he was afraid it could be mispronounced in Japanese as “son-en”, which means “to lose yen”. ─── 二十世纪五十年代,当索尼公司的缔造者盛田昭夫给这个公司取名的时候,他担心这个名字会被错误地发成“损円”,在日语中的意思是“失去日圆”。

40、Try scotch tape, this we are used in one's childhood stick exercise to go up originally the small tool of wrongly written or mispronounced characters, also can use discharge makeup at the moment! ─── 试一下透明胶带吧,这个我们小时候用来粘作业本上错别字的小工具,此刻也可用来卸妆哦!

41、With nine letter and four syllables, the tongue-twisting "[w]phenomenon[/w]" has been named as the most mispronounced word in the English language. ─── 由九个字母和四个音节组成的,发音饶舌的“现象”一词成为英语里...

42、Youve mispronounced one word. ─── 你念错了一个词.

43、The Plain Analysis of the Causes of Producing the Wrongly Written or Mispronounced Characters and Correcting methods ─── 错别字产生原因及其纠正方法浅析

44、Shortly thereafter, the name began to be mispronounced. ─── 在那之后不久这名字就开始被发错音了。

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