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09-22 投稿


moccasin 发音

英:[?mɑ?k?s?n]  美:[?m?k?s?n]

英:  美:

moccasin 中文意思翻译



moccasin 网络释义

n. 软帮鞋;[服装] 鹿皮鞋;一种生长在北美的大毒蛇

moccasin 短语词组

1、water moccasin ─── [医] 水生噬鱼蝮蛇

2、cottonmouth moccasin ─── [网络] 棉絮软皮鞋

3、prognostic moccasin venom reaction ─── [医] 噬鱼蝮蛇毒预后反应

4、moccasin fog moccasin ─── 雾

5、moccasin flower n. ─── 杓兰

6、deerskin moccasin boots ─── 鹿皮摩卡靴

moccasin 词性/词形变化,moccasin变形


moccasin 相似词语短语

1、toccatina ─── n.小托卡塔,小托卡塔曲

2、boccas ─── n.熔岩口,喷口;n.(Bocca)人名;(法、意)博卡

3、cycasin ─── 苏铁碱

4、to occasion ─── 应景

5、acrasin ─── [生化]聚集素

6、occasions ─── n.场合;机会(occasion的复数);理由;v.致使;引起(occasion的第三人称单数)

7、on occasion ─── 有时;偶尔

8、occasion ─── n.时机,机会;场合;理由;vt.引起,惹起

9、moccasins ─── n.[服装]鹿皮鞋;便鞋;软鞋(moccasin的复数)

moccasin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And the shoe of element head auricle of the moccasin with male popular and economic shoe and thick wire suture, match with comfortable at the light sole that drive and walks and soft vamp. ─── 而男鞋则流行实用的鹿皮鞋和粗线缝合的素头外耳鞋 ,并配以适于驾驶和步行的轻便鞋底和柔软鞋面。

2、For a more feminine take, check out Mulberry's high-heeled moccasin booties with tassels (? 450). ─── 对于更多女性,可以参考Mulberry’s的流苏高跟鞋(450英镑)。

3、The characteristic shoe of the Middle Ages was the soft, clinging 10)moccasin, which extended to the ankle. ─── 中世纪具有代表性的鞋子是柔软、贴身的软皮靴,这种鞋子一直延伸到足踝。

4、water moccasin ─── [医] 水生噬鱼蝮蛇

5、Other Native American words included "moccasin", the kind of shoe made of animal skin that Indians wore on their feet. ─── 其他美国土著词汇如moccasin,某种印第安人穿的由动物皮革制成的鞋子。

6、prognostic moccasin venom reaction ─── [医] 噬鱼蝮蛇毒预后反应

7、moccasin vamp loungers ─── 鹿皮面便鞋

8、A moccasin or soft shoe designed to be worn inside a boot. ─── 高统鹿皮靴设计用以穿在长统靴里的一种软鞋或柔软的鞋。

9、the top resembles a moccasin but it has a broad flat heel. ─── 鞋帮像拖鞋但有一个宽宽的平跟。

10、With the title of Central MA Moccasin shoes, designed for Grace Kelly Flower Scarf, repeatedly received favorable comment. ─── 该装置适用于家庭和宾馆、酒店、医院等企事业单位饮用净水使用。

11、(trademark) a low leather step-in shoe; the top resembles a moccasin but it has a broad flat heel. ─── (商标)一种底帮易穿的皮革鞋;鞋帮像拖鞋但有一个宽宽的平跟。

12、a moccasin or soft shoe designed to be worn inside a boot ─── 设计用以穿在长统靴里的一种软鞋或柔软的鞋

13、Nubuck leather upper with a shiny finish in a classic and timeless moccasin design. ─── 革鞋面光泽与在经典和永恒的莫卡辛设计完成。

14、A water moccasin. ─── 噬鱼蛇一种有毒水蛇

15、moccasin flower ─── n. [植] 杓兰

16、With the title of Central MA Moccasin shoes, designed for Grace Kelly Flower Scarf, repeatedly received favorable comment.Wearing Gucci has represented a symbol of social status. ─── 医学美容业界面对两岸直航后,庞大陆客来台带动的观光医疗商机,可望在这波直航热潮中,扮演重要的地位及指标。

17、With the title of Central MA Moccasin shoes, designed for Grace Kelly  ─── 此举并没有赢得市场的追捧,但却首度扯开了彻底免费的大旗。

18、Other Native American words included "moccasin" , the kind of shoe made of animal skin that Indians wore on their feet. ─── 其他美国土著词汇如moccasin,某种印第安人穿的由动物皮革制成的鞋子。

19、Other TV shows produced in the province include Little Mosque on the Prairie, Moccasin Flats and Renegade Press. ─── 在全省其他电视节目,包含了大草原中的小清真寺,, moccasin单位和叛离的新闻。

20、A moccasin or soft shoe designed to be worn inside a boot. ─── 高统鹿皮靴设计用以穿在长统靴里的一种软鞋或柔软的鞋

21、public static Color Moccasin { get; ─── 取得系统定义的色彩。

22、Smooth suede outsole and a flexible moccasin construction for a clean finish. ─── 光滑绒面革外底和一个灵活的莫卡辛建设一个干净的完成。

23、moccasin type boots ─── 鹿皮软鞋式长统靴

24、Wade had killed a water moccasin, all by himself. ‘Randa and Camilla Tarleton were teaching school and wasn't that a joke? ─── “我们要合伙同谋,骗过思嘉和威尔克斯先生两个人。"

25、A moccasin or soft shoe designed to be worn inside a boot. ─── 皮靴设计用以穿在长统靴里的一种软鞋或柔软的鞋。

26、Other TV shows produced in the province include Little Mosque on the Prairie, Moccasin Flats and Renegade Press. ─── 在全省其他电视节目,包含了大草原中的小清真寺,,moccasin单位和叛离的新闻。

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